You are what you eat
11 posts
They/Them - Writing blog - Blooming Panic and Error 143 fan - 20+ - Inbox Status; Open (1/20)
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Hii!! I hope you’re having a good day! I was wondering if you could do hcs of the bloomic LIs being the reader’s first relationship and the reader’s shy and easily flustered bc of this 👉👈 I just started playing this game and it’s giving me serious brainrot 🧍
So sorry about the delay. I had been having a lot of work to do and time to use Tumblr wasn't something I had. But here it is your request. I ignored the existence of Society boy because honestly, it is a favor to society. Hope you enjoy.
cw: gender neutral reader
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How could by any chance Nightowl don’t tease you with his often flirts and silly touches all over you? The way you flush, the way you get lost between your words… it all enchanted the blond man in levels impossible to put into words. He just wanna provoke you until you are nothing besides a mess who can not properly think at what to say at the moment.
Sometimes, he can be a little bit too quick when the subject is the relationship, forgetting that it is the first time you are actually at one… However, if you properly express your wishes to go slower, he will of course try to understand your feelings and fit in with your relationship dynamic.
But something that will definitely never change are his flirty words… inside his heart, he will forever have special care reserved for your flushed face and complete lack of words to his actions.
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Quest is a kind lover, who will treat you gently all the time… and this behavior which is part of his nature always has success to make you a blushing mess. His care towards you makes your heart want to bump outside of your chest… and this deeply amuses the tall man who is there to make you feel loved.
He isn’t necessarily an unfair man who teases you all the time on purpose… but it would be a total lie if I ever express that he doesn’t enjoy seeing you not properly knowing what to do, with your face hot and completely painted in red. Sometimes, he does it knowing the reaction you will have… Other times, it is genuinely a complete accident.
The point is: This mod loves you deeply and wants to make you feel comfortable in his arms… and this all embarrassed behavior allows him to know plenty well that he is doing a good job as a lover.
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Toasty had partners before… However, he never fully embraced the idea of being in a relationship or getting over being embarrassed over the most kind affection demonstrations. You are two people who can not avoid but getting flustered whenever this burning passion is evident.
It is a pretty slow relationship, both need plenty of time to finally get used to this love and the sweet demonstrations of adoration that come with it. But you two are a sweet couple. The genuine attachment you have towards each other, the way both are trying to learn how to be more casual towards this delightful feeling… Those little things make such romance way more true.
The point is: they, just like you, are not so used to the idea of caring so deeply and being loved as well. But it doesn’t matter, since it is more clear than anything how much this love is strong and genuine between you two.
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Have in mind that you just gave your partner a free pass to tease you endlessly… Xyx will forever be there to provoke you until a point you are nothing but a mess who can not even formulate proper sentences. All this reaction deeply amuses such a troll, who will be sure to drain every single drop of such delightful moments.
But as much he is pretty much a tease, don’t worry… he will not rush things at all. Before doing something to express his love towards you, he tends to ask your permission before anything, always prioritizing your comfort around him. He genuinely doesn’t want to go too far with you until you are uncomfortable with his actions.
It is no doubt he deeply treasures you, that he loves your presence… And it is exactly because of that he tends to be such a sweet bully with you. Don’t worry hon, it is his silly way to share a bit of affection.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
OH SHIT THE BRAZILIAN FANDOM EXISTS!!! ummm how about... what it's like for the bloomic LIs to like someone who is... quite a bit shorter than them (about 1.50m). it can be sweet or nsfw, whichever you feel like!
Haha, yes, we exist! It is quite a small fandom, however, it is delightful to be around. Well, I really liked writing this piece... but I couldn't come with anything NSFW that was interesting to post at the blog. So, I will keep this one 100% SFW. Hope you still liking and thanks for the support <3
cw: gender neutral reader
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Nightowl isn’t the tallest man alive, however, whenever he is near you it is impossible to not see his grin growing wider and wider at his lips. What can he do? You are just so adorable near him, he deeply adores to involve your delicate body with his arms and rest his chin over your head.
Teasing you is one of his favorite hobbies… After all, seeing your puffed cheeks and angry expression is too much for his heart, who warms up whenever he is able to rip out from you this kind of behavior. But don’t worry, he will never go too far… he may be a teaser, but he is not a cruel man. He just loves to provoke you, to watch you being slightly mad with him.
However, right after those moments of the man being quite mean, he will compensate you with comfortable cuddles. Owl will bring your body closer to his, so close in a point both heartbeats seem to be linked. As he rests his chin over your head, you know plenty well that it is impossible to escape from his embrace at this point… but it is ok. You know it is just his way to share his love with you, and honestly, you absolutely adore it.
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Quest figure is so different from yours on an almost comic level. His tall and strong body is the complete opposite of yours, who is small and delicate… Whenever you two go out in public, it is impossible to not attract the attention from curious people. Saying that those people don't bother the man would be a lie, however, having you by his side can make all this situation way better.
The brunette is so kind with you… just like he is afraid of breaking your figure. As he holds you against his body, you can notice quite well how gentle he is trying to be with you, how much this gigantic man loves you to the point that he is scared of somehow harming you. And oh dear, it is so adorable. Your lips cross all his face, spreading sweet kisses all over it as you openly say how much you love him with all your heart.
Cuddling with him is such a good feeling… you feel so small in his grip, so protected. It is just like nothing could ever touch you again and somehow cause you any kind of harm. He is just like a big and comfortable bear, who is there to give you the affection you just crave so much.
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It is almost impossible to not feel small around Toasty. A naturally tall person like them would already make anyone feel just so short, however, you are a very special case… Whenever they need to talk with you, you can notice their figure slowly curving itself until the point they are finally able to properly speak with you.
Kissing him is always a hard task, so, whenever you two want to share this sweet affectionate moment, you need to get on the tip of your toes… and it is just so cute. He never thought much about the height difference of his partners before, however, seeing you trying your best to be able to feel his warm lips against yours is something that can bring quite a cozy feeling to his heart.
Whenever you two are changing innocent touches with each other, laying over the soft bed, you can feel their chin kindly resting over your head - just like Nightowl does. In their embrace, you can realize how skinny your boyfriend is… even tho, you just love to feel so close to them at this point. You feel so small and loved by your lover.
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If you taught Nightowl was a teaser, it is because you haven’t heard what Xyx enjoys making with you. At any chance he gets, he grabs an item and places it on a topper shelf, holds it right above you and intentionally avoids your kisses raising just a little bit his head. It is so adorable to see you all mad and embarrassed, doll… one of his favorite pastimes when you are around.
Don’t tho, he is more than ok to after such moments of teasing finally rewarding you with the affection you crave so much. He gently presses his lips over your neck, as he asks for you to forgive this poor man… And being completely honest with you: it is not like you can stay mad with him for such a long time. You love this man and the charm he carries with his personality… he is just so delightful.
When you come back to home, tired from your exhausting work, who seems to steal little by little your soul, you just wanna throw yourself in his hugs - and Xyx doesn’t mind even a bit with it. He firmly holds you, like he is afraid of you running away from your touch… but he isn’t rude or anything like that. The way he hugs you shows love and affection… an affection that makes his heart at least a little bit warmer.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Yahoo! How you doin?:D
So so. Blooming panic LI's during their first time with more dominant top male reader. Like would they be shy or brats? Would it be intimate,planned out or just a quickie? Tbh i see Toasty be more on the sensitive side and i hc them as touch starved (idk I'm going feral over all of em)
Ur first person i found that writes for Blooming panic nsfw and seems to be "active"(?) so WOOO
May i be 🐑 anon if that's okay?
Have a nice day/night:DD
Hello! I am glad that I recived this ask, it was really interesting to write about. I do like quite a lot first time scenarios, so, I dedicated myself quite a lot for it. I particulary see everyone being quite emotional when the subject is the first time with their S/O - well, less XYX (so basically, from the most intimate to the less intimate on the list: Toasty - Quest - Nightowl - XYX).
Anyways, I am glad you took interest in my little blog. I try my best to be the most active I can in Tumblr, but college keeps me busy most part of the time and I don't recive many asks. Well, hope you like it. Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language. :)
PS: Sure you can be! Hope I can see you more oftenly around!
cw: male reader, explicit nsfw, brat sub, soft subs
minors dni
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Right at the moment Nightowl was finally able to place his hands over you, he already knew for sure the effect you had over his heart. He knew plenty well how you were able to mess up even more his head, how you were able to make him stutter sentences with absolutely zero meaning, how you were able to make a carnal desire bloom inside his chest. All the man ever wanted was to have you over him, running your tough hands over his delicate silhouette, holding his waist as you fuck him like never before.
Everything starts with innocent gestures… the warm hands touching each other, sweet words that seduce you to be closer to your lover, some declarations of love. However, pretty soon such words start to become each time more lewd until a point that the blond haired one was shirtless, over your lap, kissing you like it is the last time both lips will be able to meet in such a cold night.
He wants so badly to be devoured by you… and it isn’t like he doesn’t let it clear enough. With his smile on lips, he doesn’t think twice before allowing soft chuckles out of his throat, amused by how handsome you look right now. His passionate brown eyes stare at you in such a sweet way, as he doesn’t think twice before asking if you enjoy the vision you are having or if he was too much for you to handle… but he didn’t know how much this sentence would cost.
Before he could realize, he was already under you, being fucked as he burry his face at the pillow of your guys’ bed. This feeling was so nice… it was so nice to feel so filled, to feel like he was finally all yours! It was so nice to finally feel so loved by you. His fingernails held into the blankets for his dear life as the pleasure took control of his whole body. He couldn’t avoid not letting out your name in a muttered moan every time you thrusted his insides… he was so glad to share such intimacy with you.
The movements of your hips against his is a delicious combination with the pervert touches you let all over his skin. The peace and strength of the thrusts were rough, something that the male enjoyed quite a lot… As you complimented him, Nightowl felt like any moment he could just combust in the middle of such an act… He is just so glad to be sharing such intimate moments with you.
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Quest is the type of man who mostly cares about the ones around him… however, he might admit that whenever you kiss his lips and embrace him in a warm hug, he feels just so happy to have someone to take care of him as well. He enjoys quite a lot the intimacy he has with you… adoring kisses over his neck, your hands firmly gripping his muscles, sweet words of affirmation leaving your own lips. He just feels so loved by you.
Little by little, his clothes were ripped off from his body, leaving this man so vulnerable under you. He is not so used to that, but he just adores such comforting feelings your actions have over him. He feels cared, he feels like he finally found someone that he can rely on, someone that will always be with open arms, ready to shower him with the affection he lacked so much in his rough life.
As your body finally is able to fully explore his insides, the brunette man can not avoid locking his eyes with yours. For him, it is one of the purest demonstrations of intimacy, of passion towards the one who was fucking him in the moment. His large hands hold your back with delicacy and he gives you a sweet smile.
A slow peace is all he could ever ask, as well with the amount of care while you two are surrendering for each other's love. When you two became something special, he already expected to end up being at least a bit vulnerable to you, but he never imagined how much he would feel comfortable in your presence, how much he would love to be in such a position. He loved you, and above all, loved the pleasure that you were able to deliver in his mind.
He craves for more contact, to feel each second closer from the warmth that you carry on your body. Being simply so close to you means a lot to him, it is like a sign that you two are in love and nothing can break you two apart from now. He is so glad… he is so glad to be able to admire you with his diamond eyes, to feel completely satisfied with you loving him so deeply.
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For Toasty, the most important thing in a relationship is the connection you have with your partner in a non-sexual way… But they could never deny that for them, the bond that an intimate moment carries is quite strong. So, when you two are alone in the bedroom and nothing else is there to stop the touch of your bodies together, your poor lover is quite nervous. They can not avoid it… as much it may somehow feel silly, for them sex is in fact a big deal.
However, once you kiss his neck softly and whisper near his ears that everything is fine and he doesn’t need to worry, he seems to relax at least a little. Surely, it is not able to completely erase his tense posture, however, just the fact that he was going to be in your hands was already enough. He trusts you, he truly does.
Slowly, he finally surrenders to such lewd touches and becomes one with you. Locking your fingers together, his body aches and he allows sweet wimpers to get out from his bitten lips. It is a weird sensation he is never going to be able to fully get used to, but despite that detail, he didn’t think it was a bad feeling… he enjoyed it quite a lot.
Fixing their hair out of the way of their gorgeous face, you started to move in the moment he gave you the green flag to keep fucking them. Throwing their head back, they tried their best to keep his voice down and keep his breathing regular, which is an impossible task. Just the way you are able to seduce them, the way you were able to satisfy all the primal wishes they had inside their primal mind… this was so much for this poor man.
Even though he was adoring this sensation of belonging to you. Drowning completely in the pleasure and passion that both of you were sharing, a smile bloomed over his mouth as he whispered quietly, just like he was worried about anyone else hearing it: “I love you”...
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XYX isn’t the type of man who enjoys following rules whenever he is outside of work, he is more of the relaxed type of man… which sometimes can drive you quite crazy. He has no respect towards the “authority figure” you try to be in your guys’ relationship, being a provocative guy who doesn’t think twice before being a little brat when you two are together. However, sooner or later such a behavior would end up being corrected by you.
The brunette is under you, with that damn smile over his thick lips… that smile that teases you, that makes you just wanna destroy it as soon as possible. Your boyfriend is so tricky… but everything was fine, after all, you knew exactly what you needed to do with him. More specifically: you knew what to do when he was with his ass on the air, craving your more of that touch you had to offer him.
He should have known you wouldn’t be fair with him after all he did to you… but how could he avoid it? You were so cute with that angry expression decorating your face, doll. But now, he was ready to pay for such actions - and being completely honest, being in such a position wasn’t something that displeased the man. For some unknown reason, the idea of being dominated by you in a rough way sounded quite hot for this man.
When you finally started to properly hold him, strongly holding his body with your hands, it was like nothing else mattered. The intensity of the movements your hips were doing were able to satisfy all wishes XYX had, making his whole head get overwhelmed with such a feeling. The moans were impossible to contain anymore, however, something that remained over his face was his smile… that fucking smile who seemed like it was mocking of the whole situation. You were ready to rip it off from his face, to make his eyes tear with the pleasure you would bring today.
It would be a truly remarkable first time between you two, a moment where nothing else mattered besides making such a brat pay for his action… It was time to destroy with the mind of your lover like it was never destroyed before.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Yahoo! How you doin?:D
So so. Blooming panic LI's during their first time with more dominant top male reader. Like would they be shy or brats? Would it be intimate,planned out or just a quickie? Tbh i see Toasty be more on the sensitive side and i hc them as touch starved (idk I'm going feral over all of em)
Ur first person i found that writes for Blooming panic nsfw and seems to be "active"(?) so WOOO
May i be 🐑 anon if that's okay?
Have a nice day/night:DD
Hello! I am glad that I recived this ask, it was really interesting to write about. I do like quite a lot first time scenarios, so, I dedicated myself quite a lot for it. I particulary see everyone being quite emotional when the subject is the first time with their S/O - well, less XYX (so basically, from the most intimate to the less intimate on the list: Toasty - Quest - Nightowl - XYX).
Anyways, I am glad you took interest in my little blog. I try my best to be the most active I can in Tumblr, but college keeps me busy most part of the time and I don't recive many asks. Well, hope you like it. Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language. :)
PS: Sure you can be! Hope I can see you more oftenly around!
cw: male reader, explicit nsfw, brat sub, soft subs
minors dni
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Right at the moment Nightowl was finally able to place his hands over you, he already knew for sure the effect you had over his heart. He knew plenty well how you were able to mess up even more his head, how you were able to make him stutter sentences with absolutely zero meaning, how you were able to make a carnal desire bloom inside his chest. All the man ever wanted was to have you over him, running your tough hands over his delicate silhouette, holding his waist as you fuck him like never before.
Everything starts with innocent gestures… the warm hands touching each other, sweet words that seduce you to be closer to your lover, some declarations of love. However, pretty soon such words start to become each time more lewd until a point that the blond haired one was shirtless, over your lap, kissing you like it is the last time both lips will be able to meet in such a cold night.
He wants so badly to be devoured by you… and it isn’t like he doesn’t let it clear enough. With his smile on lips, he doesn’t think twice before allowing soft chuckles out of his throat, amused by how handsome you look right now. His passionate brown eyes stare at you in such a sweet way, as he doesn’t think twice before asking if you enjoy the vision you are having or if he was too much for you to handle… but he didn’t know how much this sentence would cost.
Before he could realize, he was already under you, being fucked as he burry his face at the pillow of your guys’ bed. This feeling was so nice… it was so nice to feel so filled, to feel like he was finally all yours! It was so nice to finally feel so loved by you. His fingernails held into the blankets for his dear life as the pleasure took control of his whole body. He couldn’t avoid not letting out your name in a muttered moan every time you thrusted his insides… he was so glad to share such intimacy with you.
The movements of your hips against his is a delicious combination with the pervert touches you let all over his skin. The peace and strength of the thrusts were rough, something that the male enjoyed quite a lot… As you complimented him, Nightowl felt like any moment he could just combust in the middle of such an act… He is just so glad to be sharing such intimate moments with you.
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Quest is the type of man who mostly cares about the ones around him… however, he might admit that whenever you kiss his lips and embrace him in a warm hug, he feels just so happy to have someone to take care of him as well. He enjoys quite a lot the intimacy he has with you… adoring kisses over his neck, your hands firmly gripping his muscles, sweet words of affirmation leaving your own lips. He just feels so loved by you.
Little by little, his clothes were ripped off from his body, leaving this man so vulnerable under you. He is not so used to that, but he just adores such comforting feelings your actions have over him. He feels cared, he feels like he finally found someone that he can rely on, someone that will always be with open arms, ready to shower him with the affection he lacked so much in his rough life.
As your body finally is able to fully explore his insides, the brunette man can not avoid locking his eyes with yours. For him, it is one of the purest demonstrations of intimacy, of passion towards the one who was fucking him in the moment. His large hands hold your back with delicacy and he gives you a sweet smile.
A slow peace is all he could ever ask, as well with the amount of care while you two are surrendering for each other's love. When you two became something special, he already expected to end up being at least a bit vulnerable to you, but he never imagined how much he would feel comfortable in your presence, how much he would love to be in such a position. He loved you, and above all, loved the pleasure that you were able to deliver in his mind.
He craves for more contact, to feel each second closer from the warmth that you carry on your body. Being simply so close to you means a lot to him, it is like a sign that you two are in love and nothing can break you two apart from now. He is so glad… he is so glad to be able to admire you with his diamond eyes, to feel completely satisfied with you loving him so deeply.
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For Toasty, the most important thing in a relationship is the connection you have with your partner in a non-sexual way… But they could never deny that for them, the bond that an intimate moment carries is quite strong. So, when you two are alone in the bedroom and nothing else is there to stop the touch of your bodies together, your poor lover is quite nervous. They can not avoid it… as much it may somehow feel silly, for them sex is in fact a big deal.
However, once you kiss his neck softly and whisper near his ears that everything is fine and he doesn’t need to worry, he seems to relax at least a little. Surely, it is not able to completely erase his tense posture, however, just the fact that he was going to be in your hands was already enough. He trusts you, he truly does.
Slowly, he finally surrenders to such lewd touches and becomes one with you. Locking your fingers together, his body aches and he allows sweet wimpers to get out from his bitten lips. It is a weird sensation he is never going to be able to fully get used to, but despite that detail, he didn’t think it was a bad feeling… he enjoyed it quite a lot.
Fixing their hair out of the way of their gorgeous face, you started to move in the moment he gave you the green flag to keep fucking them. Throwing their head back, they tried their best to keep his voice down and keep his breathing regular, which is an impossible task. Just the way you are able to seduce them, the way you were able to satisfy all the primal wishes they had inside their primal mind… this was so much for this poor man.
Even though he was adoring this sensation of belonging to you. Drowning completely in the pleasure and passion that both of you were sharing, a smile bloomed over his mouth as he whispered quietly, just like he was worried about anyone else hearing it: “I love you”...
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XYX isn’t the type of man who enjoys following rules whenever he is outside of work, he is more of the relaxed type of man… which sometimes can drive you quite crazy. He has no respect towards the “authority figure” you try to be in your guys’ relationship, being a provocative guy who doesn’t think twice before being a little brat when you two are together. However, sooner or later such a behavior would end up being corrected by you.
The brunette is under you, with that damn smile over his thick lips… that smile that teases you, that makes you just wanna destroy it as soon as possible. Your boyfriend is so tricky… but everything was fine, after all, you knew exactly what you needed to do with him. More specifically: you knew what to do when he was with his ass on the air, craving your more of that touch you had to offer him.
He should have known you wouldn’t be fair with him after all he did to you… but how could he avoid it? You were so cute with that angry expression decorating your face, doll. But now, he was ready to pay for such actions - and being completely honest, being in such a position wasn’t something that displeased the man. For some unknown reason, the idea of being dominated by you in a rough way sounded quite hot for this man.
When you finally started to properly hold him, strongly holding his body with your hands, it was like nothing else mattered. The intensity of the movements your hips were doing were able to satisfy all wishes XYX had, making his whole head get overwhelmed with such a feeling. The moans were impossible to contain anymore, however, something that remained over his face was his smile… that fucking smile who seemed like it was mocking of the whole situation. You were ready to rip it off from his face, to make his eyes tear with the pleasure you would bring today.
It would be a truly remarkable first time between you two, a moment where nothing else mattered besides making such a brat pay for his action… It was time to destroy with the mind of your lover like it was never destroyed before.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Omg okay—but like, imagine a fic where Toasty is playing FFXIV and reader walks in, sits on his lap, distracting him and messing him up in his game 🤭🫣 begging you to make this please 🙏 (nsfw if you will ;))
Sure. I couldn't keep the ask 100% NSFW, but it still pretty suggestive. I hope you enjoy it, sorry for taking too much time to finish it. :)
Sometimes, all you needed was a bit of attention… but what would happen when your boyfriend pays more attention to such a silly MMO instead of his beloved lover? Well, surely the result would be quite messy, to say the least.
cw: gn reader, suggestive content (nsfw?)
minors dni
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Sometimes, all a person needs is a bit of attention from the one who stole their heart… Sometimes, all they crave are some kisses and touches, a bit of love in such a lonely moment. Sometimes, all your boyfriend needs to do is to stop playing Final Fantasy XIV and pay some attention to the needs you carry - which in this case, it wasn’t something Toasty was doing.
The one with long hair was clearly more interested in raiding his beloved game than actually paying attention at how much you needed a bit of his love at the moment… and all this made you bite the inside of your cheek in disappointment. All you wanted was to feel his hands running all over your body, to feel the warmth of his skin against yours, to just give him your soul who needed more than anything else in this world a bit of pleasure.
However, all this made you have a malicious idea… a malicious idea which would definitely disconcert a bit your lovely lover. As you came closer to them, the one with beautiful diamond blue eyes fixed their glasses at their face and looked up to you, wondering what you were doing and pretty curious about your intentions… And surely, they got quite surprised the moment you got over their laps, with this provocative grin over your lips. The tall figure started to feel hotter and hotter as the red took fully part of their face.
“What are you doing?” asked the male towards you, with his usual voice, not actually paying much attention to the situation - something that he would regret pretty soon. You could easily notice his cheeks becoming slightly more pink and feel against his chest his heart beating a little bit faster… which surely was a sign to the path of success to you. Putting a kind smile on your lips, pretending it was a simple innocent act with no second intentions behind it, you answered him “Oh, I just wanted to see my boyfriend playing… any problem, sweetie?”. Oh, you were such a vicious liar… you were so cruel with this poor boy, and surely, he quite loved this side of you.
Swallowing, he gripped strongly the mouse of his computer and tried his best to focus on his game… however, allowing him to pay attention wasn’t something that was in your plans. Without the slightest mercy inside your heart, you moved yourself around, just like you were trying to find a comfortable position over the thin thighs of your boyfriend. Such an action made this poor person so embarrassed… he just wanted to strongly grip your waist and make you stop moving so much.
But it wasn’t like they were bothered by such actions… they must say: as much you were driving them mad, they were quite into such a lewd provocation you were performing over their legs. Each second that passed, it was more clear how much they were being affected by you, how you were able to successfully accomplish your plan. With a cruel grin on your lips, you asked the blond figure: “What is happening dear? You look so… adorable.”
At this point, the man already knew plenty well that this angelic expression you had over your face was only a lie, a way to hide the true intentions you had behind such a seemingly innocent action. Finally, you heard him muttering something to his partners in such a raid, before disconnecting his headphones and closing the game… without thinking twice, he strongly gripped your tights and buried his face at your neck, trying to somehow calm his beating heart. Hah, you had success on your mission to mess up with this boy.
You turned in his direction, running your hands over his chest and arriving until a certain down area, gently resting there. Such a thing made the poor man arche at your touches, however, this reaction only incresed once your locked your soft lips over his bare neck.
Now, Toasty was all yours… You will be sure to kiss him, provoke him and drain every single drop of stamina that he may have inside such a body. You were ready to enjoy pretty much the attention your boyfriend wanted so badly to give you… no, that he NEEDED to give you.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Before I ask for anything, I just wanted to say I absolutely loved the way you wrote my first request!! I hope it wasn't to much😅
Anyway I was wondering if you could write a NSFW Micah x male reader fic. You know how at the end of the game Micah visits mc at their window, what if y/n is just sitting at their desk chatting with Micah completely unaware that he decided to visit y/n. So when he finally makes it to y/n's window he sends a message to look outside, so y/n turns around in their chair only to freak out seeing Micah there. Once Micah is inside y/n is just all over him, crying happy tears while clinging to him, getting so excited he just couldn't help but kiss Micah.
Sorry if it's a little vague, I've never requested a NSFW fic but seeing how you wrote my last request I just had to try and request this. If it's too much don't worry about writing it!! It's all about what you wanna write don't forget that☺️☺️
Hi, don't worry. You described what you wanted pretty well, and in general, I am just so happy that someone is requesting to me. My blog is pretty much new and small, so, I am very glad that you appeared again to request me something. You are always welcomed to keep sending more asks around here :)
You finally were in Micah’s arms after such long days talking with each other… you finally could touch him, kiss him! However, what you truly want is to share a more intimate moment with this man, who you want to belong completely to.
cw: male reader, explicit nsfw
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Micah was finally in your arms… finally, you could match your eyes with this man who you knew was the right one since the moment you two started talking together. Kisses were shared, as his hands runned all over your body, just like they were trying to explore every single inch they could from your body, desperate to not let you go… and you loved this. You just adored receiving such affection from the hacker, although, you knew plenty well it wasn’t enough… you wanted more, you wanted to have only Micah Yujin inside your dirty mind.
Only in the moment your bodies were fused in only one and the pleasure was the only thing inside your brain, you felt just like you arrived in heaven… The man with dark skin was clearly nervous, so he had an amazing care over the hip movements he did against yours. He loved you, he wanted above all to bring some sweet pleasure to you, to be the only one inside your beating heart.
You clinged over his body and allowed salty tears to run down your face, after all, you were just so happy to gift him with your own body, however, you wanted more and more of the contact he had to offer you. You kissed his neck while his dick thrusted at your insides non-stop, messing up with your mind in levels impossible to describe. The only thing you were able to allow out from your lips were moans and his own name… the only thing that was inside your mind was your beloved partner.
However, all this fun couldn’t keep going for much time. The way he stimulated your sweet spots made you completely crazy and you felt like you were closer to finally reaching your most desired orgasm - and well, Yujin as well. His thrusting rhythmic started to intensify, just like he were some kind of animal in heat who didn’t want to allow his partner to go. Oh dear, your tight body against his dick was making the poor man completely crazy… 
Before he could finish his job, you stole a passionate kiss from him, delight yourself with the taste that his lips had to offer. Finally, the moment came… both came and were received with a delicious wave of spasms which ran all over your bodies. Finally breaking the contact, Micah smiled at you with his cheeky grin, clearly proud of how good he made you feel. Wrapping you around his well defined arms, he asked if you were ok… and once the answer was positive, his proud facial expression took place…
He was such a lucky guy… don’t you worry Angel, the man surely is going to take good care of you tonight after such an exhausting activity.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Hello!! I hope you're having a good day/evening/night! I was hoping you could do a nightowl x male reader, the reader goes to the same college as nightowl. He's inrolled in a photography course but can't find any inspiration for his assignment. So when nightowl's own class is over and goes to visit reader in his dorm, only to find him at his desk stressed out with multiple cans of alcohol around him(you can ignore the alcohol part if you're not okay with it).
I'm just craving comfort, especially with school being stressful. Hope this isn't too much, can't wait to see what you come up with!! If not it's okay☺️
This is a sweet ask. I did my best, I hope the work fits at what you wish. Sorry for taking so long and thanks for requesting from me :)
You are a photographer with no creativity… and how much this fact drained you is hard to describe. Arriving your dorm, Nightowl finds a heartbreaking image of you, spreaded all over your desk in a complete messy state. Please, allow your boyfriend to confort you.
CW: male reader, alcohol, burnout
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The figure of you, with your head between your hands over the desk is heartbreaking for the poor blond guy… the image of so many alcohol bottles around you makes him wonder about your own health. As a man with the same habits of drowning himself in those drinks who brought nothing besides a dangerous kind of help to his anxious soul, he knows something pretty well: You are not doing the slightest well.
Without you noticing, Owl started to slowly walk towards you, and, once close enough, a gentle hand was placed over your shoulder, as a way to bring some kind of comfort. You looked stilted, however, the moment you realized the one so worried over how you were doing was your lover, you didn’t take much time to allow those salty tears to run down over your delicate face. Leaning yourself against his stomach, you embraced him, desperate for a bit of affection after such a day who drained your wish to keep going.
Was everything worth it? Was truly worth it to keep at this stress running all over your head as nothing besides the despair of not being able to accomplish your assignments in a proper way because absolutely no ideas run through your head. Dear, you were completely broken… and your boyfriend knew that.
Holding your face between his kind fingers, he wiped away all the tears that ruined this pretty face which normally would make his heart beat faster, however, this time nothing besides a bitter feeling ruled over his poor heart. Oh dear… no words would be ever able to describe how much pain Nightowl felt inside the bottom of his heart to see you in such a situation. 
“I swear, I will go crazy… Why can’t I just finish this piece of crap… Just, why the hell I can not do a good work?!” you ranted to the man who was right there, hearing every single thing you had to say to him. You just felt so frustrated with the fact that every single idea slipered itself from between your fingers in a blink of eyes, the fact that you could not bring yourself to have some kind of genius tought who would be able to make you accomplish such assignment. You were a broken photographer who weren’t able to bring yourself to have enough creativity for simply pass on that that chair of your course and that was completely draining you.
“Hey dear… calm down. Don’t you think you are stressing yourself too much? Maybe after taking a break, you will be in a perfect state to keep working on it.” answered the man, looking deep inside your poor teary eyes with a warm smile in an attempt to make you at least a bit calmer. Running his hand around your hair, he came closer from your lips, stealing from them a kind and passionate kiss… he could still taste the alcohol who bathed your mouth, and honestly, it was an addicting feeling who Owl, as much tried to forget, could never get tired from. “Hey, why don’t you stop a bit, cutie? Let’s go, it is already pretty much late… we can ask for some food, lay on the bed and watch some cheesy romantic comedy. You can take care of this later…”
Hiding your face between his body, you shook in a delicate way your head up and down: it was a yes. You were too altered from such drinks you had before anyways… so maybe, a small break with your beloved one wouldn’t be so bad.
Oh dear, you are so lucky to have such a thoughtful man by your side, no?
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
hi hi!! okay so the reader has a pole in his room and micah sees it and asks if its just for show? and the reader goes hell no and micah gets front seat row to reader being able to hold himself upside down with just his thighs? And his reaction is like holy shit how can you keep getting sexier?
Gahhhh I don't know but MICAH. man.
I had some problems understanding the ask, but I tried to make something good. Hope you like it.
A sexual dance with the intent to capture the heart of your prey could easily kill a man… However, Micah wants more than anything else in this world to be captured by such a trap. Please, show your moves to him and make your lover completely surrender by your spells.
cw: gn reader, suggestive content, pole dancing
minors dni
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The moment Micah Yujin saw the pole you had in his room, nothing besides the image of your silhouette using such a thing to perform the most diverse acts rules his mind. Just picturing you - who is already the most beautiful man in his eyes - in the middle of such a situation can already make the man with white hair locks crazy.
As much as he was received with a no in the moment he expressed his desire to be rewarded with such a sweet view, you couldn’t keep your answer for much time… After all, how could you possibly deny something like that to the man who makes your heart beat faster, to the man you wish you could do the most inappropriate things you could ever think of? A little taste of the things you are able to do surely wouldn’t hurt you, much the opposite… you would adore to watch your beloved one staring at you, with an expression of desire stamped over his facial features.
Slowly walking to the pole as Micah sat on the couch with a tricky grin over his soft lips, you took a deep breath and suspended yourself in the iron bar. Holding yourself towards the cold metal using nothing besides your strong legs, you were able to see your lover's smile growing wider and wider as his cheeks slowly became hotter than ever before. 
You looked just so gracious… yet, it was impossible to deny that such a lewd image awakened something inside the messed up heart of such a guy you were right in front of. How were you able to look just so hot? How were you able to make the man of golden greedy eyes think your image was more seductive than ever? But… the real question is: how prettier you would be able to get? As much as your little sample was already delivered for the perverted mind of Micah, he couldn’t anyhow avoid thinking about you there, seductively dancing in front of him, just like a fallen angel.
Bringing his hands to his face, he tried to cover the same, as a failed attempt to somehow calm the feelings that consumed him like fire. Gosh… he wishes so badly to just jump at your direction and properly treat you with kisses all over your skin, marking his presence over your body. However, you quickly snapped him out of such an impure thought after calling his name… Without thinking twice, he stood up and went in your direction, thought, it would be impossible for a while for him to rip out of his mind such a view… That cocky smile he carried everywhere he went right now was replaced by a sweet and nervous laugh.
Forgive him, Angel… he is a complete pervert for you.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
It is impossible to deny how hard your work is… and Toasty watches closely as you arrive each time more tired back home. Because of that, they decided to give you a very unexpected service when you finally came back to his arms. Please, allow them to please you tonight.
cw: explicit nsfw, oral, gn reader, nakedtoaster x reader
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Sometimes, you actually wonder if this job you have is worth all the effort you put into it. You wonder if the bad sleep hours and the terrible eating habits you developed due the lack of time to a decent lunch break. You wonder if Toasty was right after all and maybe you should try to find another one. You never actually liked to work there and the only thing that was making you stay there was the fear of changing, which followed you no matter where you went.
Your face was starting to show the signs of such a lack of care of your own health, and particularly, for your loved one it was a heartbreaking vision. They already had put inside their mind that their words won’t be enough to make you give up from such an exhausting work that slowly drains your soul… but each time you appeared more and more tired day after day of work, their worries about your mental and physical health only increased.
However, this particular day was more than ever clear that the stress that you carried over your shoulders was a bit too much and were driving you to a point of no coming back. Your eye bags were bigger than ever and your whole body only wanted to lay down as fast as possible in the comfort bed that you shared with the one who was able to steal your fragile heart… It was like that at any moment, you would just fall to the floor and lose your own conscience due how overworked you were. And because of noticing that this day had been particularly rough, your boyfriend didn’t think twice before asking you to lay on the bed and spread your legs after you came back from the warm bath, who kindly embraced your skin.
The long haired man sometimes could be considered a bit awkward when the subject was a more intimate touch, however, they truly were a master when the subject was making you squirm with pleasure. Your fingers strongly held the blankets as they kindly stimulated your most sensitive spot, being rewarded with sweet moans you had no shame to allow out of your soft lips, which you bit as a way to repress such a pleasure who was taking control of your senses.
Toasty is glad to say the least… he is glad to see you so closely melting due the provocative touches he left over your body, he is glad to hear all those sweet noises that come out from your mouth. The work his tongue could do was just so good… it was just like you were receiving a sweet dose of some kind of drug and slowly becoming addicted to such a feeling. The passion and effort this lovely person putted over making you feel good was heartwarming, and surely, you were glad to watch your lover working into licking and stimulating with his thin fingers every single part of your genitalia that could make you feel good. You ran your hands over his blond hair, which progressively became purple… and with care, you helped him out, guiding his head through the movements that would be most proper to do to finally drive you to the edge of pleasure.
You had met with their blue eyes who were deeper than their own ocean… and just by that, you already could tell they were pretty much enjoying themself, loving so much to eat you up this way, to taste a bit of what you could offer them. It didn’t take much time for this sensation of ecstasy to start to increase in insane levels, making you bring one of your hands to your mouth, so this way you could suppress all those lewd noises. Your whole body was shaking, which was a green flag to your beloved only to intensify his attempts to drive you completely crazy. 
Finally, you reached your limit… you didn’t take much time to finally give in and cum. Gasping for air, you tried your best to recompose yourself after such a night of pleasure… looking for your partner, you couldn’t avoid noticing how red his cheeks were. Softly giggling to yourself, you didn’t think twice before wrapping your own arms around his tall and slim silhouette.
How lucky you were by having someone like him at your side.
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
➼ Rules
➼ Masterlist: in progress
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choocokookie · 2 years ago
Welcome to my shop
Requesting status: Open
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⇾ This is a canon x reader blog, so, no shipping requests.
⇾ There is no characters limit! Feel free to chose all of them if you wish.
⇾ Warn me if the request is SFW or NSFW. I will prioritize +18 works tho.
⇾ Be kind with me. Don't forget that the writer behind the account is a human.
⇾ I only write for Blooming Panic love interests and Micah Yujin.
⇾ I won't write about yandere/non con content or too freaky kinks
⇾ Specify if the reader is male, female or gender neutral.
⇾ Don't be vague. Exemple: "NSFW hcs of Toasty".
⇾ The characters will be described as AMABs.
That's all. Feel free to send any request to me ^^
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