chellick · 3 years
How much cooler would the Here Lies the Abyss quest be if it was the Hero of Ferelden as the Warden?
Think of the interactions! 
- Warden Amell reuniting with their long-lost cousin, the angst of leaving either one behind (especially if Hawke survives, that’s just another relative taken from him).
- Seeing a Morrigan-romanced Warden in the garden interacting with her and their son. Seeing him whisper flirtations in her ear and catching her smiling until she sees the Inquisitor and she nudges him away, collecting herself. Watching him clap a hand to his son’s shoulder or hugging him tightly. Or, if he didn’t go through the Eluvian, a touching moment where he meets Kieran for the first time. 
- Finding the Warden stealing moments of Leliana’s time up in the tower. Walking in on the two in a passionate or tender moment. Leliana apologizing, but happy nonetheless as it had been a long while since she had seen her love. If the Inquisitor is romancing Bull, they can comment it’s a funny change to be on the other side intruding on an intimate moment. 
- The letters from Zevran containing post-script that was heavily redacted due to its explicit nature for the Warden. BEST would be a sudden Sit in Judgement quest Josephine brings to your attention. A roguish elf is charged with scaling a tower and caught by Cullen’s men. Zevran charmingly waves his shackled hands at the Inquisitor with a witty remark. The HoF bursts through before judgement can be passed, claiming her love and imploring the Inquisitor to reserve judgement, who bemusedly would. 
- King Alistair paying a visit to Skyhold on important business and absolutely NOT here to see his warrior-Queen/Mistress, what would give you that idea, but by any chance where could he find her? Warden Alistair boisterously exalting his love of his Warden so loud Morrigan could be heard making a comment on their sickening display.
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chellick · 5 years
God: you may choose a gender
Aziraphale: no thank you
Crowley: cool more for me then
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chellick · 5 years
when a mutual suddenly gains a niche super-interest i cannot follow at all but i support them
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chellick · 5 years
hands down the BEST thing about being one of those absolutely feral morons who goes hog wild and turns ultra-minor characters with maybe 3 canon facts and an inconsistent design to their name into fully-developed 3D characters in their own right is that nobody, neither the creators nor the fandom, can tell me they WOULDN’T be like this. the fandom doesn’t care about them and the creators think of them as a background prop or a glorified quest dispenser AT BEST. my city now!!!
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chellick · 5 years
gosh it really bugs me how people continously try to separate “trans” and “nonbinary” as if nonbinary isnt just a different way of being trans
people constantly try to act like these are different things- theres separate flags, separate communities, people specify “trans and nonbinary”, they try to act like these are somehow two different yet similar things when… no? they are the same. there might be some differences between binary and nonbinary trans experiences but like… theres differences between trans man experiences and trans woman experiences, but theyre both still trans. they are still trans experiences. and its the same with nb trans people— yes theres differences, but we are still trans, we still have trans experiences.
people continue to use the trans flag as basically “binary trans” and then a different flag for nonbinary people but… nonbinary people are explicitly included in the trans flag. that white stripe is for us. we have always been a part of the trans community, have always been a part of the history and culture. we are a part of the flag that so many people use while trying to exclude us.
you cannot separate nonbinary people from trans people, because we are trans people. theres nothing wrong with having sections of the trans community that are specifically for binary trans people or specifically for nonbinary trans people, because we do have differences and finding people in similar circumstances is important, but what matters is that you specify that these are still within the trans community. we are still trans people.
im rambling just… im sick of people acting like “trans” and “nonbinary” are separate things and need completely separate communities and flags and whatnot because that just…. makes no sense. we are just as trans as binary trans people and if you think that we are a lesser trans then youre just wrong.
p.s. you cant use the trans flag if you want to exclude nonbinary ppl cause that flag explicitly includes us so its against ur ideals 😘 get another flag cause this is ours
(cis ppl can rb just dont add shit cause this is an intercommunity issue)
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chellick · 5 years
maintaining certain mutuals just bc i don’t like them and like seeing them be Objectively Wrong all the time
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chellick · 5 years
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they don’t care that karl was someone’s son… someone’s lover.
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chellick · 5 years
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i think i need to pray…a lot
☀️ i’ve fallen for a chantry boy and can’t get up ☀️
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chellick · 5 years
Me: there are so many games I want to play
Also me:
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chellick · 5 years
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“So I’m the only one who misses when we used to chat in the elevators back on the Citadel?”
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chellick · 5 years
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chellick · 5 years
i like the idea that by act 3, like 70% of hawke’s reputation in kirkwall is just built on elaborate lies and stories that varric makes up about them. like, “hawke single-handedly saves the mines outside of kirkwall because she can speak dragon” or “oh, didn’t you know? hawke destroyed the entire invisible sisters gang by sniping each individual member from up on the hawke estate rooftop.” and the citizens of kirkwall, who at this point have literally seen hawke defeat the arishok in single combat and save the entire city, are just like “oh shit seems legit”
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chellick · 5 years
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chellick · 5 years
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chellick · 5 years
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for anyone who can't read my shitty handwriting it says
"oh yeah earlier today there were these two dumbass boyfriends trying to cross the street before the light changed and when a car turned and almost hit them one of them (screamed i forgot to write fucking screamed) "I'M SO SORRY!!" while his boyfriend screamed "FUCK YOU DICKWAD!""
"it was hilarious"
"oh my god that was me and ringabel"
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chellick · 5 years
A non cis person who is still exploring their gender and identity and does not want to label themselves : My gender is like a ufo.Unidentified but still cool :)
15 Discourse blogs on tumblr dot com : Lmfao that seems like a funny way to say that ur a cishet and trying to infiltrate the LGBT community.What kind of mogai hell bullshit is this huh?Stop making up labels of your own.If you are not L G B or T you are not welcome here lol go away cishet
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chellick · 5 years
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She bites (old version)
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