cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 10
I did not create a 3D print of my design so I decided to paint my clay model. This may of been the biggest mistake of my university degree so far. I am going to give warning to the whole class, don’t spray paint half wet clay. The reason for the “half wet” part of that sentence is due to my sister taking the lid off my original bottle and using my clay for her own fun, in an attempt to salvage my project I spray painted it and the clay and paint created drips and runs and ruined the whole aesthetic. See below 👇
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Because that turned out so shockingly I decide to take my STL file from the 3D max tutorial in week 9 and make some renders of what my bottle would look like if it wasn't deformed. 
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I wish I had printed this and created a foam model because I know that I would've enjoyed it a lot more however the renders didn't turn out that bad. 
This class has really helped me establish a way of reflecting and bettering my learning by comparing it to other students. The peer learning from these activities allowed me to learn from other people mistakes and my own to almost speed the process up. I found the course rich in technique and hands on learning and it has given me a much larger range of skills and ways of thinking and tackling problems. I will use this knowledge to create richer and more meaningful designs because I now have the capability to draw an orthographic projection of a specific design, and model and render and create different solutions digitally and by hand. 
This class has shown me that documenting and learning from your own work is a crucial part of development, I have seen that the more time and precision you put into something, the more reward you get out of it. My first set of sketches were not reflective of my ability and the second time round when I put the effort in, I could see that I appreciated the learning and skill a lot more. Thanks Rob and Miles for teaching me I really enjoyed this semester. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 9
This week I found almost more challenging than the clay work. 3D max was a whole new level of confusion for me, I’ve been using fusion since year 10 and changing software was a complete head-spin, however in saying that I ended up with a more complex design than I originally started with and thats thanks to the ease of manipulation in 3D max. 
I started off with learning the pure basics and following along with some tutorials, I found that the mac conversion software Citrix was extremely laggy and I had to exit the programme 3 seperate times. After tackling the lag I started to really have fun and manipulate and distort the sphere, it is a lot easier than fusion in terms of distortion. 
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I decide to take what I had learnt and transfer it into my bottle, I used a couple of manipulation techniques on my original design however the main two were, “Squeeze” and “Taper”. By adding these modifications my bottle had more dimension and really started looking a lot less “flat”. 
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I then exported my design to Cura and created a 3D print “demo” because I am in Perth and cannot print and collect. I decided ti create a gif of the layering process to understand it in more detail. 
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This software is extremely easy to use as the object is centred and on the correct plane. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 8
For week 8 we had to digitally create out physical models, I used a mixture of measuring actual measurements and photos to create my fusion 360 model. My model was very simple because I was extremely uncomfortable with shaping clay. 
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I started out with a sketch, which was made from the dimensions and angles from my physical model. I curved the edges to match the way I had sculpted it. 
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I decided to render my bottle with the property of ABS so that i could get an understanding of how the final product would look. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 7
Task One:
The first part of the task was to create the stencils for the bottle models, I measured and cut my templates out of grid paper to ensure that the bottle was accurate to my previous sketches. 
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Task Two:
Unfortunately I could not get ahold of the EPS foam, Rob suggested that I try using air drying clay. Ive used clay before but never to mould and shape an actual form, before I started I watched two videos on clay sculpturing which gave me some guidance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFKnG-vENUw&t=36s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n7apcgQiz0&t=65s) 
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I tried multiple techniques to sculpt the bottle, I used some knives and fishing wire to create clean lines, the most difficult part to shape was the curve between the lid and the body of the bottle. I then wet my hands with water and moulded and curved the edges slightly chamfering them.
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The final product came out slightly rough I’d say, I spent a lot of time trying to hand smooth the edges but my finger prints and impressions continuously “lumped” the bottle. Towards the end I was using the back of a knife to try and shape the surface, this gave a amore smooth finish. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 6
Non Teaching week
Activity 1:
My maker space unfortunately is the one side of the dining room table, it has its perks, its close to the kitchen so a snack is never too far away. Due to corona I have had to move home to Perth and my family threw out my desk, so to organise myself I have an old suitcase I bought and I pack everything away in it. Its pretty full because I seem to hoard stocks of paper however it has pretty much everything I could ever want. 
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Activity 2:
The Eric Strebel video really attacked my foam cutting technique, so Im glad I watched the video because theres no excuse for half sawn off edges. creating the cube was actually really hard, I thought that it wouldn't take too long however it really did, I am not a precise person and a cube needs to be, so I did have to redo this one. I learnt that accuracy and patience is the key to success in model making, and I cant stress it enough. 
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The first thing I did was mark out my faces and created a simple outline, next I cut out my pieces and left a mm on each edge extra for my 45 degree angle. The cutting of the angle was torturous (Fig.2), I messed up so many times that I had to watch another video to cut properly “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1kTkKlTkGs”. Once. I had all my pieces I glued it together, this part I found the most easy and peeling off the tape was so satisfying the end result I think looked clean and neat, however if I was to repeat it I would definitely make sure that every edge sat flush to one another. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 5
This week we are exploring freehand drawing, the tasks challenged me and pushed me to think in a different way. 
Activity one: 
The first task we were asked to draw various things, the first being straight lines by drawing free hand (Fig.1). I learnt that locking your shoulder and elbow could give you the straightest outcome but I do need a lot more practise. This paired with the dot activity (Fig.2) I found that rotating the paper also really helped to ensure a straight line, and looking where your next point is. The other tasks helped develop a sense of depth to my drawings, and taught me to give shapes volume. The perspective task (Fig.4) made me realise how difficult drawing in perspective is.
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Activity Two: 
The Olay bottle activity I found extremely fun, it challenged me to think and adapt to the task. I started out with concept sketches and drew multiple different versions and tried to stay within the constraints. I used the knowledge from the previous task to add volume and imply depth and curves to my bottles. The first attempt I deemed shabby and I think its because I wasn't fully feeling my pencil, once I changed over to pen I had a lot more success. I have always found that sketching in pencil frustrates me because I get lead on my hand and I drag it across the page so pen for ideation makes me happy. I then decided to add colour and it really came to life.
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The second stage for me was to develop some of the sketches in a bit more detail. I ended up with 4 shapes, that I needed to digitally render. Again I decided to colour them and grid them into the size restraint of 100mm x 65mm.
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After I had made my drawings I realised that to make the fourth bottle on photoshop was a bit out of my comfort zone. With the tutorial I had to watch it back at least 3 times and find other help online, some of Robs tools were hidden which meant I couldn’t fully understand the tutorial. The photoshop composition I found extremely hard, I can do this in illustrator however photoshop is a whole new ball game. 
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If I had more time, I wouldn’t make it as dark as I have, however I think it really implies form. Another thing I’d do again is to try and draw with my tablet and see if I have better success with my line work, I only realised about the smooth tool at the end! The activity has helped me develop so many skills all in one class.
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 4: Perspective
This week we are learning about drawing in perspective. I have drawn in perspective before but never with the knowledge of using a station point and an eye level. In school we just used two simple vanishing points, I can see how this new method is a lot more complex and precise. 
Activity 1:
We had to create the chamfered box from week 3, I found the physical learning stronger when told to use the box we made in week 3. This was used to understand the rules of perspective and sketch it accurately. The only problem I found with this part, was the angle of the lines coming down from the top view. I wasn’t sure where that angle came from so I assumed it was at 45 degrees. 
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Activity 2:
The second activity was relatively easy, I drew the box and placed it into the perspective grid. To better understand that the closer to the vanishing points the smaller the object gets, I drew another box on the left of the original. It really highlighted the size and what happened closer to the vp. 
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Activity 3:
For the third activity I decided to look at some of my peers work and I found Maddy’s was really good. She made a lot of different boxes and placed the circles on all of them. I thought this was a great idea of understanding the ellipses in perspective so I gave her method a go. I found that it was a great method and helped me build a new skill!
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 3: Part 2
Secondary Auxiliary Views:
I found the first part of this task quite easy, in terms of placing the orthographic-projections down and laying them out correctly. I struggled severely at grasping the concept of the Auxiliary view so I read back on the slides, and still could not understand. I went to youtube and found a video which was extremely helpful. It merged 2D with 3D to understand the concept. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8YeCa0tB0I)
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Once I half understood the concept I tried to execute it, in the video I saw a really cool technique used with the ruler and set square. I  implemented this technique and got really great results. 
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After I had finished my drawing I created the chamfered box out of paper and I am ready to bring it to class.
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 3
This week we have been learning another drawing perspective and techniques, I found these activities challenging because of the shape but once I had my first sketches down I began to understand in more depth.
Activity 1:
The first part of the activity I found challenging because I kept placing my objects too close together and then they would over lap. So I re drew it 3 seperate times. I think the placement in the end worked out nicely.
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Activity 2:
The auxiliary view I didn't understand the concept until I actually did it, this allows the viewer to see the correct dimension sizes and understand the shape in more detail.
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 2 Studio Tutorial
This is the second week into the course, and we are focusing on third angle projections. The lecture helped me understand the right instruments to use, and gave me helpful tips for the activity.
Activity One: 
The first activity was to create a box around our chosen object, I decided to make my box out of cardboard because its more rigid, and I read the instructions wrong. The box is a great way of remembering what the term “Third Angle Projection” actually is. 
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Activity Two:
The second part was to create a sort of scaffolding of dimensions and layout. I found this extremely helpful creating a sort of template for the final activity. 
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Activity Three:
The final sketch turned out okay, I still cant find a compass to out a pen into, so my circles are disappointing to say the least. I forgot to add the scale to my final drawing as well. 
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cheyz5303470 · 4 years
Week 1 Studio Tutorial
This is the first week of the course, and so far I am enjoying the workflow and style of learning. I struggled in school grasping technical drawing terminology, however I have hopes that I may retain some sort of information over the duration of this semester.
Activity 1:
The first shape I found daunting, purely because I couldn’t find a protractor. Once I had found the tool, it became easier. I would like to work on the accuracy of my line work so that I can produce a perfect star if I was to try again. Another thing I can work on is measuring accurately so that I’m not even 1mm out.
The second shape I found a lot easier because I used a compass, the difficulty was tracing over it in pen, because I didn’t have the correct tool. This is why the second figure had to be done half free hand. Ideally I would use a compass that could take a pen so that the outline was perfect.
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Activity 2:
I found this task much easier, the grid paper lined up so that the equilateral triangles all matched up. I decided to stencil out one copy onto coloured card to see what effect it had, I would like to do more for a more striking result.
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