Revenge Cannibalism
obvious TW under cut, this is a writing prompt someone I know didn't know they were giving me when I asked them to give me a concept so I could prove to it that cannibalism can be used as a literary tool for basically anything and (if done right) is always beautiful
another TW for religious characters, kidnapping, torture, previously described attempted murder, and autocannibalism
Black. Black is all Cain remembers. As his vision fades in, he sees he is tied up to the ceiling, a warm sense of urgency hits his spine, as he struggles to find any hold on the rope to turn himself upright.
"Hello there, Big Brother." Ice runs down Cains spine, his throat closing for a moment before he can continue breathing. "I wonder if you even remember me, after all, that was over twenty years ago." Cain forces his eyes shut, he cannot let himself remember his sins.
Footsteps ring through the room, closer and closer they inch towards Cain, the same gait he remembered. He looks down, or up, he honestly cannot tell, and sees his legs bound to a hook on a rusty chain, tight enough to lose his circulation. He risks looking up, risks seeing his sins, and sees his hands unbound, "Oh, are you already trying your escape plan? You've always been good at those," the other man's voice rung in Cain's ears, making him feel sick as her tries to chew through the rope. The other man laughs, "that won't work, Brother, I filed your teeth while you slept, there is nothing sharp left."
Dread weighs heavy on Cain, leaving bile in his throat. Still he determines to try to escape, climbing the rope and grabbing onto the oddly polished chain on the jarringly rusty chain. He can see the ceiling, a stone carving, a sigil. Time was clearly spent planning and preparing for his capture, "I hope you like it, I've spent all of these years planning this, taking painstaking detail into every little etching-" Cain hears metal slide across stone below him, "-sharpening blades, gathering wood for a ritual fire… you know the drill, don't you?"
Cain tries to speak, his voice catching in his throat before he coughs, his voice a weak squeak compared to his usual gruff drawl, "no, I don't."
The other man tsks, "aww, Big Brother," his voice drips with feigned sympathy, "I know you know exactly what this is." The distinct woosh of a large fire being lit makes Cain look, his body going limb with pain and horror upon his fears being confirmed.
Abel stands before him, smug grin on his face, crooked from the scars of Cain bashing in the side of his face and some of his skull, "I'm a beauty of a man, aren't I?" Abel walks toward Cain, tracing his blade along his skin, just barely making the skin red. "After you left me for dead of hemorrhage or starvation I found enough spider webs to wrap in my wounds to stop the bleeding… but never really found an easy source of food."
Abel creates circles into Cain's skin, marking organs and specific cuts of meat, "That is, until I noticed the bits of brains you left on the ground-" Cain interrupts him.
"You're insane!"
"Oh, but Brother," his smile widens, his eyes filled with inhuman glee, "you made me this way." Abel drives the knife into Cains stomach, carving out the meat, carefully leaving his organs untouched.
Cain's screams filled the room as Abel continued to carve pieces of meat off of him and throwing them on the metal rack above the ritual fire, "you see, when I ate my own brains, I rather liked what I tasted, so I figured I would get more," his voice shook with unhidden insanity, "I perfected the craft of cutting up humans and cooking them, I learned the best way to surprise and trap even men three times my size."
Minutes feel like hours, but hours pass by. Abel cuts into Cain, one piece at a time, grilling the meat and eating it, his teeth shredding the flesh like paper in a shredder, juices and blood sliding down his chin, eyes filled with horrible, sadistic glee.
Cain's vision grew blurry, and his screams grew weak and slurred, Abel's voice picks up with a little burst of joy, "Oh! Its time for the true delicacy." Cain barely manages to open his eyes enough to see Abel picking up an odd, serrated tool; two wooden handles with ropes wrapped around metal, curved into a U and serrated.
"I hope you're awake for this, Brother," he slaps at Cain's face, jerking his eyes open before placing the tool around his head at the brow, "I do so love the brain, and I have waited too many years to eat yours."
Crunch! Cains scalp and the top of his skull falls to the ground, a thin membrane being the only thing keeping Cain's skull from falling out with them. Cain screams his last, eyes drilled shut and tears falling down his face, the last thing he hears is his brother, voice sickeningly sweet, "I do hope you know I love you brother, and will miss you dearly, enjoy death, for me, will you?" With that, Cain never had a thought again.
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