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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
“The free food an’ hopefully alcohol is also a good perk t’leaving while he’s in the bathroom, yeah?” He grinned, turning his head in the direction of her voice. “Bet he’ll STILL think it was your fault. ‘Women out tryin’ to steal my money, get a free meal’. That kinda shit.” He sighed, taking another long sip of his wine. He felt for the table with his hand to set the glass down gently. 
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“Oh definitely,” Halle agreed, standing to go grab a fresh bottle of white wine from the fridge. “I had multiple glasses of wine, just to get me through.” She chuckled as she returned, “Speaking of wine I have another bottle. Do me the honour of drinking more with me so we can continue talking shit? You can stay in the spare room.” She poured herself another glass and glanced back at Val then, sighing heavily at his comment. “Sadly, I think your statement is very accurate. He seemed the type unable to take criticism on himself so I’m almost positive he is going to pin the failure of the date on me.”
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
TED: Sparkling Water
Describe what qualities you look for in a person:
This is an interesting one but I generally look for someone who’s passionate about what they do, with whom I can have a meaningful conversation, and above all else someone who is kind to others. 
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
LYRA: Italian Soda
Describe your dream date:
A perk about being a lesbian is that women know how to take you on a good date. The last date I went on she took me to the park and we had a picnic. She had brought along food she’d made herself, like pie and cute little sandwiches and an avocado salad. I was drooling. We talked for hours then went back to hers for a couple drinks before going out to some lesbian bars. It was pretty sick, until she broke my heart but y’know, girl knew how to treat you right, briefly.
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
HALLE: Mint Tea
How do you relax?
A spa day usually does the trick. But a glass (or a bottle) of red wine, a roaring fire, and an interesting book is also a good way to go.
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
Specify Lyra, Halle or Ted.
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
Roman shook his head, leaning back and sipping his champagne. “That seems quite unfortunate. I’d maybe do a bit more background checks on the men you decide to take out. At least you found a getaway.”
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“What kind of background check?” Halle asked, raising an eyebrow. “Like, stalking his social media pages? I didn’t know his surname and I’m a thirty-two year old who wouldn’t know how to get around that first hurdle.” She chuckled and reached for the olives, spiking one on a cocktail stick to pop into her mouth. 
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
Val groaned, feeling for his glass of wine and taking a long, regretful sip. “’s disgusting. I love when people make gross jokes at me, thinkin’ I’m a cis man who wants t’hear about their misogyny. ‘s even more idiotic t’say it at a DATE. I wish you’d smacked him over the head with the bottle, though. Way more fun.” Val grinned, leaning back in his chair comfortably. 
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“It would have certainly improved the night had I been granted that privilege. Alas, my public image and career would have suffered, and I am not about to let an absolute pig of a man come between me and my success,” she said easily, winking across the table at Val. “I did leave him with the bill, and hopefully the crushing reality that no woman in their right mind would sit through his derogatory remarks.”
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
“Bumble? That’s a new one on me. I’ve heard of Tinder, but I think that’s it.” Harrison had never really been a dating app kind of guy, he was never really looking for anyone. If he met someone naturally, he would just roll with it and see how it went. “If you want, I could set you up with someone from the precinct. There’s a few eligible bachelors down there, I’m sure they’d love to take you on a date. They’d have to pass Harper’s test first, which could be a problem, but I swear they’re all nice dudes.” He let out a chuckle, shaking his head, only stopping at Halle’s comment about him. “I can be pretty awful at times, I’m sure your sister has told you all about it. But, there’s definitely still good guys out there, you just gotta know where to look.”
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“I downloaded it in an attempt to branch out and ‘put myself out there’ more,” Halle said, cringing and sighing heavily. She raised a single eyebrow at the suggestion of being set up though. If any of these men made it past Harper’s ‘test’, as Harrison so put it, that could mean there might be some decent pickings. “You’d do that for me? I’m definitely up for it if Harper agrees on the guy. I’m feeling more and more as if I shall be alone forever, so I’ll take the shot.” She smirked a bit then, “I will not spill what Harper has or has not told me but I do know you love her, and ultimately you treat her right. And that’s what matters to me.” 
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
“If I were you, I would’ve punched him.” Stella scoffed, shaking her head. “I don’t know where men get off thinking they can talk to people like that. It’s such bullshit. Honestly, getting outta there was the best thing you could’ve done. I hope you left him with the bill and blocked his number so you didn’t have to hear about it after.”
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“If it didn’t put my image and career at risk, I may well have,” Halle smoothly replied, shrugging and smiling in an exasperated manner. She was growing more and more tired of her lack of lucky in the love department. As Bonnie Tyler wisely once said: Where have all the good men gone? Halle truly did not know. “I did indeed leave him with the bill, blocked his number and even went as far as to delete the dating app we met on. I’m ready to give up, Stella. I’m telling you now.”
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
Hearing what the other went through just made Jax widen his eyes. “Yeah, guys can be jerks, like really big jerks.” He scratched the back of his head before saying, “Glad to know you got out of there.” Jax then made a face before asking, “How did you even meet that guy and how did he get passed a talking phase, if any? I mean, he seemed very rude.”
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Halle finished her glass, filling it up again from the bottle of champagne before offering it out as if to fill Jax’s glass too at his approval. “Huge jerks,” she agreed, rolling her eyes as she leant back, crossing her legs the opposite way. “I met him on a dating app, whereupon he came across as mildly okay and I am apparently at that point of desperation where mildly okay lures me to the restaurants and bars to meet these underwhelming, and as in this case frankly disgusting, single men.”
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
cas: you know the way to my heart
cas: be there in five
lyra: see you soon bub
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
cas: we are superior in every way
cas: we will never stop winning
cas: & ily2 babe
lyra: duh
lyra: now get over here already
lyra: i'm cracking open some wine
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
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“Six and, yes, a student, but they were very serious about it.” She giggled out further. Something about when small children were so serious about topics they hardly grasped the understanding of just made it all the cuter in her eyes. “They were discussing it with one of their classmates when I overheard it. Technically speaking, it wasn’t a complete proposal but a ‘We’re getting married, right?!’ and I told them to come find me when they’re an adult and we would be. That’s as gently as I could manage.”
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“That is so adorable,” Lyra replied, grinning softly at the idea of it. Kids were too precious. She’d always wanted a younger sibling but perhaps that was more of a comment on her relationship with her older brother than her fondness of children. “I don’t imagine it’s always easy teaching kids but moments like that must warm your heart."
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
cas: as long as u still love me 😘😘😘
cas: our baggage can have a lil playdate how cute
cas: honestly we r adorable
lyra: ily babydoll 😘
lyra: oh we are the best
lyra: the gays stay winning
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
cas: honestly u can't cope w/ me high, the clinginess is immense
cas: am annoying enough as is
cas: & i can't just like suck ur cock to make that okay u feel it's a whole other dynamic where i have to be an actually nice person to maintain a friendship
cas: alternatively: pizza
cas: i might have issues
cas: anywayyyyyyyyy
cas: see u laterzzzz
lyra: lmfao
lyra: i like you well enough, even tho yes, i would agree you are often annoying
lyra: but it's an endearing kind of annoying
lyra: i may regret admitting that
lyra: pizza yes
lyra: ur baggage can go nicely with mine
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
“Coffee art, huh? What’s your favorite one that you’ve made so far?” Mason asked only imagining the different types of coffee art there could possibly be. The only way he could make his drinks look pretty was by throwing a garnish on top or by the color the drink would end up looking. After she spoke, Mason pursed his lips together and nodded. “Uh, I wasn’t offering that ‘help’. I was saying maybe help with your schoolwork or work work or anything other than that. But nice to know we like the same thing,” Mason winked and laughed, looking at the girl. 
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“Uh, I made a dinosaur the other day that I was pretty proud of,” Lyra replied, smiling softly and shrugging. She’d been working at the cafe many years now that she often played around with the latte pattern. Her shoulders relaxed though at his response, laughing awkwardly. “Right, well, that’s a relief. I mean that you’re not some predatory guy stalking college girls outside the library.  Although, it is kind of odd that you’re offering your help to a random distressed stranger. You don’t even know what I study in order to help.”
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chicagomaisie · 5 years ago
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“School just started up and I’ve gotten my first proposal ever.” The woman began giggling again. Covering her bright smile in a bout of self consciousness when she gave the short story out to the other person. “It was so adorable, I didn’t know what to say.”
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“That is too cute, how old were they? Just trying to figure out if this was serious or one of your students,” Lyra said, a soft smile pulling at her lips before lifting her coffee to take a sip, leaning back in her chair. “I’m guessing it was a student, if so it is absolutely adorable and how did you let them down gently?”
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