chonkytreegirl · 4 years
✨I just hit 219 lbs ✨
That means I have officially lost 30 pounds since I was weighed at my doctors appointment on December 2nd! I still have a long way to go, but i am excited by my progress! 
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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🌈 pastel goth thinspo 🌈
(If any of this photos it’s yours and you want it to be taken down dm!)
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Any other Taurus’s on here get super triggered when they read or watch videos about the different signs, because they always talk about how much Taurus's love to eat, or about how lazy they are.
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Food Log Day #6
I am so beyond disgusted with myself. I really don’t even want to make a log about what I ate today. The only reason I am going to is so that I can look back at it and see just how little control I have with my eating and hopefully scare myself away from another binge.
Small Northern Lite Ice coffee (140 kcal)
Turkey Leg (300 kcal)
Stuffing (360 kcal)
Mashed Potatoes (100 kcal)
Gravy (150 kcal)
Apple pie (310 kcal)
Pumpkin Pie (350 kcal)
Dinner roll (180 kcal)
Turkey (250 kcal)
Total: 2,140 Kcal
Literally I want to cry looking at this number. I went into thanksgiving with such a strong resolve to eat very little but with the pressure from my family i just cracked. I am so weak. This really proves to myself how food obsessed I am and how much harder I need to break it. I am going to be fasting for the next couple days to make up for this colossal failure.
p.s If anyone wants to drop me some sweetspo, meanspo, or whatever else kinds of thinspo right now I would love some extra motivation to keep me going :)
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Food Log Day #5
Today was a pretty good day, I had stayed up for 24 hours the day before, so when I got home form work I slept all day, which made it really easy to skip meals!
Two Hardboiled Egg Whites (32 kcal)
Two Hardboiled Egg Whites (32 kcal)
Total: 64 kcal
Sleeping all day has it benefits. I am not excited about tomorrow though since it is my families thanksgiving and my mom made a ton of food for just 5 people :(
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Day 5: Why do you really want to lose weight? Are you doing it for you?
I have aways been the big girl. My whole life I have been made fun of for my weight. I want to be mad at the people who would call me fat or food obsessed, but I cant because I know they are right. My whole life I have let my love of food control my life and suck so much joy out of it. Being this weight has my self confidence on the floor, which makes it extremely hard to enjoy life. I know if I break this addiction to food, I will be so much freer. I wont have to constantly be thinking about how disgusting I look and instead be able to enjoy each moment in life. I need to lose this weight for me and my life, so that I can actually begin loving the me that is living it. 
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Reblog or Like this if
You have a high starting weight (Above 200b)
You’re tall (5′7″ or taller)
You’re an active thinspo blog 
You suffer from some form of mental illness (other than ED)
I will attempt to follow all of you
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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can i please have the body to pull off these looks? 🥀
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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Alexis Ren
By: -
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
30 Day Thinspo Challenge: Day 4: Your Greatest fears about weight loss
I have two biggest fears when it comes to weight loss.
My first, is that I will have a ton of extra skin when I lose the weight and that will make it so i never truly feel how comfortable I want to in my body. Or that I will have to spend money I don’t have to get it removed.
My second fear is that it will never be enough. Right now I am pretty sure I am going to stop once I reach my goal weight, but there is also something inside me that worries no matter how much I lose, I will never feel a small as I want. This mostly comes from me hating my height and thus I’m worried my brain will trick itself into thinking if I just lose more weight it will make up for how big my height makes me feel. 
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Food Log Day #4
Today was pretty good day eating wise. I had a zoom friends-giving with people and i was so happy because, since we weren’t together, I didn't have to eat anything fattening!
Two Hard Boiled Egg Whites (32 kcal)
Black Coffee (5 k cal)
Zucchini with Tofu, Garlic, and Soy Sauce (171 kcal)
Total: 208 kcal!
I am so excited that this number is low, and I’m hoping that I can keep it down during the holiday!
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
One of my rewards for myself when I hit my goal weight is going to be getting a ton of tattoos because then i wont have to worry about them looking funny while I lose weight. Also my urge to keep them looking good will help me make sure to keep the weight off. 
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Tattoo thinsp0 cause I need it rn.
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chonkytreegirl · 4 years
Food Log: Day #3
Today was harder to keep from eating because I had a friend come over, who knows about my past eating struggles. 
Homemade Matcha Latte (125 Kcal)
Black Coffee (0 kcal)
Bang Energy Drink (0 kcal)
Two Hard-boiled Egg Whites (32 kcal)
Celery w/ Hummus (110 kcal)
McDonald’s SF French Vanilla Ice Coffee (140 Kcal)
Total: 407 (kcal)
I am sad that this number is higher than I wanted but I am also proud that I was able to get away with eating less and not having my friend notice!
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