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chamanedelalune · 2 months ago
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chamanedelalune · 5 months ago
Tu es une fleur sauvage qui a poussé dans mon jardin, dont tout le monde t’aurais déraciner. Mon amour pour toi est tel que je ne te déracine pas, juste te contempler me suffit à me rendre joie, puisque le temps se charge de prendre soin de toi. Mais je crois que je vais devoir un moment te déraciner pour que tu ne pourrisses pas les fleurs autour ou pour que tu ne meurs pas car le sol sera devenu invivable pour toi ..
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chamanedelalune · 11 months ago
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chamanedelalune · 11 months ago
2024 Witch's Calendar
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11th: New Moon
25th: Full Moon (Cold Moon)
2nd: Imbolc
9th: New Moon
24th: Full Moon (Quickening Moon)
10th: New Moon
19th: Ostara / Spring Equinox
25th: Full Moon (Storm Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
1st: Mercury Retrograde
8th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
22nd: Earth Day
23rd: Full Moon (Wind Moon)
25th: Mercury Direct
1st: Beltane/May Day
7th: New Moon
23rd: Full Moon (Flower Moon)
6th: New Moon
20th: Litha / Summer Solstice
21st: Full Moon (Strong Sun Moon)
2nd: New Moon
21st: Full Moon (Blessing Moon)
1st: Lammas/Lughnasadh
4th: New Moon
5th: Mercury Retrograde
19th: Full Moon (Corn Moon)
28th: Mercury Direct
2nd: New Moon
17th: Full Moon (Harvest Moon) / Lunar Eclipse
22nd: Mabon / Fall Equinox
2nd: New Moon / Solar Eclipse
17th: Full Moon (Blood Moon)
31st: Samhain
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Mourning Moon)
25th: Mercury Retrograde
1st: New Moon
15th: Full Moon (Long Nights Moon) / Mercury Direct
21st: Yule / Winter Solstice
30th: New Moon
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chamanedelalune · 11 months ago
Danser à l’unisson au rythme du temps, deux âmes qui se mêlent et s’entremêlent laissant ainsi une marque une indélébile dans le cœur.
- moi
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chamanedelalune · 1 year ago
Venus Sign Observations: 💞🤎💞
Mutable Venus Edition: ♾️
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Pisces Venus: 🌊
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🌊 Pisces Venus is open-minded when it comes to various love styles, which can be attributed to their mutable water nature. They possess a remarkable ability to offer unconditional love to virtually everyone they come across.
🌊 In intimate relationships, they enjoy pleasing their partners and don’t mind adapting to their partners love style/needs especially if that would make them happy.
🌊 Venus in Pisces can get obsessed with their partner too high-key. They are flighty but obsessed at the same time which can be confusing for their partner. However, I think their love can be pretty intense in general.
🌊 As loving as Pisces Venus are, I think it’s lowkey a f-boy/girl placement. They have a tendency to fall in love quickly, but they can also move on just as swiftly. However, the process of moving on can sometimes take a considerable amount of time for them as well. Their emotions can be chaotic, leading them to appear flighty in their relationships.
🌊 Pisces Venus doesn’t always want to be floating around in love. They yearn for a secure and comforting space to calm their emotional waves. Essentially, they desire a safe haven where they can find solace and relaxation in their relationships.
🌊 Venus in Pisces will love all of you even the darkness that is kept tucked away. It truly doesn’t scare them. So long as you keep up with their fantasy, don’t take advantage of them, and hurt them too many times to the point where they can’t forgive you, they aren’t going anywhere.
🌊 Venus in Pisces tend to be open-minded when it comes to relationships, they may even be open to polyamory, but they are not opposed to monogamy either. Their preference for one or the other depends on their other placements. For example, as a Pisces Venus myself, I am capable of being loyal when the situation calls for it. This ability to navigate both relationship styles can be attributed to my Taurus Sun/Mars placements, which provide stability and a sense of commitment.
🌊 Having a Gemini Moon further enhances my openness to explore different relationship dynamics. However, I will only participate in them if I am with a partner who is mature about it. I’ve been with people before that were non-monogamous but didn’t like it when I was the same way. Like, babe, I'm simply matching your energy.
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Sagittarius Venus: 🏹
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🏹 Sagittarius Venus is open-minded when it comes to choosing a partner. In fact, they are more likely to have a partner from a foreign country or a different cultural background. However, they do have a fear of commitment. Which often leads them to explore various relationship dynamics, as they value their freedom and independence.
🏹 In their intimate relationships, Venus in Sagittarius likes to maintain an easy-going nature. They prefer to let things unfold naturally and avoid rushing into anything. Clinginess is not well-received by them, as it gives them a sense of discomfort when their freedom is suffocated or suppressed.
🏹 They may be more inclined to explore relationship dynamics such as ethical non-monogamy or open relationships. Their love for diverse experiences extends to their romantic life, and they may find fulfillment in connecting with many different individuals.
🏹 Venus in Sagittarius’s adventurous nature and desire for new encounters can make them more open to exploring non-traditional relationship structures that allow for multiple connections.
🏹 While Sagittarius Venus have a tendency to value their freedom, they are still capable of committing to a relationship. However, it requires finding the right person. Like someone who shares their open-mindedness and free-spirited nature. They need someone who won’t restrict them.
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Gemini Venus: 🦋
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🦋 Gemini Venus are adaptable with their approach to love. They will adjust their mindset and actions when it comes to matters of the heart. While they may appear flighty and free-spirited in their romantic endeavors, once they make a decision to commit to a partner, they are decisive and fully dedicated.
🦋 Gemini Venus are witty and possess a great sense of humor. They enjoy playful banter and need someone who can match their energy and make them laugh overall.
🦋 Venus in Gemini values intellectual stimulation in their relationships. They seek a partner who is not only intelligent but also intriguing and captivating. They desire someone who can engage in meaningful conversations and challenge their thoughts and beliefs. The ability to broaden their perspectives is essential for them, as they thrive on continuous learning and growth.
🦋 They appreciate partners who are open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives. Gemini Venus enjoys exploring different viewpoints and needs a partner who can also embrace diversity and adapt to new situations.
🦋 They are attracted to partners who can strike a balance between nurturing the connection and allowing each other to flourish as individuals.
🦋 Venus in Gemini values their independence and needs a partner who will respect and appreciate this aspect of their personality. It is important for them to be with someone who has their own interests and hobbies, as they believe in the importance of maintaining individuality within a relationship.
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Virgo Venus: 🍃
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🍃 Virgo Venus tends to approach love and relationships with a practical and analytical mindset. They value stability and reliability in their partnerships, seeking a strong foundation based on trust and mutual support.
🍃 They often have high standards in their intimate relationships, but it stems from their desire to see their partner reach their highest potential. They genuinely want their loved ones to be the best version of themselves.
🍃 In their intimate relationships, Venus in Virgo values self-improvement and personal growth. They always strive to become better versions of themselves and expect the same from their partners.
🍃 Intellectual stimulation and engaging conversations are important to Virgo Venus, as they enjoy exchanging ideas and learning overall.
🍃 Venus in Virgo has a strong desire to fix and save others, driven by their compassionate aura. However, their giving and selfless nature can make them vulnerable to being taken advantage of by others.
🍃 In their intimate relationships, they prioritize finding someone who fits seamlessly into their lifestyle and meets their high standards. However, if they genuinely love someone, they are willing to be more flexible and make compromises.
🍃 Virgo Venus values cleanliness, organization, and orderliness in their surroundings, and this preference often extends to their relationships as well. They appreciate partners who are responsible, hardworking, and self-sufficient.
🍃 Open-minded when it comes to different love styles. They are willing to try anything once, especially if it makes their partner happy. Open relationships could be a possibility for them, especially if they have other mutable placements.
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astrosoul.divinity on TikTok
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chamanedelalune · 1 year ago
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Extension de territoire, Sanctuaire Maléfique
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chamanedelalune · 1 year ago
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chamanedelalune · 1 year ago
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Un regard pénétrant 👁️
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
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En observant un avion, je m’était rendue compte qu’il avançait très vite. C’est fou parce que dans l’avion, on a pas cette impression d’aller vite. La terre tourne très vite et pourtant, on a l’impression que rien ne bouge, que tout est lent.
Tout dépend de notre perception. Un escargot, lorsque nous le regardons avancer, il est très lent. Mais pour l’escargot, tout parait vite.
Donc notre perception, n’est pas la même pour tout le monde, et par conséquent notre perception, n’est pas la réalité.
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
“Si la vie, t'offre un être inattendu, qui rend ton monde magnifique, ne te demande pas, si la magie va prendre fin demain, profite, de ce qui t'a été accordé, avec authenticité et sincérité.”
— Joëlle Laurencin
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
Tu vois les lampadaires ? Elles sont allumées même quand le soleil est en train de se lever. Pourtant le soleil est une lumière, une boule de feu qui nous éclaire. Cependant, quand elle se lève, elle a besoin de temps pour rayonner. Et pendant ce laps de temps les lampadaires continuent d’éclairer et s’éteindront lorsque le soleil aura suffisamment d’énergie.
Tu ne vois pas le rapport entre toi et le soleil ?
Comme le Soleil, tu es en train de rayonner. Ça prend du temps. Les lampadaires, sont tes soutiens. Quand le moment sera venu elles s’éteindront et te laisseront briller.
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
En prenant du recul sur un adieu .. j’ai compris que dire “adieu” est souvent synonyme de perdre quelqu’un ou quelque chose qui nous tenait tant à cœur. Mais aussi cela s’apparenterait au fait de tout prendre pour acquis.
C’est un paradoxe, l’Humain sait que la vie est éphémère mais il se raccroche tant bien que de mal à la vie. Pourtant il sait, selon les croyances, que la vie éternelle l’attend.
La vie est éphémère et éternelle, tout et rien à la fois, une création et une destruction. Si l’on fait un schéma, le corps physique est éphémère, notre présence sur Terre est éphémère. Mais notre conscience, esprit est éternelle, selon les croyances, le Paradis nous offres la vie éternelle.
Encore un paradoxe, l’humain peut avoir des proches dont il ne voit pas ou même quasiment jamais, mais quand celui ci décèdent, il regrette de ne pas avoir pu passer du temps avec ses proches quand il pouvait. Et pourtant il sait que notre vie sur Terre est éphémère, mais comme je l’ai si bien dit en haut, il prend la vie pour acquis. Ou bien, quand il est à l'aube de la mort, il regrette de ne pas avoir vécu sa vie comme il le voulait.
Le temps .. la plupart diront "je manque de temps, je n'ai pas eu assez de temps pour le faire".
Au final, même le temps est éphémère. Le présent devient le passé, le futur devient le présent qui lui même devient le passé. Mais l’espace lui est éternel, il est infiniment grand. C'est pourquoi la vie est éphémère, le temps.
Nous sommes toujours confronter à vivre cette équilibre, éphémère - éternelle, le temps - l’espace, création - destruction, le yin - le yang, le bien - le mal, le positif - le négatif, le début - la fin.
Donc tachons pour vivre mieux, de vivre heureux dans l'instant présent. Et laisser partir, ce qu'il doit partir. Et laisser venir à nous l'abondance.
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
Est ce que tu vas bien ? est ce que tu crois en toi ? est ce que tu es fière de toi ? parce que moi OUI. Je crois en toi et je suis fière de toi. Je ne te le dis pas assez.. je t'aime <3
Bah écoute j'ai finis 2021 avec une entorse à la cheville, 2022 à débuter avec beaucoup de repos xD. Oui je crois en moi, oui je suis fière de moi ! je t'aime aussi <3
De moi à moi
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
“Plus on avance dans la vie, moins on revoit les gens. C'est aussi bien ainsi.”
— Gilles Archambault , Tu ne me dis jamais que je suis belle, p.101
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chamanedelalune · 3 years ago
Autorise toi à être heureuse
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