chnt-confessions-the-sequel · 2 months ago
I think sydney and rowan should kiss. that's my confession
Very real anon
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chnt-confessions-the-sequel · 2 months ago
i personally don't like the argument that jedidiah and elijaha re just as bad as eachother. i understand they symbolize specific types of abuse, both of which are equally bad, but elijah tried to murder sydney and stalked him meanwhile jedidiah hasn't seemed to do anything along those lines. jeddie says he "killed" sydney but that could be him blaming himself? we need more details on what he did to know for certain if his actions are on the same level as elijah's.
i believe my opinion on this could change in the future, but i just don't have enough information to believe they are equally horrendous just yet. sorry if this is nonsensical, i'm running on two hours of sleep
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chnt-confessions-the-sequel · 2 months ago
this blog is mod 🎀 from chntfessions approved!!
my confession is that i hope sydney and jedidiah get better and actually have a healthy relationship but knowing this podcast that probably won't happen 🥲🥲
Hi mod 🎀!! Ty for the stamp of approval :)
Anyway I completely agree with the confession, they NEED a good therapist (NOT up and adam)
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chnt-confessions-the-sequel · 2 months ago
Heyoo! Making a new confession account just for the hell of it, I am NOT trying to be competition or "replace" the chntfessions blog, I just want to try this out.
Basic DNI, homophobes, transphobes, racists, xenophobes, Zionists, etc. Oh also J*y defenders, you are not welcome here
Also guys, PLEASE, try to keep confessions about the podcast itself, and don't send asks about other asks, this causes arguments I've noticed, just discuss it in the comments. Any asks that I consider inflammatory or mean I will delete, along with asks name-dropping or vague-asking about other blogs (in a negative light). Anyway, now I can finally get to the intro!
Hi! I'm Juniper, I'm 16, my pronouns are he/it, and I would really like it if this fandom was nice to each other again (as corny as that sounds). I like chnt and will wood (obviously), my favorite characters are Rowan, Juniper, and the tonies. I'll keep this brief, cause this isn't a personal blog, but yeah! Bye!!
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