chibi-mari-chan · 2 days
New: Search operators for better searching!
We hear you, and we share your frustrations: it’s hard to find a specific post. You know it has a particular tag or phrase, and it was posted on this date, or at least, within a specific year. But you can't find it!
So, today, we’re excited to announce that you can use ✨ advanced search operators ✨ in the search bar now! You can now say potato from:staff year:2021 to easily enjoy that video of a potato being microwaved again.
Before we jump into the details, a couple of caveats to note:
These search operators are only available in the main Tumblr search bar. They don’t work in the search bar in individual blogs.
The search operators only work on posts created in 2017 or later.
OK! Let’s go explore these operators!
Exact phrase match
When you surround your query with regular double quotes (not curly quotes), it will match posts with that exact phrase in the post's text content, or that exact phrase as a tag.
For example, "chappell roan is roan of arc" matches posts with that exact phrase in the content, and also matches posts that have the exact tag #chappell roan is roan of arc.
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Match operator
By default, the query matches the post on either the text or the tags.
You can use match:text to specify you want to search the post content, or match:tags to search the post tags. For example:
sword world match:text looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post content.
sword world match:tags looks for posts with the words "sword" and "world" in the post tags.
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From operator
Use from:blog or from:@​blog to find only posts by a particular blog.
For example, halloween from:staff finds all posts by @staff that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Year operator
Use year:YYYY to find posts from a particular year.
For example, halloween year:2019 finds all posts from 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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Date operator
Use date:YYYY-MM-DD to find posts from a particular date.
For example, halloween date:2019-10-08 finds all posts created on October 8, 2019 that has the word "halloween" in the post content or tags.
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All together
You can combine all the tools above to form even more specific queries:
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Congrats! You’re now a Tumblr search wizard! 🪄
Other syntax
As a reminder, you can already search by a tag, or by multiple tags:
Prefixing your query with # performs a tag search — that is, it will find posts with that exact tag. For example, #star wars will only return posts with the #star wars tag.
You can search for multiple tags at at time. For example, #star wars #art will find posts that are tagged with both the tag #star wars and the tag #art.
You can combine this with the new operators to find what you are looking for!
We will add a guide for this new syntax soon to our Help Center.
Tumblr Patio support
The enhanced syntax makes Tumblr Patio even more powerful. You can now open multiple search columns each with different fine-tuned queries that use the syntax above to get you customized feeds.
We’d love to hear what you think! Please share your feedback in the replies and reblogs of this post, or by reaching out to Tumblr Support.
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
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If they encountered shapeshifters while Toshiro was still in the party
part 2 here
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
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your honour they're a family
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
Disciple Shen Yuan AU but he joins QJ Peak right after Lou Binghe gets pushed into the Abyss. He does NOT know where in the plot he is until it's too late. He's already joined and he can't Just Leave. So he sits himself down and is like "ok new plan, learn as much as possible in the next 5 years and dip before Lou Binghe destroys the sect, got it? Got it."
So he cultivates as hard as he can, turns out he's like a cultivation prodigy. Super cool. He does cultivation things. He gets his spiritual sword. He gets ready to leave and the system won't let him.
The system gives him a mission called "Save Cang Qiong ‼️‼️". So he's freaking out, he thinks he's gonna have to fight Lou Binghe. He's planning his funeral (internally). He's hyping himself up to at least try his best.
Anyway Binghe shows up, gets wife-beamed with the strength of a nuclear missile. Doesn't destroy the sect.
Shen Yuan is very confused when the system pops up with a "Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Important things must be said three times! Congratulations on completing mission 'Save Cang Qiong ‼️‼️'!".
Liu Mingyan writes some bs probably entitled something like "Stuck Between My Shizun and My Demon Shixiong 🥺🥺"
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
A few weeks ago I read a YA book - it doesn't really matter which one exactly -, set in Argentina and Egypt, in the 1880s, and it included a sentence I cannot get out of my head:
[The dress] had a matching parasol, ruffled and useless save for protecting my skin from the sun.
This unassuming sentence, my friends, is one of the stupidest shit I've ever read (I honestly don't know how it slipped past the editor).
On the one hand, like, consider the word itself: parasol. It literally means "to protect against the sun." To say that a parasol is useless save for, you know, protecting you from the sun, is to say something like "a pen is useless save fro writing."
And even that is not useless - a parasol is vital, especially, you know, in Egypt, where 90% of the novel is set. You don't have sunblock in the 1880s, and, vanity put aside... you don't want to end up with a nasty sunburn - hence the parasol. It's not "useless" - it has one specific and very important function - which it fulfills! It doesn't have to do anything else!
And the most infuriating in the whole thing is that you just know that sentences and sentiments like this stem from the misconception that everything women did or wore pre-20th century is the product of the opressive patriarchy and should be condemned. Corsets are yucky. Long skirt are ewww. Parasols are USELESS.
Heaven forbid that all of these things made sense in their given context.
Honestly, I really wanna see some heroines in historical/fantasy books who go, like "no, I feel naked without my corset, it's like my armor" and "you want me to wear pants? I don't know, I'd feel so awkward." And, you know, heroines who thrive in the period specific femininity, instead of trying to dismantle it, because that's so cool.
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chibi-mari-chan · 5 days
SVSS Fic Rec List
I figured I'd make a fic rec list for the Scum Villain fics I've been reading lately, since that's been a large portion of my recent fic reading. It's 90% Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan, I am a simple woman. (I'm calling SQQ Shen Yuan for this list and original!SQQ Shen Jiu, to avoid confusion.)
Multichapter Fics:
Run For Cover--Modern setting, Shen Yuan summons a dangerous demon. Quite a bit of attempted murder!!! 56k.
If Marriage Was an Olympic Sport--Shen Yuan gets wifeplotted into a marriage hunt. Binghe, fresh out of the abyss, joins the fun. 34k.
Tarnished Gold--Binghe schemes against Gongyi-Xiao!Shen Yuan, and tries not to catch feelings. Immensely slow burn but I was living for it. 118k.
Heartbreak and Other Foreplay--Modern setting, Luo Binghe mistakes Shen Yuan for Shen Jiu and seduces him with revenge in mind. The misunderstanding doesn't last too long but it does cause some chaos. Also, this AU still has cultivation (and, notably, dual cultivation). 108k.
raised by winter winds--Shen Yuan transmigrates into a random Qing Jing disciple and becomes Shen Jiu's head disciple (their relationship is a complicated mess). When Luo Binghe arrives, he asks if he can take Luo Binghe as a pet. 35k.
you are who you love--Shen Yuan gets selective amnesia and forgets about Binghe post-canon. Binghe must seduce him in order to cure said amnesia the same way PIDW cures everything. 38k.
Tongfang--Shen Yuan transmigrates into a sickly young master who canonically is supposed to be a murder victim. Binghe is loaned out by Cang Qiong to work there seasonally. 24k.
Oneshots Or Short Enough I'm Pretending They're Oneshots:
Imposter Syndrome--Shen Yuan, Luo Binghe, Shang Qinghua, Liu Qingge, and Yue Qingyuan run into a doppelganger situation (Dungeon Meshi style, apparently, but easy to understand if you haven't watched Dungeon Meshi--I haven't). 11k.
petal and vine--Plant!Shen Yuan with amnesia, after Huayue City. 5k.
right from the start, i gave you my heart--Jinlan City confrontations grow more complicated when Shen Yuan gets pollened by an obedience curse flower. 11k.
I Want You To Be Happier--Shen Yuan gets full blown amnesia in Jinlan City. Binghe claims they're married and runs away with him. 12k.
Medical Diplomacy--Post-Abyss Binghe finagles an arranged marriage with Shen Yuan, leveraging that he can cure Without a Cure. 12k.
Consanguine--Prince!Shen Yuan and now-Emperor!Luo Binghe (they're siblings... sort of) are reunited after some misunderstandings of the past.
suno to zaraa ye phoolon ki vaadi--Plant!Shang Qinghua after Shang Qinghua gets killed, but he starts out as a tiny small child due to some miscalculations. Rare Mobei-jun/Shang Qinghua fic on this list!! 9k.
Cold Hands, Warm Heart--Unable to use spiritual power and stranded in the middle of nowhere, Mobei-jun has to watch while Shang Qinghua gets worsening hypothermia. The h/c is incredible. 16k. Once again MobeiShang!!! 16k.
Plastromancy--Shen Yuan is the Other Shizun in a sort of a Coraline AU. 16k.
I'd be interested in seeing recs from anyone else :D<3
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chibi-mari-chan · 8 days
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I bet octopuses think bones are horrific. I bet all their cosmic horror stories involve rigid-limbs and hinged joints.
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
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Today's catch is Atlantic Salmon!
Handmade with 100% wool felt, only 3 are available and will be made to order!
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
I love going viral on tumblr.com. It’s like if you stood in a field and said some of the stupidest shit a human being is capable of and then like fifty thousand crows attacked you
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
Put an egg in your ramen. Put scallions in your ramen. Put chili oil in your ramen. Put kewpie Mayo in your ramen. But nori in your ramen. Put tofu in your ramen. Put miso paste in your ramen. Put mushrooms in your ramen.
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
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chibi-mari-chan · 10 days
Hey I don’t know if this is being talked about on Tumblr but thankfully the AO3 subreddit has a conversation going about this app that just went live.
TikTok user unravel.me.now has just launch an app (lore.fm) she is calling “Audible for AO3”. It’s an app that uses AI voices to read out fics.
🚨She is requiring any authors who do not want their fics to be on this app to OPT OUT by emailing [email protected] 🚨 🚨She has not given an actual template or how you’re supposed to prove you’re the author or said how her team will process this or how she will keep these requests secure🚨
I do not have this app. I haven’t seen anyone use it yet. According to Reddit users, unravel.me.now’s earlier TikToks stated she envisions the app being able to create libraries stored on that app and to have version of “Spotify wrapped”. That implies that eventually data collection must happen, if it’s not happening currently.
I don’t know the actual capabilities of this app. I don’t know the legalities. I do know that it personally feels like this app is trying to turn AO3 into a content generation source and I haven’t heard of the app allowing you to leave a comment or kudos or interact with the original work.
I’m just sad about this.
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