chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: Why exactly is Mitch upset with you, though? I mean, yeah, you should probably take a break from hanging out with him to get over him...
MIA: At least they're over. I mean, I'm a fashion design major, so those classes I'm good in, but some gen eds are just... ridiculous.
EVE: Mitch is upset because ranger and baron had that fight at the party and the last time I talked to him he got mad at me because I didn't listen to his warnings about ranger. I haven't tried talking to him since because I honestly was terrified that maybe he stopped loving me because I was so dumb
EVE: I mean mitch is like another big brother to me and it was just horrible feeling like I disappointed him.
EVE: you know, i'm going to have to come to you for a coronation dress when we have tristans coronation!!
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
“You’ve gotten your parents approval to kidnap me? Eve, you have so much to learn. But I appreciate the thought, even though I’m sure your brother hasn’t gotten word that you are planning this kidnapping? How about you kidnap me for half the time, huh?” He suggested, he really couldn’t just up and leave Josh to suffer in the Roux halls by himself and they had their scheming to get to. “Besides. It was brought to my attention you and Mia had some dumb beach thing planned; one he was invited to but not excited or even planning on attending. “And… Aurèlie and Adelaide want me to head their way…” He said biting his cheek a bit and shrugging. 
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“I never said I had the Roux’s approval. Then it wouldn’t be considered kidnapping at all. But, yes. I wanted their approval so that you could stay in the castle - if you wished - without fear of you not being wanted. You’ll always be wanted. No matter what my brother says.” Evelyn’s cheeks flushed faintly, “I was going to mention that as well. You know you’re invited. I actually planned on telling you about it after this conversation.” The blondes smile fell slightly and her heart dropped into her stomach. Right. Aurelie. She turned her head away so she wasn’t looking at Ranger anymore and nodded. “Right. Sorry. Was dumb of me to think I could get you all to myself. It’s... it's fine. You have fun.”
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
lief: definitely right more then just sometimes.
lief: We could definitely try to put something together. I'll talk to my cousins about it.
lief: Get Baron to come too. The whole gang will be together.
eve: i'll try but him and riley are probably going to be together a lot this summer!
eve: hey, what are you doing later today? i finished packing for home but I'm not ready to leave campus just yet.
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
Ranger threw himself to his bed next to her. It felt too normal but he knew there was always going to be that line of how close he could get even though he took that line and stretched it as he took her hand to mindlessly play with her fingers. He rolled his eyes and looked up. “You have a plan? Oh, this ought to be good. So, Evelyn. What exactly is this big plan that you have for me?” He asked not knowing what to expect. He knew that the Rouxs couldn’t and weren’t going to make him stay. But it was just the thought that those were the people he was assigned to. It was the thought that he would ever agree to want to stay there that made him so angry to begin with.
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Evelyn watched as Ranger landed beside her and smiled slightly. Laying down next to him, she wondered if maybe it had been a mistake to come here at all. Her hands wanting to reach out to him, her lips wanting to meet his. God she just wanted to be ignorant once more and take it all back. But, she couldn’t. Ranger took her hand in his and she let him play around, the touch of his skin against hers so welcoming and familiar. Eve never wanted him to let go. “Talking it over with my parents, I decided that I am going to kidnap you. We can go anywhere you like but we already have a room ready back at the castle in case you want to stay with us. But, if not, then you and I can travel. I wanted to see a bit of Auradon this summer. Who better to go with than yourself, mister grump?” The blonde waited to see what his response would be. Maybe he didn’t want to spend the summer with her at all but she thought that maybe, just maybe, it could be fun. The two of them off on the road, traveling to new places. 
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: ...do tell.
MIA: Absolutely. And we will too. At least, me for Mitch and you for Tristan.
MIA: I think they went okay, but I had mostly a bunch of projects that were due like... in advance.
EVE: like staying friends with ranger when all I wanna do is kiss him? like not listening to mitch in the first place and having him upset with me....
EVE: At least they're over right? That's how I feel. The only thing I was really confident in was my dance final.
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
“There’s nothing in them. Don’t be so dramatic, Evelyn.” Still, Tristan retracted his phone with a quick roll of his eyes. Leave it to his sister to make a big thing out of something so small. At her question, his shoulders tensed a bit. People loved to ask it as if he were to have some deep reason for being how he was. People didn’t ask hopeless romantics why they loved love, so why was it that he had to justify himself for avoiding it? “Just don’t. People have their things. Some like romance, some don’t. I’m one of those that doesn’t and honestly, that’s fine with me. If I end up in an arranged marriage for the sake of an heir, that’s totally cool with me.”
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“But I live for drama. Haven’t you heard?” Evelyn said with a small laugh. The blonde had always fabricated certain things. She just couldn’t help it. With all the novels she read, it was easy to assume that things were more dramatic than they really were. Reality was not as amazing as her novels. “Alright. Fine. I’ll stay the romantic of the family. You won’t end up in an arranged marriage. Momma and pops believe in marrying for love not for duty.” She pointed out, “I just want you happy. Is that so wrong?”
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
Text | Triss & Evie
Triss: How's my favorite charming doing?
Triss: I haven't hear from you in a few days.
Triss: Do I need to worry?
Eve: If you worry about my sanity then yes because I have spent the past week studying and I'm DYING FROM EXHAUSTION
Eve: I just want to do well on finals.
Eve: I miss youuuuuuuuu! How are you doing?
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
Ranger clicked his tongue. He knew he could easily rant for hours about how he felt. About how he felt like this was another joke being played on the Vks. Being assigned places to stay at the people who ruined their lives. He knew Gaston and Lefou had tried to kill the Beast but what did Ranger do to the king? Why did Ranger have to suffer? Why did any of the VKs have to suffer? And then get slapped with the fact that he is now being given place under that same man’s roof? “How do you honestly think I feel, Evelyn?” He said harshly. “I feel like it is bullshit. We might not have to stay there but to leave we have to check in with them and feel as though we are actually being welcomed when we know it’s just making the royals look good.” 
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Eve leaned down to unzip her boots and tossed them to the side. Curling her legs under her on his bed, she prepared herself for the rant that had to be coming her way. Honestly, she didn’t mind at this point. She sort of missed it. Eve sat back on his bed and smiled mischievously, “Well... I’ve got a plan so you can stop your grumbling. Now, this is where you ask me: Eve, what is your amazing plan?”
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: Oh. Yikes.
MIA: Guess so. If you can. I'm a pretty determined girl when it comes to dumb decisions.
MIA: They're both going to turn out okay. I mean, there's no way either of our sets of parents will let them fail.
EVE: Its ok. Ive been making some dumb decisions myself lately.
EVE: No. They'll be there for them through every step of the way.
EVE: Are you ready for finals?
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: Got it. Why don't you think you could be what he needed, though?
MIA: Yeah, see, Mitch is ridiculously, annoyingly overprotective... but he does keep me from doing some stupid stuff. So it'll be interesting to really be on my own for two full years of college.
MIA: Good question. I honestly don't know the answer, but is anyone ever really ready?
EVE: Because in the end I couldn't be who he wanted... I wasn't ever going to be first choice compared to someone else in his life and we decided it was better if we just be friends
EVE: I guess I'll have to pull a mitch and stop you :)
EVE: True... you have a very good point. I really just hope they all shine. I know how stressed mitch is and I definitely know how stressed tristan is.
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
leif: That is awesome Eve! See I told you that you would blow them away.
leif: Oh I was just curious. I was probably going to visit Baron at some point. But as usual, we will be in Tangleton for a good chunk of the break. You should come!
eve: I guess you're right sometimes... ;)
eve: I would love to come visit! Maybee we can have a little party
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: Can I ask what exactly happened there? Just so I don't say anything wrong when he's around my castle this summer.
MIA: Well you'll still get to talk to him. You just won't be on the same campus as him.
MIA: It's going to be weird for me too, though. Not having Mitch at AU.
EVE: We just don't work as a couple but he's still one of my closest friends. Don't worry about saying anything wrong. I broke up with him because I knew i could never be exactly what he needed but that's okay. I'm learning to deal with it.
EVE: true. It's just so nice to go and ask for food and have him give it to me :P
EVE: How's he holding up? Is he ready to take the throne?
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
leif: How did your final dance thingy go? Did you pass or get a good review. I'm not sure what they do.
leif: Also what are your plans for the summer?
eve: I did pass and they even asked me to come back and help choreograph something in the fall semester which is huge!!
eve: I know Mia and I want to set up a fun beach day but otherwise I don't have any major plans. Why?
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: I could ask Evan, but I don't really know the girl. I also don't know Ranger or Josh that well, so not sure if they'll be up for coming.
MIA: Oh wait Ranger. Is that like... okay?
MIA: A nice day trip for sure.
MIA: It'd be nice to just have us all together before our brothers get super caught up in their jobs.
EVE: I can talk to Ranger. He and I are still pretty close. He'll grumble about it but he'll agree to come with.
EVE: It's fine. Thanks for double checking though
EVE: Don't even get me started. I don't know what I'm going to do without Tristan next year. He's my therapist basically
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
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Laughing a bit under his breath, he squeezed her arm, “Your secret is safe with me.” Baron assured her with a smile, the memory of Mitch handing over his room to him only making his grin spread across his lips even wider, “Yeah, I couldn’t believe it. I thought after the issue with Ranger that he hated me but, i guess not? Before we start our next year, maybe this’ll mean I might one day be President of the Alpha Sigs, like my father was. Are you not going to be in a sorority next year? You get a nicer room.” The male said with a raise of his brow, looking over her face, sighing a bit at what he heard he say about Tatiana, “I’m just gonna stay on the opposite side of my castle, it’s big enough, I’m just hoping I avoid her this summer.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, head falling to the side, “What? It’s a tradition, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Slowly, he sensed what was going on, because he’d gone through it when she was with Ranger, “Ev, just because I’m dating Riley doesn’t mean I’m not gonna hang out with you. You’e my best friend.”
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“Thank you.” Evelyn smiled at Baron as he squeezed her arm. She couldn’t tell him just how much she appreciated it when he gave her physical affection like this in fear that it’d come off as creepy or, worse, desperate. Eve didn’t know where these feelings were coming from and she was trying to swallow it down as best she could. The blonde told herself it was just her recent thrust back into singleness that made her feel these things. She was suddenly without a partner so she was latching onto her best friend. “Of course he wouldn’t hate you. It was a misunderstanding. Mitch isn’t a horrible guy. He was just stressed...” Evelyn said softly. She couldn’t imagine anyone being angry with Baron for too long. He was too sweet. “I could see you as President. If you need help with posters, i’m there for you. I am but I’m not allowed to move into the house until I’m a junior. University rules.” Eve sighed. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be demanding and keep you to myself for such a large chunk of the summer.” Except she did. She wanted to be selfish and beg him to stay with her for the whole of summer but she wouldn’t do that. “I know, I know. I just also know that you guys won’t be seeing each other much....” 
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chcrmingevelyn-blog · 6 years
text message ✉ evelyn
MIA: Great! Then we're on the same page.
MIA: The beach it is. You, me, your brother, maybe my brother. We can bring our castle guests. It could be a fun group thing.
EVE: I doubt the tremaines will want to go but you can ask them!! I think it's better if you ask them not me. Maybe Tris could too..
EVE: That sounds like a nice getaway though. We can bring one of those big tents and some snacks.
EVE: I for one would love to see Tris fall off his surfboard
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