cerulerin · 5 years
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Studying immunology for my exam next monday. I hope it goes well, since it’s my first exam this semester.
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cerulerin · 5 years
adhd is: i love reading.. i only seem to have the ability to read every 5 or so years.
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cerulerin · 5 years
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cerulerin · 5 years
tips to have a nice routine
A daily routine is a great way to keep yourself on task. The longer you stick with it, the more each task becomes a habit and it starts to get easier. But a routine isn’t universal, each person has its own. 
plan: before your day starts have in mind - or in a paper - what needs to be done on that day or the next one. It will save you time.
wake up before you need: if you have extra time before you go to work or school, having extra time for you is essential. Eat calmly, take a shower, pack or things and don’t live your house late.
don’t go hard on yourself: enjoy your breaks and take a breath. Pushing yourself to the edge is going to tire you before your day is done. Listen to some music, eat a snack, read.
set a time to sleep and wake up: most people need 8 hours of sleep per day. According to what you need, schedule a bedtime and wake up time that gives you plenty of sleep.
prepare your meals: if you don’t have time to cook daily, take one day off and cook for all week. It’s healthier and cheaper than getting take out every single day. 
follow and repeat your routine: if you don’t try it, you won’t know how your day works. Trying and adapting it is essential to create a perfect routine and transforming it into a habit. 
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cerulerin · 5 years
This was requested here (I’m so late, I’m sorry). This list is meant mainly to inform, I don’t mean to offend anybody. I’m not translating racial slurs. Some words would be considered slut shaming but these words are very common and I’m simply translating them so you know what they mean if someone calls you that. Obviously, this whole post is heavy in profanity. Please don’t blurt these out on the streets, none of them are family friendly. I’ll make a post on family friendly insults soon.
der Fluch - curse
fluchen - to curse
das Schimpfwort - curse word
die Obszönität - profanity
Curse words:
Scheiße! - Shit!
scheiß - shitty (adj.)
Dreck - dirt (used like shit, less common)
Drecks-(noun) - fucking (noun) (lit. dirt-(noun), often used if something doesn’t work the way it should or when speaking about a group of people, e.g. Dreckskinder, Drecksauto)
Scheißdreck! - Shit/Fuck! (often refers to an object that doesn’t work the way it should, but can be used generally as well)
ficken - to fuck
Fick dich! - Fuck you!
verfickt - fucking (adj.)
(gott-)verdammt - (god) damn
Verpiss dich! - Fuck/Piss off!
We also like to borrow the English ‘fuck’, though most Germans butcher the pronunciation and pronounce it more like ‘fack’. Like we do with other loanwords from English, we also germanify it into ‘abgefuckt’ which just means ‘fucked up’.
der Arsch - ass
das Arschloch - asshole
der Wichser - wanker
der Ficker - fucker
der Hurensohn - son of a whore
die Schlampe - slut
die Hure - whore
die Zicke - bitch
der Schweinehund - bastard (lit.: swine-dog)
der Bastard - bastard
der Dreckskerl - scumbag (male)
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cerulerin · 5 years
German vocabulary: University
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die Universität - university das Studium - (academic) studies der Studienplan (auch: das Curriculum) - degree programme (also: curriculum) das Bachelorstudium (auch: das Bakkelaureat) - bachelor’s degree das Masterstudium - master’s degree das Doktorat - degree to become PhD das Aufbaustudium - postgraduate das weiterführende Studium - postgraduate der akademische Grad / der Abschluss / das Diplom - degree der Campus - campus die Mensa - cafeteria der Kurs - course die Vorlesung - lecture die Notizen - notes das Hauptfach - major (subject) das Nebenfach - minor (subject) der Dozent / der Ausbildner - instructor der Professor - professor die Prüfung - exam das Stipendium - scholarship der Nebenjob - side job die Studentenverbindung - fraternity / sorority die Voraussetzung - prerequisite die Aufnahmeprüfung - entrance examination der Notendurchschnitt - GPA (=grade point average) das Semester - semester / term das Auslandssemester - term (or semester) abroad die Prüfungszeit - examination period/time die Fakultät - faculty die Geisteswissenschaft - arts/humanities die Naturwissenschaft - science angewandte Wissenschaften - applied sciences die theologische Fakultät - theological faculty die Rechtswissenschaften - jurisprudence / law der Studienzweig - branch of study (some branches of study following - feel free to add yours if I missed it!) die Sprachwissenschaft / die Linguistik - linguistics die Mathematik - maths die Physik - physics die Chemie - chemistry die Biologie - biology die Theologie - theology die Geschichte - history das Lehramt - teaching degree die Wirtschaft - economy die Technik - technology / engineering die Ingenieurswissenschaft - engineering die Informatik - computer sciences die Philologie - philology die Philosophie - philosophy die Psychologie - psychology die Archäologie - archeology die Kunstgeschichte - art history die Soziologie - sociology die Ethnologie - ethnology sich immatrikulieren - to matriculate (also: to enroll) sich exmatrikulieren - to exmatriculate (also: to leave university) im Ausland studieren - to study abroad das Studium abschließen - to complete one’s degree lernen - to study mitschreiben - to take notes eine Prüfung bestehen - to pass an exam eine Prüfung nicht bestehen - to fail an exam 
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cerulerin · 5 years
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— A2 vocab: —
gute Eigenschaften / Characterzüge - good character traits
bescheiden - modest
ehrlich - honest
ernst - serious
fleißig ≈ arbeitsam - diligent, hard-working
fröhlich - cheerful
geduldig - patient
gerecht - rightful
höflich - polite
klug - smart
intelligent - intelligent
interessant - interesting
lustig - funny
mutig - brave
nett ≈  freundlich - nice, friendly
offen - open
ruhig - calm, quiet
selbstsicher ≈ selbstbewusst - self-confident
sympathisch - pleasant
tolerant - tolerant
treu - faithful, loyal
vernünftig - reasonable
— B2 vocab —
anpassungsfähig - flexible, adaptable
aufrichtig - straightforward
ausgeglichen - balanced
gehemmt - inhibited
großzügig - generous
hilfsbereit - helpful
kultiviert - cultured
locker - relaxed, cool
mitfühlend - sympathetic
reif - mature
respektvoll - respectful
rücksichtsvoll - considerate
selbstlos - unselfish
sensibel - sensitive
taktvoll - tactful
temperamentvoll - temperamental
verantwortungsbewusst - responsible
zuverlässig  ≈ verlässig - trustworthy, steady
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cerulerin · 5 years
die Qual der Wahl - when you can’t decide between options (lit: the torment of choice)  den Löffel abgeben - to die (lit: to pass the spoon) mit dem ist nicht gut Kirschen essen - he is not easy to deal with, you shouldn’t upset him (lit: it’s not good to eat cherries with him) Schmetterlinge im Bauch haben - the fluttery feeling in your stomach when you have a crush (lit: to have butterflies in one’s stomach) blau machen - to skip class/work (lit: to make blue) sich aus dem Staub machen - to flee, to bolt (lit: to make oneself out of the dust) sich von jemandem eine Scheibe abschneiden - to be more like someone (lit: to cut a slice off of someone) Geh doch dahin wo der Pfeffer wächst! - Piss off! (lit: Go where the pepper grows!) hinter schwedische Gardinen - behind bars (lit: behind Swedish curtains) das Affentheater / der Affenzirkus - a charade (lit: monkey theatre / monkey circus) jemandem etwas auf die Nase binden - to convince someone of a lie (lit: to bind something on someone’s nose) kein Schwein - nobody (lit: no pig) hundemüde sein - to be exhausted (lit: to be dog tired) jemandem Honig ums Maul schmieren - to butter sb up (lit: to smear honey around sb’s mouth) das Tohuwabohu - chaos dasselbe in Grün - the same thing with a different appearance (lit: the same in green) einen Korb geben / bekommen - to reject someone / to be rejected (lit: to give/receive a basket) auf den Keks/Zeiger gehen - to annoy (lit: to go on the cookie/clockhand)
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cerulerin · 5 years
Learning French vs Learning German
Reading French: a lot of words look like English, fairly straightforward, no casualties yet
Reading German: …where’s the verb gone? because i on sunday with my friend shopping went…
German tenses: wow look at these tenses that are easy to distinguish between
French tenses: is that the future, conditional, or imperfect???
German spelling: not massively difficult
French spelling: HAHAHAHA
German pronunication: things are said how they’re spelt, better master CH and R though
French pronunication: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Listening to German: as long as Hochdeutsch is spoken, all is good
Listening to French: what did i do to deserve this
Speaking German: did i send my verb to the end??? did i even say the verb??? oops i said k instead of ch
Speaking French: honestly why did i learn ALL these endings
French prepositions: not brilliant, not the end of the world
German prepositions: oh just kill me now
Telling people you’re learning French: “But it’s so easy and boring!”
Telling people you’re learning German: “But it sounds so violent!”
French grammar: WHY
German grammar: WHY (x6)
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cerulerin · 5 years
Reasons to learn German
you can take questioning your life choices even further with the 6 different words for why
forget a word? just make a new one!!!
so that you can then learn german dialects which will constantly make you cry / lose the will to live / ruin your life
for the quality tunes such as atemlos durch die nacht👌👌👌👌👌
to spend your nights trying to pronounce ch and r and losing all of your dignity in the process
prepositions that make no sense
you can make your own bullshit ‘in german there is a word for this very specific thing’ post
don’t feel like people tell you that german is a violent language often enough? start learning it!!!
word order that will either be really easy for you to understand or the cause of all your nightmares from now on
to be able to read the absolute joy that is kafka
words that do what they say on the tin
anything can be an adjective if you try hard enough
sentences that are half a page long
bc it’s german!!!!! 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
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cerulerin · 5 years
German words without English equivalent
Engelsgeduld: (lit.: angel's patience) great amount of patience
Feierabend: (lit.: party-evening) the rest of the day that remains after work
Fernweh: the desire/longing to travel to faraway places/ foreign countries
Fingerspitzengefühl: (lit.: fingertips-feeling) good skill in handling things/ sensitivity and empathy
Geborgenheit: more than safety, protection and invulnerability, it symbolises peace, warmth and calm you feel especially when you're with the people you're close to (e.g. family, friends)
Gemütlichkeit: feeling of comfort
Habseligkeiten: valuable and personally important possessions
Innerer Schweinehund: (lit.: inner pig-dog = weaker self) the part of a person that they have to overcome to be productive
Kitsch: objects with superficial beauty that are actually useless but are appreciated nonetheless
Konfliktfähigkeit: (lit.: conflict ability/skill) ability to deal with conflict / ability to constructively solve interpersonal conflicts
Kummerspeck: (lit.: grief/sorrow bacon (fat)) gained weight from emotional overeating (especially after a breakup)
Lebenslüge: (lit.: life's lie) a lie that you tell yourself to make life more bearable
Mitdenken: (lit.: with-thinking) ability to think for yourself and do more than what you were demanded to do / trying to find a conceptional solution to a problem together with other people
Sehnsucht: intense inner longing for somebody, something or a place
Schnapsidee: (lit.: schnapps idea) a ridiculous and crazy plan/idea you have while you are drunk or an idea that is so stupid that people think you had it while being drunk
Sprachgefühl: (lit.: language feeling) feeling/sense of language, instinctive feel for a certain language / intuitive feeling of what is linguistically appropriate
Stehaufmännchen: (lit.: little stand up man) someone who doesn't give up and begins anew
Torschlusspanik: (lit.: gate-closing-panic) the fear of missing something important / not being able to do some things (because you're too old)
Verschlimmbessern: (lit.: verschlimmern=exasperate, verbessern=improve) improve something for the worse / make something worse but with having had the intention of improving it
Vorführeffekt: (lit.: demo effect) the effect that something you're actually able to do doesn't work when you want to demonstrate it to other people
Waldeinsamkeit: (lit.: forest loneliness/solitude) the seclusion/solitude of the forest
Warmduscher: (lit.: warm showerer/ somebody who showers with warm water) a wimp / a person that doesn't like to leave their comfort zone
Weltschmerz: (lit.: world pain (world weariness)) gratuitous melancholia / kind of feeling experienced by someone who believes that physical reality can never satisfy the demands of the mind / the feeling of anxiety caused by the ills of the world
Zeitgeist: (lit.: time-spirit, spirit of the time ) the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time
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cerulerin · 5 years
German vocabulary
Useful phrases
To make complaints and react to them
To complain
… lässt zu wünschen übrig. - … leaves much to be desired.
Darauf hätten Sie hinweisen müssen. - You should have pointed that out.
Es kann doch nicht in Ihrem Sinn sein, dass … - It can’t be in your mind that…
Es kann doch nicht sein, dass … - It can not be that…
Es stört mich sehr, dass … - It bothers me very much that…
Ich finde da ein Problem: … - I think there is a problem here: …
Ich finde es nicht in Ordnung, dass … - I think it’s not right that…
Ich möchte mich darüber beschweren, dass … - I want to complain that…
Ich muss Ihnen leider sagen, dass … - Unfortunately I have to tell you that…
Könnte ich bitte Ihren Chef sprechen? - Could I please speak to your boss?
Könnten Sie mich bitt emit … verbinden? - Could you please connect me with…?
Wenn Sie … hätten, hätte ich jetzt kein Problem. - If you had …, I wouldn’t have a problem now.
To react to complaints
Einen Moment bitte, ich regele das. - One moment please, I’ll fix that.
Entschuldigung, wir überprüfen das. - Sorry, we will check that.
Ich kann Ihnen … anbieten. - I can offer you…
Ich würde Sie bitten, sich an … - I would ask you to…
Könnten Sie bitte zu uns kommen? - Could you please come to us?
Oh, das tut mir sehr leid. - Oh, I am very sorry.
Wir könnten Ihnen … geben - We could give you…
Wir kümmern uns sofort darum. - We’ll take care of it immediately.
Wir würden Ihnen eine Gutschrift geben - We would give you a credit.
Würden Sie mir das bitte alles schriftlich geben? - Would you please give it to me in writing?
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cerulerin · 6 years
you may be tired, but you’re still powering through. that’s amazing. you got this.
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cerulerin · 6 years
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wednesday, 12th december ⎪❄️
guess who couldn’t spend much time with their brother because they had to study for math, social studies and do homework
but only next week and then we finally have winter break
i passed that point of stress where you start to act weird? but i’m pretty proud of myself because this finals phase i managed to be remotely healthy and didn’t procrastinate too much 
🎧 3racha
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cerulerin · 6 years
normal brain: i’m begging you….. please…. if we sleep now, we can get 4 hours… please…. i’m so tired…. so so tired….
ADHD brain: hnnnnnng joan mulanee
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cerulerin · 6 years
tips for writing more
As someone with adhd I have a lot of trouble being productive and staying focused. This year i’ve developed a few techniques that have really helped me write more!
Write for a set amount of time Every day I write for one hour. Sometimes I don’t write much, other times I write a lot. What’s important is that I have one hour every day to sit down and do it. Making it a habit is important! Also, the fact that I have a set end point helps me to focus. 
Have a writing space I never seem to be able to focus as well when i’m writing from bed. Now what I do is I have a table in the living room, and I go there to write. That’s what I do there, and when I sit down at that table, it puts me in the mindset to write. 
Have writing music I have playlists for certain stories! Personally I have to listen to ones that are soft and mostly instrumental. When I listen to the playlist, I know it’s time to write!
Have a writing candle This one might be a personal thing, but I like to have a scent associated with a task. 
anyone else have specific things they do that help them focus or be productive?
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cerulerin · 6 years
melchior may be the best in latin, greek, and trigonometry, but you simply CANNOT tell me he knows that baby carrots don’t just grow like that.
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