chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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okay bbl --- still have a headache but im going out and when i return ill be on this account but kinda off and on again bc of rping elsewhere too c: THAT AND MAKING ICONS or trying bc i need them so badly you dunno...still i wanna get back into the swing of things so! here is who i plan to reply to within the near future:
sea-salt-sanctuary (had a mini heart attack when i thought you deleted your blog ;;)
the rest of you guys im gonna possibly look around see if youre active/still interested bc i know sometimes ppl lose interest when its been awhile which is completely understandable. or you can contact me. either way even if something is dropped i dont mind starting anew
im dying to rp with a roxas though like ughhhh ;; and im dying to do a kind of srs thread where seifer ends up learning how to use a real weapon. like seifer is a baby but i want to do some kind of more srs things on here too??? idk we'll see
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
"You're comparing ME to one of those life low scum bags who have been rollin' through?" Seifer wanted to know where this guy came from. He hadn't liked the look of him from the get go, and his instincts as always had been right on the money. The bat was thrust in a quick-fire movement towards him, teal blue eyes flickering as they clashed against turquoise. "Listen up! I ain't no BOY, and I ain't no trouble maker. This town looks to me for protection from people who think they can show up here whenever they want and do whatever they want. And look at you. Acting like you know what's what. Hah, hilarious! 'Cause guess what? You know absolutely nothing."
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Did he think Seifer was playing around? Oh no, he was just getting fired up. 
"I dunno who you are, but you've crossed the line. I'm the leader of the Disciplinary Committee, and I say it's time for some discipline!"
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"Life doesn’t work the way you want it to. Get over it." This kid, who may have been the same age as him, or just a year or so younger, was pretty thick-skulled. Whatever trouble had been happening in Twilight Town was not a surprise, but he didn’t intend on causing any. "The way I look at it now, you’re the one causing trouble. I might already be gone if you hadn’t jumped in my way."
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
"That's it. You're finished!"
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"No mercy!"
Seifer threw himself determinedly at Donald. The Struggle Bat in his right hand had been positioned pointing backwards to his left side and upon immediately coming up to the duck, he swung in an upward stroke, ready to take that stupid bill off that stupid, feathery face. 
Duck vs Punk: Round 1
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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Let's struggle!
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
"Well isn't this romantic."
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"In that case, why not show me how much you missed me?"
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"I’ve missed you!"
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
      you can either  fight  at my side
                  —  or
        get  crushed  under my heel
                  —  but 
        you will not  stand  in my way
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
"You heard me! Call me a palooka one more time and you'll regret it."
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"Although I guess if you get down onto your knees and beg forgiveness, maybe I'll let this one slide. Maybe."
Duck vs Punk: Round 1
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
Eyes met and he held her gaze, watched as she looked at him and did the same to her, all while her face displayed nothing; he could see the sparks flying. But then she was looking down, her gaze alighting back on the sketch he interrupted. Damn.
She was being stubborn. He had to hand it to her, she was good at pulling off a calm demeanor regardless of the situation. But Seifer knew he was getting to her; it was all just a matter of patience. Yeah, she knew what she was doing all right, and he would call it impressive even. Yet no matter how good she was hiding it or how much she kept the color in her cheeks close to normal, his closeness was having an affect on her. And why wouldn't it? He was a good looking guy. Namine's attempt to brush off his stance made him just want to become more aggressive in seeing her face bloom.
All right, he was game. Seifer contented himself to remain standing where he was, and focused on deciphering the scrawl of colors and crayon marks etching themselves on the sketchbook laid out. Drawing had never been his thing, but clearly it was hers. And she was good, damn good, an artist with a natural talent and eye for detail. Now that he actually bothered to look at the picture he could see it. "Hey, yeah. That's the Clock Tower all right...I gotta hand it to you, it's turning out to look like the real thing. I didn't even know people could do that with crayons." Hey, he wasn't lying! Seifer had never really given art much of a thought until he met Namine, not even an afterthought, because as far as he was concerned it was not worth his time. Seifer had more important issues to concern himself with, like catching trouble makers before they caused trouble, or getting stronger for instance.
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Still, that didn't stop him from showing appreciation when appreciation was due. Besides, what kind of guy would he be otherwise? "So you drew the Clock Tower, eh? Huh, makes me wonder what else you've got in that sketchbook of yours."
The Line
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
Duck vs Punk: Round 1
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"Call me a palooka one more time."
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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Favourite Kingdom Hearts worlds: Twilight Town. 
"Sora. You’re lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is… over."
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
'hey lill mama lemme whisper in yo ear... quack'
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
what are your feelings on smut?
Hmm good question --- though unsure how to answer it.
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Well, I myself will do it but only if the mood is right for it, and/or I am comfortable with doing it with my partner. I've done it before as I have said elsewhere but I have never done it in a public place nor with that many people?? The first time someone tried to get me to do it on Tumblr also went terribly because they just WANTED it and I TRIED but it was awkward and not so fun on my end. I remember even asking, "Is this any good to you?" and they said, "YES OMG LOVING IT" and I was like, "Oh...c:" meanwhile inwardly crying terrible experience don't let anyone pressure you to do something kids it's not cool!! Eventually I put a stop to it but yeah it was so...unpleasant omgosh. So being comfortable or close friends with a mun can definitely help, but even then sometimes there's just no spark you know?
On the other hand, if you want to know what I think of it in general, everyone else can go crazy with it if they like; hey if it makes you happy and you tag it and place it under Read More more power to you!! I admire people who just do it and are not shy or ashamed about it. Someone told me, "They're just words" and that's true but JEEZ well like I said go you OTL But I will admit having a muse like Seifer, sometimes when I write him and FEEL it...it's rather kinda...easy to slip into such a role? I'm pretty sure that where "The Line" is headed to be honest.
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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this is why im hot
c: OKAY sooo --- I need to clearly take a look at all my things and see what I owe and such. But I think some of my partners went inactive. Hmm, I'm going to just reply to what I know for sure is still ongoing? <33 I know anything with cagedpromises is a go, and I think Rose and Larxene and I are good but unsure about everybody else...? Oh gosh I need to rp with a Roxas sometime too!! And by the way, if you are worried about being dropped/want to let me know we're still doing a thing feel free to say so! Or even say you want to start something brand new? I know I'm going to come back and milk Sexual Sunday for what it is worth though because Seifer is a male with hormones and yeah sorry ahead of time Nami bb or am I eheh.
P.S. Riku, Seifer hates you already.
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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Source: ゆ๑○﹏○๑ば)
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
stridingdawn liked your post:"Tch. You really think I’d just let you losers...
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"I don't like the look of you." Seifer didn't bother with beating around the bush. He point blank did not trust him. "Just stay out of my way, and don't cause any trouble...or else."
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chivalrousrebel · 10 years
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"Tch. You really think I'd just let you losers take over my turf? In your dreams!"
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