chaxs-cxntrxl · 5 years
Alright, so I’ve had to rework things on this, and figured I’d need another post to spread it, so I’m making this one.
Basically, I’m on my own for moving costs. Their idea of “helping me” is to still make me get a job [which is difficult where I am without reliable transport, which I don’t have], and ignoring the whole reason why I’m asking for their help in the first place.
So considering the “deal” requires me do to what I would’ve had to do anyways, it seems to me that the very clear answer is that I’m not going to get their help on this, so I’m afraid I’ll need to double up on this.
Even if you can’t donate, reblogging and spreading this would be just as appreciated. Any little bit helps.
If anything, thank you for taking the time to read this, and hopefully, your support.  ❤️
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 6 years
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 His stomach did somersaults in seconds, like an acrobat flipping across a long line of tripwire - With no net at the bottom to catch him. The lively emerald eyes that the hedgehog’s blessed with have shrunk to nothing more but dots, blinking a multitude of times in order for his brain to register what he had just heard.
While millions of chills raced down the blue hedgehog’s spine as if he’s been through a storm, sleet, and snow, nothing could inflict him as much as this one question. And, Chaos, it wasn’t even one of conflict! It was just one that’ll get those butterflies in his gut to multiply, growing numbers by an alarming rate.
The pink pigment on his cheeks darkened, now becoming the same color of the sneakers he adores wearing so much. He craned his body backward, lifting one finger up to casually break space in between him and Shadow. That grin of his deepened, so much so that his dimples are more visible to the naked eye.
“Ya… Ya mean…” He can feel his pulse sitting in the depths of his throat like his heart decided to crawl up there. It made his ears pop and he’s uncertain of whether or not he should be okay with it. “Ya mean dat you want me to…” He started tripping over his words again. It looks like these words need a pair of laces to keep them together - No matter how jumbled they seemed.
“…You want me ta kiss you?” Sure, it’s a teensy, little peck on the check, but a kiss nevertheless. In a million years, he never thought Shadow The Hedgehog would request something like this from his rival. Yet, now that he thought about it… Are they rivals anymore?
“Yes... yes...” Shadow patiently answered to each and every stuttering Sonic made, smirking all along as he would squeeze the azure hedgehog’s hand a little, curling his fingers a bit tighter. Then, all of a sudden-- he’d let go and back up, arms crossing. “I mean, that is-- unless you’re too scared to.” he’d taunt Sonic playfully. “Can you imagine--?”
“What if people suddenly get to hear about how the ‘great hero’ Sonic the Hedgehog being too scared to kiss someone, eh?” he snickers a bit, as if he was trying to actively provoke Sonic into acting. But then, he’d merely chuckle a bit. “Heh... look, this is sudden to both of us, but I think we can both feel it...”
“This somehow feels right to us, doesn’t it Sonic? I don’t know why or how this is happening... but when the Black Arms invaded and I was at a loss for what to do... it was always you that brought me back. It was you who talked sense into me. And like I said, I appreciate that a lot. But maybe...” his shoulders roll in a small shrug. “Maybe it did more than just that. Point is, Sonic... I’ve--”
But now, it was the ebony counterpart’s turn to be silent, and fumbling on his words as his fingers itch impatiently and nervously at his elbows, still keeping his arms crossed. A moment of silence passed... then he spoke anew. “Point is... somewhere in the middle of all that shit happening, I... I think I’ve begun to see you as more than just a rival. If that makes any sense.”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 6 years
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 How could something so… Unexpected to feel so… Right? & these two hedgehogs weren’t even officially together, how does that work out? Sonic had no idea, as all the words he can formulate in his mind has left the building. He attempted to search for what to say but his mind drew a complete blank. Gaia, what has just happened? How was Sonic supposed to react? He’s not sure… Completely & utterly not sure. 
 Was it… Wrong that he wanted a peck like that again? Because it just felt so… Augh, so… Dangit, not even thoughts could come up with words right now! All he can do now is have this cheeky, dorky grin on his face while glancing at Shadow with a pink blush spreading across his cheeks. Gaia, is it getting hot out here or is it just him? Why was he feeling this way? What on Earth is going on? 
 “Eheheh - You would never lie ta me, I know dat much.” Thin fingers started to twiddle, like a nervous tic waiting to be hatched. His sneaker tapped rapidly against the grass, hoping to dwindle all these confusing, mushy feelings inside of him. “Jus’ know that I appreciate it. I appreciate every single word. And I appreciate dat y’er here, protectin’ da planet we’re all livin’ in. I… I dunno how ta owe you f’er somethin’ like dat, but I’ll make it up somehow f’er you.”
That cheeky, dorky grin... oh Chaos itself, that grin of his was causing Shadow’s body to feel all tingly and warm all over again, just watching Sonic’s face be lit up with it. Gods, he was perfect in all the right ways... it almost made him feel inadequate for someone like him. But... he looked like he was in a bit of a snag too. So, Shadow did the only thing he felt could ease the tension he and his counter-part undoubtedly were feeling;
He’d stretch his hand out to hold onto Sonic’s, fingers curling and intertwining with the blue hedgehog’s own. “That’s... good to know. By the way--” he adds, grinning as he raises his other hand, poking Sonic’s forehead with a finger. “Catching you off-guard is so worth it~”
Obviously making a fun poke at how he hadn’t expected Shadow’s peck earlier-- but to be honest, Shadow himself did not realize why he had given his rival such a display of affection. He was still digging into his brain for a reason why he had done it, but it just came up blank, each and every time. In the end, he figured... hell, did he ever need a reason for the things he did? No, he did not.
“Well-- I can think of one thing you could start with.” he then adds, a coy smirk creeping onto his lips. “How ‘bout you give me one in return?”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 6 years
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      since these are super easy to reblog and popular. like or reblog if you’re interested in rping with Maria Robotnik from SEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. this blog is based off a combination of the Shadow the hedgehog game series, Sonic X & Archie Comics headcanons!! open to all aus & alt. verses. Just hit the heart and I’ll check you out!
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 6 years
*checks mic* This thing on?
//Okay, so… I kinda disappeared off of the face of the earth for a while with this blog and its sideblogs, but let me be clear;
I am not dead!
It was merely a lot of things going down in real life. My former job was aggravating me and causing a severe loss in muse for the better half of last year, so I quit it, and began to look elsewhere, which was a bit tiresome in of itself. Second, I had a second visit to my boyfriend in Detroit, Michigan (Mun is Swedish, so traveling was quite the trip!), and I’ve only recently gotten a new job as a lab assistant, so yeah!
But fear not, my shenanigans with Infinite have not stopped at all! And neither has my fun with Vector or Shadow! I am slowly getting back into the roll of things here!
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 Those ruby eyes Sonic saw were filled with such a gleam, such clarity that it made him stop in his tracks. His movements were frozen under his gaze with his mind demanding the meaning of all of this. Perplexity & astonishment crossed the blur’s face, having billions of wondering thoughts pouring in his head like a river. 
 It took a while to grasp Shadow’s stumbling & the blush, bringing forth more curiosity. Curiosity like a child trekking among a forest, desired to find something magnificent within it. The words flow elegantly out of the ebony’s mouth, only reddening Sonic’s face far much more than before & his green eyes to twinkle like the brightest star system in the galaxy. 
 Chaos, he wanted to say something. He wanted to tell Shadow something, but words were inaccessible right now. He was stuck in this swarm of emotions. No wonder his ears & cheeks were red. No wonder those butterflies swirled a storm inside of his gut. 
 “Sh-Shadz… Whaddya sayin’?” Azure ears flopped in shock upon those last words, blinking as he tried to not have his own sense of sound deceive him in the slightest. He never saw such emotion from the Ultimate Lifeform. It was strange. It was confusing. It was intense. 
 …Although, not as intense as those lips meeting against his cheek - Affectionately. The touch was so foreign yet soothing. It not only intensified the hurricane of butterflies in him, but the beating of his heart never felt such warmth before - Warmth that made him feel… Feel… Like he was on top of the world. 
 & here he was, still glued to the ground with a countless army of words struggling to force out of him, but the only thing he can stammer out was: “Sh-Shadow… I-I… I dunno what ta say…”
 What should I say?
Oh dear Chaos, what had he done? What had he done? He had just lifted his facade as if it was a party mask at the opera, and just outright KISSED his greatest (to the public eye at least) frenemy, his friendly rival! And yet it... it felt so right. He wanted to do it again and again, but he restrained himself -- BARELY. He was visibly shaking after the deed was done, however brief it had been, and it left as much of an impact on him as it did on Sonic. But even so, Shadow just...
Just smiled. “... No need to say anything... Faker.” he tried to go back to his playful mocking, but now it just felt like... like it was just part of his sudden affectionate side. Damn it, what had come over him now?! He would just sigh a bit, leaning back into his sitting position once more.
“It’s true though. Every single word. Or do you think I’d ever lie to you, Sonic?”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 It was nice to see the other finally starting to perk up. All it took were just a couple of words & a change of scenery. Shadow didn’t need to dwell on his mistakes; he needed to hear the good of what he’s done & that his friends will always be with him. 
 However, something sparked during this moment. While discussing memories & how glad they were, Sonic never expected to spot a pink shade painting the ebony’s cheeks, neither the subtlety… But he was sure he could feel something fluttering in his gut & chaos, it won’t stop. 
 “U-Uhh… Somethin’ else?” he inquired, heat rising in his cheeks, to which both were a rosy red due to this… Odd feeling he couldn’t figure out. Weird. Then, he felt a gloved hand touched his, only igniting his feelings. His heart was beating rapidly against in his chest but it never felt so warm before. Now, why was that?
 “Whaddya mean by dat, Shadow?”
As soon as Sonic seemed to notice what was going on, there was a streak of pink crossing Shadow’s muzzle again. Dear Chaos, what was making this so difficult?! He never used to have problems with speaking his mind, so why was he finding himself stumbling on his own words all of a sudden? He just wanted to say it, but couldn’t...
“Sonic, I...” he began, but cleared his throat firmly. No. He was going to say what needed to be said! “Sonic. You’ve always believed in me. Where no one else would. Even after all I did. I attacked you. I attacked your friends. I hurt your friends. I framed you for my crimes. I put the world at risk, twice. And yet you... you believed in me, still. That I could be better. That I could change. And you’ve proven all of your belief to be right. Over, and over, and over again. You...”
He turned to Sonic fully now, and he was smiling. SMILING. And by Chaos, was his smile adorable. It looked so nervous and giddy at the same time. Not an ounce of forced muscle movement. Not a hint of fake emotions. It was pure. “You truly are a wonder... Sonic the Hedgehog.”
And thus he’d lean forward... lips meeting cheek in a quick, but oh-so affectionate smooch.
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 The change of scenery was indeed shocking, considering of what Sonic knows well about his ebony counterpart. Though, the features of this place were eye candy of its own. The rich, emerald green of the forest was brightened beautifully by the yellow rays of the sun & the wind billowing the leaves brings in a calm atmosphere. No wonder the other would arrive here. 
 …But he could see where Shadow was coming from even more once his sight directed up toward the ARK. The place where Shadow was born, where it brought such mystery & amazement to the people on Earth. & now here it was, shown up in the sky like a second moon. It stood out like a wonderful sore thumb. 
 “It really brings out da memories, huh?” the sapphire hedgehog muttered, sitting down on the blades of grass. “Who would’ve thought dat all of this stuff happened ‘cuz of what happened on dat space colony?” He chuckled lightly, peering over at Shadow. “Y’anno, despite all da bad stuff dat happened, ‘m kind’a glad it did ‘cuz… I met a great friend because of it.”
 His cheeks flared pink after the comment, feeling like he was being too mushy & sappy with his words. Was he? Probably. Did it really matter that he was? Probably not. 
Shadow would break his gaze upwards at the colony to look at Sonic once he started speaking, and he could not help but to nod a little. Yes. Yes it did bring out memories in him, of how it all used to be, and how it’s turned out to what it is now. And honestly... he was glad for it. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Sighing gently, the ebony one would raise himself to move over to Sonic.
“Yeah. I’m glad too.” he mutters, a soft blush spreading on his muzzle as well before he’d sit down right next to Sonic. Subtlety was not his strong suit, so might as well do what he’s always done. “I’ve gotten a lot of good friends thanks to what’s happened.” he said, his ruby orbs moving to glance over at Sonic. Gods, there was that warm, tingling sensation again...
His hand found itself subtly moving on its own, moving over to hold Sonic’s own hand. “And... m-maybe something else...”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 Tears were wiped by the blue blur, as he managed to keep a hold of that emotional barrier. Wow, he didn’t even suspect that he was going to make such an outburst like that, but he supposed his faith was indomitable. He believed the other was good, no matter what others think or say. He didn’t care if some people were still convinced that Shadow The Hedgehog was nothing more than a weapon. He’ll crawl to the ends of the Earth to defend him.
 He continued keeping a consoling hold onto the Ultimate Lifeform, caressing his back in circles as ways of soothing the poor guy. He gestured a kind, warm smile at him, feeling those ruby eyes staring back at him. 
 “Heh, it was no problem, Shadz. I… I do anythin’ f’er a friend…” he almost breathlessly replied, exhaling a small breath to finally release the tremendous, overwhelming amount of weight off his chest. Chaos, sometimes even being a tinge of emotional can tear him up inside. “And if ya needed a change of scenery, be my guest. After all, we could go anywhere at any time, right?”
 To be honest, he couldn’t blame him at all. As much as he adored the cheering from the city, it’d be nice to have some peace & quiet after the invasion.
The caressing touch of the blue counterpart was indeed soothing to Shadow, but at the same time it made him look at his rival-turned-friend in a much more... bright way. As if saying that he was going to truly be there to help him. And he would not have it any other way. Sighing gently, Shadow nods with a weak smile. “Yeah... anywhere I want.” he mutters, as he’d pull out his Chaos Emerald.
The one he considered ‘his’ Emerald. That had stuck with him for who knows how long. He’d hold Sonic’s hand, and raised it up in the air. “Chaos... Control!” and with that, both of them were zipped through space and time in a blue flash. The duo of hedgehogs soon appeared in a calm, secluded forest area, appearing within a glade of the woods as Shadow just sighs, moving over to plop down on a nearby rock.
“This is one of my favorite places.” he said as he just chuckles softly. “Shocking? Should be, considering it’s me we’re talking about. I just like to come here and gather my thoughts. And...” he’d raise his head, hinting Sonic to look up with him, for if he did... he’d see a clear show of the distant, but still-standing Space Colony A.R.K floating miles above them in space, as such a construct was indeed visible from space! “... Just think back now and again.”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 The onslaught of words being shoved down his throat made the hero gawk in complete & utter disbelief, not expecting such words from the Ultimate Lifeform. Wide eyes dilated at firm hands grasping his shoulders, claws starting to seep into his flesh as he just stood there, jaw dropping & being completely immobilized. 
 His words out of aggravation were not just some hullabaloo, however. These words, flowed by the manifestation of anger at him, at himself, at everything he’s done. The guilt was more than evident in the thick, harsh tone of Shadow & within those now glossy crimson eyes. It not only left Sonic still but at a loss for words in what to say. 
 His eyes curved in empathy, lips pressed into a compassionate frown as the ebony almost shouted right in his face, feeling his teeth about to once bit his lip before yet another wave of words pulled through. & before Sonic could cogitate the right words to respond, the other plopped on his knees, sobbing as he buried his face in his stomach. 
 Steadying his shaking & spiraling emotional turmoil, he glanced down at Shadow, his heart being torn to shreds upon watching him.
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 “Sh-Shadow….” he breathlessly muttered, wrapping his thin arms around Shadow’s waist & pressing him against his tummy. He swallowed the huge, dry chunk of saliva in his throat, thoughts creating a whirlwind in his mind in order to think of how to respond… & really, what can he say? Arms tensed as that whirlwind became a hurricane. 
 How was he going to respond to that, without such ways of possibly plunging this down the drain even further? How can he assure Shadow that he can be forgiven? That there was some good in him, even with all the faults he made?
 He… He didn’t know. He definitely didn’t know… But he was willing to try once more.
 “But… But you did make da world a safe place!” His voice sounded oh so unnatural. It was unstable, emotional, & sounded like he was holding something back - Tears? Who knows? “You-You could’ve let da world be shattered into pieces, but ya didn’t! You could’ve let Black Doom kill everyone, but did you? No! You did not FAIL her! If anythin’, you fulfilled y’er promise! You were willing to risk y’er life TWICE in order to save everyone on this planet! Every single person! Look at da people down there, they’re happy dat you saved ‘em! They’re down there with smiles on their faces ‘cuz da day is saved by YOU!”
 No no. Not his voice cracking too. Chaos, he had to be the strong one now but he guessed he couldn’t keep his emotions in check. “Y’er not a monster… You were jus’ misunderstood…” & his soft, unusually stuttery, brittle tone drifted off as if he couldn’t speak much longer.
The more Shadow stayed there, down on his knees and sobbing against the other hedgehog’s body, the more his senses slowly began to return to him. In all of his grief and self-blame, he had forgotten that it was indeed him that made the world safe again. He committed these mistakes, yes. But he atoned for them as well. He was given the people’s graces for saving the planet twice over. Besides, wasn’t that what his last big fight against Devil Doom was all about? ‘To put his past behind him’. Yes... Yes, he did say that.
His sobs dying out slowly, turning into mere, weak sniffles as he would huff for air, breathing in fresh air as well as breathing in the scent of the blue hedgehog, it seemed to soothe him. Calm him slowly... even with the voices of guilt still screaming in his head, he slowly learned to ignore them. For now. They’d be back, but for now he was somewhat at peace. A few last sniffles emerged, and the ebony would look up, crimson eyes meeting emerald orbs.
“S-Sonic... I-...” his voice still shaky, he managed to calm himself with a few ragged breaths, before he would look at him in full earnest. “I... thank you...” he’d slowly, weakly stand up, knees still shaky and wobbly, but he managed. A deep sigh was taken, and he would just look up at Sonic anew. “W-Would you... mind if we went somewhere else?” he then asks. Sure, the scenery here was nice, but Shadow needed something a bit more... calm to take his mind off of things.
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
1-800-how’s my portrayal?
This mun is now accepting feedback! 
Please remember there’s a difference between hate, constructive criticism, and giving praise because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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with you by my side… it feels like everything’s going to be okay.
[ don’t tag me/kin ]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 While Sonic would defend Shadow through hell & back, the ebony brought up a good point. One that his mind might look between the lines in order to get it indulged into his skull. Yes, while the other did have amnesia, it didn’t excuse him from blindly following Black Doom… & yet, he could see where Shadow was coming from, even though the big baddie was, well, bad.
 His teeth nibbled on his lip, his heart twisting in ways more than one in reaction to Shadow’s words. Words that were as sharp as arrows & poisoning the Ultimate Lifeform with guilt. Chaos, it kind of made him wish that he told him. If he spilled the beans about his past then - No. Now wasn’t the time to push the blame on himself either.
 Upon that pair of crimson eyes gazing into his emerald green, he couldn’t help but felt oddly… Tingly at this glance. He couldn’t describe it all too well but… Just the sight of his friend. The pair of ruby eyes were as rich as the mineral itself, & the calm, yet mysterious outlook of the other was always so… Inviting. Oh, how he had a field day tagging along with Shadow, even in the belly of the beast of a crucial situation. He really couldn’t stay away,now couldn’t he?
 Swallowing thickly, the azure hedgie took in those words, shaking his head in utter disbelief. “Shadow…” His voice was soft & yet submerged in sympathy. Gloved fists trembled as he took a bold step forward. “Don’t think ‘bout it - Don’t say dat. You did do a lot of terrible things, sure, but dat doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t make you any less of a person. It doesn’t make you a monster either.” Dear Chaos, the faith he has in him is remarkable. “Would you really deserve it after savin’ all those people? You saved everyone from the destruction of the planet, twice!” He held out two fingers sharply in the air to demonstrate his point. “And y’er sayin’ you deserve punishment?”
 Sonic stood there, his gloved fingers digging into his arms as he exhaled heavily, averting his gaze for a moment.
And yet he still persisted in trying to make Shadow feel better about all that had transpired. He still tried to justify his actions! Just how naive was his blue counterpart?! Did action and reaction not apply to his sense of logic at all? Was he that naive? Shadow did want to believe it, though. He wanted to believe every single word his cobalt counterpart said to him, telling him not to talk about it. That he wasn’t a bad person for doing it. That he wasn’t a... a monster.
But his mind just did not want to let it go. The aftermath of his actions had been too great in the recent events, and he could do nothing but feel sickened about himself for having been the one behind them. Because, whether Sonic liked it or not, Shadow had been the major catalyst for most of the destruction caused by Black Doom and his alien troops. It was by his hand that events took place. It was HIS fault!
“How many times... do you need to remember...” he spoke, voice and fists shaking with anger. “That it was I who was the one that caused it all to happen?! Both times humanity was in danger, I was the one that had started it! I helped Eggman seize control of the Space Colony A.R.K and let him have the Earth at gunpoint! I laid waste to Westopolis and Central City, side-by-side with Black Doom and his armies! I’M the one responsible for that!!” he’d step firmly up to Sonic, firm hands grabbing him by the shoulders, almost digging into his body... but Sonic could feel. Those hands were shaking. Trembling, even.
“When are you gonna wake up and realize...!” he almost screamed in Sonic’s face, his whole body following suit as he’d tremble now, images of a time long gone flashing by his eyes as he looked at Sonic, almost... almost seeing her in front of his very eyes. She would’ve done the same. Tried to tell him it was all okay, that he was not at fault. That all would be okay if he just apologized for what he did. But no... it wasn’t that simple. It just couldn’t be!
His voice broke near the last two sentences of that outburst, the ebony’s voice choked up on his own tears as his grip slowly lightened up on Sonic’s shoulders, and he’d slouch down before the cobalt one and onto his knees, face buried against his tummy as he’d just... quite simply, break down before Sonic, his stoic facade finally broken through as he was reduced to a cowering, sobbing pile before the hero.
How could he ever forgive himself... for failing her twice?
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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( ◡‿◡ *)
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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Haha, look at me, making another STH sideblog. Anyway, i went for Maria this time. Like or reblog if wanting to interact with this sweetheart, follow at your own wish but please, read rules. If mutuals is a must to you, my main is Pyrokiinetic-chantingflower. 
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chaxs-cxntrxl · 7 years
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 The blue blur gave a light, bubbly chuckle at the push, grinning merrily as he glanced at his counterpart. It was good to see that the other wasn’t that much down in the dumps, he guessed. “And why wouldn’t I?” he retorted, “Shadz, you were amnesiac at da time, s’ alright and if anythin’, you would find y’er way back somehow.”
 He then stopped himself there; however, when the Ultimate Lifeform began lamenting on the horrid things he’s done that day. It already wasn’t difficult to tell judging by the tone alone, but the aggressive clenching of his fists really made the mark. Sonic couldn’t blame him - Even with his heart ached in volumes of sympathy at him. It wasn’t a day the ebony isn’t fond of remembering. That’s for sure. 
 It was Sonic’s turn to ball his hands into fists, as Shadow muttered on about his past, another past Shadow wasn’t fond of remembering but even more so. A shot in the dark, as a certain tarot card would describe the hybrid’s past. But that wasn’t what struck Sonic like a metaphorical frying pan… Discussing matters of forgiving Shadow was.
 Dozens of thoughts buzzed among his head like a ferocious beehive. Some of them wished to spew at Shadow, to spoke & retaliate on the topic. To defend Shadow as that was the sole thing he would do for a friend. Hellbent on it, honestly. & yet, he didn’t take his gaze off of those crimson eyes. Consternation was evident in his own emerald eyes. A breath left him, one that he didn’t know he was holding. 
 “Of course we would, Shadow.” Surprisingly, he didn’t respond in an offended or angry manner. Instead, it was filled with a softness, demonstrated by the warm, kind smile on his muzzle. “Shadow, you didn’t know at da time. You lost y’er identity and you were more than ever determined to get it back, no matter what. Black Doom influenced you to do da wrong choices for his own satisfaction and you didn’t know you were ringin' ‘round his finger.” His smile widened. “You really think I would lose faith in you, man? Heh, nah, Shadzster. Whaddya think I was doin’ bein’ ‘round there f’er you, huh?”
He hated the fact that Sonic had to bring up the fact that he still had his amnesia haunting him at the time. It was as if it was some sort of... cheap excuse for what he did. A soft blanket to cover up and hide the harsh truth. Shadow didn’t want to hide things. Not anymore, at least. So it didn’t feel right to blame it all on his amnesia, even if it was the big reason why he was so blindly following Black Doom’s orders. Still...
“... My amnesia excuses nothing, Sonic. You of all people know this...” he hissed slightly, his Black Arms side surfacing briefly as the hiss was like a literal snake-hiss, but he was quick in subduing it by biting down on his tongue, wincing from the momentary pain. “Tch... it was foolish of me to let that alien scum lie to me... and actually believe him.”
He’d turn his gaze to Sonic fully this time, crimson eyes meeting sapphire orbs as he just stared at him for a while... it always felt... so elating to look at Sonic. As if in a moment’s notice, there was nothing to worry him in the whole wide world. The feeling was a very welcome one... but also an intimidating one. The sudden feeling of comfort in his turmoil of a life. Comfort was very foreign to the ebony hedgehog, so to feel it was just really odd at first, but the more he looked at Sonic, the more he felt... at peace.
Managing to tear his gaze away from him, with all his will, he’d look to the side again, his voice somber and quiet; “I-... I know, Sonic. I know why you were sticking around with me... and honestly, I...” he’d turn to face Sonic now, not retreating from looking directly at him. “I thank you for it. Had you not stuck around with me, I’d be...” he did not need to say it. And it was maybe for the best to left it unsaid.
“... Nevermind. Point is, I did a lot of dumb things. Some things that shouldn’t be so easily forgiven. And I... I’m ready to take whatever punishment I deserve.”
After the Storm [Closed w/ azurexalacrity]
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