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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Argument and Resolution
Recently, I had an argument with the GM of my job. It was about the other workers work ethic and had they are lazy and are not presentable. She has made me one of the top shift managers, so I felt like I should have a say on what I see is wrong inside of the store since she is hardly ever there on my shifts. Basically, I told her what I see needs to be done and how it should be done and she had a problem of why I think she should change things. I wasn’t the only mangers that had a problems, so we resolved it by having a manager’s meeting with the workers so that we an address everything.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
This writing project
This composition class has been ok for me. I really do not enjoy writing at all, so I would say that any all previous writing classes were ok for me. However, this class was actually much better than I thought because the mini assignments that we had previously is a big help for the 8 page paper we are doing now. I actually have an outline that I can look to for help when i get off track and I too help me make sure I present my ideas correctly. The only left for me to do is to actually write the paper then it will be a wrap.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
- The television series, The Walking Dead, was created by Frank Darabont who includes characters that are met with difficult situations which requires making morally humane decisions.
Sec. 1
- The Walking Dead is filled with zombies, but also people who are not necessarily the “good” guys because we already have a group that “care about.”
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Against Counter-argument
Making decisions in TWD does involve making group decisions or decisions that are best for the group; however, all of the characters aren’t responsible for everyone’s actions and what they choose to do with their lives. The lives of the characters of TWD are always at stake because of the zombies and other harmful beings, so the characters make decisions based on their own personal safety.
Although the characters in TWD can make their own decisions humanely and morally based on their personal reasons, the characters are a part of a group and make decisions humanely and morally together. They work as a team to survive in the apocalyptic world rather than depending on each of their selves to live.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Counter Argument
The Walking Dead life is filled with incidents that occur naturally or intentionally; however, as humans, the characters should be able to make humane decisions and handle situations with moral intelligence.
- Carol makes a conscience decision to end Lizzie’s life because she would be a potential danger to the group. I think she was thinking morally about the situations because she felt a threat amongst herself and the group. She especially wanted to keep Judith safe from any harm whatsoever. (Morality)
- Rick has to choose either to stay alive and healthy to protect Carl and Judith and also lead this group, or to go insane and basically life a miserable life and die after Lori’s death. (Humanity)
Making decisions in TWD does involve making group decisions or decisions that are best for the group; however, all of the characters aren’t responsible for everyone’s actions and what they choose to do with their lives. The lives of the characters of TWD are always at stake because of the zombies and other harmful beings, so the characters make decisions based on their own personal safety.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
The Walking Dead life is filled with incidents that occur naturally or intentionally; however, as humans, the characters should be able to make humane decisions and handle situations with moral intelligence.
- Carol makes a conscience decision to end Lizzie’s life because she would be a potential danger to the group. I think she was thinking morally about the situations because she felt a threat amongst herself and the group. She especially wanted to keep Judith safe from any harm whatsoever. (Morality) 
- Rick has to choose either to stay alive and healthy to protect Carl and Judith and also lead this group, or to go insane and basically life a miserable life and die after Lori’s death. (Humanity)
- Rick’s decision to save Hershel’s life by chopping his leg and letting him turn. He had to quickly make a decision. (Morality)
- Sasha goes kind of crazy after Tyreese’s death and goes insane doing random things that could threaten her life. (Humanity)
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Thesis Statement
The Walking Dead life is filled with incidents that occur naturally or intentionally; however, as humans, the characters should be able to make humane decisions and handle situations with moral intelligence. (ROUGH THESIS)
In order for me to create a great thesis, I should be able to sum up my entire paper in one sentence. I should most definitely consider my argumentative points and include them in the thesis.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Last night’s episode
Last night’s episode was kind of boring to me. It didn’t have much action to it. The only thing that I was shocked most about was when the doctor lady died and wasn’t able to tell her gf that she loved her back because she was scared to say it. That was so sad, but her and Eugene finally tried to step up to the plate and kill some walkers. Eugene was a little slow about his, so Abraham had to step in and eliminate the walker. I like the fact that Morgan built a jail in the community because it really could give the group more options about outsiders rather than automatically assassinating them on point. Other than those few scenes in last nights episode, it was boring last night. I love to see more of the confrontations and killing masses of zombies.
P.S.: I haven’t seen Carl in a while ???
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Research has found that about 75 percent of the 1000 bicycling deaths that occur each year are caused by severe head injuries. Half of the 75 percent are middle-aged children that probably ride bikes without helmets. Helmets reduce the chances of head injuries by 85 percent because they absorb the shock and acts as a cushion to the head during an accident ("Bike Helmets" 348).
Out of all modern artists, Matisse is the greatest at capturing realism and first hand perspectives in his paintings. "The Casbah Gate" takes one to the walled city of Tangier and the Bab el Aassa gateway including flashy colors and fine outlines (Plagens 50).
How high will skyscrapers rise in the future than the present Sears Tower. However, the design of one twice as tall is already on the boards, and an architect, Robert Sobel, thinks we currently have sufficient know-how to build a skyscraper with over 500 stories (Bachman 15).
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Recap of TWD 3/6
Last night’s episode of The Walking Dead was very interesting because Maggie negotiated this deal prior to this episode as to where the Hilltop people has to give Rick’s group half of there food and in return Rick’s group kills Negan and there people. So in this episode they plan to attack Negan people and kill all of them. Some the people killed humans for their first time since the apocalypse (Glenn and Heeth). Maggie is pregnant, so Carol tries to keep Maggie from combat. Maggie thinks that she has to fight because she negotiated the deal; however, no one wants her to risk losing her unborn child. At the end of the battle part 1, Rick was unexpectedly messaged by a mysterious woman who has captured Maggie and Carol. I think that they could have found a better route to obtain food rather than risking lives. I think that Maggie could’ve came up with a better deal. On the flip side, that might have been her best bet because I think that it was either that or having sex with the man
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Maybe Jenner Was Right
CDC scientist, Jenner, has reached the conclusion that humans have no place in the “real word,” the world full of walkers or zombies. Jacqui and Andrea, two members of Rick’s group, decides that it was time to option out as well; however, Dale was able to talk Andrea out of it before the CDC exploded.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Carol Didn’t Care
Carol kills Lizzie mainly because Lizzie would be a threat to the group. In comparison to killing a dog, people do not actually criticize the dog or think that it has bad intentions; however, the dog may need to be killed for guaranteed safety. If we are highly sensible creatures, we would prefer safety, despite the death of the dog (or Lizzie in this case).
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
My research question
1. My research question is: Do the characters or the people of TWD still practice keeping their humanity and moral intelligence?
2. Moral intelligence could really be discussed for all of the characters of TWD. Each has had a chance to display their moral and immoral ways to some extent; however, most of the time they think of the big picture when deciding upon a decision. They think of their group as a whole and not for them themselves. Humanity in TWD is a major thing to talk about because someone could lose their humanity at any point throughout the series. We as viewers have witnessed all of the characters in TWD lose it. It is all in fear of dying and that the world is ending slowly, but surely. This is what they think at least.
3. I think that they keep their humanity and intelligence in certain scenes or episodes of TWD; however, throughout the series they continue to prove and show that they still are sane and have moral intelligence. It is normal to freak out at certain points in life, but I think that they really do a great job with these aspects. It is really hard to stay human and keeping moral intelligence when it seems like the world is dying slow. With being at risk of dying every minute of every day, the characters of TWD show us that they are very strong human beings and that they are meant to be alive.
4. I stand with TWD continuing to practice keeping their humanity and moral intelligence. They do a great job with these two aspects because they face the risks of death every single day after the apocalypse.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Favorite part of TWD 2/21
My favorite part of TWD lastnight was when Mishonne and Ricks hooks up. I was hoping that they become one for the longest. I was expecting it to happen at some point in time; however, I really did not know when it was going to happen. I think that it happened at a good time during the series because we actually get to see them kickback and actually have a conversation about their day. That, I think, is a great way to incorporate that scene.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Is a hot shower worth it?
I would probably challenge him if I found out that he was stashing heads in tanks and killing people for no reason. I would stay and get people within the community to go against him and overthrow him. I would even try to get his wingmen to be over thrown because what the governor is doing is wrong. It would definitely be beneficial if I knew a guy like Rick and his groups that would be in favor of this as well for backup. Overall, no I wouldn't put up with the governor's mess because I would have still been dealing without it anyways so it really wouldn't matter to me. I would rebel, sneak out with some of the people I trust in the town, and find my friends so we can take over that community and overthrow the governor.
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
Awesome moments on TWD
I really did not get a chance to see the whole episode, but I saw the part where Carl got bit in the eye and Sam and his mother and the other brother died! I was sad, It really was not an awesome moment. However, I think that the awesome part was when the enemy with the “W” on his head saved the little surgeon lady of Alexandria. That’s is all i really saw, but I am so glad I am caught up so I will not have to watch 10 episodes a day anymore lol
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chianti-aumcomp · 9 years ago
What to do with Randal?
During the time of me knowing Randal on 2 of TWD episodes, I would decide for someone to kill him because he would be a threat to the group. He was apart of a group of people who tried to kill us when we were trying to get Hershel back to the farm. At that time, I would have agreed with Shane against  Del. Del is usually right most of time .... Well, idk because he is a child and it would be morally wrong to brutally murder a child or leave them on the streets somewhere for walkers to bait on him. I think that both had a point, but now I think I should side with Del because since he is a minor, I think that it would be really easy to threaten him into staying with our group and to not stray away and tell his "ex-group".
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