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cheshmeanahita · 4 months ago
Social language-the varieties of language used for different purposes. The use of different varieties of language to enact and recognize different identities in different settings.
Discourses-ways of combining and integrating language actions and interactions, ways of thinking, believing , valuing, and using various symbols, tools and objects to enact a particular sort of socially recognizable identity.
Intertextuality-when one spoken or written text alludes to quotes or otherwise relates to another.
Conversation-all the talk and writing that has gone on in a specific social group or in society at large around a major theme, debate, or motif.
If it communicates a who and a what then an oral or written “utterance” has meaning .
Who=a socially-situated identity kind of person one is seeking to be and enact here and now. (can be multiple and they need not always be people)
What=is a socially situated practice or activity that the utterance helps to constitute or carry out.
You are who you are partly through what you are doing and what you are doing is partly recognized for what it by who is doing it..
To be a particular who and to pull off a particular what requires that we act value, interaction, and use language in sync with or in coordination with other people and with various object(props) in appropriate locations and at appropriate times.
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cheshmeanahita · 7 months ago
Discourse analysis 3
Saying things never goes without doing things and being things. To understand anything fully you need to know Who is saying it and What the person is trying to do.
That is who the person is and what they are trying to do.
Identity=different ways of being in the world at different times and places for different purposes.
Saying follows from doing and being
While games have rules which determine winners and loser
Practices have “conventions” (I.e rules) to determine who is “appropriately /normal acting and who is not.” (A type of winning and losing)
These practices are ways of saying doing and being
Social goods=anything some people in a society want and value.
All forms of language get their meaning from the games or practices they are used to enact .
In using language social goods are always at stake. That is we can speak or write so as to accept others as “winners” or “losers” in the game or practice in which we are engaged.
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
Discourse analysis questions
1. How is this piece of language being used to make certain things significant or not and in what ways?
2. What practices (activity) or practices (activities) is this piece of language being used to enact(i.e get others to recognize as going on?
3. What identities is this piece of language being used to enact (i.e get others to recognize as operative)? What identity or identities is this piece of language attributing to other, and how does this help the speaker or writer enact his own identity?
4. What sort of relationship or relationships is this piece of language seeking to enact with others (present or not) ?
5. What perspective on social goods is this piece of language communicating?
6. How does this piece of language connect or disconnect things; how does it make one thing relevant or irrelevant to another?
7. How does a piece of language privilege or disprivilege specific sign systems ? Or different ways of knowing and believing claims to knowledge and belief?
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
Irish spelling rules for everyone
between a broad vowel and slender consonant an i is inserted.
e.g.: báid = boats
between í and broad consonant an o is inserted.
e.g.: bíodh = it shall be
between é and broad consonant an a is inserted.
e.g.: féar = grass
between a slender consonant and a an e is inserted.
e.g.: fear = man , fearr = better
between a slender consonant and o an e is inserted.
e.g.: teo = warmer
instead of ó after slender consonants you write eo.
e.g.: éireoidh mé = I will rise
between a slender consonant and u an i is inserted.
e.g.: fliuch = wet
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
Heuristic=A set of discovery procedures for systematic application or a set of topics for systematic consideration.
Aspects of shaping texts
1. Discourse is shaped by the world, and discourse shapes the world
2.Discourse is shaped by people’s purposes, and discourse shapes possible purposes.
3.Discourse is shaped by linguistic structure, and discourse shapes linguistic structure.
4.Discourse is shaped by participants and discourse shapes participants.
5.Discourse is shaped by prior discourse and discourse shapes possibilities for future discourse.
6.Discourse is shaped by media and it shapes the possibilities of its media.
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
Notes on discourse analysis
Discourse analysts often find it useful to divide longer stretches of discourse into parts according to various criteria and then look at particular characteristics of each part
A less literal analysis involves systematically asking a number of questions , systematically taking several theoretical perspectives or systematically preforming a variety of tests
Methodological questions
How are we going to proceed with these analyses?
What questions should we ask, and how should we go about answering them?
Basic questions
1. Why is this stretch of discourse the way it is ?
2. Why is it no other way ?
3. Why these particular words in this particular order?
4. What is the text about
5. Who said it
6. Who is thought to be responsible for what it says
7. Who are the intended audience and who were the hearers of the text
8. Who are the participants in the situation
9. How are their roles clearly defined ?
10. What motivated the text
11. How it fits within the set of things people usually do in this context
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
Discourse analysis basic definitions and notes
Discourse=actual instances of communicative action in the medium of language (narrow definition) . Meaningful symbolic behavior in any mode.(broader definition)
Discourse (Foucault) count noun= conventional ways of talking that both create and are created by conventional ways of thinking.
Ideologies=sets of interrelated ideas serve to circulate power in society . Discourse involves patterns of belief as well as patterns of speech
Speaker=everyone who uses a language to communicate or signal
Questions to ask
What happens when people draw on the knowledge they have about language?
the Knowledge based on their memories of things they have said , heard, seen, written before to do things you in the world (such as exchange information, express feelings, make things happen, etc…)
Discourse analysis= A set of methods that can be used in answering many kinds of questions
( that is we answer questions examining aspects of the structure and function of the language in use)
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
So let’s define some terms in cognitive linguistics
Frame-complex conceptual structures that are used to represent all types of categories including categories for animates, objects, locations, physical events, mental events and so forth.
Attribute-A concept that describes an aspect of at least some category members.
Values-subordinate concepts which represent subtypes of an attribute.
Exemplars-individual members of a particular category.
Valence/argument structure - the number of participants or arguments required by a verb as well as the nature of the arguments that is the semantic roles assumed by those participants
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cheshmeanahita · 9 months ago
A simple fact that we need to remember a toxic system is still toxic and should this be called out and held accountable
do you believe poppys DID?
It's not DID, it's OSDD-1 and it's not my place to verify or invalidate people's diagnoses. It's not helpful for anyone else to do so, either, because then you commit one of the cardinal sins of discourse and they'll spin you off into that value judgment forever.
If you ask me, I would argue that the validity of the system is irrelevant. Even if you have your doubts about it, if you concede to her position, it's still unquestionable that the way she uses her system is manipulative and abusive.
A system needs to be responsible for itself, not send out its attack dog whenever Poppy is frustrated about not being able to yell about something, or its child alter when Poppy feels like her feelings should be handled with kids' gloves.
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