chemaspot1 · 5 years
Cynder rape bang 2
Cynder by now was rape by every single dragon in Cryptar group except for one witch was unique because he was a mixture of the elements of lava and steel.
Cynder watched him get closer too her pussy witch was now filled to the brim with dragon cum.
The male dragon position himself to rape cynder as well, by now Cynder didn’t care as she had no more strength in her but then she felt hot in her pussy entrance to hot that when the male dragon showed him his cock witch had small portion of steel melted by lava covering his cock
“You see Cynder that why I went last because my cock really tends to melt the ladies” Cynder watched in horror thinking that his cock would literally melt her from the inside.
What got Cynder surprised was that the dragon partially melted her bindings to the floor in a position that raised her ass worse yet the binder on her tail were melted together with the one on her neck witch made her raise her tail and present herself fully.
When he started to penetrate her pussy Cynder gasped in horror think it would burn but instead it was hot really hot but no hurting her that when the male talked “you see Cynder I’m not going to burn you otherwise that would end our little game faster no I’m going to boil your insides witch my hot cock and my friends cum” that when Cynder realize that the cum inside her pussy would start to boil
As the male dragon fucked Cynder more steadily she could feel her insides hot and the cum starting to boil wildly like soup this made Cynder orgasm hard
“What a sluty little whore you are Cynder but don’t worry we are barely even starting” Cynder was crying because she had orgasm to another dragons cock and not her mates
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chemaspot1 · 5 years
Cynder rape bang
Cynder struggled to get up, her legs shaking. She felt drained; that one attack had sucked all energy right out of her. The group of dragons surrounded her, evil grins on most of their faces.
She counted eight, and she was sure there were more behind her. Her suspicion was confirmed as she was suddenly hit from behind. Two dragons swept her legs out from under her, pinning her on her back, her front legs trapped underneath their iron grip. She struggled fiercely, wishing desperately that she could use her poison breath to rot their leering faces right off their skulls. An Ice dragon broke off from the ring that surrounded her and started walking toward her. Cynder didn't like the way he was eyeing her. She followed his gaze, and instantly had an idea of what he had in mind.
Her fears were confirmed as two more dragons came forward, pinning her tail and hind legs to the ground as well. The dragon turned to his group and said, "I go first, you decide who gets the next turn. She was helpless, unable to stop them from spreading her hind legs, unable to stop this leering creep from climbing on top of him. She had never felt so vulnerable. "Why are you doing this?" she asked, fighting to keep her voice from shaking.
The brute grinned down at her. "The Mistress wants you out of the way, so we gotta kill you. Don't mean we don't get to have some fun first, though. By the way, the name's Cryptar."
"Please, don't do this," Cynder pleaded, fear running through her veins like ice.
Cryptar just grinned, enjoying himself as he felt her shiver as his member rubbed against her opening. Cynder knew then, knew without a doubt, that she was about to be raped, and she would be raped several times, and it was going to hurt, and hurt bad… Cryptar thrust.
Cynder scream in pain as she was rape so sudden by Cryptar she could feel how big he was if anything to big for her she started to cry and beg for mercy “PLEASE CRYPTAR STOP TAKE IT OUT YOUR TO BIG”.
Cryptar laugh as he heard Cynder scream and cry he then said “damn Cynder you’re tight as hell and you’re screaming only make me harder”.
Cryptar then started to fuck Cynder pussy in steady pace knowing he had only enter 2/3 of his cock inside of her.
He then order the other two dragons to separate Cynder legs wide so he could enter her pussy deeper.
Cynder could then feel the other dragon grabbing both her legs tighter and separated them she knew then that the pain was only starting.
Cryptar saw how Cynder struggled to free herself to no avail as he positioned himself right on top of her his dick pulling out to get more space for his thrust.
Cynder unable to move felt Cryptar cock sliding out of her pussy right outside her entrance and she knew why witch made her scared stiff she prayed that Spyro would come and save her from her rapist “please don’t do this I beg you”.
Cryptar smiled and with one swift hard thrust he penetrated cynder fitting his entire length inside her.
Cynder felt a horrible stinging inside her a she was rape so deep and mercyless “AAAAH”.
Cryptar groaned in pleasure as he felt it really tight and started to hump “MMMM” Cynder was move forward and backwards as she was fucked “aaa...please...stoaaaA” Cryptar only laugh and told her “I feel your body saying different as You’re pussy is tightening around my cock and you’re moans of pleasure” Cynder “Shut up you lie AAAAH”.
Cryptar then started to fuck her faster signaling that he was at his limit witch made Cynder to approaching her as well Cynder then panicked knowing that he would cum inside her “PLEASE CRYPTAR AAAAH DONT CUM INSIDE ANYTHING AAAAH BUT THAT AAAAH AAAAH AAAAH”.
Cryptar then went all in as he nutted inside her ensuring that his cum goes straight inside he then screamed in pleasure “TAKE ALL OFF MY SEED YOU FUCKING BITCH NNNNNGH” as he came inside Cynder screamed in horror as she came as well feeling the wave after wave of spunk of dragon cum inside of her witch was a lot to much even AAAAH AAAAH AAAAH GOD AAAAH ITS TOO AAAAH MUCH AAAAH AAAAH STOP”.
After a few minutes Cynder was panting just as hard Cryptar he then retracted his cock out of cynder with an audible splotch at the end, cum started to ooze out of Cynder pussy as she was panting and convulsing on the floor from the extreme fucking knowing all to well that about 10 more dragons were going to do the same. her eyes were wide and tears flowing down as the next dragon position his cock behind her entrance.
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chemaspot1 · 5 years
Cynder and the carnictic
Cynder was waking in the forest when suddenly a black mist enfolded her before she could react when she opened her eyes
She noticed that she was almost paralyzed barely able to move except for her head.
That when the mist in front of her started to shapeshift to a dragon that knew and feared Malefor and the transformed into a carnictis worm with terrified cynder she new that dark shapeshifters would transform to anything the host fear as it rape there victims.
As it took the form of the carnictis Cynder screamed in horror trying to escape
But found herself trapped as four mouths grabbed each of her appendage really fast she was unable to scratch them but the real sickening part was going to begin.
As Cynder watched in horror as she looked like she was being eaten alive but the carnictis were not eating her only holding her in place
That when one of the carnictis started to move to her crotch at slowly grabbed on her hip an latched itself on her pussy Cynder could feel it suckling her as she felt disgusted as the treatment continue and was making her wett
But then without warning the carnictic thrusted hard as it tried to pry her open Cynder screamed in horror as It fucked her pussy relentlessly only to meet with moans of pleasure and despair
Then finally the carnictic was able to penetrate her going deep inside her and thrusting insanely fast
That’s when the rest of the carnictic mouth started to envelop Cynder hips entirely securing it price until it reach past her belly did it stop
By this time Cynder was crying and screaming in horror as the other mouth enveloped the rest of her appendages completely making it impossible for her to move her body as she was raped
Then did she realized that the carnictic started to go in harder as she felt small ripples on the tentacles fucking her pussy as she realized that they were in fact eggs as she screamed in horror as her uterus was pried open as the eggs were implanted inside her as it continued her belly was bulging with eggs as she stared blankly hopping that this would end but knowing all to well that it wouldn’t
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Malfressa Malfressa was a black dragoness witch means her temper and strength were greater then the rest but she love having intimate sex to the point of impregnation. This of course had problems being in the army were one is supposed to be vigilant and not fucking his comrades not that they care of course. But that all changed of course when her platoon was ordered to kill all bugs in a particular area. As they fought the enemy Malfressa was killing a lot of bugs but forgot her surroundings and before she new it she was alone she continued to fight but it seemed that there was no end to them. When suddenly a new insect emerged from the ground Malfressa was surprised and scared but in just a second the insect had spit on her the mucous once it touched her it turned into rock of course it meant she was trapped most of her body covered in stone. That's when the smaller bugs started to move on her Malfressa was terrified she knew the story of what happened to captured females of course she realized it wouldn't come to pass because her entire body was covered in rock including her crotch. That when the bugs started Carrying her to a nearby cave once there she noticed a lot of bugs but there was a male dragon as well also trapped she was put next to him once the bugs were gone she started talking to him and he said he'd been down for the past two weeks she couldn't believe because males didn't last two day. Then came a fat insect with many appendages with two of them shooting past the two dragons skiing and started to inject them with aphrodisiac and other venoms what they didn't know was that Malfressa was being injected with female hormones that would make her bare female hatchlings only. The big bug then moved her body by spreading her legs and face down rump high and exposed she then knew that she was going to be used as a brood mother but to her surprise no ovipositor came instead it move toward the male it immediately latch itself on his back and grabbed the male with force he was scared thinking he was going to get eaten but instead it was now under the control of the insect Then the insect started to stimulate his dick and touching his most sensitive part while Malfressa looked the show the insect then bend his head so that he was kissing her crotch this of course tooked them both by surprise that when he smelled Malfressa scent she was ovulating and it had an effect on him it took several minutes for the male to have an erection and she looked at his huge dick and was araused if she wasn't in this situation she would have probably fucked him. One he was fully erecting the bug shifted it body so that the male dragon was un top of Malfressa in a mating position once there she could feel his dick on her entrance but when the insect forced his dick inside her both were in complete shock and pleasure after an hour they had both reached their limits and came hard. The insect immediately went to work by trapping them in their mating position and injected the male with another venom it didn't take long to know it effects when both of them realized that his dick was still fully erected inside her this caused a lot of discomfort and pleasure. Malfressa was now 2 months and half trapped in the same position she was exhausted not knowing how many time the male had climaxed inside her but it didn't compared to hers witch were double and because of this she was heavily pregnant with 5 eggs and a round belly. That when the insect finally returned it separates the couple and tied the male to the wall Malfressa on the other hand was left I the same position eyes wide and blank until the ground started to move and from it came a tentacle with could be seen threw it then struck threw her pussy she was terrified she thought she was going to get pumped with maggots with her eggs still inside but it did the opposite of pumping it started to suck her eggs out as she could feel her brood being taken one by one a three had gotten out but the fourth only hit the ground and the fifth was still inside her then another ovipositor started to come out but this one was full of maggots as the tip came closer a maggot was dropped next to the egg she saw with fear as the maggot came closer to her egg. Once it was there it immediately started to grab the eggs with its tendrils and the next thing she saw scared and disgusted her the maggot had made a small perforation on the eggs shell and started to squeeze itself inside the egg once it was inside it repaired the shell but inside she could see the maggot tendril grabbing the unborn dragon and the the mouth of the insect was violently moving the body from one place to another. At that moment the ovipositor went inside Malfressa and started to pump hundreds of maggot inside her she was scared of her fate and of the egg inside her as they entered her she was stretched to make way for the maggots she could then feel them inside her womb moving biting but then she felt her egg moving and getting pushed against her back wall and all of the maggots started concentrating against the egg she felt completely full and stuffed she then heard craking noises from inside her and knew that it was her egg desperate she tried to reach pack to no avail being well secured. That when she turned around and saw her egg on the ground shifting and cracking when it hatched the maggot could be see but know it looked more like a small insect and was covered in blood when the egg shell opened only parts of the hatchling remained. Malfressa was so disturbed that she almost puke but instead she felt her pussy hurt and started to push the maggots out only know they had developed into insects. Malfressa knew then what had happened. Meanwhile the other 3 eggs were put on the other side of the wall but no insect would touch them it would seem that their fates would be different. In that moment the fat insect move toward the male dragon with an insect in it arm it injected him with more venom that erected his dick again and them put the small insect on top of his head. The smaller insect then crawled in two both his ears with its tendrils and started to invade his mind he of course was scared but then heard a voice of the insect it told him that he wouldn't be eaten or harmed if he did one thing mate with the female for ever they promised to give him more freedom but would not be allowed to have rest or get of her. He didn't have most of a choice and part of him like the idea. Malfressa was sobbing with pain until he watched the male dragon moved without any control of the insects she taught he had escaped but was surprised that he was fully erected and going straight to her. She stated to tell him to get her free but instead he started to mate with her Malfressa hated him but knew that it wasn't his fault something most of happened. The male dragon was having the time of his life having constant sex with a beautiful female like Malfressa for himself he Even grouped her breast and touched all her body after and hour she had climaxed 3 times but know it was the males turned and came hard inside her Malfressa screamed in pleasure that when they were both glued together again to prevent them from separating but the male dragon obviously had more freedom to move his hip and arms This time he bit her neck down to get better leverage and told her she was a dirty whore Malfressa was stunned from his rough treatment but loved every moment of it know however the spines on his dick started to come out and grasp her wall it was a bit painful but even more pleasure as her womb opened for him and immediately started to cum directly inside her and filling her up quite allot As the treatment continue the bug was happy with the results of a constant breeding supply for when the eggs hatched the would grow to be perfect incubators. 15 yeas later Malfressa had just laid another clutch of eggs but she has slowed down instead of 3 clutch she now bares 2 sometimes 1 but this time there were over 7 dragoness that had now grown to adult hood. All this dragoness never had education except for speaking so they weren't afraid of the insects but the hive mind wanted this so it could impregnate them more easily and thus the time came as the ovipositors came all 7 were put against the ground and had their hips high and spread they were all scared not knowing what was happening until a stranger male dragon by the name of victor came along and told them what was about to happen 1 of them would be chosen to mate with him while the rest were to be impregnated with maggots the blue dragoness was chosen to be her mate because of her high reproductive system needed for future incubators In a matter of seconds all 7 were probed by the ovipositors but the blue dragoness was immediately fucked by victor this made her cum instantly and begs for more he replied by moving his hips and smacking with her all the dragoness were genetically modified by the hive to bear young at a higher and faster rate so it came to no surprise why the blue dragoness was in such powerful heat. But know came time for the rest the fist one being the white dragoness by the name of Devalyn a beautiful white dragoness with a slender and eager body The ovipositor had entered her with some difficulty because of her tiny frame this made her feel extremely stretched out and filled but little by little it entered her and stated to push against her cervix trying to get entrance wich would take a while. The second one to be fucked was the black dragoness by the name of Ryssr she was just as eager but secretly always liked it rough so it came to no surprise that she forcefully shut her lips. This of course was very irritating for the hive but knew that once defeated she was pretty easygoing and thus the ovipositor pushed with relentless force to gain entrance it knew that it would be the same in her cervix and would take some time. The third to be fucked was Leshiet a red dragoness witch was very playful even in sex she had always fantasied about being bind against her will and being taken by a strong male with vigor So it came to no surprise that she was bind in a bondage glue that squeezed her body especially her nipples although she was easy to penetrate the ovipositor had problems with the tight bondage that prevented it from going deaper but knew that it was only a matter of time The fourth to be fucked and impregnated was Sethea she was a gold dragoness and a very shy and timid so when the ovipositor came she was very scared and started to whimper before anything happened The hive didn't really care as it plunged the ovipositor inside of her but knew that if she started to feel to much pain because she didn't relaxed it would be much slower the impregnation and thus the hive started to speak inside her mind trying to relax little by little. The fifth dragoness to be stuffed was a pink and her Name was Dehela and was the strongest out of all the sisters she was well built with strong muscles and a strong competitive side This of course meant that she would fight the ovipositor with all her mite to prove she was stronger even if her only muscles were her lips and wall but the hive knew this and so it gave her the biggest ovipositor witch had a bonus feature the length of the ovipositor had spikes it knew that male dragons used the to stimulate the female this caught her off guard but still tried hard to fight back as long as she could. Last but not least was zoriha a rare green dragoness with a perfect body the reason she was so rare was because she had healing powers this of course was good because it meant that the maggots would not heart her as much the only problem was that she may no be able to be impregnated either and thus the ovipositors was shooting small amounts of venom on her lips and then entered her to spray it all around her vaginal walls to neutralize her power. Meanwhile her mother Malfressa was being impregnated jet again by a ovipositor she hated it of course but her body had betrayed her making her feel an insane amount of pleasure that when the hive moved her to be in front of her daughters all 7 dragoness watch as their mother was being impregnated and the hive spoke to them to look at her mother telling them how brave, beautiful and strong she was. The hive was trying to convince them that they should expire them to be more like their mother telling them that it would make her proud knowing that they served the hive well baring it young after that all of them were easy pickings as they all relaxed and pleading to be impregnated and started to suck in more of the ovipositor They were all lost in pleasure and ecstasy as they were fucked hard against the floor and one by one the ovipositor entered their uteruses except the pink dragoness Dehela that's when she felt the spikes of the ovipositor erecting the pleasure was to much that she lost as it entered her uterus. Hours later the treatment continued the blue dragoness having been impregnated by Steve by him shooting constantly his seed and would not stop for months to come All the while the impregnation had finally begun as the ovipositor started to bare down their length they could see numbs being pushed as they entered the dragoness the white, black and red dragon were having trouble because the size of the maggots were bigger than anticipated but the ovipositors wrenched them open to make room as the first maggots entered all three of them came simultaneously as they felt something moving inside of them they thought they were full bot the ovipositor continued to pump maggots inside of them Meanwhile the golden and green dragoness was enjoying every bit of it not being scared anymore as the maggots were put inside they opened their pussy more to get more of the maggots inside of them even if the full. But the pink dragoness was not being so cooperative in reality she acts all tall and strong but she was worried thinking that she wasn't feminine enough. Of course the ovipositor went all the way witch made her cum and lactate and the told her that she was a female by proving it to her by making her cum multiple times That's when the first maggot was pushed inside she felt so full that her uterus could not hold anymore maggots but the ovipositor spikes stimulate her to cum again and each time she came another maggot was pushed and so on The hive was very pleased knowing that it's experiment worked after so much patience it had a constant breeding supply that could change the course of the war against the dragons. Malfressa looked as her daughters were being impregnated by their own free will she know understands why she was impregnated with her own kind so that they could used them as stud horses some for hatchlings and other for brood mother of the hive a constant breeding supply. That's when the ovipositor feeling her got out then a huge bug came from behind her and looked like a feral dragon but was infected by insects the most noticeable parts was its dick witch was transformed into an ovipositor as she felt the massive dick behind her she looked back in horror moments later the ovipositor entered her She had always fantasied of being fucked by a feral dragon but knew that it was impossible until today that is the only problem was that its length had spikes that were shredding her wall she felt pain but she knew that if she relaxed it wouldn't shred her wall the problem if she did that she would definitely get pregnant and didn't want to give him the satisfaction of it but as time progressed she was to tire that she couldn't hold the pain anymore and so she relaxed that when the ovipositor went all the way inside her uterus she came and her body was left limping until something came out the ovipositor it felt like small tendrils at first she thought it was more maggots except the body never came it was just tendrils they were many and could barely fit until her stomach was round that it looked like she was heavily pregnant but the tentacles could be seen moving around until the went to her tubes that went to her ovaries sucking them for her eggs.
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Mallis Queen
Mallis queen Mallis was a beautiful blue dragoness she wasn't like the rest because of how nice she is but that doesn't mean she was weaker of course that all changed when the war against the insects started with that she was immediately called into service to fight but even in training she wasn't the strongest. One night in patrol they were ambushed by flying insects they managed to kill over 20 but then Mallis got separated from her group when out of nowhere a male looking dragon pounced on top of her knocking her down and pushing her against the floor Mallis was of course pist off telling him to get off but the male didn't say anything until she heard a bug Mallis then told him that if he didn't stop the bug would kill them little did she realized that he was part bug infected. She could feel that something was pocking her rear she first thought it was the males dick except the more she felt it the more she knew something was up until she felt it moving in Circles and the tip was way to hard and felt like a stinger that when she wonder if he was the bug it didn't took long for her to know when two huge legs appeared on each side of her view Mallis then knew the gravity of her situation she immediately started to struggle and yell for help but without warning the stinger went threw her lips and separated into two opening her pussy Mallis was terrified what she didn't know was that from between the ovipositor started to come out and started to enter her stretched pussy without any difficulty Mallis was crying unable to stop the rape or move any part of her body or look at her rapist the insect witch was a huge wasp/dragon it looked at its pray and examined her body it knew that it was a weak warrior but her reproductive system wasn't if anything she has only bared 3 to 4 eggs at a time this pleased the insect knowing that she would bare many insect offsprings As the insect continued to fuck her it ovipositor was hitting her wall hard with each thrust but Mallis was feeling wett and araused and she hated it her body had betrayed her but then the insect thrusted inside her penetrating her uterus and going directly inside her womb this caused her to climax hard and her entire body to shake until she felt her body starting to move and roll face up that's when she could see the insect The insect had x-Ray thanks to its antennas and moved them near her stomach it could then see the whole action. Mallis was terrified looking at the huge wasp but more so at her stomach wich was bulging every time the ovipositor went in. The insect knew she has captured a good brood queen she was definitely larger then most dragoness and more reproductive. Mallis then felt the ovipositor move like a screwdriver witch also means that it was pumping its maggots inside her. Mallis then set her right leg free with it she squeezed the ovipositor so that the maggots couldn't get inside her the insect wasn't having it so it opened its mouth wide and engulfed her head fast Mallis panicked by screaming and moving witch proved to be a fatal mistake because the moment she opened her mouth another ovipositor entered her mouth and from moving her leg that was stopping the other ovipositor witch immediately started to deposit maggots inside her. Mallis had not noticed her mistake until she felt the first lump at her entrance she immediately tried to block it with her feat witch she got stuck in just seconds by one of the wasp legs. But then just as it was about to enter her it stopped. She was glad it didn't enter her but also confused that's when the 2 antennas were moving and exploring her body. Mallis on the other hand knew she wasn't going to die alone if the insect tried to inject, stab, impregnate or kill her the poison inside her body would kill it but what Mallis didn't know was that this insects antennas worked more then just x-Ray or enchance it perception. They could also smell poisons or venoms and it smelled it all over the dragoness body. That's when the insect stopped fucking her pussy but instead the one in her mouth went deeper Mallis was unable to gasp or vomite instead the insect started to pump a liquid inside her stomach it lasted a good half an hour and her stomach looked like it had a small nudge Mallis felt full but was curious to know what she had just been pumped with. That's when the half dragon part of the insect talked to her she was surprised by this and told him to go fuck of but the only reply was "you will bear our children" Mallis answered by saying never that she would kill him that's when the insect told her "not with the poison in you're body that I just cured" that when Mallis eyed were wide open in disbelief now knowing what the insect had done to her and terrified by it she started to panic and beg for mercy. The insect then started to fuck her again but now releasing maggots deeply inside her she could feel the first one wiggling inside and then it was forced inside her womb it hurt a lot but the insect didn't care and deposited more by the time the fourth maggot was inside she looked very pregnant but the bug knew that this dragoness has had 4 eggs at a time so it continued to pump more. Mallis by now was crying uncontrollably begging it to just stop or kill her she was carrying 8 maggots and she could feel them moving and biting to her walls in order to impregnate her devour both body and soul
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Spider grinder
Spider grinder. inside a dark cave near the center of the insect hive roamed giant spider that were 3 times the size of dragons but few the rest were exactly the size the reason for this was because they were queens filled with over 500 eggs. Sadly for them they are in need of a brood queen in order to deposit the eggs inside a host. A few day ago a gray/white dragoness named Devalyn was captured by some smaller spiders and webbed in a strange way considering the only part that wasn't covered were her breast, pussy, ass and half her face. ------------------- This particular dragoness was specially beautiful with her slender body and good looks she was known to tease all the males for attention wich backfired considering the army didn't tolerate such behavior and was immediately put on guard duty on the front lines. And in one of her patrols she was ambushed instantly stung with paralysing venom and her body moved to a more secure location. -once they were entering the cave did she finally woke up she could only see long sticks coming and going and feel she was webbed that when she remembered what had happened Devalyn then started to scream for help what she didn't know was that she was miles away in the center of bug territory. Once she saw the cave she tried to move away to no avail. Slowly she entered deeper and deeper barely able to see. -------------------------------------the insects then enter a big room filled with webs. Devalyn then felt how the spiders were streaching her arms and legs the spiders then secured her by letting her dangling in the air with her romp high and legs spread. Devalyn then knew what was going to happen she had heard the story she started to move wildly trying to escape and cut through her Webbing but the only thing she did was to make her presence known to the queen. --------------------- She then heard a loud screeching sound as she froze and looked at the direction of the sound she saw a giant spider coming out with it ovipositor fully erected and accompanied by a swarm of smaller insects. Devalyn screamed in horror as she saw them getting closer the smaller ones reaching her first they started by inspecting her naked body especially her niples as they started sucking her some bite her with small teeth and started to inject her with venom with powerful aphrodisiac meant to putt a female in rutting heat to shame. Devalyn could feel her body starting to get worm in a particular place. -------------- What she failed to realize was the queen spider reading herself behind her, once she noticed a tentacle between her legs she started to cry and beg for mercy to not impregnate her. A few second later the ovipositor started grinding on her pussy trying to gain entrance she could barely hold on but then she felt her strength leaving her that when with one firm thrust it pushed inside her. --------------------------- Devalyn then screamed in pain as she was raped so forcefully and spread insanely wide by the giant ovipositor it wiggled inside the pain was strong because the ovipositor was filled with spiked hair. But In a matter of seconds the pain transformed into pleasure and she was sickened to feel that way. Once the ovipositor reached her cloaca it started to move like a screwdriver and used its hair to stimulate her the spider knew that male dragons used their spike to stimulate the females for impregnation. This of course shocked her as she was forcefully opened with pleasure. The ovipositor pushed inside her filling her up and started to rutt inside her she felt gushing pleasure passing threw her vain but not enjoying knowing what was giving her that pleasure. Then it stated to throb as she could see the spider egg sack starting to appear bigger and bigger filled with 500 eggs. Then she saw how they went down the ovipositor tube 1 by 1 each egg the size of golf ball wich to her were huge considering her body frame was little even in the dragon clan she was exceptionally small especially her pussy butt very fertile she has bear young before and layed eggs before but she even had a tough time trying to lay. But the spider didn't care and stretched her small body to make way for the eggs she couldn't see it anymore but could feel it once it reached her cloaca it was forcefully pushed inside her uterus she felt very much full but before she knew it another was deposited inside her and another and another. With 3 eggs all ready inside her she looked pregnant. ---------- Devalyn was now crying and sobbing uncontrollably In fear and horror as she knew her fate was sealed knowing that 3 eggs were already inside her making her look pregnant and inside they were attached to her wall soon to devour both body and soul what she didn't expect was the spider becoming more aggressive as it started to pump more eggs inside her and rutting much faster. Devalyn then fell limp as she gave up leating loose a cascade of tears fall it was all she could do as she was roughly mated impregnated and filled against her will. The spider then started to move its face in front of her and opened it mouth and out came spearing another tentacle but looked much smother and had 4 exits Devalyn was scared stiff and close her mouth shut that when the 2 smaller insects went to her head and with their tendrils they started to dig threw her ear and into her mind trying to control her but she resisted that's when the 2 insects started to move and with there ovipositors started to fuck her nose Devalyn was now in trouble with her air supply cut her mind was more easier to control and the only way she could bread was threw her mouth and outside was the ovipositor in just a few minutes she opened her mouth to bread only to be stuffed by the ovipositor that when the 2 insects stopped fucking her nose and moved away That's when the spider opened its mouth even wider and started to put its mouth inside Devalyn head she panicked thinking she was going to be eat but instead it stopped once it engulfed her head. That when the ovipositor truly went inside her all the way to her stomach and started to lay eggs inside her by Bulcs. By now Devalyn looked heavily pregnant and her niples were brutally milked and had lost all hope for rescue
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
The insect lich King
The insect lich thing was diyng but not before it druged a purple dragoness named Fensha. Both were incapacitated the only thing moving was the other half end of the insect were the ovipositor was still trying to find its target the dragoness now defenseless crotch. As the night comes she can no longer see the tentacle but she can feel it questing abaut. It had been several minutes since the encounter with the strange insect and the tentacle was still trying to lay eggs inside her to hatch and continue the reproduction were the other insect had failed. All the while Fensha was moaning and feeling wet in her neather area she was disgusted to feel this araused but new it had been the drug that was pumped inside her stomach taking effect. Even still she wondered why the other half hadn't died yet. -----------------------------------What she didn't know is that some species of insects could leave for 2 more month even if it's split in half the only down side it that it no longer has a brain to function properly. -------------------------------------she started to panic because of the tentacle moving closer and farther almost tounting her, that all changed of course when the smaller leaches under the cover of darkness started to crawl all over her body fearing that they would star feeding on her like last time two of the leaches had crawled to her niples and when they got there the lached there small mouth at her. -------------------------------------only then was she truly scared fearing that her blood was being sucked only this time instead of sucking they were injecting her with something hot inside her milk bags. Then did the purple dragoness knew that this leaches were also part of the hive. What she didn't know was why they weren't hurting her but instead increasing her heat. ------------------------------------/-as the treatment progress the other leaches started to move down her crotch. Paralized and scared the dragoness could only moan in fear as the leaches reached her pussy. But to her surprise they stopped they didn't went inside witch was a relief for her considering if they did they would have went inside and eat her from the inside out. -------------------------------------then the leaches with there sharp pincer touched her pussy lips and started like multiple hooks opening her folds. For sure now she tought that they would enter her most intimate place but they didn't which confused her even more until that is the tentacle relaxed she thought that it finally died when in reality it was much different. -------------------/---/--------------instead the leaches were helping the ovipositor to go to her inner sanctum, Fensha then realized that the ovipositor was getting closer and not going backward and she felt the tentacle different with small nudges outside. That's when she realized that it wasn't part of the tentacle but leaches attached to it. -------------------------------------nowing now that the leaches were actually helping the tentacle did she wimper in horror knowing all to well what was about to happen to her. With her body insanely drugged the leaches didn't need to open her outter lips or pumpe her with more venom but with the extra help it would help to get deaper inside her with ease. And wait for another egg laying bug to forcefully reapet raping her with more eggs. -------------------------------------Fensha then screamed in pain as the tentacle started it assault but this time the two pincers at the end of the ovipositor didn't need to prie her open thanks to the leaches already doing that part instead it went all in little by little and still not expelling the inner tube of the tentacle. -------------------------------------Fensha fealt completely sikend and terrified as the tentacle squished itself inside her streaching her wall, when the tentacle reached her cloaca it star to bump into her reapeatedly and grossly as she is uneable to move a single muscle moments later she could feel the two pincers pocking at her. That is until the leaches attached to the tentacle started there assault on her walls stinging her and it hurt but instead of inflating her it did the opposite it relaxed her walls and then the leaches started to enter her and streach her even more. ------------------------------------- that when Fensha realized that the leaches were actually opening her cloaca up for the tentacle as she could feel it squizing inside of her without help of the two pincers she screamed as it forcefully penetrated inside her then the pinzers only once inside her uterus did they open and stretched her beyond normal. She could actually see the pincers shouting under her skin at first it was painful but immediately she stop feeling pain only in body that is. -----------------------_____------------------once it was inside did the inner tube (ovipositor) started to come out but the thing is that the inner tube was suppose to come out at her pussy entrance not that it matter considering it now have more freedom of course. Fensha screamed and cried in horror as she was raped so violently and deep. She could feel the inner tube of the insect inside her as it filled trying to wedge all of its body inside her but she was already to full even with her uterus streached she tought it couldn't get in more beacause there was no space left. In wich case she was write but also wrong, her uterus might be full but not her smaller tubes that go to her ovaries. -------------------------------------In that moment the ovipositor split into two and attacked her tubes. This time it really hurt as she felt it going down and deaper than any bug had gone inside a dragoness in history. The two ovipositor started sucking for her eggs wich discussed Fensha as she came and realeased her eggs butt then almost immediately she came again and again not knowing how until she remembered the drugs that were inside her it most have been a very strong aphrodisiac. ------------__________ Then the tentacle retracted back to her uterus and stopped moving. A few seconds later the tentacle was pulsating and baring its length inside her as she knew that it started laying it young. As she saw the length of the creature filled with an insane amount of maggot inside the tentacle slowly being pushed towards her entrance terrified as she slowly watch the process then she felt the first lump passing through her pussy and reaching for her cloaca as it was wrenched open to make room. And then Fensha screamed in horror and pain as it was deposited inside her and feeling it squirming moving abaut and knew that many more were on the way as the second and third were deposited did they begun there assault on her unfeartilized eggs using the embryos to grow and there were many like 15 eggs and more maggots were pumped inside her as she looked ready to give birth the ovipositor continued to pump more maggots inside her the only problem was that all her eggs were used in witch case the maggots started to squirme for her tube that go to her ovaries to get more egg. ---------_____________________________ That when Fensha felt the bugs going for her ovaries directly as the maggots use there tendril to get what they wanted but even then it would end and they would have to wait for more egg butt the maggots instead attached theme selves to the ovaries theme selves. Fensha could feel everything and knew she was done for. -------------------------------------already the maggots were growing inside her and she knew that she would give birth in two weeks to them but the smaller leaches had other plans instead they stated moving through her pussy Fensha could feel them moving deaper and deaper and then came pain as they entered through her clitoris and inside her uterus. Fensha was surprised by this considering she didn't knew why they were entering her. What she didn't knew is the reason which was because they wanted to grow as well. One of the leaches was fortunate inouf to find an unfeartilized egg and immediately emerged with it but the thing is when a fully developed insect wants to grow it much faster inside a host. Fensha could feel a bulge growing inside her wich made her cry uncontrollably in fear as she felt the need to push the ovipositor inside her made a pop as it existed her but the after a few agonizing minutes she gave birth to the first insect wich looked exactly the same as the original only a bit smaller. As Fensha saw in horror at the bug she panic as it went straight back at her pussy but it's stopped right above her she then drew her attention to the Lower part of the bugs body seeing that it was way more rounded then its successor and something was moving inside. Then came out the ovipositor of the thing Fensha screamed horrified as she knew what had just happened and what was going to happen not long did the ovipositor penetrated her causing her to cum and give birth again once inside it laid more maggots inside her. Then she heard clicking sounds of bugs coming closer and then came out a full grown insect with its ovipositor out Fensha screamed again trying to get help but it only gave the insect the opportunity to shove its ovipositor inside her mouth and threw her throat as she could feel through her gaged mouth bulges going down her throat and deposited inside her stomach. Fensha then moan in defeat as the insect filled her with eggs upon eggs.
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Cynder and the tentacles
Cynder and the tentacles. Cynder had been captured by a swarm of tentacles in her sleep inside a cave she tried to free herself put was unable her neck was squeezed and both her arms and legs were stretched. She was dangling in the air. Suddenly another tentacle appeared in front of Cynder face and this one looked different it was large but the inside looked hollow. Once it was near Cynder the tentacle tip separated into four like a flower and without warning it latched itself on Cynder face and streaching her mouth open that's when she started to panic not knowing what was going on. That when an inner tube started to come out and go into her mouth it wiggle inside her tongue and then started to go down her neck Cynder was unable to gag because of the tentacle gone way to deep down her throat she could feel that the tentacle stop once it reached her stomach for her it was disgusting the taste of the tentacle. Then the tentacle started to move baring down on her she the saw a some sort of liquid going through the tentacle Cynder wanted to close her mouth but was unable as the liquid got to her mouth and passed her throat she could feel it being deposited inside her stomach it was hot and sticky as the treatment continue she could feel some changes on her body it was getting hotter and hotter and one particular part was getting wetter. Cynder was confused not knowing why she was araused at first she taught maybe she was in heat but knew that was impossible because that happened two months ago. -------------------------------------Cynder was right in her assessment in her being in heat it was because of the liquid in her stomach it was a strong afrodisiac with egg control that when Cynder started to feel that she was getting closer to her peek of climaxing she felt disgusting as she came hard and started to shake uncontrollably Cynder hated herself she knew that when a Dragoness climaxes they release unfertilized eggs she didn't care much about it until another tentacle appeared behind her eye sight this one was thicker bigger and its skin was rough to the touch it's tip opened like a flower in three parts two going up her waist and the other threw her ass when it started to touch her Cynder gave out a Yelp of surprise and fear. -------------------------------------she moved her head as best she could only to be able to get a glimpse of the tentacle that when she screamed in horror knowing that she was going to get raped she tried to move to no avail until she saw something come out of the tube was as big as the one in her mouth but inner tip looked like a scorpions tail with a stingier a the point. Cynder was truly terrified she knew in her mind that the stinger would definitely hurt her especially if it went inside as the tentacle flower secured her waist laching themselves on her pussy she could feel the scorpion like tail to enter her pussy Cynder was terrified and disgusted as the thing went deeper and deeper and she felt like she was going to split in half. -------------------------------------everything changed of course when the tip got to her entrance she could feel how deep the tentacle was and that the stingers started to touch her cloaca. Cynder was horrified because she knew that If she was stung it would hurt her badly what she did not expect was feeling pleasure as the stingier was only caressing her entrance. Cynder could feel another climax coming in that when the stinger started to push trying to get inside her womb this caused some pain for Cynder but thank to her climax she couldn't concentrate until the tentacle pierced inside her that sent her over the edge in seconds. ----------------------------------once her climax had gone died out she could feel the tentacle was now inside her and started to move up and down like a dragon dick Cynder couldn't resist the urge to respond by bucking her hips she felt completely araused as the treatment continued she could feel the tentacle starting to bulge and then without warning it exploded sending waves of sticky goo inside her womb she felt a lot of pleasure but was not happy and wished it to end as an entire hour had gone by she already had 5 more climax and was very exhausted and sensitive. ------------------------------------- that when the tentacles stopped Cynder was confused but not a moment to soon the tentacle started to move and bare down on her she could then see ripples inside the tentacle that were slowly going down that when she got a gut look at one of them it was round like an egg butt the egg shell was transparent and inside looked like a small tentacle as she realized what they were and what was going to happen she screamed in horror as tentacle look like it had over a thousand of them as the first egg reached her pussy she tried to close her lips but the tentacle was to strong and the egg was forced inside her it hurt because it was to big but it continued its course once it reached her cloaca it was renched open and the egg was deposited. Cynder at this point was crying as she could feel each egg being deposited inside her womb when the other tentacle in her mouth started to to the same her eyes were wide open as she could feel the eggs going down her throat and into her stomach. -------------------------------------that's when another small tentacle reached for her pussy Cynder could feel it and looked at it as it went inside her and was stuffed even more until it watched what was inside the tentacle it looked like a small worm but with teeth Cynder was now crying her guts out in pure fear as they went inside her womb what she did not know was that all the unfertilized eggs that Cynder had released were going to be used by the worms to grow. Cynders stomach was now bulging making her look pregnant as more and more worm tried to get inside her womb. When suddenly they started to crawl up her ass as the first one went inside she felt inmense pain but after the 5th worm she could only feel pleasure her eyes had a blank expression of pure extasy. Moments latter she passed out and day came when she had awoken she had problems trying to get up because of her belly but when she realized what happened she immediately started to scratch her pussy to try to get the worms out but found it to be blocked by a the slime that had turned into stone witch scared her after an hour she gave up and was sobbing to the fate that would come of her but in just a minute she heard cracking noises coming inside her and knew that the worms were starting to hatch Cynder was stiff in fear until she begun to feel her inxting coming in and spread her legs and started to push then from both her ass and pussy started to spray worm after worm when she finally finished she was exhausted but some worms where still inside her one inside her brain and lached itself. -------------------------------------Cynder then had strange emotions of spyro mating her but while she was distracted a bug had reached her pussy and started to enter her Cynder felt this because of how big it was it barely fit but when she tried to grab it her body wouldn't let her and so it pushed itself inside her womb once it was inside her she felt her entire body being controlled as she was walking she knowteced that she was going to warfang when suddenly she saw ember her friend and her body went to her She then pinned her down a dark alley were she started to please ember she was confused by this but then the insect inside of Cynder move to her entrance witch was touching embers that when it stung her paralysing her and started to lay worms inside her ember was scared but when they were inside her womb her body was now under control. Ember headed for the forest she didn't know why until 10 tentacle came out of nowhere and started to rape her all 10 tentacles started to deposit eggs inside her. Ember felt completely disgusting but her body was enjoying it beyond imagination
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Liz Cynder daughter
Liz Cynder daughter. It had been a few day since the ambush and Liz was also held as a mate against her will and wishes this of course was different because she had two males. This two males were specially gifted with stamina and we're now enjoying their new fuck toy the only difference is that Liz was actually impatient to getting fucked and filled she actually enjoyed it and started to tease her two male masters this wasn't a problem for the hatchlings considering they were pleased to see such igqrness. They each took turn to prolong her heat and Cumming inside her womb the two hatchlings were told that because they are young they might not be able too impregnate her right away so they have to make sure to fill her up every day. This was music to their ears considering they could play with her longer. But one day they devised a plan by getting antidotes that increased eyaculation as well ass prolong their stamina. This plan was put in place one day when Liz was at her peek of heat so they started one by one eagerly pumping their cocks inside her while she screamed in pleasure as the first climax came she could feel that it was different considering the orgasm of the male lasted longer and filled her more then usual this of course was welcome as she wanted more that when the other male stepped in and repeated the process but now both males bite her with their venom causing her to climax no long the male did the same and filled her the stomach know had a small bulge what they did next was unexpected they told her to drink a bottle that contained venom she tough that it was their but instead it was from a fully developed dragon. The two hatchlings knew if you put excessive venom a female gives more eggs butt they thought why not do it more directly. The 3 of them continue their mating all day by the time the day ended her stomach was round like a ball and looked ready to explode the female passed out in pleasure. The rest of the clan looked surprised to see this especially the females fearing what had happened to her sister. ---------------------------- Cynder on the other hand couldn't concentrate as she was being raped almost constantly her stomach looking twice as round from the sheer amount of cum. Cynder was placed in the main courtyard as she was bondage in a way that she was pinned against the floor and her hip raised in the air with both her legs spread wide. It was customized that all dragon passing threw should fuck her as law and if they see her being mated that they should bite her and put venom inside her. ----------------------------------- Cynder at this moment couldn't control her body because of the venom making her moan in pleasure and rutting in mid air her body wanting more even the younger males fucked her With this Cynder was constantly in heat and raped. ------------- Liz on the other hand was being impatient for her males. Cynder was so full of cum that her pussy looked like a soup of cum but even in her intense heat she was still scared of the night because of a very particular reason when everyone in the village went to sleep fouled creatures came in the form of insects could smell her heated mess this Little insects would only crawl up inside her pussy and start to eat the cum inside her pussy and womb this made it impossible for Cynder to sleep or get pregnant because even if one of her eggs got fertilized by just a few seconds the insects would eat them and worst part of it is that when they finished they would rest in her comfortable womb and when sunrise came they would come out. This night was different as a particular big insect 1/3 the size of Cynder came towards her. Cynder immediately realized the danger and tried to call for help but no one came the insect was soon behind her and started to inspect her pussy that was filled with cum. She started to panic not knowing what would happen by trying to move but then she got a glimpse of something growing on the spider it looked like a tube Cynder didn't know what it was until it started to grind outside her lips. By know Cynder knew what was going to happen she was going to get impregnated by the insect ovipositor. That when with one swift strike the ovipositor went all the way inside her Cynder was moaning again in pleasure until it started to go deeper and tried to go threw her cloaca this brought some level of discomfort until it went threw wich made her cum instantly and massage the ovipositor with that she saw that a large sack had appeared from the insect body and something was moving inside that's when the insects made a loud hissing noise and the sack started to become smaller she didn't know what was happening but saw that the things inside it started to move downward what she couldn't see was that the insect was starting to impregnate her with maggots the ovipositor grew larger Cynder could feel it until she felt a lump in the ovipositor going down her pussy Cynder then knew what was happening and started to cry and beg not to get impregnated it did little effort as the first was implanted inside her womb she came again but this time she could feel the maggots inside her as more and more were placed her belly was big and made her look heavily pregnant that when the maggots started to attach themselves with their small teeth inside her womb this made Cynder cry out in pain and her pussy started to bleed small amount of blood what the maggot were found was impregnating her as their mouth were used as an unbelicall course Cynder knew that she was done for and would spawn the insects
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chemaspot1 · 6 years
Cynder and children rape
Cynder and children rape. It all started when Cynder a family was ambushed inside there home cave by hybrid dragon/bats they overpowered both cynder and spyro. There hatchlings soon captured as well all 17 kids the eldest were females in their teens while the other 6 were males. Shogu the leader of the hybrid was sent with his group to kill the family. Of course spyro and Cynder begged them to letting their children go. Of course shogu never intended to kill anyone his goal was much bigger. ----------------- Shogu then approached Cynder and tolled her that he won't kill her family only if she serves him (sexually) of course Cynder immediately refused until one of her children had a claw on his neck she immediately retracted her answer and lowered her face in shame. Shogu then told Cynder to start sucking his dick like a bitch in heat she could only agree and started sucking. Shogu now being pleasured by Cynder mouth and tongue please by her actions then he gave word to some of his men to start sucking her pussy and told Cynder to raise her rump and separate her legs. The two dragons immediately started sucking her folds making wett sounds. Cynder was humiliated as she was forced to do this but what truly made her sad was the fact that her female hatchlings were forced to watch her being raped. -------------------------------------she soon feels the climax of shogu inside her mouth as she gulped his seed she could smell the horrible stench too. Once the climax ended she was pushed aside and put against the floor shogu then raised her flank again putting his dick in position of her pussy. Cynder begged him not to but was quickly silenced as he remained her what would happen if she resisted. Then in slow painful thrust he entered her causing her legs and spine to shake Shogu laughed as he saw how frail Cynder truly was after a few minutes he raped her this time letting loose as he rutted her fast and with no mercy Cynder felt her body moving back and fourth unable to stay in one place and sobbing as she was raped Shortly later Shogu bite her on the neck securing her. Cynder started to begg him not to cum inside and impregnate her but Shogu just told her to shut up and to take his seed moments later he climaxed deep inside her womb this caused her own orgasm Shogu laugh as he knew he made her climax and called her a hore in heat. Cynder was know shedding tear as she knew she had gotten raped and impregnated because she had orgasmed releasing her unfertilized eggs to his awaiting seed. -------------------------------- Shogu then realeased Cynder letting her fall to the ground exhausted and whimpering in tears. That when Shogu told his pack to bring Cynders daughters that were around the age of 17. Cynder then told him to honor his part of the deal but he responded telling her that he wasn't going to kill them moments later 2 of his men crept from behind stuffed her in both mouth and pussy with their dicks. --------------------------------Cynder was unable to gage or move as she was raped a second time. This time however Shogu made a gesture in his hand that's when the younger males of the pack moved behind Cynders daughters with shock she saw how the males pounced on top of them pushing them to the ground. Cynder began to panic thinking that they would die but in reality It was much different instead they were securing their prize as they started to grind on their entrance half of them were to shocked to move and the others protested their advance it did little as they started their rape their belly bulging from the size of their dicks. Cynder was crying to the scene unfolding in front of her. That when Shogu grabbed the eldest Named Mira by her neck and violently fucked her telling her that she would bare his children by that time they were all being fucked most of them already had surrendered to pleasure all except Mira she wasn't enjoying this but then Shogu with one thrust penetrated her reaching her uterus Mira shuck violently as she climaxed this was noted by Shogu and laughed she called her a good bitch and told her to keep squeezing his dick, Mira didn't want to but her climax made her squeez him for his seed that's when Shogu released his surprise by biting her with his fangs and injecting her with aphrodisiac that contained an egg control cyrum that injected made females release egg for impregnation. ----------------------------------- Mira could feel her crotch getting hotter and wett as she was being raped she came a second time this time much more powerful however as she could feel the change of her climax she wondered why she couldn't control her body that's when Shogu told her what he had done this news scared Mina and all her pride was gone as she begged him not to cum inside and impregnate her. Shogu of course laugh telling her she was just like her mother a begging cum dumpster soon to be pregnant. ----____________________----------- Shogu then moved her in position so she could be near her mother Cynder by this point she had Climax multiple times but not as many times as her two captors that had filled both her mouth and pussy. That's when Shogu told the man fucking Cynders face to move away and to star fucking her rear this made Cynder gasping in pain mouth full of cum unable to drink all the leftover seed this gave Shogu an idea he told Cynder to kiss her daughter and pass the leftover seed to her mouth Mira and Cynder Froze as they heard what he wanted them to do but without any other options the two Dragoness started to kiss and pass the cum to one mouth to another as the scene continued for ceveral minutes Mira's head was separated from her mother thats when she felt the dragon on top of her beginning to go stronger faster and panting heavily his balls growing for the final release Mira's body was shaking uncontrollably back and fourth as her 3rd climax came this made her walls extremely sensitive and made her squeeze his dick for all his seed with that kind of reaction Shogu waisted no time in cumming inside her Mira felt the Dragons cum pouring down her womb as she cried knowing that she would get pregnant and bare Shogu's bastards as she lay limp and shocked but then she was immediately fucked again wich caught her of guard she didn't think he would continue going after 3 climaxes. ------------------------------------Cynder by this point had climaxed 7 times and gotten creampied over 15 times her mind was practically broken just like her body the only thing she could do was cry and whimper as she saw her elder daughter being impregnated and her other daughters raped thinking that at least the rest wouldn't get pregnant because they were to young. That all changed however as the rest of the males that were around the same age of the females bit their newly found toys with their fangs with the same venom of course they were already in pure extasy and pleasure and were not fighting back thinking that they couldn't get pregnant this however after the injection it made them think twice in fear because their wombs were already filled with cum but now there fates were sealed. ------------------------------------- The youngest daughter 10 years old named Liz suffered the same fate as another male the same age as her did the same to her but because he was so young his venom wasn't as powerful therefore another male the same age also started to fuck her on the rear and bite her this caused an insane ammaunt of pain and pleasure at the same time considering how young they were they hadn't cum yet prolonging their pleasure and considering the stamina they had being young they lasted 15 minutes more but then all three dragons moaned as they came at the same time filling both her holes with cum and impregnating her. But they didn't slow down and both male dragons started to fuck her pussy streaching her out. Liz had now surrendered herself to the two of them in pleasure bumping her rear against the two of them every time they hump back and by know all 3 hatchlings enjoying each other company this made Cynder stare in disbelief and fear. ------------------------------------As they were filled with seed over and over making sure they would get pregnant Shogu then announced that all the females were to be united with there current males and become mates and proclaiming that Mira would be he's mate all the males cheered as they took their mates except for the females who were now all exhausted and limp from the rape. Shogu of course then turned around to see Cynder that was more white then black from all the cum with her stomach bulging making her look pregnant from the sheer volume of cum inside her and her eyes with a blank expression that could only mean that her mind was broken. Shogu then told everyone that Cynder would be the only one that all the males could share. ---------------------------------- That's when Shogu reared his hips behind her and started to fuck her again Cynder however didn't care anymore as she knew she was already pregnant however Shogu had different plans instead he bit her releasing his venom inside her Cynder still didn't think much about his actions that is until he told all the males to bite her and get into the action. Cynder now felt incredibly hott and full considering her face had 4 dicks stuffed: 2 in her mouth and 2 in her nose filled with the younger ones dick, while her pussy had 3 and finally her ass another 2. That's when Shogu told him what his clan had just done by injecting her with an insane amount of venom her ovaries would release more unfertilized eggs than normal. After hearing this Cynder eyes were wide open in disbelief. ----------------------------------- A few seconds later she could feel all the males ready to release their cum inside her she started to move a little trying to get them off butt failed as they all came inside her at the same time making her scream on her gag neck as she could barely keep it together as she was filled with so much cum. Shogu then smirked in victory knowing he's plan was a success and that this was only one the beginning.
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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chemaspot1 · 7 years
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