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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
When The Dead Come Knocking || Jang Wujin
Part Four
Part 1 part 2 part 3
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
Sometime had passed and the sun started to rise. The group was still asleep, but Chae knew they needed food. Last night they made a makeshift bathroom in the recording booth; Chae and On-Jo picked it up from their father, alongside many other survival skills. Chae folds the curtain she used as a blanket and looks to Wu-Jin, Dae-Su and Joon-Yeong, who were cuddled together asleep on the cold classroom floor. She unfolds the blanket and drapes it over them, they all immediately cuddled into it.
She picks up her school bag and empties out the contents and makes her way to the window, where she climbed out. Her heart was racing like crazy, she hated heights, but her father taught her how to climb and she was good at it. He sometimes hated how adventurous she was, but he knew she was young and teens would do that. She remembered one time she fell from a tree and broke her arm. Her father was so worried he yelled at her; soon realising that wasn’t the best idea. So he took her for some ice- cream to cheer her up.
Lowering herself slowly, she notices the classroom they were in that was now empty. She lets out a sigh of relief and quietly climbs in, not wanting to cause any noise. She looks under desks and in cabinets for food, in which she found none. Then she remembered the teachers would often take her snacks off her and hide them in their desks. She walks over and opens in, there was snacks there. She smiles to herself and fills the bag.
Classroom after classroom she found small food items here and there, but nothing major. A hand covers her mouth and she was dragged into a closet. She gripped her knife, which the person took, and when she turns, she sees Gwi-Nam. Relief washed over her body seeing a familiar face. He signalled for her to shush, she nods and he removes his hand.
“There was zombies in the class you were heading for,” he whispers to her,” Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he checks her.
“I’m okay,” she whispers back,” Thank you. Are you okay? I was so worried, I thought you died!” she wraps her arms around him. Gwi-Nam became stiff, having had no affection in awhile, but he slowly calms down and hugs her back.
“I’m glad you’re okay. I thought you-“ he runs a hand over his face,” It doesn’t matter. It just matters that you’re safe. I’m gonna escape tonight, I was in the cafeteria when things went down, but you weren’t there. Escape with me. “ his clothes were covered in blood. He had clearly fought his way out.
“Gwi-Nam…. I can’t. I’m with my sister and others, all of us trying to leave at once will get us killed. We’ll be on top of one another, it’ll be messy,” she felt guilty letting him down, but Gwi-Nam had a soft spot for her, he always did.
He nods,” I understand, it’s okay. Just be safe, please. And the minute you escape, find me. “ he kisses her forehead. “The dead are gone,” he peaks his head out of the door. He turns to her,”Do you have a weapon?” He asks. Chae holds up her knife and he chuckles, pulling another knife from his pocket,” Take this, that one won’t do shit. “
“What about you?” she asks.
Gwi-Nam pulls up his black shirt and shows he has a knife in his pants,” I’m good. Go before more dead ones come,” she nods and hugs him again, worrying for him. She knew if she asked him to come he’d just say no, he knew her friends despised him. She pulls away and takes off, noticing some zombies had arrows in them.
She makes her way back to the classroom and starts climbing down,” Mi-Jin, this way!” She heard as she lowers herself. She didn’t wanna run into anymore people than she already had to.
There was a slight breeze that embraced her, it’s soft coolness sending goosebumps on her legs, making her shiver. The group tensed when they noticed the hose start to rattle, they all woke up to Chae gone, did she leave them? Was it another zombie?
In the pit of her stomach, On-Jo felt a strong pang of guilt at the words she had said to her sister, was the last thing she said to her the final thing she’d say?
“You’re my sister,” God, On-Jo, why so dumb?
“Take this,” Ji-Min hands Cheong-San a broom to whack whatever came down, but Cheong-San dropped it when he seen the familiar Doc Martin’s.
Chae stood on the ledge and pulls herself in, pausing when she sees everyone stare at her,”You gonna hit me or can I move?” she smirks to Cheong- San.
”Where were you?”
“Are you okay?”
“Are you bit?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going?”
The voices of her friends surrounded her, she put up her hand in attempt to shut them up,” I was looking for food. Ah, would you stop?!” Chae slaps On-Jo’s hands off her.
“I’m not bit. I’m okay!” she huffs, now being irritated by all of the voices. “I was hungry and I know you all were too,” she puts her bag on the table and pulls out snacks; chips, chocolate, water. It wasn’t much at it would be the only bit of food they were gonna get for another few days, but it would have to do.
Wu-Jin pulls her into a tight hug and Dae-Su soon enough sandwiched her ,” We were ready to go find you, sis,” Dae-Su explains.
“I’m sorry, but you all were sleeping and I didn’t want to disturb you. “
“Did you find survivors?” Hyo- Ryeong asks, picking up a bar and tearing it open.
Chae looks at her feet,” I heard some students, but they seemed to be at least a hallway down and I could hear dead people after them, so I wasn’t risking it. “ she left the part about Gwi-Nam out, they wouldn’t have cared anyways.
“We’re going to find a phone,” Su-Hyeok states.
A phone. Why didn’t she think of that?
“We’ll be back soon. Thank you for finding food,” Cheong-San smiles.
Chae nods and takes a seat, she opens a bar and takes a little bite. She was gonna take the smallest bite each time she got hungry to save some.
Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok weren’t back yet and everyone was getting worried. On-Jo stands beside Chae who was observing the grounds around them,” I’m sorry for what I said. After I-Sak I shut you out completely. I thought about myself and didn’t think about you, you were dealing, too,” she takes Chae’s hand.
Chae pulls her hand back,” Don’t apologise to me because you’ll feel guilty if I died and you’d have to deal with the fact that the last thing you said to me was hurtful,” she responds.
“I’m not… Nam-Ra made me realise that you didn’t deserve it and you’re a good sister, I’m just sorry it’s taken me this long to notice,” On-Jo admits.
Chae let’s out a breath of air and looks back to On-Jo,” It’s okay,” she smiles. On-Jo pulls her into a hug,” I hate not speaking with you,” she mumbles, holding her tight.
“Me too,” Chae smiles.
Su-Hyeok returned with no Cheong-San and the groups only option until he returned was to get a drone. Chae sat on the floor beside Wu-Jin, she wasn’t happy about On-Jo going out there.
Wu-Jin takes her hand and gives it a squeeze, when he lets it go, Chae felt something in her hand. Looking down, her cheeks turn into a crimson red, it was his name tag. “This means you wanna g-go out?” she says nervously, Wu-Jin nods and pushes her hair from her face. His eyes land on her lips, he looks back up to her for permission. She nods and leans in, her heart was racing the closer he got, their lips were inches apart.
“They’re back!” Ji-Min announces.
Wu-Jin pulls back disappointed, whilst Chae was red.
“Scout the school for him then once we know he’s okay, we go outside. “On-Jo says.
They all huddled around a little screen and watch as Joon-Yeong took off. Wu-Jin was on a seat and Chae was beside him. The drone showed the classrooms and the dead that filled it, their friends, teachers and even some parents that were visiting the school were turned, hungrily banging on the window as they spot the drone.
Chae felt her heart break for everyone. She just hoped Cheong-San and Gwi-Nam were still okay. “What if everyone’s gone?” Su-Hyeok sighs.
Nobody replies, they were all too busy observing to see if anyone they knew were there. They scanned the faces for Cheong-San.
“Huh, go back,” Wu-Jin says,” My sister,” he mutters, looking at the arrows in zombies necks and chests,” She was at a tournament today. Why is she back?”
“Are you sure it’s her?” Chae asks, taking his hand, he nods. “If her arrows are there, it means she’s okay,” she smiles. She wasn’t sure. Was the people she heard Wu-Jin’s sister?
“Cheong-San!” Dae-Su points,” Stay there!” he shouts to the screen.
“He can’t hear you,” Joon-Yeong informs, flying the drone outside the window.
“We’ll come for you!” Su-Hyeok shouts to the screen.
“I said he can’t hear you!” Joon-Yeong says again.
“He’s alive!” On-Jo was pulled into a hug by Su-Hyeok.
“Now that we know Cheong- San is alive, let’s go outside,” Ji-Min says.
“Are we sure we’re ready for what we’ll see?” Nam- Ra asks.
“Huh?” They turn to her.
“Yeah. We might not like what we see. Look at how bad things are in here, are we prepared to see the outside?” Chae looks around.
The group stayed silent and the drone started flying out.
“Wait,” Ji-Min says,” My dads truck.”
“Where? The black or the white one,” Joon-Yeong went closer. Ji-Min’s sobs filled the air. In the truck were two people who had transformed into the undead, clawing the the dashboard window. Chae-Young’s heart broke.
It was Ji-Min’s parents.
Is her father okay? Are all of their parents gone?
Wu-Jin put his head into his arms and let his tears flow. He was obviously worried for his sister. Chae wrapped her arms around him and held him close,” Your sister. What’s her name?”
“Ha-Ri,” he sniffles.
Chae runs a hand through his hair,” I’m sure she’s okay. You just gotta have faith. Losing faith in a world like this is what’ll change you. She’s gotta be okay. There’s nothing stronger than a siblings love for each other. She’s probably looking for you right now,” Chae whispers, comforting him.
She hoped Ha-Ri was okay, for Wu-Jin’s sake.
She hoped her dad was too, for if he were to be gone, she doesn’t know how she’d cope.
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
When the Dead Come Knocking || Jang Wujin
Part Three
Part 1 Part 2 part 4
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
Chae-Young and company quickly charge over to the window frantically. On-Jo was the first there right beside Gyeong- Su. Chae looked down to make sure he wasn’t splattered on the ground before looking up and seeing Cheong-San with Su-Hyeok on his back as they both hung from the hose.
“Bare-Su!” Gyeong-Su happily cheers, jumping in excitement. Mrs. Park let out a sigh of relief knowing they were okay.
“You two gonna keep cuddling it up or are you gonna come down?” Chae squints and blocks her eyes from the sun, she could feel Wu-Jin’s presence behind her, alongside Dae-Su breathing down her neck to see what was going on.
“What’s happening? I can’t see!” Joon-Yeong tried to squeeze through.
“Okay, okay, we’re coming,” Su-Hyeok slowly lowered himself. “Miss me?”he ruffles Chae’s hair. When her and Gwi-Nam were friends Su-Hyeok would keep an eye on her too. Long before he abandoned the bullies and made better friends.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, dude. I didn’t even know you were missing,” she giggles at his face. Su-Hyeok’s eyes meet Nam-Ra’s and he excuses himself.
“We need to contact authorities,” Mrs. Park points to the computer. Joon-Yeong quickly took a seat and turned it on. It was incredibly slow. “Ah, come on!”he huffs.
“It’s not turning on,” Mrs. Park states.
“It’s on. “Wu-Jin chuckles.
“Check Instagram, use mine,” Dae-Su says.
“How many followers do you have?” Joon- Yeong asks.
“Use Facebook,” Dae- Su, says embarrassed. Chae- Young snorts and leans over Joon- Yeong. On the Facebook homepage was a bunch of videos showing people running from being attacked. Then a car crash and people going crazy. Then came Chae- Young’s TikTok of her and Dae-Su running and screaming,” They’re faster than the ones in The Walking Dead!” Chae screams, then her camera became clouded from the fire extinguisher. Chae turned her head to see Mrs. Park glaring at her with a disapproving look, because Chae had handed up what Mrs. Park had thought was her phone. Chae quickly scrolls passed,” I can explain, ma’am. I- it- it was Dae-Su’s phone. “She panics as Mrs.Park clicks her tongue.
“Huh?” Dae-Su looks up from the computer, wondering why he heard his name. Chae let out a sigh at the images before her, the streets were filled with people running for their lives and zombies jumping on people to eat them.
“Are we the lucky ones?” she asks, her shoulders falling. “We’re alive, it’s as lucky as we’ll get.” Ji- Min responds. Chae nods in agreement and looks out at the pitches. Everyone they once knew were turned or were running away.
The hose they used to get here started swaying side to side and Chae watched it. “Stay back,” Wu-Jin whispers, holding her forearm.
“It could be wind,” Hyo-Ryeong states, but when the glass shattered and a zombie hung from the rope, she let out a scream and jumped back.
“Quick!” Cheong-San and Su-Hyeok ran over and started to push her out with a broom with no avail. They panicked and Gyeong-Su ran to help. He was grabbed by the hand,” Ah, shit!” he runs back and picks up the computer then throws it at her head. The zombie fell and landed in the bushes below.
Chae sighed and slid down the wall with her hands combing her hair. They needed the computer. “Your hand, you were bitten!” Na-Yeon mutters, stepping back. The two argued some more until Na-Yeon became offensive by calling him a Welfie
“What’s a Welfie?” Mrs. Park questions.
Chae stood up and looked at Na-Yeon with an unimpressed look. “And you’re any better because your family has money? You try bring Gyeong- Su down because he’s on welfare. Well newsflash, Na-Yeon, that ain’t your own money you use, it comes straight from your daddies pocket, you pathetic bitch..” she scoffs with hatred in her voice.
“Chae-Young!” Mrs. Park gasps,” Stand down. “ she orders. Chae rolls her eyes and sits in a chair.
“Does that mean I’m infected?” Asks On-Jo,” I held I-Sak’s hands before she turned. “.
“He touched a zombie. I-Sak was still alive,” Na-Yeon argues. “He has a cut.”
“It doesn’t make a difference, infected is infected and Gyeong- Su is fine. “ Chae defends Gyeong-Su.
“His nose is bleeding?” Na- Yeon points.
“Bare-Su hit him with the brush. “
“Bare- Su hit me with the brush. “
Gyeong-Su and Chae say at the same time.
Mrs. Park ran her hand through her hair and thought about what to do in order to resolve this predicament. Eventually she decided Gyeong-Su should quarantine for 30 minutes to be sure. Gyeong- Su was stubborn, so everyone knew he would stay there longer.
“This is pointless. I seen Bare-Su hit him!” Chae scoffs. She was so done with Na-Yeon and her childishness.
“Why do you always jump down my throat? I’ve tried to be your friend!” Na- Yeon huffs to Chae.
“Because Na-Yeon,” Chae plays with her laces,” you’re a horrible person. You bring down everyone you meet and you’d turn your back on me in seconds. I’m not stupid, I don’t fuck about with people like you. “
“But you’re friends with Gwi-Nam, I’ve seen you two. “
“Gwi-Nam is a good person-“
“He’s a bully,” Na-Yeon cuts her off.
Chae bit her tongue, trying so hard not to cut her pretty little face. Gwi- Nam wasn’t that bad, right?
“I haven’t hung out with him in a long time.” Chae states, turning her back to Na- Yeon to check on Gyeong-Su.
“Ah, he’s so stubborn,” Wu-Jin chuckles, crossing his arms.
“He’s not that bad,” Chae laughs looking at him.
Wu-Jin looks down to her,” Did you put your name tag in my pocket?” He asks, holding her name tag.
Chae’s eyes widened, she was going to, but didn’t in the end. “No, I-“ she spots Dae- Su behind Wu-Jin with his thumbs up. That sneaky bastard.
“Yeah?” It was more of a question on Chae’s end, Wu-Jin smirks and puts it back in his pocket. “I think I’ll hold onto it for a bit,” he winks and walks away. Chae stood there completely shocked, her jaw almost on the floor. She turns to see Joon-Yeong and Cheong-San evidently watching , they both cough awkwardly and avert their gaze elsewhere.
Chae rolls her eyes and goes back to staring at Gyeong-Su, who was sat sulking.
Time went by pretty fast and the sun started setting, before today Chae would say that the sunset was her favourite time of day. She loved nighttime too and how she could sit in her own silence, but under these circumstances, it was her least favourite. It would just remind her that so much could happen in such little time. There was a reason for everything, but what was God’s reasoning for rising the dead and letting them terrorise the living?
Chae turned her focus back to the group; who stood watching Na-Yeon inside the recording booth with Gyeong- Su. Na-Yeon walked out with Gyeong-Su chasing her angrily yelling at her. Chae sighed, deciding to sit this one out.
“I’m right, you’ll all see!” Na- Yeon mutters, hiding behind Mrs. Park.
“She said she hopes I don’t leave this room alive!”
“Did you really say that, Na-Yeon?” Mrs. Park looks to Na-Yeon, who nodded,” Apologise to him. “ Na-Yeon didn’t budge.
Chae felt like she zoned out, not paying much attention until Gyeong-Su’s nose started to bleed. She felt her heartbeat fasten, he wasn’t bitten, she seen Su-Hyeok hit him with the broom and him scratch his hand. There were no bite marks whatsoever.
“See!” Na-Yeon points.
Gyeong-Su shook his head and held his hands before him,” I’m not one of them! Why would I fucking bite any of you’s? We’re friends! You guys are my friends. You have to believe me!” He says frantically.
“We do, we do believe you,” Chae takes his hand.
‘Bite her!’ Gyeong-Su’s conscious spoke to him.
“Stay back!” Gyeong-Su forcefully pushes her back, Chae’s back hit the locker with a thud, making her groan. Wu-Jin quickly helps her as Cheong-San tries to calm down his best friend.
“Why won’t you believe me! What did I do? I don’t understand, I wasn’t bitten!” Gyeong-Su started crying.
Chae’s heart clenched, he was a good friend to her, she felt her tears pour as sadness overcame her. “I’ll let myself out,” Gyeong-Su made his way to the door,” Thank you- stop! Stop it, please. Stop it! You’re scaring me!” he screams, covering his face. He started transforming. Wu-Jin pushes Chae behind him and everyone stood back. Gyeong-Su, now reanimated to an undead being, looks around and let’s out a loud groan
“N-no,” Chae mutters, clutching Wu-Jin. Her mind was confused to how any of it happened.
Soft whistling was heard as Gyeong-Su ran for Mrs. Park, he turned around to Cheong-San standing on the window ledge whistling. That was something the two always did. He ran to attack him but Cheong- San used the hose and jumped back. Gyeong-Su landed on the ground. Chae’s eyes were blurred with tears.
Why was life so cruel?
Everyone fell to silence, all keeping their heads down. Wu-Jin gently rubbed Chae’s back trying to comfort her as best he could. Everyone but Na-Yeon loved Gyeong-Su. He was hard to not love. He was a bubbly teen with a heart of gold.
“I told you,” Na-Yeon huffs, crossing her arms. Nam-Ra stood up catching Na-Yeon’s attention.
“I seen what you did,” her voice was quiet, Prez always spoke in a calm manner, something Chae respected about her because Chae was the complete opposite. “You did it,” she adds.
“I didn’t kill Gyeong- Su!” Na- Yeon lies.
“I never mentioned Gyeong-Su,” Prez tilts her head,” You got your cloth and wiped zombie blood on it… the same cloth you used to wipe Gyeong-Su’s cut with. “
“I didn’t do it!”
“If what you’re saying is true… that would mean she killed Gyeong-Su,” Cheong-San steps up, glaring at Na-Yeon.
“Guys-“ Nam-Ra cut Mrs. Park off.
“Take out your cloth,”
Nam-Ra reaches to Na-Yeon’s pocket,”Don’t touch me!” Na-Yeon pushes Nam-Ra away. Na-Yeon took the cloth out and threw it at Nam-Ra. Everything happened too quick, but all Chae could see was Nam-Ra slap Na-Yeon hard across the face.
Nam-Ra bent down and picked up the cloth,” There’s blood on it,” she states, showing everyone. Chae’s heart dropped. “It’s Gyeong-Su-“
“Wipe your cut with it,” Chae steps up.
“Yeah,” Nam-Ra holds it out to Na-Yeon.
“His blood is dirty-“
“Cleaner than yours, Pretty. Prove your innocence or I’ll wipe it on your cut for you,” Chae threatens, now beside Nam-Ra.
Na-Yeon grabs it and bends down, pausing before she wipes her cut, just as expected, she didn’t wipe it,” I’ll die. I did it, is that what you wanted?” Na-Yeon started crying. Mrs. Park gasped, not sure what to say.
“You murderer!” Cheong-San pushes her on her ass. Chae wobbles slightly, since her ran between Nam-Ra and Chae. Na-Yeon’s back hits the door and she started to cry.
“I have no friends, I don’t need you,” she sniffles standing up.
“You backstabber,” Chae grits angrily, how could she just kill Gyeong-Su because she was wrong?
“I don’t need you people. You always looked at me like I’m a monster,” she opens the door and leaves.
Wu-Jin steps up to stop her, but Mrs. Park blocks the door.” I want you all to survive for me, okay? If something feels too easy, don’t do it. Stay together. “ she smiles and opens the door, running after Na-Yeon.
“No!” Dae-Su runs forward. “Hey!” Chae grabs him back. “They made their choice. “ she pats his chest and walks to the window ledge for fresh air.
The world that Chae fantasised about all the time wasn’t close to this. In her world, everyone survived. She always asked herself what would she do in a situation where zombies were real, and her reply would be simple- survive. But the reality of it all was so much more complicated. In this world now, people were going to die and a hell of a lot of them, but was she prepared for that world? Could she deal with losing her friends and family in the hands of monsters that ate flesh.
Now it’s about survive. Survival of the fittest.
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
Wait guys, are y’all liking my Wu-Jin story? I’m not the best at writing. But it makes me so happy seeing people like it 🥺.
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
When the Dead Come Knocking || Kang Wujin
Part Two
Part 1 part 3 part 4
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
“I can’t see!” Chae yelps, she was pulled by someone and when her eyes focused again, she seen Dae-Su. “Here!” he called, pushing himself halfway through a classrooms door, where Wu-Jin stopped him from getting it.
“It’s brother- in- law and future gi-“ Chae- Young slaps Dae-Su hard. She knew the moment he figured out that she had a crush on Wu-Jin, her life would be over.
“Sorry!” Wu-Jin pulled them in. Min-Jae fell to the ground thanking God. “What happened to you?” Wu-Jin asks, Chae was too busy wiping her phone screen.
“Chae!” Chae looks to see On-Jo running to her, the two sisters embrace one another tightly.
“What’s happening?” On-Jo asks, examining her sister for bites. Chae huffs and pushes her hands off her,” I’m okay. Some crazy fucker blasted us with a fire hydrant! Can you believe that?” she explains annoyed. On-Jo bit her lip to suppress a giggle.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” On-Jo smiles, hugging her sister briefly.
Chae finally got to get a proper look at everyone who was in the room; Na-Yeon, Gyeong-Su, Joon-Yeong, I-Sak, On-Jo, Min-Jae, Dae-Su, Wu-Jin, Ji-Min and Hyo-Ryeong. How did this happen? One normal day turned into complete hell in the blind of an eye?
Two loud bangs on the window caught them by surprise. Gyeong-Su and Wu-Jin ran over to investigate.
“You scared me, fucker!” Gyeong-Su huffs, pulling in someone from the window, Chae turned around to see Su-Hyeok, who then pulled up Nam-Ra. How did so many students happen to find this one classroom?
Soon enough everyone was searching for a phone. After watching every struggle, Chae holds up her phone. “Seriously?” Cheong-San takes her phone and dials 911, then it died. “Great Chae, maybe if you didn’t spend your whole life on TikTok, you’d have battery left!” The two started arguing amongst themselves until Nam-Ra announced she found a phone.
“Try her birthday!” The phone belonged to their classmate. “What’s her birthday?” Cheong- San asked and they all fell silent. He sighed and looked to the door where he spotted her. He walks over and tries to use Face ID.
“Hold it closer. “Su-Hyeok suggests.
“I hate to break it to you, but that’s like using Face ID on a ghost,” Chae laughs,” Plus, you don’t need a passcode to use emergency services. “
“You wait this long to tell us this? You like seeing us suffer?” Dae- Su asks.
“Well one, I didn’t think y’all were that idiotic and two, everyone knows that.”
On-Jo took the phone and tried to call their father.
“Shouldn’t you be blocking the door?” Cheong-San slaps Gyeong-Su on the back of the head. Gyeong-Su flips him off and runs back to the door, but a Professor quickly runs in.
“Oh, thank God, are you kids okay?” he asks, barricading the door. “Come on, help,” he stacks chairs onto desks. The students were quick to help apart from Chae, she was worried about her other best friend.
Chae-Young could feel his presence behind her. Of course she knew who it was, he had this aura that made her wanna pull her hair out. Looking up, her eyes were met with Yoon Gwi-Nam, he pulled out a seat and sat down,” You’re smart,” he scratches his neck, not sure if this’ll work.
“Smarter than some,” replied Chae. “I need you to tutor me,” Gwi-Nam coughs, trying not to give a snide comment that’ll ruin his opportunity at ever getting a good enough grade to impress his parents.
“Why?” Chae puts her chopsticks down and squints her eyes suspecting him to do some sort of sick prank on her.
“Just do it, please,” that surprised Chae, Gwi-Nam never had manners. He was a bully so far he had done nothing extreme, but there was always a chance.
“Okay, “ Chae agrees,”but I want something in return,” Gwi- Nam rolls his eyes.
“No,” he gets up to leave,” You expected me to just do something for you without getting something in return? Fine, find someone else to tutor you. “Chae chuckles and goes back to her lunch. She knew absolutely nobody in the school would ever tutor Gwi-Nam, not even if they were offered billions of won
Gwi-Nam huffs and sits back down,” You’re good, Princess,” he smirks with a laugh.
“I heard your little bully friends were choosing their next victim,” her eyes fall over to where On-Jo sat,” my sister and her friends. I know you’re a coward,but tell him that they’re not worth his time. “ she raises her eyebrow looking at him waiting for an answer. “Deal?” She holds out her hand.
“Deal,” Gwi-Nam shakes her hand after a long, hard debate with himself,” I thought they were your friends too? You don’t have friends, huh?” he asks, watching her go back to eating.
“They are my friends, I just wanted alone time today. Plus, every friendship ends the same, once they see you’re no longer of their use, they throw you over the edge and I don’t intend to be thrown over the edge. “ she shrugs. “Call me Princess again and I’ll pull your teeth out.” She adds and gets up to clear her tray.
Chae and Gwi-Nam became the best of friends as the years went by, she was the only one who looked at him like he meant something. Chae stuck around long enough and actually got to know him. His father was always at work and verbally abusive, his mother only cared about his grades. She was a cold heartless bitch. Gwi-Nam was many things, but he was never a dick to Chae. He always made sure Myeonghwan didn’t target her. Gwi- Nam taught Chae how to fight and look after herself. He whined and bitched when he found out she was possibly a better fighter than he was. On-Jo obviously disapproved of her friendship with Gwi-Nam, but she knew trying to boss around her sister wouldn’t work.
They would do stupid shit together. Go to convenient stores late at night and go to the parks late to play around which ended up with them being chased out by the guards. Gwi-Nam cared for Chae deeply, he knew about her silly crush on Wu-Jin and pushed her around on it. He was a good person, but Chae distanced herself when the bullying around school got out of hand. When Jin-Su attempted to end his life, Chae had enough, she didn’t know about anything else the bullies did. But she had to distance herself.
“Hey, wanna go to the park tonight?” Gwi-Nam throws and arm over her shoulder.
Chae shakes her head,” Not feeling well,” she lies.
“Bullshit. Who’s giving you a hard time? Need me to beat them up-“
“I have my period, I want to be left alone. “ she takes his arm off her.
“Okay. Call me when you’re home,princess. “.
Gwi- Nam was a good friend her. She just wished he had listened when she said to get away from his bully friends. Deep down Chae was hurting, she just wished Gwi-Nam treated people how he treated her.
End of flashback
Chae-Young noticed blood on the Professors sleeve alongside some bite marks. She grabs On-Jo’s arm and pulls her back. “Sir… y- your arm,” Chae points.
“It’s fine it’s just a scratch,” he looks at the students around him.
“Don’t lie. Those are teeth marks,” Chae points to his sleeve.
“Leave. Please leave. “I-Sak points to the door. The professor scoffs and steps forward,” I’m fine. “
“Leave!” Chae snaps.
“Fuck you!” The professor shoots back,” I’m fine!” Again, a lie. On-Jo gets her school bag and whacks him in the head with it.
“Stupid bitch!” he charges for her, Chae stands between him but he fell to the ground and started twitching.
“Stand back!” Cheong-San pulled the girls back. The professor got up again, this time he was a zombie. He charged at Min-Jae and started biting her face.
“No!” Chae pulls him off her,” Y-You’re gonna be okay,” she sniffles, now panicking, cradling her best friend.
“I don’t wanna die. Please, I don’t wanna die,” Min-Jae cries. “Ah!” She screams and does the same thing the professor did. The sickening noise of bones cracking filled the classroom. Cheong- San held the reanimated version of the professor against a wall with a chair.
“No, Min-Jae!” Chae felt her heart shatter into pieces as Min- Jae’s body started twisting in inhumane ways, she jumps up and lunges at Chae. The two girls topple over a table. Chae winces as her back hits the ground hard.
“Chae!” I-Sak pulled On-Jo back. Min-Jae was torn off of Chae by Dae-Su. He could see the pocket knife jammed into her neck. Chae’s vision became blurry as she stood up, tears poured down her face. “I’m sorry,”’she sniffles, pulling her knife out again and jamming it into Min-Jae’s skull. She wished she didn’t have to do it, but she knew it wasn’t her best friend anymore.
Wu-Jin walks over and pulls Chae away, she clutched into him and sobbed. “We need to get out of here. “he whispers in her ear. Chae nodded and they all readied up. Chae fixes her backpack and takes On-Jo’s hand.
“Fuck, shit!” Chae hisses as she pushes zombies away forcefully as On-Jo was reaching to grab the hose to break the lock. On-Jo runs back and starts hitting the lock until it popped open. She grabs Chae by her cardigan and they all ran into the class.
“Ah, I’m so tired. “Gyeong-Su complains, taking a seat beside her and laying his head in her lap.
“You’re just lazy,” Na-Yeon interjects.
“He’s no-“
“I’m lazy? Me? Says the one who’s been sitting there doing nothing. “ he argues back.
“Both of you shut up!” Chae snaps, she was tired of hearing Na-Yeon complain all day as it was and now she’s stuck between them having a lovers tiff.
“I’m not one of them,” I-Sak says and walks to a mirror.
“What?” Chae stands up, causing Gyeong-Su to bump his head on the chair. He rubs his head and stands up too.” I’m not, On-Jo,” blood started coming from I-Sak’s nose, On-Jo ran and hugged her best friend rightly as tears fell from her eyes.
“I wouldn’t bite you, why would I bite you?” I- Sak was scared. “I- I’m not like them,” she cries.
“Maybe you hit your no-“ On-Jo yelped as I-Sak did exactly what Min-Jae did. I-Sak got back up and ran for On-Jo. Wu-Jin pulls Chae back and Cheong- San battled with a zombified I-Sak. Eventually she was flung from the window and On-Jo grabbed her hand.
“On-Jo, let go!” Both Cheong-San and Chae- Young ran over and grabbed her so she wouldn’t fall. On-Jo was too upset to speak. She gripped onto I-Sak until Cheong- San moved for a moment and grabbed a chair. He started hitting I-Sak until she fell to the courtyard below.
On-Jo walked away followed by Chae, who just wanted to comfort her sister. “I have nobody now. Nobody is alive that I like. “On-Jo cries. Chae felt a pang in her heart at her sisters words. They have been best friends since the womb, quite literally. “Y-you have me and dad,” Chae softly smiles.
“You’re just my sister,” On-Jo buried her head in her arms and cried silently.
“Screw you,” Chae mutters and walks to the under end of the classroom.
“I’m not going without her,” Chae looks down at the rope, then back to On-Jo, “I’ll bring her, go,” Cheong-San assures her, patting her back.
“If I fall, I’ll stab you,” Chae was terrified of heights. She jumps up and steadies herself before slowly climbing down. Wu-Jin and Dae-Su pulls her down.
“Oh god, I didn’t die,” she hugs Wu-Jin happily, grateful she didn’t die, and watches On-Jo step in. The student’s waited for what felt like an eternity for Cheong-San. But instead, corpses flung down. Chae covers her mouth in shock.
Did she just witness Cheong- San die?
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
When the Dead Come Knocking || Jang Wujin
Part One
Part 2 part 3 part 4
Pairing: Wu-Jin X Reader
Genre: horror, gore, fluff
Warming: Death, violence, cursing, blood
Summary: Nam Chae-Young had an obsession with everything gore since she was a little girl, little did she know that one normal day at school would turn into the worst day of her life. Fighting to survive shouldn’t the that hard, right?
Nam Chae-Young, sister to On-Jo, always had an obsession with horror, zombies specifically. Chae-Young’s favourite’s were The Walking Dead and Train To Busan, although she didn’t appreciate how fast the zombies were in Train To Busan because she was so lazy.
“Ah, On-Jo, Cheong-San, slow down!” she huffs annoyed, the two were way ahead racing to school so they weren’t late. Cheong-San stuck out his tongue at her and ran across the road leaving On-Jo and Chae-Young behind. They were late again, but that didn’t matter, because Chae-Young would lie their way out of trouble anyways.
“You both are always late,” Mr. Jung scoffs, counting the other students behind them.
“We’re sorry, Sir. On-Jo lost her school bag, so we spent a long time looking for it,” Chae- Young lies. From the bags under her eyes, it was clear Chae-Young was up all night rewatching The Walking Dead, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Go on,” he beckons them forth.
“You’re so obvious when you lie,” On-Jo scowls, taking her hair out of a low ponytail and running after Su-Hyeok.
“Bye!” Chae called, pulling out her phone and scrolling through TikTok.
“Hello!” I-Sak throws an arm sound Chae- Young’s shoulder, frightening her. “Hello,” she smiles, locking her phone and entering the classroom.
“You’re dirty! Get off my desk!” Na- Yeon screams at Gyeongsu-Su. Chae-Young frowns and takes a seat in front of Dae-Su and Wu-Jin, beside Nam-Ra. How Na-Yeon treated Gyeongsu-Su irritated her a lot. He was a nice boy and she just hates him for no reason.
“Hey,” a piece of paper hit Chae in the back of the head. Huffing, she turns around to see Dae-Su,”Your new TikTok was a masterpiece. I mean, how you made that edit of Walking With The Dead,” Dae-Su smiles.
“It’s The Walking Dead, Dae-Su, and thank you,” she smiles. Dae-Su and her were great friends, they’d always pull pranks on Bare-Su and make him angry.
Mrs. Lee hurried into the class telling everyone to hand up their phones. Sighing, the students obliged. All apart from Dae-Su and Chae. Chae had two phones, like Dae-Su, but she used her old one for TikTok’s.
“Thank you,” Mrs. Lee smiles, watching each student closely.
Chae zoned out after that, keeping her head down and slowly drifting off, only to be woken by gasps. She tiredly lifts up her head to see what was going on. At the door Hyeon-Ju wobbles in and falls to the group with blood on her face. Mrs. Lee quickly runs to her and examines her,” What happened? Are you okay?” she gasps.
Hyeon-Ju seemed out of it, muttering about how the Science Teacher knocked her out and tied her up. Chae stood back with a puzzled look, she didn’t know what to think. Hyeon- Ju was one of the schools bullies too, so could Mr. Lee really be crazy enough to do that out of anger? Maybe.
“We should get her to the nurse,” On-Jo and I-Sak say together as Su-Hyeok agreed to carry her. And off they went. Chae-Young was surprised On-Jo offered to go as she was an Introvert and Chae-Young was an Extrovert.
“I’m sure you’re happy you finally decided to come in today,” Gyeong-Su nudges her. “Something interesting is finally happening. “He smiles.
“Apart from the fact that Mr.Lee is a crazy serial killer!” she slaps his back.
“Or he could’ve made her film porn!” Dae-Su speaks up, earning a slap off both Wu-Jin and Chae-Young.
Lunch time came around rather quickly and to Chae-Young’s disappointment, On-Jo had nothing of interest to share. Dae-Su, Min-Ji and Chae-Young decided to sit in the Courtyard and enjoy lunchtime there.
“Hey guys, today Dae-Su going to give a review on last weeks episode on The Walking Dead!” Chae says to her phone camera. Her and Dae- Su found joy in making videos to post to TikTok together. Sometimes he would film covers and she would film her opinions and small skits about The Walking Dead.
About a minute into the video, a scream came, causing the two to stop and Min-Ji to put down her chopsticks. Chae stopped filming and looked around in concern. From the schools entrance, students flooded out screaming in fear. The trio jumped up and ran toward the school.
On- Jo
Chae- Young’s concern for her sister grew more and more as she seen hundreds of students covered in blood. What was happening? A student bumped into her, sending her to fall. Her eyes spotted the pocket knife that fell from his pocket and she quickly picked it up.
“This way!” Dae-Su pulled her inside.
“Nabi! What’s going on?” Chae spots one of her friends ahead. The girl turned around and blood poured from her mouth and she charged at them. Chae dodges her and watched as she starts biting and tearing someone’s neck out.
“Holy fuck…. Zombies.” Chae gasped.
“Why are they faster like in The Walking Dead?!” she screams scared, she was filming for her TikTok as the zombies chased her in the back,” Someone send help!” The camera went blurry as they were sprayed with a fire hydrant.
Hey guys! I’ve no idea how to use Tumblr (writing wise), this is just an introduction type thing. Anywho, please be patient. Chae is a bit of a crackhead if you couldn’t tell 😂. I’m sorry if things are misspelled, I’m just experimenting atm, so lmk what you think.
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
I think I might make a Wujin story. It’ll be very bad, because I’ve never written on here before so I’m not familiar with the layout!
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chishiyasdiamond · 3 years ago
There ain’t enough Wujin fics 😭
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