charonkatharsisfics · 10 years
Summary: Daryl gets captured by some guys. He puts his life over his pride - even if that means he has to do things he does not want to do.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
5 Drabbles - One Story
For a Drabble-Challenge from utopia-is-everywhere, who has given me the following words so I could make five drabbles. I did, but this time i made it one story. Words and Story under the cut :)
water, elf, blood
rainbow, goodbye, hand
arkenstone, nightmare, thoughtless
khuzdul, mirkwood, sword
It had been a close call. Too close, actually, Tauriel figured. Of course, they had escaped the group of Orcs that had chased them but in the progress she had lost her group. They had had to split up, fleeing in different directions to lessen the number of enemies for every fighter. It was over now, this at least but the true horror was only revealed once the fog lifted and she discovered her lover's body. With a little scream she hurried towards his lifeless form but she was too late. Kili's life had been taken by an orc's mace.
She had to reach someone, anyone. That was all her panicking mind said. It was unusual for an elf to lose her head over a matter like death... unless it involved their one true love. She could feel the decrease of temperature within her blood, how her heart raced and raced. If there had ever been any doubt about it, they were cleared now: The young dwarf had been her other half and now he was slain she, too, would have to follow him soon. It already affected her but at least she had to get word to his family.
Tauriel was staggering by the time she found one of Kili's companions. Her senses were dulled and only when he stood in front of her did she recognize this one to be Fili, Kili's brother. She grabbed his hand to support herself and forced to tell him: “He's gone. East-North from here... near the cliff. An orc killed him.”
“No... no....”, Fili whimpered but quickly held her when she slumped down.
“I fear... I fear this is goodbye for all of us....”, she tried to smile. “Remember... a rainbow will come after the storm.” She closed her eyes.
It left Fili alone in this nightmare. Of course he himself had time and time again figured how dangerous this whole quest would be but he had been oblivious to the fact what it meant. It meant death. He lowered the she-elf and cursed himself for having been so thoughtless. He should have been by his brother's side. He left Tauriel to seek for his little brother. And when he reached him he knew there would be no more joy in his life. It was something that even the treasures of Erebor or the Arkenstone could not give him back.
He kneeled next to his brother and stroked his hair that was still damp from blood. After rearranging his swords, he lifted Kili up. “Stupid little brother”, he whispered in Khuzdul. “I'm sorry..” He swallowed and willed his tears not to be shed. Not yet. He would bring Kili back to bury him. And he wouldn't leave Tauriel here, either. There was no way to get the fallen to Erebor but a grave they would have together, even if it would mean he had to leave his brother to rest in Mirkwood. At least they would be united in death.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Gain and Loss
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Author: CharonKatharsis
Pairings: Merle Dixon x Daryl Dixon
Rating: M
Summary: Merle has just been released from prison and Daryl, after having lived alone for years now, doesn't expect him to come home. And even less does he expect at what price company comes.
Warnings: Merle is 30, Daryl is 15. This story contains incest, underage sex and non-con (or very debateable dub-con). Also neglect of a minor is mentioned. If any of this offends / triggers you, you shouldn't read this story. It's a prequel to an RPG with Milkdrinkingkoala and utopia-is-everywhere
Dedicated to: milkdrinkingkoala (Merry christmas 2012, sweetheart ö_ö)
Crossposted to AO3 here
Nothing of this was beknown to a young guy dwelling in a trailer just outside the town: Daryl Dixon, Merle's only brother, a fifteen year old dropout that had resorted to make a living by stealing and illegal hunting. It had been about eight years since his mother had died in a fire. Four years later, his father was shot by a robber – it was an open secret that there had never been a robber in the first place. But since daddy Dixon was best known for his temper and his younger son's bruises weren't even remotely hidden, nobody bothered to question either Daryl himself or his older brother, who had just happened to have returned from serving his time in the army. And not even a year later he started to serve time in the county jail for drug dealing, illegal ownership of a rifle and beating up a black guy. Daryl had lived on his own ever since. There were no direct neighbors near the Dixon's trailer nor did anyone ever care enough to get the CPS involved: They lived in true southern fashion, heeding the 'Not my family, not my problem'-credo. In fact people were rather happy to not get involved with anyone of the Dixons and Daryl had learned to live a life all by himself. It meant that each and every day was a struggle for survival, but he had learned his lessons well: Avoid people at all cost, especially those in a uniform. Don't speak to anyone, don't look at them and make sure they don't see or even catch you. Never answer to anyone. Trust your guts. Never trust anyone that isn't family. Merle had drummed into him again and again the night he was arrested. It was easiest to follow these rules when he was in the woods but he had just come back from spending some days and nights there. Still.. there was nothing like his own bed. He could sleep in the wilderness but it just didn't compare to his soft, cozy bed especially now he was expecting a heat thunderstorm any day. It wasn't yet the time but soon it would be. He would probably refrain from staying out in the woods until it had passed and the hunting season would be over as well. He had enough provisions to last a while without actively hunting anyway.
Shedding his clothes on the floor until only his shorts covered him he approached said bed and lay down. Indeed a lot more comfortable than the hard ground outside and without his clothes twice so. Here, he could relax a little without having to be constantly on guard. It had been some time since he had had the luxury. So deep was he in his thoughts, he didn't even notice how he became more and more sleepy until he dozed off. It was a foreign sound somewhat later that made him blink but then everything was quiet again and he closed his eyes again. Everyone knew there was nothing worth taking in his trailer so there would be no robber stupid enough to waste his time. It must have been the wind that had made the battered trailer sound as if someone had opened the front door... or maybe it had just been the door screen that had rattled, he calmed himself and tried to go back to sleep when he heard nothing else for some moments. Until suddenly the bed creaked and something heavy was next to him and before he even had had a chance to grab the knife under his pillow, big hands had grabbed his wrists and held him pinned down.
“That's not how y'are s'pposed to greet yer good ol' brother, baby brother”, a drawling voice scoffed. A voice that was so familiar and yet so foreign to his ears. But Daryl knew it could only be him – his big brother Merle had returned. A little drunk as he had often been but he was there, in person.
“Merle? 'S that you?”, he whispered. He was dreaming, that was it! Merle was in jail, so...
“Sure. 'S me, who else?” He let go of Daryls wrists and patted his cheek.
“You asshole!”, Daryl said both amazed and angry. “Ya could of told me yer comin' home!”
“Nothin' like a great surprise, innit?”, Merle grinned and even in the darkness Daryl could spot that Merle's eyes were slightly glassy, not to mention the smell of smoke, alcohol and whatever else he had decided to pop. “Missed yer face, Darlene.”
“Ya've not been the one alone fer years”, Daryl rambled but he stopped abruptly when he noticed how Merle's hand had started to wander lower, down the side of his neck.
“Yer no longer alone”, Merle stated. “Never again. Promise.”
It was, as if a black hole had swallowed Daryl right up there and then because next thing he knew, Merle was still on top of him but his clothes were gone. As were Daryl's shorts.
He could barely breathe and it took him a moment to realize that Merle's mouth was on top of his, his tongue inside playing with Daryl's non-responsive one. And his hand was touching his ass, as if he was about to.... Daryl's heart was hammering inside his chest so hard, the boy feared it would beat out of it. This was wrong, he somehow knew. One of the few things he knew of right and wrong.
“M-Merle... stop...”, he pleaded and really, his brother did stop what he was doing.
“The fuck's that all 'f a sudden?”, the older man growled. With a snort he lowered his head until his mouth was right at Daryl's ear and he whispered: “Ya want me to leave yer sorry ass again, baby brother? Leave ya alone to rot here when I was the one who saved ya back then...? Say it, Darlene... tell me to leave ya behind an' I will. An' don' even think I ain't gonna do that. It's yer choice... but I give ya that choice only once.”
Daryl felt like choking. The truth was he couldn't stand being lonely anymore. He had wished for his brother to return to him for so long. Merle had always looked out for him and somehow it felt as if there hadn't been years they had been separated. Merle had protected him from their father, from everything. Merle was family... the only person on earth he had, the only one he could trust. And it had been Merle who had taught him that everything in life came at a price. Everything. Slowly, Daryl shook his head. “Don't...”, he forced himself to whisper.
“What was that?”, Merle exaggeratedly asked him. “What d'ya say?”
“Don't.. leave me.” Daryl swallowed and for a moment he felt the fear and loneliness he had faced in the first night all alone.. and in so many ones that had followed. “Please.”
“Hmmm.. I dunno..”, Merle mused. “Will ya be a good boy for me, Darlene? MY good boy?”
“I will”, Daryl promised.
“That's right, kiddo”, Merle praised him grinning. “And now we will see just how good you really are.” Daryl tried to brace himself. It was this or the all-consuming loneliness. He could trust Merle, his brother. Merle had always known what was right, so... this would be the right thing to do. But his brother brought his hand back up and held two fingers onto his lips... it took Daryl a moment to realize what Merle wanted. He parted his lips and Merle shoved two of his fingers roughly into his mouth - a little too deep, causing Daryl to gag. Merle however didn't seem to either notice or care, he murmured some things Daryl barely understood. But before Daryl had a chance to do or say something about it, Merle yanked his fingers out of his little brother's mouth. “Now... just hold still and let yer ol' Merle do take care of ya good.”
One second it was fine and the next... no more. Merle forcefully pushed both fingers inside. Daryl bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out. It hurt as if he was being ripped apart. His brother was far from being gentle and even farther from being patient. “It... Merle.. it hurts...”, Daryl tried to get Merle to reconsider, but his brother didn't mind.
“Sure does”, he agreed. “Yer gonna survive that. It's supposed to hurt at the start. Don' be a bitch 'bout that. Yer some sissy boy or what?” Daryl violently shook his head and Merle nodded approvingly. “Jus' shut yer trap an' let me do this.”
Daryl thought about the time he and Merle had gone on a little trip into the woods. Years ago. Daryl had tripped and ended up with a bleeding knee but he hadn't cried about it. He remembered how his brother had held him close and told him how proud he was that Daryl acted like a man. He repeated this memory over and over whenever the pain become too intense. And then it was over. At least Merle had released him from having to feel his fingers inside. It was a short relieve, however, and just when he thought the throbbing would lessen a little, he heard his brother spit. And then... even his memories didn't help him anymore. It was too much, something by far too big in something by far too tight. Somewhere along the road Merle shoved one of the pillows into his face and Daryl bit it until he felt as if his jaw would break. He needed to grab something... anything and his hands found his brother's shoulders, trying to hold onto him, pulling him closer while Merle kept on thrusting into him with erratic motions.
And all of a sudden... it was over. Before Daryl even registered it, Merle had unceremoniously shot his load inside him and pulled out. Without bothering further, he left Daryl's bed and went to his own room, the one Daryl hadn't even dared to step into in all those years. All that was left was Daryl silently sobbing into the pillow... crying, because he was confused, felt dirty and in pain but there were also these tears of joy for he no longer had to be all by himself anymore.
They didn't speak of the night the next morning. Merle didn't comment on Daryl's stiff and careful motions and Daryl said no word about it, either. Daryl had made his choice, so there really wasn't anything else to say on that.
“So, Darlene... ever fucked a girl?” Merle eyed him and Daryl shook his head. He had never so much as kissed a girl, let alone fuck her. “'Good”, Merle seemed content and grinned one of his broad grins. “Guess I popped yer cherry then, what?” He laughed and laughed even some more when Daryl lowered his gaze in shame. “It's alright, baby bro. Everything's fine now. Yer MY good little Darlene now. I'll watch over ya.” He passed Daryl and ruffled his hair. “I promised it: Yer never alone again. Never.”
It was both a threat and a promise Merle should keep for the following 21 years.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #27 'Cloud'
Character 1: Michonne
Character 2: Merle Dixon
Word: 'cloud'
Sometimes she misses him, she really does. He was nothing but a foulmouthed and bad-mannered redneck, they say. Nah, she really can't agree with that. Not completely. He had been a soldier, a rough guy, always trying to prove himself. But that wasn't all he was, she knew that. He had had a hidden sense of actual humor. And an ill-guided protective instinct. Deep down, Merle had been a good guy. And good guys went to heaven. Michonne imagined him on a passing cloud. He would probably try to get a better view of her cleavage. That would be him.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #26 'Fire'
Character 1: Dean Winchester
Character 2: Adam Milligan
Word: 'fire'
„You left me behind to burn in the fire of hell!“, Adam's hateful voice roared.
„It was your choice to become Michael's bitch“, Dean reminded him.
„You could have saved me, Dean. YOU were supposed to be it. You saved Sam and I was being left behind, wondering.. why NOT me?“ Dean remained silent. Adam huffed and nodded. „Thought so. But guess what... I'm back now and you ALL will be my bitches. You, your damned brother and that pretty ex-angel of yours.“
Dean woke up, his heart racing. Why did this dream feel all too real?
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #25 'Bathing'
Character 1: Murphy MacManus
Character 2: Connor MacManus
„We haven't had such a great bath in... years?“, Connor beamed at Murphy, who was sharing the tub with him. His twin grinned.
„Tell me something I don't know. Still, it's time to get out of here.“ He wriggled his eyebrows. „Oh, I forgot to mention, my dear brother... once you have pulled the plug, I'll have a surprise for you.“ Connor grabbed the plug and pulled it so the water could drain off. Murphy stood up and turned around, facing the wall: „Dear Conn...“, he whispered seductively at his brother „Of course I meant the other plug.“
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Ficlet "Courting"
„C'mon, Cas... don't you like the pie here?“
„The pie is a bit too sugary. And I don't understand why we couldn't just take it back to the Motel with us.“
„Sam's there.”
“Sam's always with us. I don't-”
“Cas... could you just accept that we're here?” Dean pleaded.
“I assume.. sure.”
“Alright... do you want something to drink? It's all on me tonight.”
“I do have some currency with me”, Cas assured and put some crumpled bills onto the table.
“No, no... it's on me, really.” Castiel wanted to say something but the waitress interrupted.
“So, have you two any more wishes?” She looked from one to another.
“I'll have some chocolate milk, lady.”
“I don't need any beverage”, Castiel stated but Dean shook his head.
“Always shy... he'll have some chocolate milk as well.”
“Alright, two chocolate milk it is.” With a last flirty smile she left them.
“What are you doing, Dean?”
“I just want to spend an evening with some nice company and pie, is that a crime?”
“Nice company... like her?” Castiel didn't even look the direction the waitress had left but Dean knew immediately he meant her.
“No, with you.”
“But you usually rather have beer with your brother and me in some bar.”
“Usually, usually... could you just accept this please? I'm starting to feel stupid.”
“My apology. I'm still not all too familiar with human customs, I fear. I thought men preferred to eat in such establishments with female company or alone.”
“I just wanted to treat you a little, fine?” Dean scratched his ear and noticed with unease that Castiel was staring at him. “What?”
“Are you... trying to court me?”
Dean was spared from answering by the waitress who was putting the chocolate milks onto the table. That had been a close call.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Ficlet "Us"
Probably not quite what you had in mind, utopia-is-everywhere, when you asked for something with Crowley. 
Character 1: Crowley
Character 2: Sam Winchester
„Deamons have not always sealed their deals with a kiss, did you know that?“ It had been three days since the Winchesters had trapped Crowley but that was the first time he spoke. „But I'm glad we changed the rule. It makes it more real...“
„More real than what?“ Sam scrutinized him.
„Everything. You cannot understand eternity as a deamon... it's lonely.“
„Do you want pity?“
„Don't you want a deal? Free me and I-“
„No.“ Sam said firmly and Crowley wondered when he had entered the devil's trap? „I don't want a deal. But I understand your loneliness, so... just this time, without a deal.“ He placed one of his big hands on his cheek and kissed Crowley softly, leaving the self-proclaimed king of hell too surprised to actually understand what was happening until after Sam withdrew.
„What was that, Moose?“ There was nothing but genuine curiosity and confusion in the deamon's voice.
„You are wrong, Crowley.“ Sam spoke softly, not looking at the other. After a short pause he added in a whisper: „I do understand. Better than you can imagine.“
“...so you will free me?”
“No”, Sam forced himself to a quiet laugh. “Can't do that. Dean will be back soon and... unlike me, he doesn't understand us.”
“Us?” Crowley squinted his eyes.
“We're both monsters”, Sam clarified. “But even we need affection. Crave it, actually.”
“I see.. but now you are wrong, boy.”
“How so?”
Crowley grinned. “This I won't say.”
He didn't need to. Sam understood the unsaid 'You are no monster' just fine. And for a moment there was a peaceful agreement that maybe, just maybe, they both weren't.
“You know this will change nothing.”
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #24 'Monogamy'
Character 1: Dean Winchester
Character 2: Castiel
„You want to see.. women?“ Castiel cocked his head and looked at Dean.
„I know, you and me, we are a thing and that's all great but... well, you're a guy and I'm a guy and I'm not gay, you know.“
„You want to have intercourse with them?“
„With you, too, of course. I understand, if you...“
„No, it's alright.“
Dean blinked. „It.. really?“
„Sure. My father has given men the need to couple with as many women as possible in order to produce-“
„Ok, I won't. Just.. just shut up already, Cas.“
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #23 'Selflove sick'
Character 1: Dean Winchester
Support Chars: Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
utopia-is-everywhere wanted a selflove sick Dean. There you go.
The guy looking at him was the split image of perfection. An Adonis. Dean licked his lips. Oh... he would do that guy anytime. He would even allow that guy to do him.
„No homo, but you are so fricking hot...“, he whispered and winked at him, noticed him winking back. Fortunately, Sammy and Bobby were in the next room and had conveniently locked the door. Slowly, seductively he started to strip and watched the other do so as well...
“You think... Dean is still flirting with the mirror?”, Sam asked Bobby. The older man nodded. “Fucking spell.”
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Any requests?
I'm taking requests for short stores and/or drabbles for the following fandoms:
         Wincest (in any combination), Destiel, Sabriel, Samifer... whatever. Any pairing welcome BUT as I've only watched the show until mid season 4 yet, I might not know all the chars well enough to write about them. Even though I have a pretty good overview on what is to come ;)
The Walking Dead
         Darlenn, Merle/Michonne, Merle/Andrea, Andrea/Michonne (or even a threeway), Dartinez... you name it. NO Caryl, please, as this is a pairing I personally dislike, sorry. Anything else is welcomed.
         You name it, I ship it. Thorki, Thunderfrost, Clintasha, Frostiron, Stony. I'm just not too fond of Jane since her character did not seem too... convincing.
I love m/m-pairings, but anything else is fine as well. I have no problem with brother pairings, either. Mind you, I'm not the most explicit writer, if you know what I mean *cough cough* and I'm always really really happy about 'unusual' requests. 
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Special Drabble: Endverse (Blooper)
“Oh, c'mon Dean. Your brother had his cumming and it's not like I forced him to.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“Mind your tongue, it's your mother you're talking about.” The devil grinned at him. “She was quite a babe. Visited her in hell. Really, really nice.”
“You didn't!”
“Oh, she was such a great fuck. As was your father. Not to mention that hot little ex-angel of yours. Too drugged out for my taste but the best sex I ever had.”
“Why? Why not me? Just take me already!”
“No, Dean, das gay!”
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Special Drabble: Endverse
For a little challenge with utopia-is-everywhere
“Hey, Dean.. if we ever make it out of all of this alive, promise me we stay together? I know I've wanted to get away when I was younger but I know now you are all I have. You're everything that matters. That's why I'm doing this. You probably won't understand, but I thought this through. The chances are small but maybe my powers will be strong enough to help us with keeping Lucifer in check.
Never give up.
Love, Sam”
Dean scrunched the paper up. No, he surely wasn't crying because Sam all but offed himself for nothing.
 “Oh, c'mon, Dean. Your brother had it coming and it's not like I forced him to say yes.”
“You did!”
“I merely convinced him it would be for the best. You know, Dean... little Sammy here put up quite a fight in the beginning. Until I started to do things to convince him. Ripping all those innocent people to shreds really helped. Making him relive each and every occasion he let you down...“
“Shut up!” Dean glared at him, but the devil just smiled at him.
“Poor little Sammy.”
“Take me instead!”
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #22
Character 1: Dean Winchester
Character 2: Sam Winchester
utopia-is-everywhere wanted something with Dean. And I had this lovely headcanon...
Dean sat by his little brother's bed and gently brushed a strand of hair out of his face. He could feel the heat radiating from his forehead.
“This is so you, Sammy”, he mused smiling. “Killing off monsters without even flinching when they hurt you... but then you get the flu and are completely out.” He sighed when his eyes met Sam's unfocused gaze.
“Dean... please..”, he whispered and Dean knew what he was asking for.
“Jeez, you're a grown man.” He shook his head and began to sing lowly anyway.
“Carry on my wayward son...”
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble-special "Four pacts"
As requested by utopia-is-everywhere: Four pacts with Crowley.
(I) Gabriel
“There is one thing I wish you to do for me”, the archangel declared. “A thing I cannot do myself.”
“Why would I help? You have no soul for me to-”
“It helps your cause.”
Crowley sat up straighter and licked his lip. “You want me to do your brother in?”
“I see... peace in heaven, my kingdom in hell. Sounds nice but I'm not yet convinced. Maybe with a little extra. You know, I would need a hand with that... or a wing.” Gabriel nodded. “Good. Now let me taste an archangel's kiss.”
(II) Dean
“Damn it, I would give my soul for a delicious, sweet piece of pie right now”, Dean sighed. “It's been weeks without any...”
“I could help with that.” An older, rather chubby man appeared in front of him, holding a plate with probably the most delicious-looking piece of pie Dean had ever seen. “A kiss and it's yours.”
“Crowley, I wouldn't trade my soul for one piece of pie”, Dean clarified.
“Sure.. well, how about the most tasty, homemade pies you've ever seen for the rest of your life, delivered wherever you are..”
“...I'm in.”
(III) Castiel
He could still feel those lips touching his, the sensation of utter wrongness combined with the taste of sulphur made him feel like choking. But it had been done... had to be done. Castiel stepped back a little, his calm demeanor giving no hint to the troubles he felt inside.
“Don't you worry, sugar-pie”, Crowley mockingly soothed him. “Your beloved little human will be save.”
“How can I be sure you will not back out of our contract once he considers hunting you again?”
“Because I know you will not allow him to do so.”
(IV) Sam
„I see, you trapped me here, righteous man.“ Crowley grinned. „Ah, I forgot, that's your brother. You are Lucy's preferred sweater of choice.“
„Shut up.“ Sam glared at him. „I trapped you here for a reason.“
„A pact?“
„Obviously the only thing you're good for.“ The taller man snorted.
„You hurt my feelings.“
„Shut. Up. I want you to dispose of me.“
„Come again?“
„You heard me. I want you to destroy me. Body, soul... everything. Erase me from this world for good.“
„If that's what you want...“
„It is.“
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Drabble #21
Character 1: Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Character 2: Death (Supernatural)
„I have been waiting for you for a long time, Dean.“ The scraggy man nodded and looked at the younger one.
„I know. Kept you off for too long, haven't I?“
„It's alright now. Your fight is over.“
„What about...?“, Dean began, but Death shook his head.
„They are no longer yours to worry about.“
„...they... didn't make it?“ Dean closed his eyes, sad for the loss of his brother and his friends.
„Well... they got it over and done with. You can be at peace.“
And finally Dean understood Death meant comfort.
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charonkatharsisfics · 11 years
Special Drabble "Sexy Absurd"
Character 1: John Winchester (Supernatural)
Character 2: Bobby Singer
Prompt: "Sexy Absurd"
“Alright there.. I’m ready.” Bobby entered the bedroom, wearing a long, white nightgown and a blonde wig. “You like that?”
“Damn.. you look just like her. Well… minus your beard of course, you should shave, Bobby.” Still John seemed quite fond of what he saw and beckoned him to the bed he was sprawling on. “And now come here, baby.”
Bobby grinned at him. “You could show me more of this thong you’re wearing.”
“Shut it… and don’t ever tell Mary.”
“What should I tell her? I roleplayed you for your husband’s viewing pleasure?”
They laughed.
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