cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
So I finally got the time to work on the fanart of The King's Tree by @luckydragon10 . Unfortunately I still couldn't match Apo's face! 🥲🥲
These are two versions of the fanart. The phoenix tattoo is a little different between these two because I couldn't decide which one look better! 🙃
Please go check out the amazing story
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
Lawful Family Domestic Fluff #18
(Happy 1st anniversary TDJ.)
Imagine rumors spreading like wildfire because of a photo uploaded online.
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Who was that young man peeping out of Judge Kang's Escalade?
And speculation was rife cause Judge Kang was one of the top ten bachelors in Seoul. And many had hopes of being the one to marry him.
Some say that the young man was a colleague Judge Kang was giving a lift to. But others argued that no Supreme Court colleague would be dressed in a hoodie, let alone be so rude as to sit in the back seat.
Could it be one of his hired help then, considering how big the Kang mansion was? That, however, was shot down immediately cause hired help should be the one doing the driving, and not the other way around.
The meaner and more toxic netizens began making suggestions that there was some illicit affair going on. The young man - clearly not well-off based his dressing - could be one of those desperate enough to sell their bodies for money. And some had even claimed that they had seen Judge Kang picking him up at those bars which offered extra services besides cocktails and snacks.
No matter what the rumor was, discussion was rapid and widespread. And even the media had gotten wind of it - coming to ask Judge Kang about it.
But Judge Kang merely smiled and didn't say a thing. And that only added fuel to fire, stirring up more interest and speculations.
Eventually, all the rumors died down cause there were no further information forthcoming. And it would have been forgotten if not for another photo popping up on the internet.
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Taken by a passer-by who happened to be at the right place at the right time. It showed an attractive young man looking out from the back seat of Judge Kang's Escalade. And his handsomeness had fan clubs sprouting up nearly overnight - everyone wanting to know who he was, and how he was related to Judge Kang.
This time, Judge Kang couldn't just smile and keep quiet. Cause the media, sensing something newsworthy, wouldn't back off. They hogged the Supreme Court, making a nuisance of themselves and fraying the nerves of those who worked there.
In the end, Judge Kang had to hold a press conference. And to everyone's surprise, he walked in with the young man by his side - shy and awkward, and totally unlike the cool suaveness of Judge Kang.
When the frenzied photo-taking had died down, Judge Kang, a hand on the man's back, finally announced.
"He's my fiance. And we'll be getting married this spring."
(Images found on Pinterest. And credits go to whoever who had created it.)
(Going to celebrate TDJ 1st anniversary by posting something online every weekend.)
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
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In honour of KinnPorsche finale, I present to you - Thankhun Theerapanyakul, the writer of a magazine article, the visionary of fabulous photoshoots.
Thanks again @morathicain for doing the vibe check and seeing if what I wrote made sense
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
what is kinnporsche about? im thinkin of watching it..
Oh, it’s about three men with trust/daddy issues, falling in love with three other men that become the light of their lives by proving that they can have more than a lifetime of violence, deceit, and loneliness.
However, although the main dish is the same, each couple has different sauces and side dishes combined with them, which creates a really interesting variety. 
What’s on the menu, you ask? Well…
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Kinn and Porsche: Boss x Bodyguard. Enemies to lovers—the bickering and the pinning are strong in this one. The miscommunication is stronger. They would take a bullet and cut off a hand for each other (authenticated). Horny on main™. Also the most domestic mafia romance ever seen in television.
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Kim and Porchay: Idol x Fanboy dynamic, except the artist lives a double (triple?) life and is also a mafia ice prince that is currently running away from his legacy. He approaches the fanboy to dig up dirty on his family. Unfortunately, the boy is too powerful, and the prince catches symptoms (feelings) that threaten to deflect him from his mission. **This meal gives you both diabetes and depression.
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Vegas and Pete: Have you ever heard of Romeo and Juliet, The Beauty and the Beast, and the pop song S&M by Rihanna? Would you like to know what happens when you combine all three of them? (This is the devil talking) **This meal might be hard to digest if your stomach is not used to strong tastes.
I could try to tell you about the part of the story that is not about the romance, but it all comes back to it, so *vague hand gestures*
There is also a lot of action, mysteries, and even an adventure in the woods. People coming back from the dead and a man dressed as a mermaid. It’s a lot of fun. Well, it’s a lot of a LOT, really.
You should totally give it a try and let it ruin your life, anon
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
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*insert cinnamon roll emoji here* (insp.)
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
Khun Korn:
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
Creator: 开火箭的柚子
Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4698074335412278
Translated by CRT.
[Translated with permission] 
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
In a way, in MDZS, Lan Sizhui is the key and answers to the big moral questions in the story: was it all worth it? Was it all worth it when Wei WuXian lost so much, even his life, when the Wens almost all died anyway, when there was so much collateral damage?
The narrative says: yes, it was worth it, because one child survived, and thrived. Look at that lovely, loveable young man! He is the reason all this was not for naught.
But what I find interesting is, Lan Sizhui is not even that exceptional, he doesn't make a big difference in the world, does he? He's still young, but despite his really good character and keen mind and aptitudes, he's not a genius, he's not renowned, he's not a Hanguang-Jun or a Yilling Laozu. He's just a kind, good-mannered, well brought up young man. Anyone would be happy to claim him as a son or a disciple or a son-in-law. But he's not some big game changer. Even though being a cultivator sets him apart from a good chunk of the normal population already, in his habitual context he's a normal kid. He makes friends, acts silly sometimes, hasn't slayed any Shuanwu of slaughter, got easily led into a trap by a trail of beheaded cats. A normal kid.
And that's important, because this reward is as the sacrifice Wei WuXian made. He didn't make some grand gesture for important people. He did what was right in his view, no more, no less. It wasn't for some greater good, even less for fame. It was simply what was right. And if you do what's right you're not really adding up and subtracting the wins and losses as in a giant thought experiment of the trolley problem. There probably would have been ultimately less death and suffering had Wei WuXian let the Wens to their misery and death quietly. There wouldn't have been a Lan Sizhui, but there would have been a Jiang YanLi, a Jin ZiXuan, and many people that got killed when they attacked him would have lived. But it wouldn't have been right, and so Wei WuXian doesn't think about it that way, and the narrative doesn't either. It tells you life is complicated, and sowing violence reaps more violence, and you can't always "win". But if you do your best, if you keep doing what's right, even if you are only human, and make mistakes, and everyone is against you, it still counts.
It counts. Not for the greater good, not for fame, it counts. Because the whole point is Lan Sizhui gets to live, and grow up, and be a normal kid and have a good life, and that's enough. He doesn't need to be or do anything "more" than that.
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
I wanna write this in Gusu Lan wall of rules
WWX's second life isn't a redemption arc where he's atoning for his 'sins'. His second life is the reward for all the good things he did in his first life. WWX does NOT have a redemption arc because he never needed one.
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
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kinnporsche ep.11 shitpost i need to get them out of my head
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
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kinnporsche the series (2022) + ao3 tags (part 3/?)
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
A Guide to Treating your Daddy Right
1. Choose him
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2. Give him a show
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3. Feed him
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4. Have late night drinks with him
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More TDJ/KP Parallels
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
What you see:
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What I see:
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
i have so many thoughts when it comes to bridgerton that i want to scream to the void of tumblr where maybe someone will see it and hear me even for a moment.
1. I do not expect the series to be word for word what the books are. I understand Netflix is a business and they don't want to pander to just the books fans but what they've done is a great tragedy all together and shows little to no respect to the stories original enjoyers or general enjoyers of any historical romance!
2. If you want to change the VERY ESSENCE of a story you are developing from someone's else's work maybe just write your own. Looking at you Chris and Shonda!!! The shows portrayal of all characters involved in the Anthony / Kate story is WAY off. I have said it since the first season that they have no respect for who the first bridgerton brother is in the books, they changed him, and for the absolute worst !!
- Anthony would never have forced or even suggested that Daphne marry Nigel!! He tries very hard in the book to tell Nigel to leave Daphne alone, that it's not going to happen!!! He wants her to be happy.
- Taking away Anthony's fear of dying young takes away a huge part of his story and it glaringly obvious he is not a developed character when the SOURCE MATERIAL IS RIGHT THERE ! His fear that he will die young and cause pain to those he loves is so much of his book!!! He is a man who cannot fathom living to be older than his father was !!! And when that day comes and he becomes older than Edmund it is so hard for him because he outlived his HERO.
- Kates fear of storms is so glossed over and for what ? It's a unique part of her story and the library scene that comes from it is such a key moment in the Viscount who loved me!! Why can't you leave in the important things? Or even the small things?
- This brings me into something that also irks me. Why are they trying so hard to make bees a mascot? Bridgerton book lovers should hate bees!! Anthony hates bees. He's scared of them. They felled Violets great love and robbed the siblings of their wonderful father, seems weird you want us to adopt it so hard. Just pick literally a Hyacinth ? The name of one of your characters? A great symbol of love to the Bridgertons? Something sweet and sorrowful. READ THE SOURCE MATERIAL!
- It's kind of spelled out above by why adapt characters stories if you are going to change it to fit whatever narrative you want and robbing the authors original audience of every last shred of her work?
- Edwina is SMART and KIND. She never loves Anthony because she is the first person to see THE TWO SUPPOSED MAIN CHARACTERS ARE IN LOVE AND BELONG TOGETHER? You had the chance to give us a strong sister bond and show two different kinds of women lift each other up and instead chose to change the story and give us some cheap story I could watch anywhere else?
- Lady Danbury is strong willed and meddlesome but only to an extent. The version of her in the book would never push for Edwina to date Anthony because she also recognizes that KATE AND ANTHONY ARE IN LOVE. She is a "crazy" old lady !! It's her charm and why book readers love her so much.
- Circling back to Anthony. He would never pay to get Benedict into the academy. They are close and he would never want his brother to feel cheated out of finding and earning his way ?? I felt it was a cheap move for no reason because painting is an important part of Benedict and he discovers that by himself because he is good and not because his brother fucking paid for him.
- no one knows about lady whistledowns true identity !! it is essential to colin and penelopes story !!! colin falls in love with pen because he's trying to "protect" her from the whistledown drama and everything that follows that story. you've already altered the course for that epic romance for no fucking reason?? that drama is saved for later for a great love story with all its drama coming to a climax because of THE FUCKING SECRET YOUVE RUINED by having eloise find out???
- eloise is not PISSY when she finds out about lady whistledown being pen! she literally tells her that she's CLEVER and wants to know how her best friend kept it hidden so long !!! they laugh and talk about it? you've fucked that friendship and the best part about colin being the first to know??? READ THE SOURCE MATERIAL.
- PENELOPE WOULD NEVER BE SO OBVIOUS ABOUT HER SECRET IDENTITY. SHE GOES TO GREAT PAINS TO NOT BE DISCOVERED. you've made her stupid? when she's supposed to be one of the most clever characters? and for whatever reason gave her mother her intelligence but also added being evil to it? why? it's stupid.
- why are you introducing theo sharpe ( who is interesting and cute i will admit, but he's not Eloises love interest so it seems pointless, unless of course you're also robbing us of that story ). he seems nice enough but if you're going to give us new characters you probably shouldn't hint at a romance that isn't possible because she literally marries sir crane ??? put him with a side character and make him ELS FRIEND. because she never knows true love until her book! KIND OF LIKE COLIN? who loves no one truly until pen? but oh wait I forgot we had to make him more interesting by adding marina as his love interest for no reason. /:
but what do I know I've only loved and cherished the books for half my life !! its only the series that made me fall in love with historical romance and all its cheesiness. i only spent three years searching for all its first editions and collecting them whenever possible. it's only a series ive recommended and gifted to my friends!!!
truly I could go on and on and but what would be the point?
Book Bridgerton lovers deserve just a small morsel of it's true work but that seems to get further and further with every episode.
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
Sex and the Bridgerton Sisters: The Progression
Daphne: Doesn’t know what sex even is prior to marriage. Brother fights a literal duel because a man had the temerity to kiss her without marrying her. Learns everything and then some on her wedding night and not a second before. 1/10
Eloise: Knows what sex is prior to marriage thanks to a bit of pocket money, pooled with Francesca’s, slipped to an accommodating housemaid. Jots down a quick note to her fam and then flits off to spend a few weeks with a man she barely knows and isn’t entirely sure she wants to marry. Arrives to find there is no chaperone. Stays anyway, because YOLO > respectability. Gets frisky before she’s married BUT saves the *ahem* full monty for her wedding night. 6/10
Francesca: Knows what sex is prior to marriage thanks to a bit of pocket money, pooled with Eloise’s, slipped to an accommodating housemaid (yay, teamwork!). Allows her mother to “inform” her what sex is prior to her wedding night, a sly smile on her face, leaving Violet with the distinct impression that Francesca not only knows what the marital act is but could, quite possibly, teach Violet herself a few things! Waits until her wedding night to have sex…………..With her first husband. With her second? H’oh boy! The Kilmartin estate was ROCKING long before there was a ring on that finger. Only intended to marry the man if he managed to knock her up; otherwise, was fully prepared to do the Regency version of “hit it and quit it”. 10/10
Hyacinth: Knows what sex is prior to marriage, thank you very much! Loses her virginity before marriage, no hesitation, no guilt, then skips out that very same night to go on a treasure hunt, ZERO FUCKS GIVEN. Doesn’t even pretend that she has done otherwise with her dear mama, who by that point is like, “I don’t care if you’ve already slept with her, Gareth! I am NOT planning another rushed wedding! The archbishop is still side-eyeing me for the last “special dispensation” I requested. We are doing this properly! The full shebang, 3 months of planning, 200 guests, a garden’s worth of flowers, ALL OF IT! It’s the last chance I get!” 12/10 Flawless, my dear!
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cevansrobislyfe · 2 years
I’m sorry. But Anthony is an asshole in the Duke and I. He demands Simon to marry Daphne and is a real dick about the whole situation when he is doing the same rethink if not worse. He’s a rake, sleeping with probably hundreds of women. And then once he catches Simon with daphne he was some moral compass out of the blue. I do love him. He’s amazing in TVWLM but let’s agree he’s not likeable in book 1. Forcing his friend to marry his sister is not rational behaviour. Edmund would never.
Edmund would absolutely.
Anthony, as you may remember, was very much against Simon and Daphne’s courtship and didn’t want them to marry. If he could have prevented it at all, he would have. 
He didn’t force Simon to marry Daphne for shits and giggles, he did it because the code of honour that applied at the time demanded it.
In 1813, a woman’s reputation was the most important thing she had. Especially for a gently bred woman like Daphne hoping for an advantageous match. Once tarnished, a good reputation was lost forever. Being alone with a man was enough to ruin a woman. A woman couldn’t even venture outside for a walk in the park alone, she was always accompanied by a chaperone. Touching a member of the opposite sex was kept to a minimum and was done only when strictly necessary, such as helping a woman into a carriage. Any kind of sexual act with somebody you weren’t engaged to would ruin a woman’s reputation. The loss of reputation would destroy a woman’s chance of marriage, and could have negative consequences for her sisters too, because misogyny.
Even being seen going into the garden alone with Simon would have been damaging to Daphne’s reputation. You might recall that Colin’s friend saw them, and told Colin, and Colin goes straight to Daphne to warn her about it.
 Anthony found Daphne and Simon alone in the garden, Daphne was half naked and they were obviously engaged in sexual shenanigans. It happened at a party with hundreds of guests. Anybody could have caught them. Daphne and Simon were incredibly lucky that it was Anthony, and that Macclesfield was the only one who saw them. Had it been anybody else, Daphne’s reputation would have been ruined. 
To compromise a woman without intending to marry her is an act of dishonour. If you’ve read Jane Austen, you’ll be familiar with Wickham (P&P) and Willoughby (S&S). Nobody swoons over Wickham and Willoughby. They’re hated figures because they compromise young women without intending to marry them. Darcy forces Wickham to marry Lydia to save her reputation. Is Darcy a real dick? Or is the man who compromises a woman, knowing it will ruin her reputation, and has no intention to marry her the real dick?
Who is the Darcy and who is Wickham in TD&I? Simon and Daphne both go into the garden knowing what’s about to happen, and with a full understanding of the consequences. Daphne initiates it but Simon, older and sexually experienced, goes along with it, even though he has absolutely no intention of marrying her. It is the ultimate dick move in the Regency period. 
When Anthony catches them, he has no choice but to demand that Simon marries Daphne. As her older brother, it is his duty to protect her reputation. Simon refuses to do the honourable thing and instead announces he’s going to be on the Continent by morning. That is the act of an asshole. At that point, Anthony can choose between doing nothing and therefore allowing Daphne’s reputation to be ruined, possibly tarnishing his other sisters’ chances of a good marriage and giving himself the reputation of a man who will allow his sisters to be publicly dishonoured, or he can challenge Simon to a duel. If you think Edmund would have taken door number one, then you’re welcome to your wrong opinion.
There is undoubtedly a massive double standard in the Regency period that men were allowed to cavort and sleep around and a woman couldn’t even walk to the hat shop on her own, and Anthony is as guilty as any man for participating in it. But his behavior can’t be equated with Simon’s.
Anthony very deliberately and consciously doesn’t mess around with gently bred women like Daphne. His mistresses are opera singers and widows, women who have the freedom to have sex with strapping young viscounts because they’re not trying to make advantageous marriages. This is the moral compass he lives by, it doesn’t just spring out of the blue when he catches Simon and Daphne in the garden. When Anthony himself is caught in a compromising position with a woman he’s dead set against marrying, and with an innocent explanation, he doesn’t hesitate to do the honourable thing. 
You don’t have to like Anthony in TD&I, my argument is never that he’s likable. What I’ve always said is that he’s right. He’s against the courtship because he doesn’t trust Simon around Daphne. And he’s right not to. Simon is all set to compromise Daphne at their very first encounter and only stops when he realises that she’s Anthony’s sister. Had she been a Smythe-Smith, he would have tried there and then. When he’s caught with a half naked Daphne in the garden, he refuses to do the honourable and marry her. What Simon does is not only dishonourable towards Daphne, but a betrayal of his friendship with Anthony. He is willing to ruin her reputation and puts his best friend in the position of having to challenge him to a duel. Does Anthony behave like a dick at times? Totally. Is he an asshole who behaves irrationally? Or is he put in a position where he has no choice but to act the way he does by two people who are even bigger assholes?
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