I am literally jedidiah, i do not want to be like him. But i am, and I'm trying my best to get better but nothing helps.
you're understood, but also believed in <3
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oh an an up and adam kin i forgot about him
can't forget about him!
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i know like. 4 (5?) sydney kinners 2 jeddie kinners a yvonne kinner a rowan kinner and an elijah kinner
uhhh theres a lot. also im a jeddie kin so thats roughly 10
collecting them like pokemon >:3
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I'm a Jedidiah dating a Sydney and we are not like how we used to be in the source media and I couldn't be prouder of us ❤️ no idea how our "canon" relationship is going to go down in season 2 but I don't care because all that matters to me is that Sydney and I are happy and healthy in this life and will continue to be ❤️
sweet <33
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How many CHNT kinners are there? I thought there were only like 3 but I keep hesring of more and more 💀
i will not lie i have not done a headcount
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i get so happy when people say "qpr sydediah" because im a jeddie kin and im in a qpr with a sydney kin so its like !! wooh !!! us !!!!!!
AWH i know quite a few people in the fandom are huge advocates for qpr sydediah!! i love the dynamic for both qpr and romantic jed n syd
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does anyone else listen to a song and rhen like start exploding because its so so so very (person you kin)core??? does that make a lick of sense or am i losin it
YES. yes. 😓 the playlists...
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I am an Elijah kin who is in a relationship with a Sydney kin (It’s complicated, but not in the ways one would think) and oh. Oh lord. I’ve said this before but sweetheart, you should not love me. I love you so very much, dear heart, but did you learn nothing?
I suppose this is typical Sydney behavior, trusting the handsome smiling man that gives him praise and adoration. And he’s very sweet… this is a dream come true, too good to be real~! 🩷
Even if a rather rude asker told me and him to get psychiatric help….
hate mail comes n goes, unfortunately ): but what you have sounds real and important, i hope everything goes well for you guys!
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More of a question but is it weird to try and tapk to fictionkins as a fictive? I feel they share a lot of the same issues(?) and might be able to find connection somehow.
ill offer my opinion as a fictionkin singlet, i would never find it weird if a fictive reached out to me to talk or connect over a shared source! im not sure how others feel, but here at least, it's totally accepted and we'll make sure everyone feels as safe as possible to reach out <3
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I thiught fictionkins and fictives were the same thing for a while 😪
Hi! Mod 🚀 here. They are not the same thing but I can see why you would think that haha! Fictives are alters that split off into the character they are. Some only look like the character and may not act like them. Others might act like the character down to a T. Others might not like being fictives and want to seperate themselves from their original media/source and branch out to develop their own personalities. Fictives are a DID and OSDD exclusive term.
Kinning (usually) just means you heavily relate to/feel like you are the character (but you are a singlet) or in my case, I have fictives but I myself kin certain characters while I have fictives of others. I hope this cleared up some stuff for you!
Also as a general reminder, we are not a blog meant to go to for DID or OSDD advice. We are not mad at anyone for asking about said things, just wanted to put this out there. Fictives and systems are 100% free to interact with our blog and send in asks relating to being a fictive and kinning alike! I hope you have a great day.
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I don't know if this belongs here but like, I heavily resonate with Sydney and whenever I listen to chnt I get physically ill and feel horrific physical pain
im not going to tell you who you do and dont kin but this migjt be how it started for me anon..... /lh but no fr i get that
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to anon what wondering what a kin is; i can put my two cents in! this is just my experience though its different for everyone
for me its i get a sort of deja vu listening to the podcast (or just reading/watching/listening to the source media in general). i feel like i've been there before and i feel exactly what the character's feeling (beyond what's already shown to be happening). and sometimes i 'remember' whats happened before the source media starts, if that makes any sense
!!!! makes total sense
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(Previous sys anon) i dont think others *cant* use the term, but it feels a little like, insensitive? Just bc it was a term made from/for systems(from what ik)
Idk u can use what u want, ive just seen multiple systems (including myself) being uncomfortable by it and i think its nice to be a bit mindful (if ur a singlet fictkin, if ur a sys i really cant care less how you refer to stuff with sys terms) of how youre using system associated terms ^^/lh/nm
hi again!
so 🚀, (co-owner, its easier to use emojis if we refer to each other now) found this post for me to share, and it seems the term "sourcemate" was coined by someone who is fictionkin to avoid using "canonmate" when people are from a shared source, but not your canon! systems and the fictionkin community seem to share this term!
if this is incorrect, please correct me, because i dont want to use incorrect terminology, especially if its for systems specifically, but it seems like thats not the case here!
i want to add, ive seen others who kin in this community use "sourcemate" and they're fairly popular so i had just assumed that was the term now (since i was used to canonmate!) but again if the information is incorrect, let us know ♡
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Idk if this is right to ask here or not but what exactly IS a kin? How exactly do you know you kin someone??/gen I've been so confused
ahhh ill answer to the best of my ability, but its very different for a lot of people! and it even varies for different kins.
for me, it's mostly a gut feeling, like, oh no, this feels.. familiar. for me, kinning is, i am that character, or this character has gone through so much of what i have, and i relate a little too much. but overall, the definition is loose, if you feel that label suits you, then youre not harming anyone by using it, theres no right or wrong way to kin really, since its a unique experience for everyone.
for some people, it can be really serious (myself included at times) because these characters give me my sense of identity (thanks bpd) but it can also just be a silly fun thing for others!
im bad at wording, so im sorry if this doesnt help much, i am but a humble blog runner ♡
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Question! Not a fictkin but why are yall using system terminology?? Theres other ways to refer to kin related stuff without using terms specifically for systems/lh
Hi! I'm going to assume you mean our usage of the term sourcemate. I'm one of the two co-owners of this blog and am a system myself and do not mind sourcemates being used as it can be used not just for fictives trying to find sourcemates but people who kin too! I've used the term for both my own fictives and myself. If it specifically just for systems would you mind giving us info on this? Thank you!
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jedidiah kin and oh lawd it does Not feel good to see all the hate everyone has for him
hear that, its hard out here as a jedidiah fan (totally not biased)
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I know that it's typical jedidiah kin stuff but I've started collecting watches .... clocks soon to be added
youre so real for that
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