30 . graphic designer graduate of the pratt institute, currently self employed. your one stop shop for all your one of a kind design needs.
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What is it you do? You probably told me, but I don’t remember.
Freelance graphic design.
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Perfect! I have an itemized catalog of 67 musical theater love songs that I’m capable of and an extended list that only needs minor transcribing to fit my impressive range.
That’s crazy impressive.
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My line of work requires me to work closely with clients, so unfortunately I find myself coddling more often than I’d like. I’m rather skilled at it that this point, if I do say so myself.
I work pretty close with people, and I can be professional and not be a dick. I don’t think that I’ve had to coddle many people in my line of work. What is that you do though?
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I guess I can admire that.
It’s usually an admirable quality.
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Do you think work is fun?
Yes? And necessary.
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Precisely, and I’m sure it makes people feel much better than being referred to as the alternative. Many adults do need coddling these days, I’m sure you’re aware.
I don’t really do a lot of coddling?
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I can work with that. Do you have common musical interests? And are you looking for something specific? Contemporary? A classic? Musical theater?
I’m a fan of musical theater, I think the guy might be too... I’m not sure, you’re the expert in this situation. I trust your judgement.
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There is a really sad moment in there that I cried at, but it wasn’t because it was a bad movie.
Well that’s good to know.
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frank has had a bank account though...
it was season five i think
might have been four? but it was after he got an insurance payout... but still... he had one.
so once again what is the truth... at least with ian his brain has been so fucked by drug use i guess it makes sense he doesn’t remember shit, but still.
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Does saying you cried make it a good movie or were you crying hoping that the tears would block your view of the television?
So I just watched that new Netflix movie, Sierra Burgess is a Loser. I don’t want to ruin my tough FBI image by saying I cried, so I’m going to blame it on the glasses of wine I’ve had tonight. I don’t remember exactly how many there have been so far… But whatever the number is, just go ahead add one more to it.
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I don’t have anything planned but work, but good luck finding something.
I’ll spare you all the details because there are some things even I’m not totally shameless enough to make everyone read, but after spending an entire week basically holed up in the house with husband I think I’m ready to like, start socializing again. Does anyone have anything fun planned this week? He’s going to New York so I’m going to need someone to keep me entertained.
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Pretty much anything but sitting on your butt at home or going to a museum.
Seeing as I work from home I’m not sure that’s really a fair definition.
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It really wouldn’t be a big issue at all. In fact, it would be nice to have a theme to actually prepare for for a change.
Ah, well I don’t want to scare the guy off with something that seems like an ambush or something, but whatever you think would be appropriate for a third date type vibe.
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I think the term participants is kinder. Though, to be technical, yes, I suppose they are.
I suppose that participant would also be an acceptable term.
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Artificially sweetened? What’s wrong with a little creamer action?
You know people always joke about hockey players playing golf in the off season, it’s not even a joke. I’ve been out with the guys ever day this week and I can still, officially say I hate this damn sport. People who play golf are probably the same damn heathens that enjoy their coffee artificially sweetened, and that’s complete bullshit. Why can’t it be hockey season again already?
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Aren’t people who aren’t winners losers by definition?
The crowns I had specially crafted for Finn and I when we inevitably win at tonight’s game night just arrived, and I must say, they’re going to look wonderful on us. I took the liberty of having participant bracelets made for everybody else, as there are no losers at game night, only those who won and those who did not. How many people should I expect to see tonight? I need to make sure I have enough for everybody, after all! I, for one, am incredibly excited for the event. I hope you all are, too.
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I did. They ended up giving me a refund, but still. It haunts me.
How long ago was this exactly?
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