chilewaterights · 2 months
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Less than 3% of water on Earth is freshwater yet many companies have free reign to pollute it with harsh chemicals that make it undrinkable :(
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chilewaterights · 2 months
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chilewaterights · 2 months
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Chile isn't the only place at risk. Water scarcity is a global issue so we must all work together to address it, before it's too late.
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chilewaterights · 2 months
Electric vehicles, and other green infrastructure, need the copper that comes from Chilean mines so ending mining isn't the answer for addressing climate change. This video is a great resource for learning about a sustainable model for mining, instead of using drinking water some companies are now using sea water which is a great advancement that will help free up more water for human, animal, and plant use. Sustainable mining can be done and more companies should be adopting sustainable practices instead of relying on their old, polluting ways. An issue this video brings up is that only 53% of copper is recycled! You can help by recycling old electronics so that the need for mining is reduced. We cannot only rely on companies to make changes but we must also make changes on the individual level.
@pickaxe-mining-official Please encourage your company to adopt this practice of using sea instead of fresh water to mine with!!!
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chilewaterights · 2 months
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chilewaterights · 2 months
In this news clip from just ONE month ago you can hear a first-hand account from a local farmer about the dire water situation. By 2040, Chile is at risk of running out of water due to the decreased rain and snowfall. While locals want to continue to live in Chile, that soon may not be possible unless green infrastructure solutions (such as reforestation and wetland restoration) are implemented.
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chilewaterights · 2 months
Forget about the economy, what about the people who need water to survive? We must prioritize humans over profit!
Why have you stripped my community of their access to water? Climate change has led to increased droughts and we need access to what little water we have left!!!
Mines need water to operate. Without it, it would cost much more to extract the minerals we export to support the economy.
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chilewaterights · 2 months
“El agua, el agua, el agua, es un derecho, no un negocio, no un privilegio” -> “Water, water, water, is a right, not a business, not a privilege”
+Please read this article so you can understand my struggle! Chile is the only country in the world with a privatized water system, for us drought means death! We need a new constitution that honors the rights of nature and condemn the mining companies. Privatization must end now.
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chilewaterights · 2 months
CHEM 191: Special Topic—Chemistry and Climate Change
Maeve and Shaunna's Final Project (please Professor Keller give us an A+)
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