cherrybluusom Ā· 2 years
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amber appears. posts project sekai. leaves.
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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hoooly shit is that hanasato minori from MORE MORE JUMP! ...i am such a fan....... wow...
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
this is my blog w like four followers so i can say whatever tf i want but can yā€™all stop acting like judaism is an ā€œaestheticā€ like itā€™s perfectly okay to be interested in other peopleā€™s cultures but iā€™ve seen so much stuff on this app by like. people studying religion who arenā€™t actually jewish posting like they know more about it than we do (and in some cases saying things blatantly incorrect) like our religion is rooted in oppression its not ā€œooh pretty hanukkah candlesā€ and ā€œhaha they have holidays just for trees and breadā€ literally people have tried to kill us so many times weā€™re celebrating the fact that weā€™re even alive. historically the fact that i exist is a miracle. jewish people have been oppressed so much that when non-jewish voices try to help, they become too loud and step over us. iā€™ve had enough
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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everything is happening all the time (self portrait)
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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can i get a #FatArt in the chat
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
Do you have any headcanons for Johnny Joestar?
Sure! These are all just my own thoughts, in no particular order and with no particular theme:
Johnny is gender non-conforming and uses any pronouns to express this. Those close to him sometimes call him Joanna when they're being affectionate
He's autistic, which is why she always wears the same hat. It's also why they've worn so much star-patterned clothing since childhood. He just started when he was young, and it became a pattern.
Johnny is definitely definitely definitely bi, she just has that sort of dramatic bisexual energy.
I think Johnny is in some form Cluster B. Some people can interpret him as selfish, but he strongly prioritizes those he cares about, and his care for them is very deep. He has a moral compass, it just functions in a different way than most people's. It takes a lot for him to care about people on an emotional level, but when he does it's very strong!
Johnny won't admit it, but he's absolutely touch-starved and in desperate need of a long hug.
In a romantic relationship, Johnny constantly worries that he is unworthy of his S/Os time and love. They never learned they as an existing person are deserving of love and care. Even friendship is surprising to him, and he has a hard time believing that anyone actually cares about him.
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
a fun fact about teenagers who go through neo-nazi phases is that jewish children and children of color are unavoidably subjected to them in school and other environments, and the harm that they experience as a result is not negligible even if their neo-nazi peers eventually change their minds
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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heyo friends! decided to redo the commission sheet so it fits twitter formatting better, theres only slight price adjustments but nothing big :]
as usual i am allowed to deny any commission at any time without saying the reason
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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Kishibe Rohan
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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Hereā€™s how Giorno in SBR verse can still win as a NYC Italian gangster
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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the kinlist
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
Animals donā€™t train. They have no regimens, supplements, or steroids. Gorillas, Bears, Cheetahsā€¦weā€™ve never seen peak animal.
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
i am beautiful. i am disgusting. everybody is lucky to meet me. nobody can stand dealing with me. i am worthless. i am perfect. i am numb. i have experienced 20 moods in 2 minutes. i hate everybody. i love everybody. iā€™ve never done anything wrong in my entire life. all i do is fuck things up. i consumed 5,000 calories in 10 minutes. i havenā€™t eaten in three days.
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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he's baby... dababy
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
op said it so well please stop leaving the south and rural west out of your activism bc ā€œnobody there cares theyā€™re all badā€ thatā€™s why they need to see it. itā€™s our job to expose them to their wrongs and help them. as a southerner we have so many problems and we donā€™t get the same amount of help as areas with a larger liberal population simply because itā€™s assumed weā€™re ā€œtoo far gone.ā€ include the south in your activism.
Me: "Marginalized people live in rural areas and you cannot forget about them and act like they don't exist. Rural America is not as monolithic as you have been led to believe, and rural issues are infinitely more complex and multidimensional than 'rural people are inherently bad and bigoted.'"
People who apparently can't fucking read: "omg renniequeer said bigotry isn't real!"
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
The DR new swimsuit designs really exposed all the fruity girls and boys I can't
šŸ‘€ where they at tho. Give me links my sweet friend-
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cherrybluusom Ā· 3 years
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