I learned many great lessons from the process of accomplishing my responsibility in college. I sometimes look back and get mad at myself, why didn't I do it as well as others do? I looked at how many times I was worried and upset--but now I am here. I made it. I survived. I'm proud of the fact that I am trying, and the process to deal with my own self. Wouldn’t you know that your path was there all along, waiting for you to become. Your path is your character defining itself more and more everyday like a photograph coming into focus. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Sekian inspirasyenel quotes dariku. Pokoknya thank you for everyone who give me massive supports through my ups and downs. Aku sayang kalian❤️ I made it guys!!!✨✨🌹🌹 (at Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM)
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Patriotism is a thing difficult to put into words. A state of mind -- a reflection of our own personal sense of worth, and respect for our roots. Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia 75 🇲🇨 (at Happy Independence Day)
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Hi guys, how's life? It's a very tough time of the year, isn't it? This is 2020 and the world has become a nightmare. Everything was just fine 3 weeks ago. Aku masih latihan dance buat kompetisi, seneng2 pas kompetisinya, masih latihan lagi buat kompetisi lain (akhirnya ditunda), masih ke pantai, nongki sama temen2 di kafe. But now we must locking ourselves up at home/kos-kosan, #dirumahaja. Events are cancelled. Hospitals are overwhelmed. Economies have tanked. It is like we are living in a horror movie with no closing credits in sight. Who would have guessed this was coming tho. 2019 sucks but this is not what we want in 2020 am I right???? I like to think this too shall pass and life will go on. I miss our daily basic life. The day surely will come again, saat kita bisa makan bareng temen2, ngopi di kafe, jalan2 di mall, ke pantai, ke gunung, without fear, without grief. Kemarin aku sempet sakit, ya sakit biasa sih dan cuma seminggu tapi ditambah anxiety, sempet stres berat, cuma bisa di kos, sendirian, parno, tiap hari nangis, sampe lose weight hahaha. Beberapa hari ini juga mendung dan hujan terus tiap siang (aku bangunnya siang terus jadi ga merasakan berjemur matahari pagi) but thank God tadi akhirnya aku bisa lihat lagi langit biru awan putih, gak segloomy kemarin2. Bosen? Bosen banget parah. Jalanan sepi, jalan masuk ditutup portal bertulis lockdown, keluar kos cari makan aja merasa kriminal, feeling guilty. Monmaap kosku gaada dapurnya haha sedih, aku juga pengen masak2 lucu di rumah/kos kayak kalian tapi gabisa. Sebisa mungkin kita tetep harus stay home, stay healthy, stay hydrate. It's all doesn't seem normal, it's tiring and suffocating but this is our time to be hero, our time to save the world (the world ya not the earth, this is human crisis not our planet crisis) by staying at home and do the physical distancing. Jangan mudik dulu. Kita bisa melalui ini semua, guys!!!!!Semua ini pasti akan selesai dan kita bisa normal lagi seperti biasanya. We have much time to think, to pray, to be kind. It's okay to cry, it's okay to be angry, it's okay to be not okay. But remember we can do this together. Jiayou!!! 🌈🌈🌈 (at This Too Shall Pass)
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Thank you! You are old. (at Saranghae)
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Recalling those summer memories🍃🍂 #summer #andongnationaluniversity #southkorea (at Andong National University)
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yes, we can't undo this mess. . . 📷 @erwin_aditama (at Yamaneko)
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이건 보통 사람들이 Google 검색에서 찾고얻는 한글 인용문이 아니다. 여기 인용문이 없는데. . . 📷 @feyariz (at Gerimis Senja)
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no way man . . . 📷 @real_chmjung #KoreanDays #koreandaysugm2018 #Sua #dreamcatcher #dreamcatchersua (at Gedung PKKH UGM)
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cintai batikmu makan ayam tiap hari (at Kyungpook National University)
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uuuu panash #summertime 💛 (at Buseoksa Temple)
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Yes, this is my sanity.(Andong, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia에서)
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I can’t see the light inside this world that’s far too beautiful My heart’s bursting open, an infinite reflection. 📷 @pitra . . . . #folkindonesia #igersjp #lookbook #smile #lookbookmelove #lookbookindonesia #vsco #vscocam #girlinframe #ootd #asiangirl #asianstyle #koreanstyle #japanesestyle #fotograferyk #yogyakarta #malioboro #jogjaistimewa #colorizedmood #pitra #bokehlicious #motretidol #portraitimagine #humanedge #visualauthority #capturedconcepts #folkportrait #nightscape #nightgram
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Dari total 10 yang mau berangkat, yang bisa cuma 6 orang. Minim persiapan pula, dasar nekat wkwk. Berangkat sore dari Jogja, nyasar di jalan, nyampe basecamp makan dulu baru naik jam 10an. Tenda selesai langsung bikin kopi dengan alat seadanya karena ngga bawa apa-apa, law of the mountain banget 😂 And the sunrise was so beautiful!!!🌄 Thank you guys! Much love🗻�� (at Gunung Andong, Magelang)
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tiap ada event koreaan atau kunjungan tamu korea gitu di kampus selalu jadi among tamu, pegel harus berdiri dan senyum terus tapi seneng sering pake hanbok bagus 😂 (at South Korea)
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