cherxphxbic · 2 years
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cherxphxbic · 3 years
you never deserved me.
i was just blinded by the idea of you,
for years,
so tat i never saw the real you.
but now as i know the real you
i see what everyone else sees
that you never deserved me
because i feel like a bunch of lovely butterflies
and you feel like a graveyard on a cloudy winters day
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cherxphxbic · 3 years
and maybe it was my fault.
you were putting me through hell
and i was okay with it.
as long as i had you.
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cherxphxbic · 3 years
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
to him she was just
some girl, but to her, oh
she saw every one of his flaws
as a perfection.
she had pictured them
together a million times.
she cried until there
was nothing left, unable to
breathe over this boy.
he wasn‘t just another boy to her.
she would do anything for him.
only if she had the chance.
oh but in another world.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
yes i‘ve let go
but there‘s nights where i
curl up into a ball
and i cry
i cry until i can barely
i cry until i feel sick
i cry until my head starts
bounding and my vision
gets blurry
because no matter how
many times i say i hate you
no matter how many times
i try to forget you
the hole you dug up in my
heart will always be there
and i can‘t do anything
about it.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
Did you just come back
into my life again
to make my heart bleed
and reopen old sores
like you always do?
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
i‘m glad
i get to say
i saw a side of you
no one else saw
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
if he‘d find my tumblr,
he‘d finally know
how much he means to me.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
tell me why tf i gotta crave sm for your attention.
why was it always me asking myself „am i pretty enough?“ or „where did we go wrong?“ „does he like how i look?“
i feel like our souls are connected somehow. i can feel when ur sad or you‘re in a bad mental state.
i always wanted to help you to get out of that, but how can you help someone who doesn‘t let you touch their soul?
i got addicted to the thought of you. you gave me so much pleasure and pain at the same time and i still don‘t know how to let that shit go.
they always say „two people who can‘t stay away from each other are two people who are meant for each other“, but what if there‘s only one person who can‘t let go?
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
mood: i wanna travel the world and learn stuff and grow as a person
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
hearing your voice today
felt like my heart was a volcano.
inactive since u disappeared,
but erupted when i heard you talking today.
it‘s dangerous
but you still feel like home.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
and i could write about the most beautiful things.
i could describe everything ethereal in our existing world. i had no limit.
until i met you. you were impossible to capture.
no word ever compared to your soul & there was never a way to lay you down into a sheet of paper & of course i tried, who wouldn‘t?
i felt drawn to writing about you.
and truthfully some of my best poetry is about you, though i could never get it quite right.
you were always so free, never belonging to only me.
you were the poem i never dared to capture. and for this i thank you, for you were the one thing i never saw solely as poetry.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
someday you will get it,
that i was never like the others,
who hurt you and made you trust less.
and when you get it,
you will feel regret.
but it will be too late.
and i‘m sorry,
i‘m sorry that i couldn‘t be
the one to save you.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
why are you
so hard to forget?
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
i‘ll be here.
i‘ll be waiting forever.
‘til you break down your walls
i‘ll be here.
i‘ll be waiting.
‘til you tell me you‘re ready
and lay your hand in mine.
and all the time i spent
waiting for you to tell me
exactly these words,
all the time will pay off.
i‘ll be waiting forever.
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cherxphxbic · 4 years
He wasn‘t my first kiss,
but oh it felt like it.
The taste of his lips
felt like no other.
a feeling
i could never explain,
even if i knew
all of the words in the dictionary.
my soul was waiting for him,
his lips,
his body,
his soul.
oh, how many times i faked
being in love,
but this time,
this time
it was everything but fake.
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