cheezkween · 5 years
oh definitely witch
good i am glad
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cheezkween · 5 years
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cheezkween · 5 years
on anon tell me if I give off angel, demon, vampire or witch vibes
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cheezkween · 5 years
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I’m just going to leave this here…
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cheezkween · 5 years
i dream of having that many blankets wow :)
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Same sis, same
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cheezkween · 5 years
i am pining
pining for someone to hold
to hold me
pining for the solace
of another
to keep me
for i know not the comfort of warmth
and i miss the feeling
the feeling of being loved
you are pining also
pining for someone to hear
fond words from
pining for the solace
of another
for you are empty of
though you know not what that is
and you too miss the feeling
the feeling of being loved
we are pining
for eachother, though we know not
that though i am pining
you are pining too
and we do not realize
though we could be something of comfort
for one
that we both miss the feeling
the feeling of being loved
“the feeling of being loved”, a poem by me
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cheezkween · 5 years
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cheezkween · 5 years
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Same sis, same
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cheezkween · 5 years
All y’all that wear headcoverings??? Absolutely beautiful and I love you
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cheezkween · 5 years
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cheezkween · 5 years
i don't know how this really works, but i guess here goes! when will my crush be ready for a relationship?
sometimes, the people we love cannot see when we are ready to give ourselves to them. if this human does not know your longing, they may not know to act on it while there is still such a fresh, innocent love there.
though the aforementioned things hold true, oftentimes it is simply a matter of patience. as we wait in rest for the first signs of spring, you must learn that sometimes you must wait for the conditions to be right. if your beloved is in a winter of their own, their soil will not be able to sustain a bud, and their sun will not offer enough warmth for a love to blossom. 
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cheezkween · 5 years
how do I cope with knowing nobody loves me as much as I love them?
you must find those who are willing to give back all of their beings to you. many do not have the capacity to love as you do, for you have a fuller heart than most. you must learn to accept that and find those with a similar ability. they are few, but when you find them they will provide you solace beyond what you have ever dreamed.
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cheezkween · 5 years
do you have a seemingly-unanswerable question?
the garden may have the answers you’ve been looking for.
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cheezkween · 5 years
Not to be gay on main but can someone come over when I’m sad and just hold me and let me cry it out until it leads to a tender kiss filled with unsaid words and unspoken truths that ultimately brings us together?
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cheezkween · 5 years
rats hug
Rats hug
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cheezkween · 5 years
make way! make way!!! hereby approaches their highness, king smiggle! make way!!!!!
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this is for my physics project due tomorrow
the fact that i got into, and am going to, college next year will never cease to amaze me...
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cheezkween · 5 years
holy shit it’s the lion king
So imagine you’re a gay top, right, and you’re out on a date with your partner, just having a fun time, and you’re about to head home, when you spot this kid passed out on the streets, your partner wants to help him, but you’re obviously a little worried that you could face severe repercussions if you help this random kid, then you realize that he could be a potential ally, so the two of you drag him out of the streets and into a safe space, and when he wakes up, he confesses that he’s homeless, so you and your partner go through the process of adopting him, you two take him home, you two give him a good meal, you two start to teach him some philosophies in life, he slowly grows up, you two help him through his bad dreams, you two help him through his bad memories, you two play games with him, he completely roasts you at an eating contest, he’s extremely active, you’re always on the move, you’re walking everywhere, like literally walking all the time, like so much walking, and you’re there for him and then all of a sudden, his childhood friend shows up on your doorstep and is like, “Your adopted son is really the king.” and then he falls in love with a woman in like 2.55 minutes which is definitely not something you two taught him how to do, so you’re confused, and the weather gets really weird, and you’re even more confused and in the end, all you really want to know is WHO’S THE MONKEY and by the time you’re dressing in drag and doing the hula, you’ve realized that maybe it’s better if you just don’t worry about it…
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