cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
I know no one knows that I've been posting here consistently for a few days but I do and I haven't really posted today because I've been on a train for 6.5 hours and it was horrendous
I'm sure I'll write a poem about it tomorrow or smth but for tonight I'm going to cuddle my dog and go to bed
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
The beeping wakens me from my dream
Groggy and confused I look around the room
I know I heard it but it's gone now
Surrounded in silence and darkness I beg sleep to find me again
But she is gone now
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
Nuh-uh it means I'm a badass
Tumblr media
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
Why are like 4 people I know at Halloween horror nights in florida?! I'm jelous
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
As a child my grandmother tried to teach me how to knit
I would make mistakes and it ended up messy so she would tear oit what I had done and re-do It herself
I never finished the scarf I started
When I got older I tried for years to leaen how to crochet but it always looked bad
My gran said it wasn't so hard and I should keep trying
When she was in hospital for a long time I would go after school and sit there for hours
When she was conscious we would watch TV or a film
All the while I was trying and trying to make something that wasn't a mess
Tearing out my work and starting again the way she used to
My grandmother has been dead for nearly 4 years now
For nearly 4 years I have been able to knit and crochet anything I want
I'm not sure if I believe in an afterlife
I do believe that somehow she managed to pass her skills on to me
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
from around age fifteen i stopped closing my curtains at night
as usual i couldnt sleep so i would look up at the stars and talk to the moon
i sleep much better now but i still dont close the blinds
a different house
different windows
but the stars and moon are still the same
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
When the air is cold and its dark I like to look at the neon signs. It reminds me of those days with you before you turned cruel
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
I step out into the garden hoping to catch a glimpse of the purple and pink streaks meant to be painted across the night sky
Looking up I see a canvas of darkness obscured by the lights surrounding me
I close one eye and try to block out the street lamp with one hand
My view on the sky gets cleared but it is blanketed in dark clouds
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
My mum says I have weird looking toes
She's not wrong
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
Beggs bacon and beans
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cherryicepie ยท 1 month ago
I feel my age these days. I know I'm not necessarily old but I don't feel like I did when I was young you know? The excitement of things. Just feeling alive. This time of year always feels odd to me now, I know I like it but the cold breeze doesn't feel the same anymore
I wish things were simpler
So thats why I'm here, social media these days stresses me out. I was never a tumblr girl even when I was a "tumblr girl" (I saw a lot of tumblr on my pintrest so that's smth ig) I'm not really sure what I'm doing but here I am
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