Chemical Reaction
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chemicalwrites-blog · 5 years ago
I love when evil aristocrat characters have evil forms of address. Your Royal Lowness. Your Disgrace. Your Dishonor. Your Unholy Majesty.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 5 years ago
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
~Honey Coloured Wings~
 Wind wandering through those beautiful free wings of yours. The vibrant colour of the wings blinding my sight; radiant; free. Simultaneous flutters of the same majestic wings are all that fill my mind. Honey hues in the grass where a hidden black lays, moving lightly in the wind that makes me feel free. I could never have wings like yours; I could never be free. I am trapped within the depths of something terrifying, hell wearing a mask. To fly towards the clouds with wings of my own; to fly to something beautiful, something so unreal. You are heavenly, you are a dream, a heavenly dream only I could think of. Let it be real. Please. Honey coloured wings on my shoulder, your wings. I wish they were mine.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
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# context? what context?
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
It’s been too long since I’ve had any ideas to write an actual story. WhY wOnT tHe uNiVerSe heLp mE???! At this rate, I’m going to end up writing about fucking vampire squirrels.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
~Ocean Breeze~
Petals drift out into the ocean. An ocean breeze throughout the land; throughout the petals in my hand. The white sparkles on the forbidden ocean. Is this my Neverland? The water rushing over my toes only makes me wonder why I'm alone. I hear no tunes, no piano notes; only the mystical waves in this lonely world. This isn't my Neverland. The waves, the clouds, the hues I thought I would see. There's nothing; only petals leading out into the ocean of mysteries. Is this what I wanted? A world full of mysteries, seemingly beautiful. I'm trapped; tied down. This isn't my Neverland. Where is my Neverland?
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
It’s difficult to see the clouds pass as we look up at the almost perfect sky. To see the clouds form a different shape from the one we briefly looked at in the most beautiful way, it leaves me to think that nothing stays. Everything ends at one point or another, but that’s why we have to love it so viciously, because soon it’ll end. The clouds will subside, and there will be nothing but blue. If nothing ended there would be no reason to have it, achieve it. Soon the clouds will continue to form different shapes, different endings. And soon the blue sky behind it all will go dark, leaving only the stars and clouds visible.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Hues within the sky,
colours that let me drift to a world that's far from our understanding;
colours that let words escape my mouth, words that I could never understand;
colours that escape me from the darkness that comes every night.
Let me escape.
Show me those colours that stand out within the darkness,
within the mist.
Red, pink, purple, hues that are within the sky,
looking down at the hell that's ever so beautiful.
Lead me through the forest,
through the sand,
through the sea,
and to the sky; to the stars; to the never ending colours within the clouds.
Lead me to Neverland.
Show me a world where everything is all but a mystery to me.
Let me choose the sky and colours over the moonlight and stars.
Yet, I have no choice.
To see the purple hues within the sky is all but a fantasy within the forest of dreams.
But the colours are prominent in the grey sky,
is it just a figment of my imagination?
Lead me,
lead me to Neverland.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Literally no one:
Me:*Says something not even close to funny* That's actually funny.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
The Radio Shack
The neon purple lights outside the radio shack shone proudly in the night. Cold autumn winds brushed against Kai’s fair skin. The autumn leaves within Viend Valley drifted with the wind as she stood in front of the brightly lit radio shack. She knew that darkness lurked around her, she could feel it. And although she felt the darkness around her, she ignored it. Kai wanted a normal life in this hellish world. She didn’t want to feel that happiness she felt once she brutally murdered and tortured a supernatural being. The wind howled in her ears before she made it into the bright radio shack. All she wanted was a normal life; to watch the stars on a magical, almost mystical, hill; to watch the rain fall gently onto the dry pavement. Kai wanted to watch those things without knowing the darkness that hid behind every corner she turned. Kai swiftly opened the door, leaving hell behind her. The coldness she felt outside was now warmth, although her heart was frozen. She walked into the shack, resume in hand. She looked around the shack, confused out of her mind. She approached the nearest person she could find in this retro looking radio shack; it didn’t seem anything close to new, not to her anyway. “Hey,” Kai started as she gently tapped the strangers shoulder, “I’m here for a job interview. Do you know where I need to go for it?” The man turned around. His honey brown eyes looked her up and down, almost like they were approving her. “You just so happen to be in luck,” He ran his fingers through his strawberry-blond hair and chuckled, “I’m the one giving the interviews.” He chuckled again giving Kai a quick carefree smile. Kai could feel a sense of warmth in the radio shack, but it still felt cold. She didn’t notice the frigidness. She completely forgot about the darkness that ever so silently crept behind her in the shadows. For once, murder wasn’t on her mind. She followed behind the man she just met. They both made their way silently down the slim hall. Wooden compartments full of vinyls met them as the made their way down the hall. “And,” the man started giving Kai a charming smile, it almost seemed fake, “here we are. The place where you will get judged for you being you. Make yourself at home.” The man extended his arms to show off the area. He motioned for Kai to sit down, and so she did. “I didn’t get your name,” Kai said before their session of judging started. “Hamilton. Brian Hamilton,” Brian said impersonating James Bond. His golden brown eyes seemed to shine brightly just by getting the chance to say what he said. Kai smiled warmly at Brian, but she knew it was fake. She felt nothing. And so their interview began in the brightly lit radio shack. The radio shack was hidden from the darkness within the corners and alleyways outside. It was hidden from the truth, and Kai knew what lurked in those dark alleyways would follow her. She knew. She ignored the darkness.
As the autumn wind was making its way through Kai’s deep brown hair, Kai stood at the front of the radio shack. There was no darkness around her, as the sun shone brighter than ever. Her beautiful dark features were exposed within the sunlight. Her deep blue eyes shone at the fact that she was finally becoming normal. The brown and orange leaves drifted further into the town. Kai felt happy. And although she knew she was lying to herself, she finally felt as though everything was at peace. Kai calmly smiled to herself and opened the doors to the radio shack. As she opened the glass doors, she saw Brian waiting near the front of the shack. “So you made it on time,” Brian said forgetting everything he was currently doing. All of his attention was on Kai. He focused on her deep blue eyes as if he was looking at the most beautiful thing in the world. “How could I not make it on time with how much pressure you put on me to come on time?” Kai smiled at her comment. Brian brushed his fingers through his strawberry-blond hair. Even though Kai felt nothing as she stood in the radio shack, Kai felt a certain warmth in the radio shack that made her feel normal. She could finally watch the rain fall gently onto the dry pavement, feel it against her skin, and forget everything. Brian smiled brightly at Kai which showed his pearly whites. “Follow me,” Brian said calmly as he jerked his head to the left. Kai could hear the screams of that night in the back of her mind; she wanted to forget it; she wanted to escape, but she knew she couldn’t escape her past. The frigid autumn wind hit the window once more before Kai felt the darkness in front of her. She thought nothing of it.
A simple beat filled Kai’s mind. A beat Kai could lose herself in. As Kai looked out the window of the bus, the beat continued to play in her mind. Kai lost herself in the simple beat as she made her way to work. The beat made Kai feel as though she felt anything this whole time. These three piano notes continued to play, continued to make Kai remember the pleasure she felt as she slid her knife into her brother. The screams of her parents in the background, the blood on the walls. She felt empty ever since that day. Kai looked at the radio shack. The one and only radio shack that made her forget the knife stained with her brothers’ blood and the screams. She felt an odd warmth. The wind flowed swiftly through Kai’s deep brown hair. The days were getting colder, bitter. Kai felt the bitter wind hit her skin before she made her way into the radio shack. The only light that lit up the radio shack was the ever so bright sun that seemed to make Kai forget the darkness that lurked around the corner. Kai walked deeper into the radio shack. The darkness consumed her. She remembered. Every moment she hunted, tortured, and murdered those supernatural beings, she remembered. They followed her this whole time, the darkness followed her this whole time. She finally knew the pleasure she felt once she murdered those things. The only thing on her mind was murder. Kai heard blood-curdling screams within the radio shack. And she followed those screams, hoping for blood to stain the walls. She ran to the screams, wishing that she could kill once more, feel the pleasure she once felt. Kai made her way to the screams, and as she did she saw Brian. Brian, the man who showed Kai that maybe everything would finally be okay. He stood there, blood stained all over his body and clothes. He wore the most worried look Kai has ever seen, but Kai didn’t care, for her heart was frozen. Kai calmly walked to Brian. “What happened?” Kai asked as Brian shifted his attention to Kai. Brian ran to Kai. He hugged her, and Kai hugged him back. “I finally murdered them,” Brian started as he hugged Kai even tighter, “and you’re next.” Kai felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Kai could feel her own blood escape her body, she was reminded of that night as she looked at her blood stained hands. She felt pleasure. And as Kai felt the ground hit her body, Kai knew that she could never feel the rain against her skin; never see it hit the dry pavement; never feel normal. As everything faded to black, Kai knew that she always deserved to die, for her heart was frozen. The simple beat continued once more.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
The most recent story I posted, “The Dimly Lit Music Shop,” was the first short story I’m really fucking proud of. I’m not too sure if it good enough, but I’m still really frickin’ proud of what I wrote. I hope you guys enojy reading this short story!!!
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
The Dimly Lit Music Shop
The mystical wind hit my face gently. It went through my hair, my fingers. As the frigid, yet warm, wind drifted through every inch of my body, I could hear the music that always played at his shop loudly. A shop that was always dimly lit at the end of the most beautiful street I’ve ever seen. Although the shop was dimly lit, I could feel the brightness it was radiating. I’ve never been in his shop. All I could do was watch from afar how much happiness the shop brought its costumers. The day I’ll have enough courage to go to his music shop will be today. No longer will I be watching the happiness from afar. The dancing wind rushed past my hair making it drift behind me. My thoughts continued to rush through my head as I briskly walked to the dimly lit shop. I calmly opened the door to the music shop. It felt as if I was entering another world; a world where all I could feel was warmth. The door to the shop closed behind me. Wooden compartments full of vinyls, a listening booth, a turntable, and him. The man who seemed to have all the warmth in the world just by being in his shop. I watched him walked to his record player and change the record to Beethoven’s moonlight sonata. The crackle of the record as the needle hit it made me shiver in delight, not fear. This bittersweet dimly lit music shop made me feel at home. “Miss?” The man I was watching came to me in an elegant manner, like a prince. He was beautiful. Dark curly hair, deep blue eyes that seemed to sing to me like the record playing in the backgroud. I looked at him bewildered like a deer in headlights. “My name is Trent. How can I help you today?” He smiled at me charmingly. I could feel my world twist and turn as he said that. Without a question, I looked at him with my glistening eyes and let my heart take over, “I’m Kai.” I could feel my cheeks burn to a fiery red as I said those simple words. He studied my face as I continued to stand there bewildered at the fact that I said something so stupid. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the wooden listening booth next to the turntable. He put headphones on my head and rushed like the wind to find a certain record. Once he put the record on the record player, the crackle of the record came close. I listened to the words Aretha Franklin had to say. I looked at him as he looked at me excitedly. The warmth of my heart consumed me once more. He continued to stare at me like I had the hugest zit on my face. I closed my eyes and let the music consume me whole. I listened to her story; it felt like I went to another world when I did. And as he continued to look at me in excitement, I could feel my heart dance. The warmth of him and the dimly lit music shop was unlike any other feeling I’ve ever felt. It was an amazingly wonderful feeling. I let my world viciously turn as he looked at me with those prince like eyes. What a beautiful man I thought as Aretha stopped singing. What a beautiful man.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Jane: It’s officially “once I get home I ain’t coming back out” season.
Daria: It’s always been “once I get home I ain’t coming back out” season.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Autumn Leave and Honey Filled Eyes
A certain warmth filled my chest as I continued to drink my steaming hot tea. A swirl of steam that seemed to know where it’s going, unlike me, and you. Sitting in front of the window of my coffee shop; watching the autumn leaves fall gently onto the abandoned road. No one is like you. No one looked at those leaves like you did. A fog lifted the town once you looked at those leaves. A certain brightness that filled the town once you looked at the autumn leaves. The fog that always swirled carelessly around our town was gone. Once you looked at me with those honey brown eyes that sang a song, I could feel the warmth in my chest expand to only my heart; thudding at the sight of those honey brown eyes. It, too, sang a song. A song that only we could understand. A thudding beat that filled both of our hearts, only it seemed you didn’t notice. That thudding beat continued in my heart, leaving only warmth. A warmth that’s only for you; a warmth that lead me to believe that what we have is more than what it is. That warmth wasn’t coming from my steaming tea, it was coming from you. Your honey brown eyes that always peered into my thoughts seemed to steal the show of my mind. You and only you will fill my rainy days full of happy beats. As the tea cup approached my lips, I could feel your eyes on me. The falling autumn leaves seemed to have left all your thoughts. I could hear the silent beat of our song, and all I could do was melt. The warmth will never leave as long as I hear that silent beat that meant the world to us. Am I mistaken? This thudding beat, your honey filled eyes, a fog that always lifted the town once I saw you. The warmth of my heart will never leave, because I know that this is how it ends. The music we have is the warmth that will never end. The thudding beat continues into the night. The autumn leaves drift into the autumn wind, and all that’s left is you. I am not alone anymore.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Wind Chimes
The wind chimes that make a delightful sound seemed to have a mind of its own. A simple beat that only brings tears to my eyes. Rivers flow out of my eyes. When will it end? The simple beat continues. I want to drift away through my garden, through everything that has ever existed. Those wind chimes are so careless; so free. I will never feel that way, not until I see your smile one last time. A warmth that fills my heart once I see that simple act. As the simple beat continues, I could only think about you. The sunlight that always seemed to hit your eyes the right way, the way you used to laugh like nothing else mattered in the world, the way you used to look at me. I thought it meant something. The clouds drift peacefully past the sun. The wind gets harsher, almost bitter on my face. Rivers that filled my eyes stopped flowing. Was this the end? Is it supposed to end this way? With your smile in mind, I let my body drift to the clouds. The wind took a hold of my light body. Nothing else mattered. I could no longer hear the wind chimes. All I could hear was your laugh in the whistling in the gentle, yet harsh, wind. I am at peace. With you it seems like nothing else matters in the world. Will it always be like this? Clouds drifted through me. I wish I could never leave, but the wind can’t hold me forever. I have to find my own way to you. All the darkness was gone in this moment. I wish this could never end. But this is all but a fantasy. Can you help me make it a reality?
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
Fading Colours
My fading colours. They were ever so vibrant. The emotions in these vibrant colours were apart of me. The colours in the beautiful sunset, the flowers in the meadows that I belonged to disappeared, faded into the fading light. Everything is fading. The once quiet flowing stream fades, the frigid wind that used to blow my light brown hair lightly fades. You fade. Nothing is left but me. What’s the point? Why must everything fade away? My thoughts are gone. I am gone. The flowers, the quiet river streams, the night sky that I used to watch with you. Where is everything? The emptiness of this darkness consumed me. The light that used to fill my heart, my vibrant colours, are gone. My colours are gone. All I needed was you. Why weren’t you there? And as my colours fade, happiness fills me one last time. A vibrant smile that I hope will bring you back. But you are already gone. My smile won’t fade away because I know that one day you’ll come back. One day.
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chemicalwrites-blog · 6 years ago
This is the new finger-pulling trick as presented by Cas. It’s astonishing.
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