charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“Private Pirates, huh?” Elle let out a soft chuckle at the unintended alliteration. “Can’t imagine any of you were too excited about the prospect of babysitting a hoard of spoiled royals. I’d push it off too, if I were them.” Elle wasn’t in a hurry to be babysat either. She quite enjoyed not having someone to answer to; even if that meant not getting a few extra items here and there.
Elle felt the corners of her lips twitch at the mention of the Tulachs. The last time she’d made an attempt to ask anything of a Tulach…it hadn’t been the most enjoyable of conversations. “Whatever I already have will suffice for the time being.” Anything else, she was sure to be able to find a way to get. At least until her own pirate made themselves known to her. “Riots?” She quirked a brow at that. “Have there been many riots here?”
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“It wasn’t our first choice,” she agreed reluctantly. Though she’d never admit it aloud, party lines be damned. Charlotte wouldn’t agree with a fellow pirate on that statement. “Some have proven to not be completely wretched. I suppose it’s all we can ask.”
Even growing up, Charlotte wasn’t keen on going to the Tulachs. Roman and Genevieve were intimidating. “That’s a proper attitude to have on that.” Especially with the shift to the original island. “Any riot or uprising that occurs is too many, no?”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Maya nodded periodically as Charlotte spoke; more as acknowledgment than anything else. Everyone dealt with change differently albeit some better than others. Charlotte seemed to be one of them. Then again, the other woman had called the island home for quite some time. Either way, Maya appreciated the information and reassurance. 
Not wanting to displace her friend, the tall blonde leaned against the nearest wall and admired the orange, pink and red hues that lit up the evening sky. “I can understand that. I would probably feel the same if the roles were reversed. I do have one question though; for all it’s familiarity, do you consider the island your home?”
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After scribbling in a word or two into the blanks, Charlotte cast a glance her way. “Well, not necessarily. I grew up on the Trident from the time I was five years old or so. My late father was one of Roman’s closest friends and his master gunner. I joined Alexander on his ship when I was twenty and worked my way up that way,” she replied. Though it wasn’t necessarily common knowledge. Ryan Abernathy was a man who had done whatever was necessary for his crew and rarely ever let the necessary occur. “I came here in 2018 or so, just after Alma hit. I like the amenities here.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“I’ll take your word for that.” Elle was hopeful enough to believe that she wouldn’t be here to experience this summer the pirate spoke of. “Don’t know. I haven’t met them yet.” She flashed the pirate another smile over the rim of her mug before taking the empty chair next to her. Unlike the pirate, Elle sat with both feet planted on the floor, back straight against the cushions, and her hands cupped around her the warm cup. “It almost feels like they’re avoiding me. —Funny. I always figured it was supposed be the other way around.”
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Charlotte hummed thoughtfully at her words. “Well, some pirates around here are notoriously private, but I do agree, it’s a little odd,” she commented. She was often guilty of dodging a royal or two in the name of her own privacy, but she had an understanding with hers. “Anything you might need is already in Tulach House, anything you might want can be requested to the Tulachs within reason, but that’s a rather daring task.” 
Even if it was usually Charlotte’s job to deliver said goods. 
“As Stockholm-like as it sounds, we don’t mind getting people what they want within reason. Something that reminds you of home, for one. It’s a difficult transition for everyone here and if it keeps riots at a low, well, we don’t mind making it a little easier.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“I’m sure he did” said Genevieve. “He always does his best to make sure everything is prepared the way he likes it.” Roman might have his flaws (Genevieve wasn’t blind to that) but she knew he took good care of the crew. “I know what you mean, though. I’m just glad I didn’t have any sushi in mine when we left.” If that had gone bad, it would have taken a small miracle to get the smell out. She gave a grateful smile. “That’s sweet of you to say. I’m rather proud of that place, you know.” Perhaps a bit more than she should have been, but she didn’t care. If you were going to have a place named after you, you might as well take pride in it. “You know, that might not be a bad idea” she said. “I will mention it to one of my children.” One definite perk of being the mother of three captains was that you had some pull with them. “As long as we can keep the royals off them, I don’t see the harm.” The last thing they needed was a royal stealing one and breaking it while out on a joyride.
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The mention of sushi made Charlotte crinkle her nose. While sushi wasn’t her thing to begin with, she hated the smell of rotten fish even more. “Same. I’m glad I didn’t have any meat,” she agreed. That was a little more on brand for her. Fortunately, everything was in relative order. The UTVs, however, would make unloading things from the docks easier, same in the state of emergencies. “I think we did a lovely job last time.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
As I’m approaching ever nearer to my 30th birthday, in my wise years I have learnt to be bold, brave, and don’t think twice.
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
He nodded along seriously, pretending to think it over as his eyes wandered down the expanse of her neck. He couldn’t really seem to help himself. “I think that’s proper logic,” he agreed, leaning down to nip gently just above her pulse before pulling away. Chase held out his hand, waiting patiently for her to take it. “Let’s go try to tell the difference, shall we?” he asked. “In the name of science, of course.” 
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“Naturally,” she joked as she accepted his hand to stand up from the chair. It felt all too familiar to lean into his side as they walked. Tulach Island hadn’t changed in the slightest. Everything was still crystal blue, less humid, and left her in need of a sweater at night. “I’m thinking we try yours first.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“Oh, yes, hot chocolate,” he nodded seriously. “It’s my favorite of warn beverages.” He came around her, smirking even harder than before, and pressed his hands against the arms of her chair. He leaned in, his eyes dipping to look over her again, at this new angle. Chase licked his lips. “Enlighten me,” he said, his voice lowered. “I’m getting quite antsy.”
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A small smile curved her lips as he dipped his head down near her face. “I was thinking about...exploring the difference in our villas. See just how much they’ve changed?” she suggested, craning her neck upwards to leave just a few inches from their lips. “Maybe exploring the differences in mattresses? It’s been quite a bit since I’ve felt one from Villa West.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“I’ve never had an iced tea before. –Is that a strange thing to say?” She plucked one of the requisite coffee cups from the stack and filled it with the steaming brown liquid until it was almost to the brim. After taking a timid sip, she nodded her head at the woman’s advice. “I’ll…be sure to let my watcher person know. If I can ever find them.”
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“It’s actually quite refreshing. When it’s summer here, it’s a godsend.” Even with a slight bite to the air (16°C was even chillier while at the beach and people seemed to forget about it), she wished she had some. “Who do you have?” Charlotte knew the pirates around the island. “If you can’t get a hold of them, this place always has it for your use.” 
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“How is it obvious?” She looked at the woman with furrowed brows. For the life of her, the Italian principessa truly could not see how she or any of the other royals were supposed to know the reason behind anything that the head pirata did. Her nose wrinkled at the request to carry a box and she shook her head in refusal to do anything to help them. At least not until she knew more about their new move. “Why won’t anyone tell us anything?” 
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Ignorance was bliss, but for Charlotte, she kept things quiet. They didn’t need to know. “Less of a mess of hysteria and people wanting to stay. It’s best to let us handle things,” she responded. “The sooner we get this stuff moved, the sooner we can get moving. We haven’t force-fed you Kool-Aid yet, so you’re safe with us so far. As long as you don’t try to kill us, we’ll treat you with a modicum of decency.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“They better have” Genevieve said dryly. “Otherwise someone is going to lose their head.” She was exaggerating, of course. While her family had taken their share of lives, she wasn’t going to kill someone over the cappuccino machine. Not today, at least. Although she was still pissed someone had tried to use it to make scrambled eggs. “I know what you mean. There’s nothing like sleeping in your own bed.” Genevieve personally preferred the island Roman had given her, but she had missed this place. “Well, if nothing else, I can sleep easy at night knowing my island is no longer overrun with royals who seemed hellbent on breaking everything valuable I owned.”
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“I think Roman sent a cleanup crew to make sure everything was taken care of, though they didn’t touch the villas. Thankfully. I had to throw out all the food in my fridge and air it all out, but it was a small price to pay for safety,” Charlotte added. While milk frother made fluffy eggs, she would rather have flat eggs over ruining a pricey piece of machinery. “I did love the villas for Captains and First Mates on your island. They were beautiful and spacious as well. I did not hate the pool or the showers.” Charlotte wasn’t one for the beach, but she liked the rice fields. And the UTVs taking things from one place to the other. “Do you think we can get those vehicles back? Those were so handy.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Not exactly Disney’s Cinderella or Downton Abbey’s Lady Rose: Lily James, shot by Turkish photographer Cuneyt Akeroglu.
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“Yeah?” Chase asked, smirking slightly as he came up behind her. He leaned over her, looking over her shoulder at her face as he took her in. His eyes moved slowly over her, and he licked his lips, catching the bottom lip between his teeth. “And what if I want something else that is obviously hotter?”
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Charlotte knew a little too well what Chase was referring to and she cast a dirty grin in his direction. “If you’re referring to hot cocoa, we have that as well,” she hinted. But if anyone could get Charlotte Abernathy to lower her word search, it was Chase. “You could come my way and I’ll see what I can do about getting you something you can get some use out of.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
“Coffee sounds perfect right about now” said Genevieve. She had a small machine in her quarters, of course, but the one here was nicer. “I’m craving a mocha cappuccino in the worst way.” She began to busy herself making the drink. As she did so, she said “How are you settling back into the old place?” While Genevieve had preferred the other island (which had been built with her in mind and which she considered more luxurious than this one), she knew most of the pirates had come to think of Tulach Island as home. At least, she hoped they did.
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“I think they fixed the milk frother,” Charlotte commented. At least, she thought they did. The last time she had been in the Canteen prior to this, it had been on the fritz after someone had the bright idea to use it to scramble eggs. “It’s been a relatively easy adjustment. I’ve missed my bed and looking out at the waves from my villa. How have you adjusted?”
Charlotte had always liked Genevieve. Her no-nonsense attitude, straight to the point, and the fact she commanded respect that was never easily given had made her a force to be reckoned with. 
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Her first few days on the island, Elsa had spent coupled up in her room, glaring at the sights and sounds streaming in through her bedroom window with the sunlight. But it wasn’t long before the prospect of exploring a brand new place pulled the princess out of her funk and out into the fresh air.
She spent most of the day walking the beaches and exploring the island’s many coves, before wondering in and out of the many buildings in an effort to find her footing. It was the faint smell of coffee that’d brought her to this particular building. The first one she’d found that was mostly deserted…save for the blonde pirate sprawled unceremoniously over a chair as if she meant to spend the rest of her days in that very spot.
“Thank you,” she forced a small smile before making her way over the steaming pot of coffee. “I’ve never been a fan of tea. I’ll drink it if it’s offered or if it’s there, but…” she shrugged.
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Charlotte looked up at the voice and a wry chuckle escaped her. “I’m not terribly fond of it myself. I only drink it when I’m sick or iced when it’s hot,” she agreed. Though it seemed fairly un-English of her, she preferred iced tea with peach on a hot day or iced green tea with citrus. It hit fairly well on a hot summer day after working outdoors in ways water couldn’t. “Make sure to bundle up at night. It doesn’t seem like it’ll get cold, but it’ll sneak up on you.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Coffee, at least black coffee, was not something that he was a big fan of, which was exactly why he never really drank it without some milk. “It’s okay, when I pour some milk into it, will probably cool down a little.”
He usually preferred drinking milk with chocolate, which was something many saw as a children drink, but in his opinion it wasn’t. However, from time to time, he drank coffee, when he felt like he needed something to keep him awake.
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“Hot means fresh, pencil dick. Burn your mouth for all I care,” Charlotte responded without looking up from her word search. If someone wasn’t smart enough to decipher her meaning, it wasn’t on her head. A burnt tongue made no difference to her. “It makes no difference to me.”
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Liam was walking around, he was glad things didn’t changed, that the pirates didn’t decided to put everyone in cages since it would certainly make their jobs easier. Smiling when he took a sit next to someone. “I was thinking on having some juice, but thanks for the tip.”
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She knew the island like the back of her hand, Canteen included. Without looking up from her book, she wordlessly pointed to the adjacent stainless steel fridge that contained various cartons of juice. “Apple, orange, grapefruit, tomato, and cranberry,” she responded.
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charlottexabernathy · 5 years
Matt’s heavy footfall thudded across the floor and he looked at the blonde in the chair. “I sure hope that coffee’s hot. Not a fan of cold coffee unless it’s meant to be over ice. And sweet. Talking loaded up with enough sugar or condensed milk to make my mother’s teeth hurt if she knew I was drinking it.” Matt went straight to the bar and got himself a cup of joe, not he needed it at this time of day but the last thing he wanted right now was tea. Also all his coffee stuff was still in a box and he didn’t want to deal with getting it out. “What up, toots? Being lazy?” He asked the woman as he leaned against the bar and made a pained looked. “Shit. That’s hot.” No shit, dumb ass, she just told you. “What’s going on in here, anyway?”
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Given everything she’d been doing to handle the transition, she’d earned a lazy day or two to relax. The only good thing that’s come from having two members of Jupiter’s Fury there was that there wasn’t much to do by way of helping them settle in. She jiggled her empty cup, hearing the ice rattle inside. “Then it’s not coffee. It’s just sugar in a cup,” she quipped. And she didn’t see a need in justifying her self-inflicted Sunday. She’d long since learned she didn’t need to answer to anyone. Who knew? She could do some target practice and possibly some damage control in the jungle. “And yes. Call me toots again and I might actually lay some hurt on you.”
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