Charlie Desantiago
211 posts
Trans man, Witchy and Latino
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
charliedesantiago · 16 days ago
Me and a friend decided to make a BlackHill server on Discord to share our love for this insane ship. Feel free to join, the more the merrier. Make our small fandom a bigger one
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charliedesantiago · 2 months ago
Follow who you want to follow. That’s what Tumblr is for
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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charliedesantiago · 2 months ago
So I ended up writing The Darkhold Diaries as if it were a tv show. It’s not written in script format but I feel the vision is there.
I have 5 chapters written of this fic series and I’m adding characters as I go as well as referring to the comics for certain things. Some characters from AoS may also make an appearance.
Thank you to everyone who has been reading and interested in this series. It means more to me than you realize.
Feel free to leave comments as I read them often and let me know if there’s anything in the series you’d like to see or characters you might want to come into the story, I’m always down for suggestions and contributions from readers.
Love ya 🫡
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charliedesantiago · 2 months ago
For my fellow fic writers
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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charliedesantiago · 3 months ago
Happy Christmas to all the people who follow me for…..whatever reason that may be 🎄🎅🤶
You’re amazing and I hope you feel the love
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charliedesantiago · 3 months ago
Made a community for Maria Hill if anyone is interested in joining
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charliedesantiago · 3 months ago
So after screaming, crying, shaking and wanting to pull my hair out several times to figure out how this story was gonna go, The Darkhold Diaries has officially begun.
Feel free to scream at me in my dm’s or the AO3 comments because I promise you I do read them. And enjoy, hopefully.
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charliedesantiago · 3 months ago
If I was to write a fanfic series featuring Agatha, Rio, Wanda, Nicholas, The Darkhold kid and called it the Darkhold Diaries…..who would be interested? The story would involve all things Darkhold and witchy related.
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charliedesantiago · 3 months ago
So, the first chapter of my BlackHill Omegaverse fic is up. Hopefully y’all like it. I’m open to suggestions and prompts if there’s things you’d like to see included.
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charliedesantiago · 4 months ago
Hello hello hello *taps mics* is this thing on?
It is I. Back by unpopular demand. If I was to hypothetically make a discord server for Arcane/Vi and Caitlyn who would be interested?
I may also end up making the discord server be about other ships and shows but just asking y’all to comment or react to this post and I’ll see what I can do about making a server
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charliedesantiago · 4 months ago
Since the poll is very much winning votes over yes, here's the server link! Just be casual and friendly, ty!
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charliedesantiago · 4 months ago
Someone who is better at drawing than I am…..please do a Vidarkness™️ piece with the red string of fate because that would make my day and it’s literally all I can think about
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charliedesantiago · 5 months ago
They are actors and they are humans beings. Some of you really need to learn the difference between the actors and the characters.
Let them be. They’re doing their jobs and they already know how important this show it to people.
Leave them alone. Let them live their lives on peace.
You wouldn’t want anyone to do it to you, so why would you think it’s okay go do it to them? Treat them with respect, human decency and kindness.
A reminder that Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza are human beings. Just because they share a safe space to support/be apart of the LGBT community, it does not mean to invade their personal life.
Stalking, publishing their personal information, and suggesting they both need to file divorce from their husbands is beyond disgusting!
As much as I love what we are receiving from them both, it’s equally embarrassing to see the community and those who are in stance with the community, become a form of parasite that fall deep in the hole of parasocial relationships, fetishizing, and losing a form of morals for these people to fit your narrative.
Do NOT try to find the playlist they created. If they decide to share it, it should be on their own time.
Do NOT invade comments of how they need to leave the men because you want them to fuck each other to fit your weird fantasy.
Do NOT belittle them down for not having the physical attributes of other sapphic beings.
Do NOT forget that the entire problem with all fandom(s) create self destruction because people become entirely disgusting when they can’t accept a boundary drawn between them as fans and the actors.
Anyone invading that aspect of privacy is purely pathetic and I hope never earn any bit of success in your career if you think anything that I mentioned is okay.
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charliedesantiago · 5 months ago
I will ride at dawn for her. Ain’t no mountain high, no river wide, no valley low and no volcano deep enough for me to get to them
being a fan of a female fictional character is like yes im in love with her soulfully and carnally but i am ALSO her defence attorney her ambassador her pr manager her representative her missionary her right hand arm man her silly rabbit. her scholar her explainer the last man standing in her army. phd in explaining her nuance and depth priesthood in her church. could i be talking about other things?? move on?? maybe!!! were i not the animated suit of armor in her temple bound to protect her for eternity
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charliedesantiago · 5 months ago
Okay, first chapter of Down The Witches’ Road is up. Hope y’all enjoy, this is my first time writing angst or a slow burn so show some over and kudos if you can
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charliedesantiago · 5 months ago
This is what complex characters look like. She’s incredibly nuanced and she knows, yet she’s teetering on the edge FOR Agatha. And that scene was so powerful for so many reasons.
That bit where Teen was nearly dying and Rio was hovering on the edge, twirling a flower between fingers, with that look on her face as she kept glancing between the Teen and Agatha was genuinely my favorite moment.
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Like she was at the edge of the knife, and like there was somethings she was hungering to do but wasn't quite sure that she would do.
And Agatha, terrified, half buried in a terrible memory. On the edge of seeing it repeat itself. Pleading, genuinely pleading for Rio not to do it.
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And the fact that... Rio didn't.
And at the same time, that she would have if it had lasted much longer. If that healing hadn't worked, Rio would have.
But. Isn't it just as important that Rio gave it enough time for the Coven to actually manage to cast that spell?
Because I feel like that wasn't required. And Agatha knew it wasn't required. Which is kinda why she was already acting different around Rio before Rio started to tell the witches about her "scar".
I mean, Agatha spent the whole episode either trying to attack Rio, avoid Rio, or manipulate Rio into revealing herself to the Coven.
But at the end there, she sat down beside Rio at the campfire. Quite close too. Even though it was directly after Teen had asked her about her son and you'd think that would have reawakened her hatred at Rio.
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But Agatha doesn't look like someone who is currently remembering that she hates this woman. If anything she's remembering the easy connection they must have shared before all that took place.
Which is probably why Rio even goes into what might genuinely be the closest thing to an apology she's capable of (so, no actual apology but a show of regret... and some self-justification thrown in there).
Anyway. All this to say, I am here for this messy messy love story between a murderous witch and... someone who I agree is probably Death (or maybe a Reaper).
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charliedesantiago · 5 months ago
Honestly, this show is so good in multiple departments, the music is incredible, set design is fantastic, the hair and makeup team are on point, costume have gone into some deep thought, the writing makes sense for the characters, the acting is phenomenal, they use practical effects instead of using their entire budget on CGI.
Everything about this show is *chef’s kiss*
I think it’s going to go far in terms of where both movies and tv shows go from here because it actually feels like we’re going back to the way things used to be in films and tv and I honestly hope it continues going in this direction.
This post is for our queer lord and savior Jac Schaeffer, I salute you 🫡🫡
Agatha All Along is really scratching an itch in Television right now and even in its own camp it feels like it's breaking ground. It's a Marvel show but they're using practical effects and not relying heavily on CGI. The set designs and props are fantastic and immersive. There is a musical element but it isn't a musical (but there is Patti Lupone!). Kathryn Hahn is infectiously charming and her physicality in this role is almost TOO natural - her witchy mannerisms feel so authentic. It's queer. It's chaos. It's witches being witches and one potentially lethal fruity Teen committing multiple crimes (breaking and entering, blackmailing, probably perjury, etc.). It's a comedy but it's also a horror movie. This show feels like a genuine treat after a year of generally disappointing television - a palate cleanser for media - I can't wait to see how it wraps up and I'm so glad it's a week-by-week release. All of these actors are delivering in show and as cast members, their press junket has been nothing shy of delightful. The chemistry is really palpable with this group and of course Jac Schaeffer being so invested in this project really shines through on and off screen. I couldn't be more excited for the rest of this series, I need it to sweep because costume design and set design are already leagues above what I've seen this year from other series. The music is perfection and the Lopez's need their flowers NOW. It really is a show that is reveling in what it is and that's magic.
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