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Gally x (fem) reader - Jobs
Y/N hadn’t been in the glade long. Long enough to be trialling the different jobs with the keepers though. So far she’d tried helping Fry in the kitchen which would have gone okay if she hadn’t burnt everything, gardening with Newt and Zart, building with Gally but today was with in the blood house. Y/n was okay with blood, its just a thing that most living things have after all. However, she were most defiantly an animal person who most certainly did not want to be dealing with the freshly killed meet.
“Gally, please please let me come build with you again today. I won’t be able to handle it in there. I swear I’m gonna be sick just thinking about it”.
“Y/n, you’ll be fine. Everyone had to have a go at everything before they got their job anyway”
“But you’re a keeper! Can’t you just say that I did so well when I was working with you and you recommend I just start working as a builder right away?”
“You want me to go against Alby’s rules?” Y/n nodded her head enthusiastically “Nope can’t do that. Even if I could, don’t you remember your day building?”
Thinking back Y/n remembered how physically draining it was as a builder, a lot of lugging the building materials around (most of which she needed help to carry). Other than the difficulty carrying items y/n remembered the large amount of splinters she had received that day along with the bruises and the still black finger nail from using the hammer poorly. Despite Gally’s usual tempter towards others in the glade, y/n realised that day that he didn’t take that tone with them. Rather than cracking down on them and complaining she were doing everything wrong, he actually helped. This was nothing like what y/n had expected based on what the other graders had said. “You did well in the gardens today y/n, tomorrow won’t be so easy building with Gally though” said Newt. Chuck pipped up “he was so mean to me when I was trialing builder, it was worse than when I passed out in the blood house. Good luck tomorrow. You’ll need it.”
Turning back to Gally “okay so I’m not the best builder in the world but I can assure you that I’d be a better builder than working in blood house and I’m sure Id be an even better builder this time around now that I know what I’m doing” y/n pleaded.
“Sorry y/n still not gonna tell Alby that you should drop be a builder and not give it a go in the blood house. Plus by the sounds of it there leaning towards making you a trackhoe anyway so doubt you’ll be in the blood house again after today.”
“You’re not help. I think ill go find Newt and plead my case to him instead them,” y/n grumbled turning away from Gally. He caught her wrist and looked at them with an odd expression that y/n couldn’t read. She’d only been in the glade for about a week and she don’t remember seeing Gally look at them like that, nor anyone else for that matter. Confused y/n huffed. “Fine, ill go to the blood house. But when I pass out or worse vomit everywhere you better come visit me the med jack hut.”
With that y/n met Jeff outside the blood house. “You ready for this y/n?”
“Not really Jeff but im here anyway. Ill do my best but no promises that I’ll be any good or that you won’t have to take me to the med jacks as soon a I see a dead animal”
With that she went inside. The smell instantly made y/n want to hurl. “Oh please its not that bad”
“That’s because you’re use to the smell Jeff.”
Surprisingly y/n had made it to lunch time without needing a visit to the med jacks. What was even more of a surprise was that Gally came to meet them at the blood house to go to lunch together. Normally y/n would eat with the group of where ever she were working that day. “Not at the med jacks yet I see” Gally remarked.
“Haha very funny Gal.”
The rest of the workers from inside the blood house exited and started to make her way over to lunch. “All good for me to head over for lunch Jeff?” Y/n asked poking her head back inside the blood house.
“Yeah go ahead. I’m just going to finish up this then I’ll be over.”
Y/n turned to Gally and gave him the thumbs up as an okay to head to lunch. As she started to walk over there was a loud crash sound that come from inside the blood house followed by what sounded like Jeff screaming in pain or surprise or both. Gally and y/n looked at each other before turning and running back to check what had happened.
Throwing the doors open, the saw the one of the goats had escaped the pen and had charged right at Jeff. Knocking his knife off the table and sliced his leg in the process.
“Gally, get that goat out of here now!” Y/n yelled before turning to Jeff who was now lying on the ground looking very pale. “Hey Jeff can you hear me?” His only response was a low grumble and a role onto his side. Okay good, he’s responsive y/n thought followed by stripping her shirt off and using it to apply pressure to Jeffs leg that was bleeding heavily. Y/n turned to look toward Gally to see if he had the goat way yet. Thankfully he had but was now staring at her. Only then did y/n remember that she had taken her shirt off. “Don’t just stand there Gally. Give me your shirt, Jeff is bleeding through mine then go get the med jacks!” She yelled at him. It took Gally few seconds to register what y/n had said before he rushed over, looked at them, turned a bight red colour. He was clearly flustered at seeing y/n shirtless. “Gally! Your shirt! I need it to reduce the bleeding.” Just as he was about to take it off others came bursting into the blood house taking in the scene of you sitting shirtless next to Jeff who was bleeding and Gally standing above you about to take his shirt off. “What the hell happened?” Newt asked as the med jacks came over to where you were sitting next to Jeff. You began to explain when you noticed that Gally was still staring at you with blush covering his cheeks. Not the time to think about this you though as you pushed the though out of your mind. Gally snapped out of whatever trance he was in and took over explaining to Newt and Alby what happened. You began relaying what you’d done to Jeff to the med jacks. By the time you had finished explaining Clint told you to take your shirt off Jeff’s leg so he could have a look. Thankfully the bleeding had slowed down that it had practically stopped now. As Clint examined the gash on Jeff’s leg you began to rummage through his med kit to find some wet wipes of some kind so you could get a better look at the cut. “We should get him back to the hut” Clint said to the rest of the keepers that had gathered to look. Once she had retrieved the stretcher and Jeff was on his way to the med jack hut y/n pipped up to ask if she could come along too. “It looks like the cut will need stitches” y/n said.
“We don’t have anything to do stitches with so bandages will have to do” Clint replied.
“I thought that we each got a little sewing kit from wicked when we arrived in the glade and stuff?” Clint, Gally and Newt all paused to look at you confused.
“ You know like the needles and tread packet that was in your pocket? I figured that we were each given one to fix our clothes and stuff?” Y/n replied. “Ill meet you at the hut then” yelled back as she took off running to the homestead where her kit was.
She shortly returned to the med jack hut with the things required for stitches and a new shirt on as well . “Here” y/n said passing the stuff to Clint who looked at the needle then gulped. Y/n watched as he took the needle and thread out of the packet trying to tread it. “Do you need some help? Y/n asked. Clint sighed and handed it back to them. Y/n threads it with ease and tied it off preparing to hand it back to Clint. “Y/n? You know how to do stitches?” Clint asked
“I know how to sow things so it can’t be that different can it?” Y/n responded
“Newt if it’s all good with you I think Y/n should do the stitches” Clint said.
“You’re the keeper of the med jacks Clint, its up to you”
“ You want to give it a go y/n?” Clint asked. You nodded, cast a look at Gally so looked at you, blushed then looked away.
Once you were finished, Clint took over the rest of the care and sent you to go get some now very late lunch. Once you came out of the hut you ran right into Gally.
“Jezz Gal you always waiting for me outside huh?” Y/n said as she looked at him.
“Wanted to make sure you were okay after all that. Wasn’t a pretty sight.”
“ I just hope that Jeff is feeling okay. He’s got some colour back to him now which is good.”
“That good to hear. You did well with all that im impressed.”
“Oh so I impress you huh?”
“That not what I meant”
Y/n nodded and began to walk over to see if Fry had any food left.
“I’m starving, you coming Gal” y/n turned around smiling at him. He just nodded and followed y/n.
Thankfully Fry had saved them some food. Although he did give Gally an odd look that y/n suspected was to do with how he was interacting with them. Y/n tried to make small talk with Gally while she ate but he wasn’t all that talkative.
“You feeling okay Gal?”
“Huh? Oh yeah yeah. Don’t like the sight of blood all that much that all.”
“Ahhh. So nothing to do about you seeing in just a bra then huh?” With that Gally’s face turned bright read. Y/n just laughed.
“I wasnt expecting that okay?” Gal responded in a hushed tone. Y/n placed her hand in on his arm in an effort to comfort him and she felt his body go stiff. She quickly removed her hand but Gally reached for it and just held her hand in his. Y/n looked up at him and smiled sweetly. Gally realised what he’d done and quickly dropped her hand much to y/n’s dismay. He cleared his through and stood up. “I should get back to the builders they’ll be slacking off since I’m not there.”
“Yeah that’s probably a good idea. See you at dinner?” Y/n asked trying to mask to the sadness that their little flirtation was over for the moment but hopeful it would resume later. Gally nodded before turning around.
“Oh and despite what I said earlier I reckon you’ve found your job as a med jack” he looked over his shoulder and smiled before turning away running off to the rest of the builders. Y/n smiled and sighed as she wanted him run off.
“You know I saw all of that right?” Y/n jumped at Frypans comment.
“Oh what ever Fry. Do you want help with those dishes or what?” Y/n laughed and followed him into the kitchens.
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