chaishygirl · 2 days
Debt and Illnesses of my mother.
I am Shai, a Dalit Transqueer HIV Poz individual. I suffer from BPD and other mental illnesses.
I am raising funds for my bedridden mother, who has suffered multiple surgeries like removal of ovarian cyst, uterus, hernia, gallbladder and hip replacement. Besides this, she has anxiety, borderline OCD and Neuropathy.
She had her first paralysis attack in the year 2017, and in lockdown, she was diagnosed with Covid 19 twice; presently, she might be suffering from the effects of long-term COVID-19.
My mother is kind, loving, and enthusiastic; she greatly loves animals and her grandchildren. Her recent obsession is watching YouTube videos of native China or tourist places.
I do not have anyone to call mine besides my mother. I love her a lot. I wish for her to live with less pain and more happiness.
Can you help her survive?
Donate below-
Paypal- http://paypal.me/shai2501
Gpay- jsnanada2501@okhdfcbank
Upi- 9004595010
GFM- https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-shais-fight-for-their-mothers-health
Thank you.
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chaishygirl · 3 days
I'm very new to this!
#new #newtoTumblr
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