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certifiedfujo · 1 month ago
Start of the Beginning just an itafushi idea i had been working on apologies for any grammar errors! wc: 4.2k
Yuji wakes up to banging at his door and a voice calling his name. wait. that voice was Megumi! Yuji shot right up at this realization. He rubs his eyes and stretches with a yawn, until his eyes catch attention of the clock on his bedside table. His eyes widen in shock at the time. 8:50. He was going to be late if not for his angel Megumi. He then rushes to open the door.
“I’ve been calling you for five minutes. We’re late.” Megumi says with a hint of irritability in his voice.
“Sorry, I guess my alarm never went off…” Yuji says rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.
“Well go get ready, you still have time. I’ll be waiting for you in the common area. But hurry up!” said Fushiguro as he walks away.
He continues to stare at Megumi’s back even as he walks away so he won’t hear him rush towards the bathroom. Itadori has never washed his face and brushed his teeth (still making sure they’re minty fresh) so fast. He puts on his clothes hastily, not caring if they're wrinkled. He runs to the common area, where Fushiguro always waits for him in the morning. He gives the rushed boy a granola bar to eat while they walk to classes.
“Thanks!” Itadori says with a bright, closed-eye smile.
Megumi’s eyes widen slightly as he looks away with pink dusted cheeks, “it’s nothing, now let’s go. We’re lucky if Gojo’s late today.”
The two boys walk together in silence as they both take in the beautiful scenery that is Jujutsu High. Pretty pink cherry blossoms flowing down from the trees with the slight breeze. Spring was the season of flowering plants and new beginnings. Megumi walks with his hands in both his pants pockets, as he watches the cherry blossom petals fall in front of him. He looks at one going across his vision onto Yuji’s hair. He looks at him with such a loving gaze, but only because Yuji wasn’t looking (not true, this is just how he looks at him). He hesitates before he picks it off with the smallest of a smile on his face. Yuji turns his head up and then looks at Megumi.
“The cherry blossoms are really falling today; it’s almost like cherry blossom rain!” Itadori jokes and nudges Megumi in the side with his hip.
“Yeah.” Megumi smiles softly.
They arrive to class, and they brace themselves for whatever lecture Gojo might give them for being late. Despite, being a pretty chill and laidback guy, Gojo would get really mad when students were late. Or so he would say… (Nobody believes him, but they also don't want to test him). Thankfully Gojo wasn’t there, it was just Nobara silently filing her nails at her desk.
“Yo! Nobara!” Yuji exclaims while high-fiving Nobara.
“You guys are late today, what gives?” She asks squinting her eyes at the boys suspiciously.
“Yuji woke up late, so I was the one who had to wake him up.” says Fushiguro, huffing.
Yuji puts on an embarrassed little smile as he walks over to his desk and sets his stuff down. He sat right in the middle of the class, so he could be next to both his best friends. Nobara sat next to the window, because she liked to look outside and just think, while Gojo blabbered away during his lesson. Megumi sat right by the door, because he wanted to be the first one out of the class.
Suddenly Gojo arrives, dramatically opening the door, and looking around the class ro make sure all (three) students were there and seated.
“Gooood morning my little students!” he exclaims a little too enthusiastically for how early in the morning it is. “Today’s gonna be a fun day. We are… coloring!” he said before throwing his arms in the air gleefully.
Megumi says under his breath clearly irritated, “I rushed over here for this?” He rubbed his temples to ease his anger at the tall, unbelievably jolly man.
“YES, you heard me right. We're gonna do some stress-relieving color by number sheets. How fun!” the tall man says excitedly, spreading the coloring pages on his desk. “Come up and get some. I brought crayons, colored pencils, and markers! Be creative!”
Yuji raises his hand, “Why… are we coloring today?” he said with genuine confusion.
“Cause I didn't wanna teach today, and you guys look kinda rough… not to be rude though, heh.” Gojo responds winking at the pink haired boy.
The white-haired man then pulls up a student's desk, puts it in front of the class and sits down. The students watch him intently. “I'm coloring with you guys, too!” he says gushing with joy. “Well, what are you all waiting for? Get a paper, this is for a grade~”
Everyone then gets a paper and each their materials. Yuji makes a beeline for the crayons, Nobara takes the markers and Megumi the colored pencils. While watching them get their supplies, he finds it silly that each student got what matches them the most.
Megumi looks over at Yuji, in curiosity, and boy was he focused. Megumi had never seen him so concentrated; it really was quite cute. He smiles fondly at the boy. Megumi really was utterly infatuated with that boy, everyone could tell. Everyone but Yuji, seemingly. He could never read Yuji's actions, he really was quite dumb when it came to this. Little did he know though, that Yuji felt the same way, if not even deeper. Yuji was so smitten by Megumi, it was insane. He would go to sleep and think about him, hoping to dream of the boy. Woke up and the first thought on his mind was I can't wait to see Megumi today. They were completely obsessed with each other. But they were both so scared of rejection (even though neither would reject, but they're too dumb to realize).
Yuji colors with such a passion that nobody has ever seen him put forth towards anything school related. He really was a goof when it came to academics, a straight C student. Even Nobara was engrossed in the coloring. Gojo was right, they really did need to de-stress.
Class went by pretty quietly and smoothly. Everyone was extremely concentrated on their coloring sheets, even Gojo has his eyes stuck on coloring. As class came to an end, they all looked at each others papers to compare them.
“You didn't even color in the right colors.” Megumi snaps at Gojo.
“I did say to be creative now, Megumi. Let me be the artist that I am, this is a judge-free zone, little dude.” The tall man sassily snaps back at the irritated boy.
The young boy rolls his eyes and turns to sit back at his desk to wait for the bell go ring, but not before turning in his by-the-book colored page. Yuji used very bright variations of the colors that were for each number. And Nobara, well, she just wanted to make it look pretty, so she didn't quite follow the numbers either.
The bell rings and shakes everyone to the core. Gojo jumps in his seat and looks at the clock behind him. “Jeez, didn't know it was already time, alright guys you're dismissed. See ya tomorrow!” he says with a bright smile. Are his teeth sparking?! Seems like the coloring really did put everyone at ease, they were so relaxed the ring of the bell spooked them. How silly.
Nobara is the first to run out.
“Sorry guys, gotta run. There's a super sale at the mall today, and I AM NOT missing it. Catch ya later!” she says to the boys before speeding towards the dorms to change into normal clothes, she would rather die than go out in her uniform. If she encountered modeling agents at the mall, they wouldn't even look at her in her uniform! The two boys watched as she took off.
“Hey, wanna hit up the convenience store? I'm kinda hungry…” Yuji asks thinking out loud at the last part.
Megumi thinks for a second. This is a chance to be alone with him. “Sure. I could go for a snack or two.” He says walking ahead, expecting Yuji to follow him*.*
Yuji smiles big and wide, glad to have some one-on-one time with his favorite person, he speeds up to catch up with Megumi.
As they walk to the 24-hour mart, they pass by a small river to stare at the fish.
“Ha, that one looks like Gojo!” laughs Yuji as he crouches, pointing at a white koi fish with the brightest blue eyes they've ever seen.
“Hey, you're right it does.” Megumi smiles and joins him. “You have an eye for comparisons, you know.”
Yuji looks at Megumi as he admires the brightly colored fish. He’s so handsome. Yuji thinks as he takes in his best friend's face. Long eyelashes over gorgeous dark blue eyes and cheekbones of steel, oh how Yuji wishes he could just hold them and kiss him on the lips. A small tint of pink creeps up on his round cheeks. He smiles and looks away before standing up.
“Come on, I wasn't lying when I said I was starving.” Yuji gestures his hand towards Megumi in a hurried motion.
Once they get to the store, Yuji looks like he's going to explode into confetti; the look of excitement on his face is so obvious. Megumi laughs at his expression.
I made him laugh! And I barely even did anything! Yuji thinks, fist pumping away from Megumi.
Yuji walks toward the chips section first, Megumi just follows. He picks up some spicy squid flavored seaweed chips and beef flavored potato chips. Megumi looks around and grabs the safest option, salt and vinegar potato chips. You can never go wrong with salt and vinegar.
“You should definitely try these” Yuji says as he holds up the seaweed chips to Megumi, “they're my favorite ever.”
Megumi takes mental note of Itadori’s confession for later reference.
He takes the bag and examines it. “Are they extremely fishy? I don't like extreme fishy flavors that much. Makes me feel all gross…” Megumi says shuddering as he recalls the last time, he ate sushi with Gojo. He threw it all up because Gojo fed him so much sushi topped with raw fish.
“Nah, they’re pretty spicy though. Hope you can handle the heat.” Yuji smiles with a wink.
Megumi just stares at him. He’s mentally blushing, but he can’t show that side to Itadori. “Ok, well you can get it. I’ll just try a few from you.” He says afraid of buying a full bag because of the incident with Gojo.
“Alright, let’s go grab some real food now. These are all just snacks...” Yuji says pouting as his stomach grumbles lowly. Megumi smiles goofily as he hears the growls of Itadori’s hungry belly.
They venture around practically the entire store, and end up with a basketful of food and drinks. Most belonging to Yuji. When they reached the cash register Megumi immediately offered to pay.
“No no, Megumi it's ok. I've been saving weekly allowance, I can buy it.” says Yuji shaking his hands in disagreement.
Megumi then shoves the card in the boy’s face. “I’ve got Gojo’s card, you don't have to worry. The guy is literally swimming in money, he won't notice a couple bucks missing.” Megumi says slyly with a smirk plastered on his chiseled face.
Itadori put his hands up in defeat and stepped aside so Megumi could pay. “You got it boss!” He says grinning.
Once they start their venture back to the dorms, groceries in hand, Megumi spots a cute little area under a big tree right by a sparking river. His eyes light up as an idea starts to take form. “Hey what if we had a picnic under that big tree over there. It's a nice day out.” Megumi says as he looks over at Itadori for approval.
Yuji replies enthusiastically, “You just have all the bright ideas, don't cha!”
“Race you!” The pink haired boy says, not giving the messier haired boy a chance to process what he had just said. “Hey- wait up!” Megumi says laughing and running towards the spot as fast as he can. But nobody can beat Yuji at running, he's just too fast.
When Megumi finally meets Yuji at the spot under the tree, he's sprawled out on the grass, smiling with his eyes closed with the most relaxed expression. True happiness and tranquility. Megumi wishes he could take a picture of this moment. He takes a mental picture instead, he'll cherish that forever.
“Ready to eat?” He says placing all the bags down on the soft, freshly cut grass.
“Oh man, I've been waiting for this.” Yuji exclaims thankfully and he shoots straight up from where he was laying.
They both sit crisscross, in front of each other (almost like a picnic date). They picked many various kinds of sandwiches, so many different flavors and combos. Itadori mostly picked, Megumi was just going with the flow.
As they're eating, Yuji looks across at Megumi curiously. He notices a smear of sauce on the side of his mouth.
“Come here you have something…” Yuji says as he reaches for Megumi’s face. Megumi leans forward then Yuji swipes the side of his mouth clean. He brings his thumb to his mouth and licks it clean. “There, all clean!” Yuji innocently says. Megumi can feel his heart pounding in his chest. Oh, if only Yuji knew what he did to him. But Yuji knew, he wasn't that stupid.
“oh- um- thanks.” Megumi struggles to spit out, as he looks down, struggling to hide a faint blush all over his face.
Itadori blushes a pretty pink and smiles before going back to stuffing his face.
They finish all their snacks and drinks, and I mean all, as they watch the sun slowly go down. They're lying next to each other on the pillowy grass, looking up to the sky as it turns from hues of yellow and orange to more pinkish and purple tones, signifying the upcoming nightfall.
Yuji turns his head to look at Megumi, admiring his side profile. His nose is so perfect and his eyelashes oh my God. He thinks to himself as he stares with hearts in his eyes at the raven-haired boy. He shifts into a position where he's lying on his side to get a better view of Megumi. Suddenly, Megumi turns his head to look at the boy, visibly startling him a little. They both just stare at each other for a while. Searching each other's eyes for God knows what. Drinking in the faces of each other as if memorizing each little detail. Yuji’s faint freckles or the mole under Megumi’s right eye. Megumi also turns to lay on his side for the same reason. Now they're both admiring each other under the lilac sky, stars starting to light it up. The sunlight shines on their faces, making them both look beautiful as night approaches. Yuji opens his mouth as if he was going to say something, but quickly shuts it, hesitating. They were so close Megumi could feel the air from Yuji's nose. The pink haired boy reaches his hand towards Megumi's face and holds it. Oh, how he's longed to touch his soft cheeks. He rests his hand on his cheek as he looks deeply into his eyes, eyebrows furrowed, searching for an answer. I want to kiss him. I need to kiss him. Is all on Itadori's mind right now. His eyes sparkle as he looks at the boy before him with such love and admiration. He’s nervous. What if he didn’t want a kiss… Especially from someone like him. He looks down dejectedly, thoughts racing and getting the better of him, his hand is still softly resting on Megumi’s cheek. He rubs his thumb on the boy’s cheek.
Megumi looks at him with widened eyes, he never expected such a move from Itadori. Does he want to kiss me? He wonders in his head, but this time he doesn’t brush the thought away. He wants to kiss Yuji so badly, it almost hurts. He’s wanted to kiss him ever since he saw his face, he had such perfect lips. He had always wondered what they’d feel like on his, what he tasted like, the pressure of his kiss. These thoughts make Megumi crack a small smile and a pink blush takes form on his face. When he looks a Yuji, he looks hesitant, as if he was scared to do something. Nervous even. Megumi has never seen him like that. He felt quite prideful actually, he made him nervous. He almost looks like he’s given up. No, Megumi will not let an opportunity like this go, he needs to kiss him right now. He’ll never do it, if he doesn’t do it right now. Especially because of the sentence Yuji has on him, he has a time limit, and he needs to take this one risk before it’s all turned to dust before him. He reaches for Yuji’s face and places both of his hands on either side, and looks into each eye, scanning them. Yuji looks taken aback; surprise written all over his face.
Megumi gives himself strength before he does what he’s about to do. He prays that this goes his way, the right way. He braces himself and closes his eyes as he quickly leans in to kiss the pink-haired boy. Yuji is even more surprised at this sudden act, but he kisses back right away. They mold perfectly into each other’s lips. Their lips move at a mellow pace against each other. Yuji moves his hand to the back of Megumi’s neck and turns his head to deepen the kiss, furrowing his brows and raising his shoulders. Megumi moves his arms to the small of Yuji’s waist (not very small because of Yuji’s tough build), drawing him in closer to him to that their chests are touching. Megumi is the first to pull away for air. He huffs lightly as he looks Yuji in the eyes and licks his lips before going back for more. Yuji smiles into the kiss as he notices Megumi’s desperation. He presses his lips deeper into the kiss, he truly cannot get enough of Megumi. He needs more. He hooks his arm around Megumi’s neck, deepening the kiss (if it could even get deeper), and climbs on top of him, not ever breaking the kiss. Megumi opens his eyes suddenly not expecting all this movement. Yuji still has his eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, Megumi observes. He’s so cute when he’s concentrated, Megumi thinks. He wraps his arms around the small of his back and holds the hood of his uniform. He pulls him in ever so closely, almost as if he was afraid that if he didn’t hold him in such a strong embrace he’d fly away like a feather in the wind. He wasn’t going to lose the thing he loves most in this world. Not now, not ever, he’ll make sure of it. Yuji was Megumi’s entire world, and Megumi was Yuji’s.
Megumi, feeling bold, pokes the tip of his tongue into the kiss asking for entrance, after taking a short breath of air. Yuji instantly gets the message and opens his mouth. They poke around in each other's mouths, exploring newly unlocked lands. Yuji pulls away for a moment, both hands on the sides of Megumi’s face squishing his cheeks a bit and looks into the messy-haired boy's eyes. He smiles a smile that is so full of love, Megumi almost melts. He leans his face into Itadori’s hand and looks deeply into his eyes. Yuji goes back in for another kiss, their souls intertwining. They make out slowly with such a passion, as if they won’t ever see each other again after today. They kiss for a couple minutes more, stopping for breaths every now and then.
Megumi pulls away for a moment and by habit checks his watch. It’s 8:30, dorm check is in 30 minutes! He gasps quietly as he turns his wrist to show Yuji the time.
“Oh shit, I hadn’t been keeping track of time! Got a little carried away there…” Yuji says winking at the last spoken sentence.
“We need to go Yuji. As much as I’d love to continue this, we’ll get our butts kicked if we’re not in our rooms at nine.” Megumi says looking away, rosy-cheeked. He realizes their current position and nearly has a heart attack. Megumi is sat up arms behind him supported his weight, and Yuji is sitting on his lap his legs on either side of Megumi’s body. The blush on Megumi’s face is even more evident now.
“That means you need to get off of me.” He says through gritted teeth clearly embarrassed and red as ever.
Yuji laughs at his statement and his current state and stands to walk over him, but not before giving him one last short kiss on the nose. Megumi only rolls his eyes, trying so hard to hide a smile but failing.
Yuji helps Megumi up to his feet, as he dusts off his pants and shirt. “Let’s run!” suggests Itadori with a cocked head and small smile. But, before Megumi can respond, he takes his hand and starts running, forcing Megumi to catch up with his fast pace. As they’re running, Yuji looks back a few times to smile at Megumi, trying to encourage the boy.
They finally reach Jujutsu High after 10 grueling minutes of pure sprinting. Yuji made it looks so easy, but if we pan the camera to Megumi, he has his hands on his knees and he’s panting like a dog. Yuji pats him on the back and had an apologetic smile on his face, Megumi looks up at him still huffing for air and gives him a thumbs up as a ‘don’t worry about it.’
“Come on, quick. You didn’t wanna be late right?” Yuji ushers the exhausted boy towards the dorms. Megumi can only nod his head at Yuji’s question. Goodness, am I this out of shape? It can’t be. Megumi thought, afraid. As they reach the first-year dormitory, Nobara is in the common area on her phone. “Hey guys, you came just in time. What were you two up to?” She asks eyes still glued to her phone. “Hey Nobara, we just went for a few snacks, nothing too crazy… Gotta get this guy to his room. See ya tomorrow, kay?” Yuji says as he gestures to Megumi. “Ok, yeah see you.” She replies still engrossed in whatever social media platform she was on. “Why are you acting like I’m disabled, I can see myself to my own room.” Megumi states with a raised eyebrow. “Ouch, I was just being a kind guy. Nice guys do finish last, I guess.” Jokes Itadori receiving an elbow in the ribcage from Megumi in return.
All you can hear from the hallway is laughter, as the two boys head to their respected rooms. Yuji drops Megumi off at his door and swing back and forth on the balls of his feet. Looking around, expecting something before he goes to his own room.
“Oh, you're such a dork.” Megumi smirks before grabbing Yuji’s face abruptly and kissing him quickly. “Now go to your room.”
“Night, Megumi.” Yuji smiles with pink cheeks as he’s walking backwards to his room, in order to still see Megumi’s face as he departs from him.
“Goodnight, Yuji.” Megumi smiles tiredly before yawning and closing the door.
Once Yuji sees that the coast is clear, he closes his own door and leaps into his bed squealing like an excited little girl. His dreams have just accomplished today, and he certainly cannot believe it. He smiles a toothy smile and stares at the ceiling replaying what had happened just under an hour ago. These new memories were his to keep forever and he replays them in his head as he drifts off into deep sleep.
Once Megumi closes his door, he puts his back to it and slides down. He’s in shock. Processing everything that happened today at that very moment. His face was redder than ever. He was so happy; this was the best day of his life. He walks over to his bed and smiles like a giddy little kid, tucking himself under the covers. He drifts off into a peaceful sleep and he thinks about all that’s happened today.
This was the start of the beginning of a beautiful blossoming love.
thanks for reading! i was really contemplating whether or not to post this, but i'm lowk glad how it turned out for my first time. Let me know what you think! make sure to hit the like button :)
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