chapincoffee · 10 years
Ordering coffee in Portland is very, very serious.
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chapincoffee · 10 years
After a beautiful day at #chigreenfest, the Chapín fam, still high on coffí, fueled their night with purpose and conquered Navy Pier's rides. See if you can spot the Carlos... #coffee #LIVE #LOVE
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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It's cold and grey here but we're all smiles with Chapín close to our face. 😏 #coffee #snuggle #cuddle
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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chapincoffee · 10 years
I've been listening to this young man's music since I found him 4 days ago. Best paired with grey weather and hot coffee.
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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Ganesha n Jen keeping each other warm. 🙈👀🐘 #cozytime #coffee #love
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chapincoffee · 10 years
If We Think About It...
Everything we put into our bodies should be serving a purpose. We lost sight of that, especially in America, when we invented fast food and started piling up the calories in the name of convenience and inexpensiveness. We’re drinking milk filled with hormones and eating vegetables grown with pesticides, and we’re all perfectly fine with it. People don’t generally connect the dots between all this artificial food and all the diseases we’ve been facing recently. 
With that being said, it’s time for a change, people! Taking simple steps like buying organic foods (which are not as expensive as people make them out to be) can do amazing things for your body. When I started eating organic food my body literally shifted. Any digestion problems were cured, I felt way more energetic, less bloated and just lighter in general. 
We’re excited to be promoting wellness and providing a product that contributes to wellness. Chapín is such a great example of what organic food can do for you. I noticed immediately that my body was responding better to this kind of coffee than the cheap coffee you can get at big time coffee chains, which just goes right through you and makes you feel nauseous… you guys know what I’m talking about. 
Besides all of the physical health benefits of eating nutritiously, there are also mental benefits. Natural and healthful foods like bananas actually prevent depression and increase happy moods due to tryptophan, and the amino acid they contain. What more convincing do you need? Bananas make you happy! Eat some bananas! 
You would think that in a society so focused on body image that we would legitimately care more about… our bodies… 
Not to be cliché, but your body truly is a temple and if you want good to come out you need to put good in. Give organic markets a shot like Trader Joes or Whole Foods. They have wholesome food and more than likely you’ll find foods you never knew existed. Trader Joes has organic peanut butter and jelly chocolate…who said nutrition can’t be fun?! Or hey! If you're in the neighborhood (Chicago!) go check out Urban Orchard, Plenty Grocery & Deli, Southport Grocery, and Newleaf Natural Grocery. They're all filled with beautiful produce and yummy food and Chapín on the shelves! If you aren't in the neighborhood and need Chapín in your life, check out Artizone.com. 
For the love of Ganesha, treat yo self!
Sam, the PR girl
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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It's personal... #coffee #love #illshowyoumineifyoushowmeyours
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chapincoffee · 10 years
We do recipes, too!
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chapincoffee · 10 years
I’ve always loved the morning, especially when I’ve gone to bed at a reasonable hour the night before. Even if I haven’t, I always wake up to catch those first few fresh hours of day light. (The afternoon is a different story…) I’ve never understood the grumpish attitude, or even hate, that some people have for morning time. 
Let me rephrase.
Waking up is hard. I understand. I get that sleep is a luxurious envelopment of recuperation and hopefully a pleasant dream space. Tearing yourself out of that deliriously fabulous REM cycle? Ouch. But why all this disgruntled madness for the morning?
For those of you who are morning mourners, may I suggest taking a few sips of your time (you already have your Chapín in hand, right?) to read this article? Educate yourself on the beauty of mornings and the rituals that you can create to go along with them. Because this is your life! You’ve got dreams to do! Fuel your day with purpose and let the good stuff flood through. Good morning!
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chapincoffee · 10 years
Boss Lady Jen was inspired this morning while brewing her ritualistic cup of Chapín. If you ask me, her voice is like a gust of autumn air sweetly grazing the meadows upon the mountain tops of the Sound of Music. Specifically, those meadowed mountain tops.
This song, this poem and that visual are just a few of my favorite things!
C is for Conexión a través de Café y Canción 
(connection through coffee & song)
Where do I feel Oneness?
In Song
Every morning with my coffee ritual
Knowing my Chapín Team is doing the same
Knowing that millions of people across the country are doing the same
Knowing that our family in Guatemala is doing the same
We are all connected
Which is why we must help those in need
They are a part of the same Whole
When they suffer, we suffer too
When they are full, we are fulfilled
Connection is
To be grateful for what we have
And then share it
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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How we feel after 2 cups o’ the Monterrico roast. Mondays can be fun, guys!!! #coffee #coffeecorgi #swingin
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chapincoffee · 10 years
Sometimes people get sick of reading facts. So we decided to make you a movie about them instead! 
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chapincoffee · 10 years
Because everybody should be listening to music about coffee while drinking their coffee.
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chapincoffee · 10 years
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☕️Who's down?! ☕️ #coffee #organic #whenwillmyreflectionahowwhoiaminside?
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chapincoffee · 10 years
You are welcome.
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