chaionist 13 hours
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chaionist 13 hours
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No longer Jews with trembling knees, sorry.
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chaionist 13 hours
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311 notes View notes
chaionist 13 hours
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chaionist 13 hours
friendly reminder that zio is a slur popularized by kkk grandwizard david duke so don鈥檛 use it in activism or anywhere really
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chaionist 13 hours
they say they're just anti-Israel and then attack random synagogues and random jewish people around the world.
definitely not antisemitism....
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chaionist 1 day
I think it's morbidly ironic that the concept of a scapegoat comes from ancient Jewish religious tradition, in which it was a literal goat that ritually bore the sins of the Jewish people. And throughout history Jews have been the eternal scapegoat for goyim: they place their sins upon us and blame us for their problems. We are an abstraction to them. At times, it seems as if to them we are not even human.
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chaionist 1 day
Okay so the KKK great wizard sides with the freepals
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chaionist 4 days
I've gotta figure out how to end up on these "zionist blocklists" lmao. Am Yisrael Chai?
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chaionist 6 days
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I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.
--former prime minister of Israel Menachem Begin to Senator Joseph Biden, 1982
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chaionist 6 days
Am Yisrael Chai, or as unformed antisemitic people might translate it "The people of Israel are Tea!"
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chaionist 6 days
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iejejdhsjak I can't breath, these people can't be real
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chaionist 6 days
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gUyS lOoK aT tHaT aPaRtHeiD
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chaionist 6 days
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Ketubbah with depiction of the banks of the Bosphorus, Istanbul, 1853. Handwritten on paper; ink, gouache, and gold powder
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chaionist 6 days
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Engravings of Jews from Salonika, 1875
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chaionist 6 days
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Mazal tov!
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chaionist 8 days
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