cheeseboitiefling · 1 year
I haven’t been active for a while
I have a couple of updated on my previous posts
i am not a teifling actually im just like some other humanoid I haven’t identified yet
probably demonkin
anyway I now have an alt that’s e out my rabbit therianthropy that I discovered last month? I don’t have very good memory
also my name is actually Ayden, I was using Angel as like a fake name or smth but I gave up
ok thnx bye!
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cheeseboitiefling · 1 year
I need fangs
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cheeseboitiefling · 1 year
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i used a picrew to make what I look like. Or want to look like? Or to fix everything I get dysphoria about?
I think it’s just what I look like
full credit to Crowesn for making the picrew
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cheeseboitiefling · 1 year
Pls I need moots
recently I figured out that I was a tiefling otherkin. For a long time I thought I was a wolf or coyote therian, because felt dysphoria over claws and fangs. I tried out quadrobics, and it felt extremely wrong. So, I figured I was just faking my experiences. however, I did more research on other kin, and I realized the reason therianthropy felt wrong was because my kin type was humanoid. After that, I identified as a demon other kin or some kind of mermaid/water monster? today I looked in the mirror and thought “I feel like I should have fucking horns, teeth, and claws. I have extreme dysphoria over not having a long, thin tail.” I wracked my brain over what kind of creature was like this.
I had my eureka moment. A while ago I was very hyper fixated on dnd. Specifically tieflings. I had no idea why at the time, but now I realize that all my dysphoria matched up with tieflings exactly. It just felt right.
all this to say, my name is Angel, and I am a tiefling otherkin/fictionkin. My pronouns are he/they/it/it’s, and I hope to meet other people on this app.
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