Send me “Boss Battle”, and I’ll post the music that plays when your muse fights mine as a boss.
Alternatively, send me “Reverse Boss battle”, and I’ll post the music that plays when my muse fights yours as a boss.
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Send “☕️” + a TOPIC and my muse will spill their honest thoughts and opinions on it
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some scribbles
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Reblog this if you'd like to interact with a Gudako roleplay blog!
Refunds will not be issued.
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“Last time I checked I was supposed to be the ONLY MoonCancer! Being reminded of that insufferable beast of pleasure shoehorning her way into my CLASS is inexcusable.”
“...Though I think I’m forgetting someone else~”
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biting???? as a way to show affection???? yes yes yes yes
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Send “They’re ’s a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse!
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What is the angstiest headcanon you have for my muse?
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Peer into my muse's memories
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
💙- A sad memory that makes them cry
💛- A memory that makes them feel angry
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
💜- A memory about one of their loved ones, happy or sad
💔- A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
❣- A memory that leaves them laughing
💕- A memory about their significant other
💞- A memory about their children
💓- A memory about their friends
💗- A memory about a good deed they did
💖- A memory that made them feel special
💝- A memory that made them feel loved
💘- A memory that gets their heart pounding
💟- Wildcard!!!
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Anonymously tell my muse something you'd never say to their face.
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Questions for Problematic/Villain muses
1. How often does your character admit to being wrong? Do they ever change their way of thinking?
2. What's something you constantly have to re-explain about your muse
3. What's an inherently problematic view your character holds
4. Does your muse deserve a second chance?
5. What's makes your muse respect someone? Are they capable of respecting others without reason?
6. Do they opmatically assume certain people are lesser than them?
7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons?
8. Does your character feel like their in the wrong? If so does it bother them?
9. What's a line your muse won't cross under any circumstance?
10. Is a healthy relationship (platonic or otherwise) possible with your muse?
11. Do you feel like your muse can fall/be corrupted further if pushed?
12. Does your muse have a reason for their misdeeds or is it all for pleasure?
13. When it comes to your muses love ones, are the exception to their behavior or are they also treated poorly
14. Is your muses morality compliance or does it follow a strict set of rules?
15. Do you think your muse needs to pay for all that they've done?
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Sickness starters!
( as requested by the lovely @zalemoonshadow )
❝You aren’t looking so hot.❞ 
❝Maybe you should sit down.❞
❝I think I need to sit down.❞
❝Just take it easy today.❞
❝No – no. We’re going home, right now.❞
❝Can we leave?❞
❝You just threw up 3 times, you’re not fine!❞
❝I’m fine. I think I’m done now.❞
❝Just let me take care of you. Why are you so stubborn?❞
❝We’re going to the pharmacy and then we’re going home.❞
❝My stomach isn’t feeling so great.❞
❝I think my stomach is trying to digest itself.❞
❝I think I just need some sleep.❞
❝Will you stay with me tonight?❞
❝I don’t want to get you sick.❞
❝You’re gonna get me sick!❞
❝Holy shit, you’re burning up.❞
❝I can’t stop sweating.❞
❝I can’t stop shivering.❞
❝Are you ever not sick?❞ 
❝How the hell are you still conscious right now? Your temp is almost 104.❞
❝Urgent care or ER? Those are your two options. We’re not staying here.❞
❝Do you want some tea?❞
❝I made you some tea.❞
❝I’m losing my voice.❞
❝I couldn’t get any sleep last night, I can’t breathe out of my nose.❞
❝Oh my god, you sound like Roz from Monsters Inc!❞
❝Bathroom. Now.❞
❝Bed. Now.❞
❝I’m not taking that medicine, it’s disgusting.❞
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Ask My Muse The Most Invasive Questions You Can Think Of!
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“When I got asked to donate blood plasma, I thought it’d be more gore-y. The internet has duped me once again.” she grumbles.
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Hi! These usually get around a little quicker and I'm looking to find some new people to write with... so!
If you're interested in interacting a multimuse blog featuring MANY different titles [though mainly NITW, and crossovers of that], evolving by the day, give that a ♥ and/or (preferably) a reblog!
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Fighting or Sparring: Sentence Starters
(a mix, for either a serious fight or a friendly spar)
“Fine, I accept your challange!”
“Sorry but I won’t take it easy, not even with you.”
“There will be no mercy.“
“Power without idea isn’t justice.“
“Just give up already.”
“You know what will happen if you lose…”
“What?! B-but, how?!”
“I have awaited this day, for too long.”
“Is there no other way?“
“Go ahead and struggle!”
“Over already?“
“Do you want to die that badly?“
“Hm? I guess that was too much…“
“Don’t push yourself. Training will do no good with a broken limb.”
“Is something distracting you?”
“You’ve got some guts… for a fool.“
“Is this the best you can do?”
“I’ll play with you for a little while.“
“You haven’t progressed at all. Focus.”
“Damn… I messed up.“
“You keep slipping up. You’re making easy mistakes.”
“It’s training now, but soon it could be a life or death situation.”
“Nothing will come of hate.“
“You can’t fight this with strength alone.”
“You’re wasting my time.”
“You still have a lot to learn.”
“That’s two out of three that I’ve gotten the upper hand.”
“You need to take this more seriously!”
“You’re still too weak.”
“Beg for mercy before me!“
“I didn’t mean to hurt you…”
“Kneel before me.”
“There won’t be anything left of you when I’m done.”
“I’ll make you regret ever crossing me.”
“Know your place.”
“You and me. Let’s go.”
“A fight with me is too dangerous.”
“You don’t know what you’re getting into.”
“Fine, you asked for it.”
“This should be easy.”
“So, you wanna fight?”
“Just to let you know, I’ve never lost a fight.”
“This is the end for you!”
“Feisty one, eh? Not bad.”
“Not bad, but you can do better.”
“I’m not here to play with you.”
“I’ve got you pinned.”
“You could hardly stand, it’s over.”
“There, are you satisfied now?”
“You really thought you could win? How cute.“
“This place, will be your grave.”
“Your suffering will be over in a moment.”
“Did you really expect me, to yield to the likes of you?”
“Mark my words… I will kill you and I’ll be after your friends next.”
“Hmph. You don’t change much, do you?“
“You’re too impulsive… it’s reckless.”
“I’ll wipe that grin off your face.”
“Defeat me and ‘maybe’ I’ll tell you where your friend is.”
“It wasn’t a question, you need to take a break. We’ve been going at it for hours.”
“I’m telling you, there’s no chance of you beating me.”
“Look dollface, I don’t have time to play.”
“Just cause you’re cute, I’ll take it easy on you.”
“I’ll fight with one hand behind my back, see? Swing away.”
“You’re really cute when you’re mad.”
“Good, you’re holding up well.”
“Don’t get distracted, not even for a moment. Don’t avert your eyes.”
“Push yourself beyond your limits.”
“Your shoulders are tense. Don’t overthink it. Loosen up.”
“Feel like running away?”
“You’re too timid, it’s easy to see you as a target.”
“They’re not always going to be around to babysit you.”
“You’re going to die here, and easily.”
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Tiny person sentence starters
1. “You know, you don’t have to cook so much. I eat less in a day than you do in a single mouthful.” 
2. “Wow, you’re tiny. I mean really tiny.” 
3. “No offense, but you’re small enough for me to pick up with one hand. I don’t think you can do it.”
4. “Are all tiny people as ______ as you are?” 
5. “Have you always been this small?” 
6. “Hey! Don’t mess with me! When I get out of this jar, I’m going to kick your butt!” 
7. “I must seem like a giant to you.” 
8. “I’m not that small. Everything else is just big.”
9. “How the heck have I never noticed tiny people living in my walls? It seems like something a person would notice.” 
10. “Hey! Put me down! I don’t like to be picked up!” 
11. “Don’t you dare put me in your pocket!” 
12. “I’m going to give you a lift, okay? Otherwise, it’s going to take all day for you to cross the room.” 
13. “Are you going to let me out of this jar any time soon?” 
14. “Are you okay? I didn’t know there was a cat until it went after you!” 
15. “Are you trying to tell me that you’ve been living in my walls?” 
16. “Don’t underestimate me. I may be small, but that doesn’t mean I’m weak.” 
17. “So do I find you a dollhouse to live in, or…?” 
18. “Just remember that I’m a lot smaller than you. Be careful.”  
19. “There is absolutely no reason for you to pick me up. I can get around the room just fine on my own, thanks.” 
20. “Let me ride on your shoulder.” 
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