cfdxspair · 3 years
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cfdxspair · 3 years
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Elizabeth Olsen as wanda maximoff in wandavision 1.02 (2021)
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cfdxspair · 3 years
Hey all! I have changed my blogs over for my original characters - so if you are interested in interacting with them you can find them here. I’m having a good day today so hopefully I can put out a few replies before I go to sleep. Hope everyone is having a good night/day.
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cfdxspair · 3 years
𝑰𝑭 𝑺𝑯𝑬 had been well, she would have scoffed –– but she abstained from doing so. the english queen could never comprehend how someone could see the life with so much positivity. even more so, someone who had the weight of a country behind their back. she knew, from a very young age that optimism and kindness would do her no good. whether it was told by her governesses or her mother, it made no difference. it was how the russians raised her, though she took the advice to an entirely new level. “ i was not aware you knew my husband. at least, not so intimately. ” surely there were many things her husband had forgot to mention. though, she supposed a king would have quite a myriad of things in his mind.
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A laugh nearly passed Halden’s lips as Liliya spoke, but he managed to stop it just in time. He of course knew what she meant, but her choice of words were perhaps a little too close for comfort where he and Jakob were involved. “Yes...We’ve known each other for quite some time - though due to all that has happened over these last few years it has been rather difficult for us to find time for conversation. So it’s no surprise you wouldn’t know of our friendship.” Of course Halden couldn’t help but wonder if Jakob preferred his wife to be completely oblivious to his past. “So...shall I escort you to your quarters ?”
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“ i’ll be right here when you wake up. ” to orpheus from eurydice!
Orpheus shifted on the ground where he sat but held his gaze on the woman he had once called his wife. His eyes had been glued to her since the moment he felt into this dream, worried that if he looked away even once she would disappear and he would be left alone - again. The corners of his lips turned up for a brief moment, but soon faltered. He wanted to believe the words Eurydice spoke, but after everything he had been through lately he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him. “What if I don’t want to go back?” he asked. “I could just stay here with you...” 
Orpheus knew he would have to wake up eventually, and when he did he would have to face a reality where Eurydice no longer existed. At least for now though, he could pretend that this moment would last forever.
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cfdxspair · 3 years
I’m going to try and find a new villager for my island on Animal Crossing, then I’m going to listen to some music and hopefully get out some replies.
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cfdxspair · 3 years
*wants to rp with everyone*
*stares at one draft for three hours*
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cfdxspair · 3 years
Alright. So I’m going to be moving or have already moved some characters to other blogs. Just because I’ve realized it’s easier for me to keep things organized. I have moved my JATP characters over to thcphantcms, I’m using the name Sparrow over there cause it’s cooler, but feel free to call me whatever. Even “hey dumbass” works. xD Some of you already follow me over there - but if you are interested in interacting with my JATP characters - that’s where they’ll be. I’ll probably keep this blog for my Umbrella Academy/Marvel/Comic characters. Musical characters will probably be moved to another blog within the upcoming days, as will my OC’s. Sorry if this confuses anyone. I just want to try and keep everything from getting cluttered. 
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cfdxspair · 3 years
"Think you can make it to the bathroom?" [Grant]
“Yeah...I should be fin-...,” Grant attempted to say as he did his best to use the wall to push himself up off the floor. While he had managed to take the last guy out, they had done a number on him and by the amount of blood that now stained his once white shirt - it was safe to say he had been hurt more than he originally thought he had. Ward managed to reach out and grab the frame of the door before he fell to the ground. He hated asking for help, but sometimes he had no choice. An exasperated sigh left his lips before he looked up at the other. “Might need a boost. At least to get me off the wall. Then I should be good on my own the rest of the way.”
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cfdxspair · 3 years
Hello! I have a small question! I write with you already, but was wondering which muses you are feeling the most lately, so that I might send memes unto thee for them. Thank you. You are amazing and awesome and I love writing with you, but feel free to take all the time you need.
Hello! My muses can be weird and sometimes I have high muse for them and other days they are hiding in a corner and want nothing to do with me. I’m kind of regaining my muse for writing in general these past few days and these are the muses I think I will have a easy time channeling. Hope it helps:
Diego Hargreeves ( The Umbrella Academy )
Lila Pitts ( The Umbrella Academy )
Steve Trevor ( Wonder Woman )
Luke ( Julie & The Phantoms )
Jim Hopper ( Stranger Things )
Lucas Sinclair ( Stranger Things )
Robin Buckley ( Stranger Things )
My royal original characters
My supernatural original characters
My apocalyptic original characters
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“ let your stomach throw up if it wants to. kneel down here and i’ll hold you. ” (hargreevesbrothers) (Klaus to Diego)
If anyone ever told Diego that Klaus would be the one taken care of him one day - he probably would have laughed in their face. After all, as much as he loved his brother - Klaus was the designated train wreck of the family. Number two, he had always treated his body as a temple. Sure he would dabble in the occasional drink when his family was around, but that was about the extent of damage he did to his body with outside substances - not including coffee.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t account for outside factors, and at some point throughout the day he had been given something that made him feel less than pleasant. “You must be loving this...aren’t you?” Diego asked as he took his brother's advice and knelt on the floor. He shoved his head in the bowl that had been given to him and closed his eyes. There was nothing he hated more than feeling out of control, and the constant spinning of the room was just a reminder of how much he was losing it.
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“i’m worried about you.” to hopper!
“You’re always worried Joyce,” Jim replied as he pulled the pack of cigarettes from the chest pocket of his uniform. He grabbed one out and placed it between his lips before tucking the pack back into place. Once the cigarette was lit, he took a few drags before continuing to speak. “With everything that goes on in this damn place - I think the last person you should be worrying about is me. I know how to hold my own.”
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“there’s something on your shirt. you – that’s blood!” to crowley from anathema!
Crowley’s gaze moved down to look at the blood stain Anathema was so clearly horrified by. “So it is,” he said with a heavy sigh as he pinched the fabric between his fingers to get a better look at it. Of course it would be an easy fix, but it was the inconvenience of it all that really bothered Crowley. With a flick of his fingers, he was out of the stained shirt and into a clean one. He looked back up at Anathema and shrugged his shoulders. “You were saying?”
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cfdxspair · 3 years
I just recieved an unecessary message from someone who I used to follow, and vice versa. I believe they have blocked me, which is fine if that’s what they feel they needed to do. I am not going to name names, because I’m not trying to start drama with this person - but this is a PSA post for anyone who may feel the same way as them.
I made a post the other day about how I am going through a ton of shit right now, how I’ve got a lot messages and I just can’t bring myself to answer them all the time because my mind doesn’t always want to cooperate. I have a ton of drafts and I’m trying to focus on getting those out in the order I recieved them so the people who have been waiting forever finally get a response. I have asks from months ago and those people who sent them have been nothing but patient.
If you are unable to wait for a response, if you don’t understand that everyone goes through things differently - please unfollow me. I want to try and write with as many people as I can - because when my brains really feeling it, I enjoy writting stories with everyone. I do not however, enjoy being spoken to in a passive aggressive tone. Especially when I’ve made it clear via direct messages to these people and on posts through my tumblr that my mental health isn’t great at the moment.
I apologize for bringing drama to peoples dashboards, but I don’t wish to be followed or interact with people like this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone has a good day.
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“ eat as much as you can. you need to build your strength back up. ”(From Five @ Diego)
Diego threw his head against the back of the couch and let out a sigh. When their father died, he thought he had escaped the constant nagging. It was almost as if once Five returned he had taken Reginald’s place. He lifted his head for a brief moment to eye the contents of the plate his brother had handed to him before placing it on the table in front of him. “I have as much strength as I need. We really don’t need to be wasting time with shit like this when we could be out there finding the bastard who got us into this mess.”
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“that was a brave thing you did today.” (from Cordelia for Jayden)
“It was the right thing to do,” Jayden replied with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn’t expect a compliment for doing something that  he felt anyone would have  done given the circumstances - but maybe that was just his hope that humanity wasn’t as awful as it seemed to be most days. “You’re telling me you wouldn’t have done the same thing if you were there?” 
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cfdxspair · 3 years
“I-...” Orpheus shifted in the bed and released her wrist. He hadn’t meant to scare her, it was just his immediate reaction to her getting out of bed - especially after the dream he had just had. He sat up and squinted in the direction where he assumed she still stood. He was still in the process of waking up and his eyes had yet to adjust to the darkness within the room. “I’m...I’m fine. It’s just-...do you have to leave now?” 
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@cfdxspair​ :  ‘ wait ‘
It was a pattern that the pair of them had fallen into. She’d tip toe out of bed in the morning and meet up with him again in the afternoon, spend the night at the bar with him at the bar before the pair would make their way home. She had just been sitting up when the poet had caught her wrist, Eurydice freezing in her tracks to work down to the bed, tilting her head, confused. 
“ …You okay? “ There was worry in her brow, trying to read his face. “ What is it? “ 
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