Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
My name is James Tiberius, a former member of spacecorp, i am no longer a a class member, excommunicated, for violating the primary directive, and communicating with the void, for the actions of creating moral turpitude among not only the class but the local civilization it was recommended that i be disbarred from spacecorp,
i am now among the stars, you dont know my name, you need to forget my face,
i am a black knight.
the freeway is my home and i am the truth.
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Another forgotten face, im in love with twins in different ways for their sake. cut out all the extra people and it was just me and 1 & 2,
i had no isea there were betrothes and overwatchers, brothers and more,
blind, but i found something, both times,
both hate their life with me,
im an electron selfish to protons, and so i eat,
but somewhere deep down was something that she gave to me, a loving kiss, never been with anyone realisticly,
they are gone in their own way only a few see, one dying, the other dying, one healing the other slowly lying to herself just like before,
it seems im the common denominator,
the red dress will never happen, the classroom didnt happen, and love gravity molecular fire burned out,
the only difference is one figured it out early, the other im afraid will be to late,
i only think of number 1 because i still here her, sometimes with murderous hate in her eyes, others well i dont know really to not understand why she would be crying, she was my friend,
the other, it just seems like theatre sometimes, but thats the thing about geminis sometimes there inseperable even when they want to run.
i looked for her picture today, its gone, i had to figure out her story by myself, what does that mean,
the other just a bubble a beautiful life, but sad,
i could care less for for the people involved in her life,
i never really got along with the ones that i did know anyway,
and im ok with that,
cause when you fixate like i did you steal it you dont ask for permission,
i am here now
not waiting, just theatre, and bullshit,
i get overwatch, i get betrothed but dont care, some part of me doesnt even care for them, not like howler monkeys, just like an atom that is losing mass, and soaring again.
she was good, they were good,
i think the delusional classroom, is fading,
so what now,
where do i go,
i am just becoming......
saturn, jupiter, mars earth, federation and resistance,
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a saying I heard.
"In russia we dont say i love you we say
"lost my mind" -bunt elie duhe
"i dont wanna let you go"
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March 10/2025
Sometimes synchronicity is off from oscillation sometimes.
Even though a record spins its still on a timer.

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I am a slave to light like everyone else. accretion of more things reflected in light.
the joule, (c), sensation.
i am a slave to wavelength and bandwidth.
the day robots dictate and mediate the internet i wont need people, however first i would need to accrete seeds, and only come out at night.
Somewhere out there is a group that lives off of this.
opium and sex.
exstacy in the dark.
bass and treble and hook and the dopamine serotinin rush. nicotine. caffiene and just being aware.
awareness doesnt have to dictated in theory by senesense, the circadian rhythim, does it continue, without light,
i saw the black rainbow today,
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06:00...(Q)i am human/highlysuspect
11:18(q) (IC)n/IT:beatrix₂
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5:01 homestead ✅
Day 1 : outer objective response intent query
1:00pm-Response(Fbm) guitar clock chart
05:27 (R) (-) 1
(R)-(I) var ins
05:45 // potential for switch (bnb)
6:24blackstone(- outer(L))3 phasewah-wah
5:50-6:24 ubuntuEEIC.N.26.σ
07:30 the zoo
08:06 (in)
08:09 (BnB)//<Coc>
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its weird how as i sit on Orion's arm i think of orbit the cycle of the earth and the same functioning waves within certain time sections.
the repetition is ridiculous. its thanksgiving and i for the first time ever i thought of having it by myself.
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