chaosgrowing · 5 years
Tips for fanfiction writers with trans male headcanon characters:
• Binders👏are👏not👏like👏bras👏You👏do👏not👏hook👏them👏on👏zip👏them👏up👏or👏any👏of👏the👏sorts👏You👏slip👏it👏on👏like👏an👏undershirt👏 (edit: I was informed that binders with hooks do actually exist, I just can’t imagine the binder that I’m currently wearing with hooks it sounds like the most uncomfortable thought to me) (another edit: binders with zippers do exist.)
•Unless you’re writing dramatic scene or something, make sure your character follows the recommended time limits for binders which is 6-8 hours or 8-10 hours if I’m going to be honest the internet is saying two different things.
• Chest binders can sometimes be uncomfortable. Don’t write your character like “they were in extreme discomfort” no cause that can lead to some pretty bad things sometimes. But just write that the fucking hem was itchy, and sometimes it does hurt.
• As cute as the thought is of drawing on binders, that shits expensive, and unless they’re drawing on it with washable markers, I don’t think they would want to permanently ruin their binder that was expensive as fuck.
• Top surgery is literally removing a part of your chest. There are very few instances where the person getting top surgery doesn’t end up with pretty bad scars afterwards. And is impossible for those over a C cup. (Edit: okay it seems as if I phrased this wrong. What I meant by the last sentence was that it’s practically impossible to end up without noticeable permanent scaring when you’re over a size C. There are two different types of operations, one for those with a size A sometimes B called Keyhole/peri-aeoliar surgery which leaves scarring but can fade away in about a year or so. But with larger chests there’s a different surgery which can leave better results as it gives more control to the surgeons but can leave more noticaly permenant scarring. I’m sorry if this came out wrong to someone.)
• Top surgery includes wearing a sort of chest binder for about 6 weeks (thanks you human who told me that, I forget your name) at most after the initial surgery and special tubes for extra fluids and shit. And with evry surgery tjey put you inder laughing gas, so don’t write shit like “they just came out of the doctors office as energetic as ever. "Look!” They exclaimed lifting their shirt to reveal a flat chest" which leads me to my next point which is
• Top surgery is not pretty at first. It’s bruised and scared and scabbed for a while.
• Testosterone, though it is most commonly injected, can also be used in like a sticker/patch form. For injections, the first one anyone gets is at a doctor’s office, then they teach you how to inject it at home. You can get your injections at a very small dose even week or I know some people get larger doses every 6 weeks it depends on the person. The sticker/patch things you wear on your arm all day everyday. You can also have it in different areas but the arm is most suggested. The max dose in patches is a fairly low amount compared to the other alternatives which means less intense effects and sometimes a slower process.
• Don’t even get me started on dysphoria. Not👏liking👏skirts👏doesnt👏mean👏they👏are👏dysphoric👏dysphoria👏in👏this👏sense👏means👏when👏a👏person👏feels👏DISTRESSED👏as👏a👏result👏of👏their👏biological👏sex👏WHICH👏LIKE👏90%👏OF👏THE👏TIME👏CAN👏CAUSE👏DEPRESSION👏OR👏ANXIETY👏
• A lot of the time people doesn’t go with a name close to their birth name. I personally did as it was both easier for my mom and the people around me cause it could seem like a nic name, but also because I loved that name for a long ass time. So if your characters name is say George, I wouldn’t put Gina as their birth name.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
charles and maxie dean: *planning to make money off of the maitlands instead of being scared*
lydia, getting ready to summon betelgeuse: TAKE IT BACK NOW YALL
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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The “American cheeseburger” scene from “Iron Man” was a special tribute to Burger King saving his life.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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I am inevitable.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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Professor Stark in Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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tony is a billionaire, after all...
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
Under the cut are #58 icons of Korean-American actor and human sunshine babe Ki Hong Lee, mostly from his YouTube videos. All capped and edited by me. Do not claim as your own. Like/reblog if you use them!
Part 1 (containing 50+ icons) can be found here.
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Keep reading
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
hot take: the only sacrifice plays Steve makes in any films apart from tfa are sacrifices of other people/ his team-mates especially
steve: we’re not going to trade the life of wanda’s vibrating dildo!!! we have Morals!!!
also steve: lets send the wakandans
steve: we have to do whatever it takes to bring everybody back!
also steve: hides in the background while; clint offers to be the guinea pig to test the space-time GPS, thor begs to wield the stark gauntlet to bring everybody back, brulk actually wields the stark gauntlet to bring everybody back, and tony wields the infinity stones to turn thanos and his army to dust, sacrificing his own life to do it
steve: golly gosh saving the universe has taken a huge toll on me specifically so i’m going to go retire to the 1940s now for some cobweb pussy. i deserve it. i did the most. so i deserve to get a third chance at life and regain everything i lost. i’m sorry for all of your losses tho guys. i hope you all find the strength to move on. you have no other choice to. that’s just life. i recommend you attend that decimation support group. the gay guy with the glasses is in charge of it now. anyways, it was nice knowing you all okay bye now!!
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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So this is the hill that Crap stans have chosen to die on.
An American superhero can apparently handle a crisis better than local authorities in other countries. Forget local superheroes too, I guess. They only exist in the USA.
This is why I don't trust Crap stans. Because they will scream all kinds of bullshit about Tony to hide their white savior complex and American exceptionalism mentality.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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tony stark  +  his version of the infinity stones
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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tony stark + leadership qualities
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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we love a man who knows what he wants and gETS IT
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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“Cap was willing to kill himself twice in his first movie so it wasn’t an interesting thing to have him do.”
Right. Okay. Well, Tony was willing to kill himself/die in;
Iron Man 1: Forcing Pepper to fry the roof he was on in order to stop Stane, despite her warning him that it would kill Tony too.
Iron Man 2: Preparing for his immient death from his palladium poisoning by setting things up so that Pepper and Rhodey would take over and protect his legacy (Stark Industries & Iron Man), as well as showing suicidal tendencies as he struggled to deal with his mortality and the fact that he was living on borrowed time. (Not a “sacrifice play” but the fact he was suicidal and preparing for his death in this movie is still pretty fucking heavy.)
Avengers: Flying a nuke on his back through a wormhole into space on a suicide mission in order to destroy the Chitauri armada waiting on the other side, saving New York and the entire world.
Age of Ultron: Getting underneath a falling city to blow it up in the sky before it hit Earth and caused global destruction, knowing he may not walk away from it.
Infinity War: Flying into space (source of his PTSD) to confront Thanos (other source of his PTSD) on his own turf, and try to stop him from decimating half the universe by taking the infinity gauntlet from him. Fought him with everything he had until Thanos impaled him with his own sword. Then begged Strange to not give up the Time Stone to save his life, and to just let Thanos kill him instead.
But nah, it’s Steve making a sacrifice play that would feel repetitive. Okay….
Don’t get me wrong; I’m amongst those who have come to accept Tony’s ending for how heroic, selfless and in-character it was for him. Personally, I believe it was an incredibly badass, memorable end to Tony’s arc in the MCU, and I love the immense respect, love and attention that Tony has continued to get from fans all over the world post-Endgame. He’s a legend. But, reading Dumb-M & Dumber-M’s justifications for their decisions is incredibly frustrating because they’re just proving that they have a complete lack of understanding of not just Tony; but also Steve (their own character). I mean, if their interpretations of the characters were actually accurate, and had different justifications for their decisions then I wouldn’t be this frustrated.
The more they open their mouths, the more they fucking ruin everything about the movie and the characters. At least the Russos seem to have a better grasp of Tony’s inherent heroism, and show a bit more tact in discussing his arc. Meanwhile, M&M have just become such fucking dumbasses. Pre-Endgame, I actually agreed with a lot of their takes on the previous films. But it’s like making Endgame just fucking murdered all of their brain cells.
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chaosgrowing · 5 years
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