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clean your room or you'll get rats!!
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“Whichever one makes you gay” Silly thing for a question I keep painfully receiving
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My recent designs.
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sneepy day
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Brushy time!
I hope Slushie is prepared, this might take a while…
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Denne jul skal være min første uden min mor. Men jeg mener ikke at den skal være min første uden at se hende, fordi jeg har ikke set hende på juledag det mest jul siden jeg var ti med undtagelse af det sidste år. Men jeg altid set hende omkring jul, og det skal være den første jul hvor hun bor så længe væk, og begyndelse af den første år at vi bor i andet lande til hindanden.
Det er mærkeligt at tænke over, at den sidste år var min sidste jul med min mor, og min første jul med min søskende, og jeg vidste ikke dengang at det var også min sidste.
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Need sleep because work tomorrow and busy and walk and things but feel overwhelm and too sleepy and don't like that spell check says grammar wrong. Know it wrong don't need tell me know it wrong and bad and want it be better but no can no can feels too hard and noise hard even little noise hard and need stim so much need sleep need hug need stim need stim why stimmnot help enough when need so bad.
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pov: ghostbo is truthing your sex life
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Aaaaaaaaaa social burnout and tired and nngnfjfjvuiddjgudckfuugiisck he mmmmm
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I feel intensely annoying when I talk about my special interest like wow shut tf up.
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How did my parents not notice I had no bed sheets on fora. Week
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My mother's never asked to facetime or video call me but she does her friends
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It's my little brother's birthday today. I never really got invited to their birthday parties. I remember I baked a castle cake for my first brother's birthday one year, and his nan brought another cake, but people preferred mine if I remember correctly.
But my youngest brother, we've never really had much to do with each other. He's the only one of my siblings I didn't get to see in hospital, it was snowing when he come home, and I spent hours crying that I wouldn't see me because noone wanted to drive me up to where my mum was living.
Eventually, after hours they did, and I offered to walk from the main road and down to the estate. They ended up taking me further. He was very tiny.
I never lived with my mum when he was younger, I'd lived with my mum when Felicity was a baby, I saw more of Neil. My youngest brother, is the only brother I didn't get to hug before he left.
I always forget my siblings birthdays, i usually remember them a day late, i remember them a week before and not on the day. Sometimes id make him cookies because he can only have dairy free food and has ARFID because of it. It's hard to get him to eat new foods because he's scared they'll make him ill. He always trusted my baking.
12 years and 2 days ago my grandad died, none of my siblings got to meet him. I'm meant to see his sister soon because I'm the only family she has left. I feel powerless and tiny and lost.
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My brains complete inability to make routines despite desperately needing one is frustrating. I literally can't get my brain to do it without extreme overwhelm honestly but the lack of a routine is also overwhelming and they feed into each other. It's like one of those tasks I need hands on help with and I'm embarrassed to ask and when I do ask there's noone to be hands on with it. And I feel bad. And I should be able to do it and I can't I really can't. And people believe in me and think I can but I can't I can't I can't it's overwhelming and feels awful and makes me have meltdowns and I can not.
Why can't I do this basic ass thing
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(det er altid et løgn)
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Okay so tomorrow is an actual rest day because today as soon as I thought I'd got back to a point of regulation and was like, okay, I could do that work now (even though it was meant to be my rest day) I hit the rumbling stage again and couldn't regulate for an hour...
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