ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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Good ol' Harry "Am I Interrupting Something?" Welsh. Quite possibly had to match both their freaks.
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
im still reeling over dick winters constantly describing his relationship with nix as one of mutual understanding. they just understood each other. and the fact that he makes that clear in every single occasion in which he mentions nix is precious. like for him they just knew one another in that particularly deep level and that was it — no flowery language needed. they had a relationship based on trust and that's how he described it, several times. despite being entirely different people they could reach a middle point where it was just them and the world.
(...) I know Nixon and I knew each other better than anybody else. He knew me. I knew him.
(...) With Nixon I had somebody to talk to, I had somebody to communicate with. We understood each other. We could sit down and we could talk and we understood each other.
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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Damian Lewis got it right
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
Guys please block @/javert and all the people on their posts accusing shahed and the palestinian bloggers putting together lists of vetted fundraisers of being scammers.
Shes only just gotten past the halfway point. Dont let this slow her down. She has to get to 80k within the next week
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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yaoi colony i have a very specific theme of the homoeroticism of taking your friend's identity
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
It just takes an inch of effort for a long period of time. You get used to the effort you put in and it just gradually accelerates. I started by making sure I had earrings in and lipstick on everyday. It made me feel put together and like I could do something about anything. Even if I spent the day in my room. The lipstick and earrings were on. I felt feminine and fairy like and even if people weren’t looking at me I had the confidence that they would. It started like that, just a simple ritual and it snowballed into my life changing for the better. I wanted to get ready in the mornings, so I’d have to wake up earlier, and since I woke up earlier Id get to see the sun rise, I wanted to start watching the sun rise from outside so I started walking, then running. I found a love for movement. I loved the fact I was taking care of my body and I saw positive changes which made me want to care for it even more. So I started nourishing my body well. Cooking steaks, using fresh produce from the farmers market. I felt well enough to go out and hunt for a real job I liked. I got it. I had some extra money so I bought beautiful dresses and invested in my health and had the money to have dinners with friends and buy more books to read and go on trips whenever I wanted. The world was so small. And now it’s larger than anything I could’ve imagined. I really do believe all it takes is a little lipstick and some jewelry. 
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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Behind Convent Walls (1978), Walerian Borowczyk
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
getting that august feeling (things that have ended endlessly are ending again)
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
(having mildly hard time drawing) i hate doing this shit i’m never doing it again (having mildly fun time drawing) i love this shit it’s what i was born to do (having mildly hard time drawing) i hate this shi
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
Caraxes every time Daemon comes to the dragonpit to get him because they gotta go into exile again 😂😂😂😂
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ceremonial-coven · 2 months
"are you team green or team black on house of the drago-" i'm on the girls team. all the women on the show deserve to be picked up and transported to a place far far away from the pathetic little men on this show. all of the girls are valid and right. i will defend all of them to the death
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