charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
I think part of the reason why we hold so tight is because we fear something so great won’t happen twice
unknown (via hatin)
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
I buried hope - but still I cannot leave a dream that drifts on the wind in search of the one who knows   my name
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley (via jiteshkhanna)
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
Brain – Lately, you’re filled with a lot of static and I keep trying to adjust the antenna but you’re not coming through any clearer. I know you’ve got a lot going on and I know you’re always at odds with my heart. Maybe I don’t listen to you enough so you’re speaking a whole new language. Maybe I can only register heartbeat palpitations. Logic never made sense to me.  Eyes – You’ve seen a lot of awful things and had to grow up way too fast, but you still manage to shine so bright. Ears –  You can’t pick and choose what you want to hear. I need to know these things. Teeth – Stop biting my tongue every time I get the nerve to say something. You’re the most vicious thing about me. Throat – You have a lot to say but you won’t ever speak up. You’re a boa constrictor and you’re swallowing all my ideas whole. Heart – You’re a control freak and an expert at making bad decisions. You have this habit of crawling out of my chest and vacationing at the base of my throat. I wish you wouldn’t speak in so many metaphors, too much poetry. Nobody wants to hear it. Give me something to work with. Lungs – I know half of you is damaged. We bonded over it the moment the doctor said it. There’s days when you’re weak and I push you harder than I should. But more often than not, I could swear on the fact that you’re the strongest thing about me. I’m trying to be half as strong. I’ll get there. Hands – Stop writing letters to the wrong people. Put down the pen. Put yourself on something that matters.  Stomach – I know you’re sensitive to sounds, to smells, to sights. I know you tumble and spin faster than a washing machine. There’s a murder scene with the blood and guts of all the butterflies you’ve torn up over the years, but yet more and more keep being born. I think you’re best friends with my anxiety. You know how to handle liquor but you don’t know how to keep it together when he says another girl’s name. Knees –  You get weak the minute you see blue eyes or hear his laugh. I know I taught you to be stronger than that. Legs – Please fight the urge to run. I want to stay this time.
Private Conversations,  a.l.
(After Rudy Fransisco’s “The Body”)
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
All the most beautiful things are pulled from the ground. All the most beautiful things are made in a fire. All the most beautiful things are hit again and again. All the most beautiful things are shaped with hard hands. Nothing about you is ugly. You are made of the most beautiful things.
I Wrote This For You: The Fire Is Where We’re All Born (via anditslove)
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
I will tell you what she was like. She was like a piano in a country where everyone has had their hands cut off.
Angela Carter, Black Venus,” Black Venus (via wordsnquotes)
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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charliebrownbitme · 9 years
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A Photographer Started A Photo Project To Show That Women With Cystic Fibrosis Are Gorgeous
The photo project “Salty Girls,” by fashion photographer Ian Pettigrew, is meant to help women with the life-threatening disease take back ownership of their bodies.
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charliebrownbitme · 10 years
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Graham Franciose (b. 1983, Austin, TX, USA) - 1: The Release, 2011   Watercolors, Pen + Ink, Acrylics  2: The Mourning Of The King, 2012 Watercolors  3: Big Bad Wolf  Watercolors, Ink  4: A Choice of Comfort or Space   Painting: Gouache, Ink on Coffee Stained Paper  5: The Intoxicating Honey Flower  Acrylics, Ink on Coffee Stained Paper  6: Day 327. Weird Hair, 2012
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charliebrownbitme · 10 years
I’m not the girl in the book waiting for someone to flatter her. I’m the woman you come stand beside, not gaze longingly at from a distance. I’m flesh and blood, not a dream you once had.
Kat // That Kind of Woman 
I know a woman like that…
(via revelation19)
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