chairgun · 9 months
to Shiver herself: how exactly did she figure out how to use social media?
"Well.. I still um.. dont knw how to use it, I just tell Mr Legendary Hero what I wanna say, he sets the tihng up, and when I type it all he postrs it for me! Hes helping me rght now actualy! Ima have him say hi!" - Shiver!
"Sup, please don't mind the grammar issues in Shiv's text. I'm still teaching her how to spell with a keyboard. But yeah, I help her with the whole social media thing. Actually fun fact, it was my idea to do the whole takeover crap, it was to piss off the guy who owns the account, aka The Creator. Don't tell him I was the one who came up with it though, he'll kill me. Well.. Kill me again. Long story don't ask." - Noah Foxson
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chairgun · 10 months
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god, i am sorry for not posting anything, for some reason the PC site was shitting itself lmao
here's some sketches i did for @chairgun
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chairgun · 11 months
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Hello people! I am reopening questions! But this time with a twist. Last time I just had characters answering questions using texts.. But this time, Shiver will be drawing the responses to your questions! Granted she can only really draw stick figures butttt... I thought it would be a fun thing to do anyway! So ask away! All my characters are in the pinned so it won't be too hard finding them.
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chairgun · 11 months
Been a while huh?
Sorry for not posting often here, just haven't thought of good content to post. I'll figure out something soon though! Don't worry!
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chairgun · 1 year
Hand Of Fate Chapter 2 RELEASE!
It's time everyone, Chapter 2 for hand of fate is finally out! Take the link below to read chapter 2. I've spent a lot of time on it so I hope you all like it!
Once you finish chapter 2, please answer this short feedback doc below. It'll help out a lot for writing future chapters.
And lastly.. For those that missed chapter 1 or want to reread it to refresh your mind. Here's the link for chapter 1
That's all, have a good day everyone!
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chairgun · 1 year
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Is this a thing on this site ? Its really just asking for free art honestly but 🫡🫡
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chairgun · 1 year
Don't worry guys I'm gonna post shit eventually I just have no clue what to actually post rn.
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chairgun · 1 year
Just a reminder this is still open! Send whatever questions you guys have here!
Alrighty, it's time for a little fun thing to do. OC QNA! Here's the run down. Basically you can go to the ask me anything and ask me something about my characters! (See pinned for list of characters) You can either ask it yourself or ask as one of your own. And after I'll write a in character response to it! You can ask as many as you like so go wild! One rule however, with the expectation of Scarlett please do not ask any suggestive questions about my other characters. That's all I ask. Alrighty that's all, Ask away!
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chairgun · 1 year
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The main lesbian trio
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chairgun · 1 year
Story writing
Fun fact! I actually have been writing a story these past few months. It's called "hand of fate" and I'm putting a lot of work into it.
If you want to read the first chapter you can here:
It's still not fully finished but I hope this first chapter peaks your interest!
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chairgun · 1 year
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office demon
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chairgun · 1 year
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chairgun · 1 year
Are you aware of the things that'll happen in your future?
"In my future? Uhhhhhh... Nope! I have no clue what'll happen in my future. But I mean, it can't be worse then being killed brutally and then afterwards being stuck in a post apocalypse timeline for 2 years with no memories and a condition that's killing me. Soooo honestly whatever comes in the future I can take it. I always tend to manage it anyways. Like that time with those people posing as me and my friends. Long story." - Noah
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chairgun · 1 year
Alrighty, it's time for a little fun thing to do. OC QNA! Here's the run down. Basically you can go to the ask me anything and ask me something about my characters! (See pinned for list of characters) You can either ask it yourself or ask as one of your own. And after I'll write a in character response to it! You can ask as many as you like so go wild! One rule however, with the expectation of Scarlett please do not ask any suggestive questions about my other characters. That's all I ask. Alrighty that's all, Ask away!
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chairgun · 1 year
Welcome all to my OC Thread! I'll be posting stuff about my oc's here from time to time so I thought I allow you all to get to know them a bit! I'll be going through character to character giving a brief description and a image of them. Credit for the art will be given either on the image itself or before I give a brief description. Also certain images will be split up as to focus on one certain character. With that being said.. Lets begin! And if you have any questions for them.. Well I'll have something for that soon. Alright enough Chatting lets begin!
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First up on our list is Noah Foxson! (Drawn by StupidGamer201) Noah is one of the 4 main characters of my OC universe, he's gone through a lot over the years, Fighting other worldly threats, becoming a super hero named the Red Spider, being brutally murdered. You know, the usual crap. But despite this he always keeps a level head and tries to do what's best for others. Is it always the best? Depends, but he never stops trying. And to him that's all that matters. And with that, that's the first character down, onto the next one!
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Next up is Autumn Volkov! (once again drawn by StupidGamer201. This might be a trend for the first 4 characters btw) Autumn is Noah best friend/girlfriend and one of the 4 main characters. She's always happy to head into adventure with her friends and always takes the time to help those she loves. However, she does have a temper if you push her enough, and believe me when I say. She's very scary when her temper is broken. Alright, 2 down. it's time to move onto the next one!
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Next up is another one of the 4 main characters! Jason Mcgrath (once again, this character was drawn by StupidGamer201. Told yeah this would be trend with the first four.) Jason absolutely loves to fight people, and he will jump into action whenever there's a chance to battle someone. He tends not to be the smartest out of the main four but he makes up for it with his charm and his fluff. Alrighty, next one coming up! Get ready!
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Last of the main four characters is Kyla Ruiz! (Can you guess who drew this one? If you do you'll get a cookie.) Kyla is the smartest one out of the main four. She's always making sure they aren't doing something stupid while also toying with her tech. She secretly wishes to be a cat instead of a human but she doesn't tend to tell anyone. Mostly cause Jason (Her boyfriend) would tease her about it. Also she got snark, a lot of snark. Nuff said.
Alright, that's the main four done, now it's time for a few more characters. Lets get through this second half shall we?
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This is Scarlett (or Scarlet. depends on how you wanna call her) She is a 9 tailed fox demon that has existed for years. She loves to manipulate others and take control of their body for her own reasons such as murder, or just ruining their life. And when angered she'll turn into her true form... A massive feral fox demon that'll rip you limb from limb. Besides that though she can also change her body at will, so she can be flat like she is here. Or the bustiest mother fucker you've ever seen. She's usually in the middle with that (Btw no art credit because this is a base, not a actual commission I made of the character) Alrighty, now it's time to move onto another character to speak abbout. Lets move onto the next one!
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This is Sally the pikachu! (Drawn by verykittyy on twitter) She's a chubby chu with a love for collecting data on things such as animals or locations. she hopes to be a researcher one day though her love of eating is making that hard to manage. But she'll figure something out.. After she finds something to eat.
Alrighty, almost done, just two more characters to go!
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Next up is Shiver NightShade! Who fun fact is actually a special 5th main character! Shocking I know (Btw art is by BluCrystalBean on twitter) Shiver is a kobold who lives in a timeline broken by war and death. She fights for freedom against the cruel city known as Neo York along with her sister and a group of rebels they formed. She's energetic and always ready to do what's right, Tho she isn't exactly the smartest tool in the shed. She tries her best though. Alrighty, it's time for the last character! (For now) Lets end this off!
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Lastly for now we have Shiver's Sister Ember Nightshade! (this art was once again drawn by BlueCrystalBean btw.) Ember is the more mature and Level headed of the two sisters. Being the one who formed the rebels after all as their leader. After a certain event she goes missing for a time and now sports a robotic arm, but that doesn't mean despite this she still fights for freedom and for the sake of her new friends and her dear sister. And what that... We've covered all the ocs! Granted, I still have tons more. But for the sake of my hands (and for your eyes) we'll be covering them at a later date once I have references for them. When I do have references I'll update this with them. I hope you enjoyed reading all of this!
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chairgun · 1 year
I made a tumblr no way
Yeah so Twitter is fucking dogshit rn so I've made a account here for the sake of my well being.
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