cereliafrompasadena · 4 months
Sometimes I think the roles might need to be reversed, and Sheldon is often the one shivering.
sheldon and amy - love wins all
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dearest, darling, my universe would you take me along? --- far away in the universe from earth to mars will you please go with me?
by iu - love wins all
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cereliafrompasadena · 5 months
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How many Easter eggs are in Sheldon's study in S7E14 of "Young Sheldon"?
I found 14 ☺️
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cereliafrompasadena · 5 months
How many Easter eggs are in Sheldon's study in S7E14 of "Young Sheldon"?
I found 14 ☺️
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cereliafrompasadena · 5 months
You're a real Shamy enthusiast and a stickler for details!
I'd like to share two pieces of info that aren't my original findings, but were discussed by Chinese TBBt fans on social media.
1️⃣ The whiteboard showcases a significant breakthrough in the recent non-periodic tiling issue in math. They finally found a single non-periodic tiling pattern, which is the one drawn on the whiteboard! Surprisingly, it was discovered by a puzzle buff, not a mathematician. (Though I'm not certain if the technical term for this discovery is accurate, as English isn't my first language and I'm not a math expert.)
2️⃣ The blue drawing represents a Nobel Prize certificate being unfolded, and each Nobel Prize winner is invited to have an artist draw a picture to be placed inside the certificate.
Can’t wait the full episode next week!
Okay, time to pick apart those Young Sheldon finale photos! We only have the 3 pictures so far but they packed a lot of details in and I've been waiting all day to be a maniac about this, so let's go!
Starting with some of the obvious stuff, you can clearly see a Nobel medal on the wall.
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I believe this is their Nobel Prize certificate framed on the wall behind Sheldon too.
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And then there's a photo of Sheldon and Amy from the Nobel ceremony. Unsure what that blue thing is in front of it.
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Sheldon still has Gollum on his desk.
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And the DNA structure from 4A is in the corner of the room.
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There's also this photo of Sheldon's family (the Young Sheldon cast).
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It's not really clear in what order we're supposed to view these photos, but I think we're seeing Amy bring Sheldon a cup of tea in a Flash mug.
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And it looks like she put it on some sort of Rubik's cube coaster? Maybe?
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I don't know what this other thing is framed up on the wall, I think the second and third words are Physics Review? Theoretical Physics Review?
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I noticed there's another picture frame on the desk but it's facing away from the camera so not sure what's in it. Sheldon and Amy's wedding photo? A family photo of Sheldon and Amy and their kids? If it's the latter, maybe we will get to see it before the episode closes out.
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Amy's wearing a necklace, which I can't recall her ever wearing in TBBT. It looks like it's a pearl.
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A few other things:
Sheldon's robe and pajama set look familiar
Amy's outfit looks more like a throwback to her pre-makeover wardrobe, which I appreciate
Not sure what's written on the whiteboard in the one pic, does anyone know?
There's a string theory poster but I don't think we've seen it before, or at least I don't remember it
Some books on Sheldon's desk that I can't make out
I don't know how but I need Sheldon and Amy to kiss in this scene more than I need anything else in my life right now
Please let me know if I missed anything important! And if you read this far, thanks for going on this journey with me. :)
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
There is one particular ship dynamic that never fails to wreck me, and I’ll call it Soulmates, But Not Like That. Not in a “some higher power has decided that we are destined to be together” way, but something that is almost the opposite of that. It’s that character who has been alone for a long time, and has maybe convinced themselves that they will be alone forever, and who has a lot of barriers to intimacy with most of the people around them, for whatever the relevant narrative reasons are. And then they just happen to cross paths with this ONE FUCKING PERSON who works for them, through some very specific combination of personality and circumstance and life experience and mutually compatible damage. And there is always the shock of what are the fucking odds, and underneath everything the terror of what if this doesn’t last. what if there’s no one else. I would just go back to being alone. I don’t know if I could do that after knowing this. Because when you finally let down that wall of emotional self-sufficiency the thought of having to put it back up again is painful. And in real life I don’t at all believe that there is only One Designated Person for anyone, but in fiction I do tend to gravitate toward characters who believe themselves to be The Only One in some way, and I will always be emotionally compromised by that dawning sense of oh. You are like me.
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
LOL!!!!Grandparent chic
People say Amy dresses like a grandma, okay, but Sheldon has quite the grandpa outfits too, especially when he’s all dressed up (and don’t get me started on his pj’s)
It's the plaid pants, isn't it? Maybe also the shoes . . .
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He was even wearing a similar outfit when he met Amy.
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Grandparent chic.
As a side note, I really like how they gave each character a distinct style. If I were going to steal one character's wardrobe, it would be Sheldon's or Amy's. I like Sheldon's graphic tees and I like Amy's cardigans and sweater vests. (Also I wish they never gave Amy that makeover, but that's a longer post for another day.)
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
Being an audience member at THE episode.. “The Opening Night Excitation”
It was a long day for us fans, but we were excited never the less. As huge Shamy fans we were excited to see what was in store for the mid season finale. The previous week ‘The Earworm reverberation” was taped. Us fans that are super into the storylines, well.. we cant wait for the episode to air. We need to know what happens straight after filming. It’s like our drug. from then we build our excitement, we speculate and analyse. In all honesty, We have a fantastic community of fans and its so fun to be able to share this hobby and passion with so many interesting people from across the world.
The day started out early morning for us. As we only held standby tickets for the taping we decided to get there early in the morning for a better chance of getting in. I attended with 3 of my closest friends who will remain nameless out of privacy respect. We spent the day waiting among other fans in the standby line. We do have a lot of fun. We speculate what could happen, We talk about past episodes, We play games, We order food… We just make the most of it. Personally, I was expecting Sheldon to propose to Amy that night, That was my suspicion for the taping ahead of us. But boy was I wrong, And honestly? I am more then ok with that.
After many hours waiting, we finally got the ok to be taken up to the soundstage. The waiting to see if you get in is always agonising and stressful, But it’s always worth it when you get in. The Audience Unlimited staff are always so accommodating and kind. I cant thank them enough for the hard work they put in having to organise us crazy fans. Thank you!
We were seated in the very last row near the centre so we had a good view over the sets in front of us. Amy’s apartment was sitting behind Penny’s apartment, Set up in the same position as the previous week which for me was a VERY good sign of things to possibly come. We knew Bob Newhart would be appearing in this episode. And what can I say? It was an absolute honour to see him acting in the flesh.
All the team and crew that work on the set are always so friendly. You are made to feel so welcome and Mark Sweet, The MC for the show does a fantastic job keeping the audience in the know about what is happening. He keeps the comedy going between takes, Inviting fans up to take part in games and dances.
The episode started off. And straight away we were into the Star Wars theme with the guys freaking out over trying to get movie tickets after they were released early. Jim Parsons dropping to his knees to pray was just to funny for words!. The plot with Sheldon’s dilemma was unveiled in the next scene. Amy’s birthday falling on the opening night of new Star Wars film. Straight away Sheldon dismissed spending the time with Amy claiming he bought the tickets before they reconciled, which to him was his “Get out of class” card. From there I personally thought that Sheldon was going to be his old self. Putting the film before Amy. Did the last 8 months teach you anything? We were about to find out.
The legendary Bob Newhart appeared in Sheldon’s bedroom sporting his Obi Wan Kenobi robes or “moo moo” has he referred. Professor Proton (being part of Sheldon’s sub conscious mind) visits Sheldon in his time of need and advice. Sheldon started to speak of his dilemma which immediately buried my previous fears. What amazed me, As someone who has watched Sheldon Cooper’s character for so many years, I was actually amazed at how easily his mind was made up to skip Star Wars to spend the time with Amy.
Me and my girls are huge Shamy fans. We as the fans say “Ship” them. A lot of people would consider “shipping” crazy or weird. But really? Do you know what? It makes us happy. We love this couple so much that we actually emotionally feel what they would to an extent, We get excited, we get the butterflies in the stomach and we day dream about them. Isn’t that the aim of good writing though? to capture the audience in such a way they can relate to these characters on a emotional level?. For us, That is certainly the case with Shamy. The hand holding, The emergency contact, The D&D game, The train kiss, The first “I Love you”, The Fort sleep over. The engagement ring.. The list goes on and on. For every small moment with this couple, the fans that “ship” them become overwhelmed with happy emotion and feeling. We love them so much. This break up was very difficult for the most part for us. We always knew that Shamy are end game and the pay off so to say would blow our minds (which it does). We have stuck with this relationship for 5 ½ years and we are not ashamed to be such big fans of this couple and embrace how it makes us all feel. You would be amazed at how many people “Ship it” without even realising.
Back to the taping!
I was expecting Sheldon to show his disappointment through out the episode that he had decided to skip Star Wars. To my surprise, Sheldon seemed more focused on Amy’s Birthday to even care about Star Wars which 1 year ago would have seem implausible. It was evident that Sheldon had grown a huge amount from his behaviour. He wasn’t even resentful at giving his ticket away, Well, Apart from who was worthy enough to get his ticket that is.
What was I expecting to happen? Honestly? An engagement. The scene was set. He had his girl back, He loves her, He has given up something so dear to him to be with her, We knew the ring was still in play What else could it be? “What is the third gift idea?” “Coitus” Wait what? Did? DID HE REALLY JUST SAY THAT? WHAT? To say I was freaking out at this point was an understatement. My mind snapped in the same fashion as Penny’s wine glass (To which I have to applaud Kaley for accidentally tipping the contents into her shoe). I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Me and my friends were literally embracing each other like the world was about to collapse from beneath us. We were totally in shock, Is this really going to happen? Were we going to be that THE episode we have all waited for? Was it time?
We watched the scene being re-shot to confirm what we just heard. We anticipated every scene to come. It couldn’t be true could it? We were certain it was going to be a cliff hanger or something would happen to change the plot. we were sure of it. Needless to say, My certainty on the wedding ring had gone out the window at this point. But I was FINE by that.
While clutching my friends hand for dear life, we watched the remainder of the scene finishing with Sheldon’s speech on how Amy was special to him and this was something he was ready for this step with her. “So it’s settled, Amy’s birthday present will be my genitals”. I have no shame admitting that I screamed with disbelief at this last line, along with the whole audience. We had a fantastic audience that night. So much enthusiasm and cheering!.
The plot was set. Would they actually go through with it though? And the question I had always asked with this situation. Can the writers keep Sheldon and Amy in character for this moment. The writing on this show is so skilful and genius. I had no doubt they would pull it off. I was still very anxious to see how this would play off though. We watched the rest of the scene unfold with much anticipation of how this would happen and Hoping it would happen.
The scenes leading up to the moment from all characters were fantastic. For an untrained actress, Mayim Bialik absolutely nails any scene depicting deep emotion or excitement. How she does this is beyond me, But she does it in such a way that you can feel the the comedy and emotion behind Amy getting the news was so fun to watch. I’m kinda glad that she found out from Penny and Bernadette. It really set up for THAT scene.
I can’t go without mentioning the guys plot. Inviting Will Wheaton to the Star Wars premier was a stroke of comedy genius that we didn’t see coming. I’m not a Star Wars or Star Trek fan admittedly.  But When Will Wheaton walks into that movie full of Star Wars sorting his Star Trek uniform in front of a bunch of Star Wars dressed super fans. Oh. My. God! How unbelievably clever and Funny! See thats one thing I absolutely adore about BBT style of writing.. The comedy is so clever. It always amazes me how they can stitch the 2 together and come up these jokes. You cant help but admire the skill of this kind of writing.
Bob Newhart returned to give Sheldon advise on his and Amy’s big night. The sexual innuendo joke with Professor Proton “accidentally” impales himself with his lightsaber… I don’t really need to explain that one I hope!. It was amazing to see Sheldon taking this so seriously. “He doesn’t want to become overwhelmed and ruin the evening”. Professor Proton points out that is its with the right girl, Everything will be fine. It was that kind of scene that made you want to scoop up Sheldon and just hug him. It was so well done. And the important thing here? This is Sheldon’s Subconscious. This is what is in his mind. So it’s sheldon telling himself these things. I loved that this was being pointed out. Sheldon really has evolved.
To me and my friends, The taping so far was just to good to be true. They were absolutely nailing this. We hardly let go of one another hand the whole time. It was hard to keep our emotions to a quiet point. It was happening. It was really happening. And we were there to witness it.
The stage was set, Jim and Mayim were getting their final touch up of make up. It was time to start this off. I would be lying if I said I was completely calm. My heart was pounding. All the questions over so many years were about to be answered. And how would this be addressed? The answer? Perfect. Absolutely perfect.
The way both the Sheldon and Amy characters were kept during the whole sequence of events absolutely blew my mind. Amy was her excited confident self and again, Mayim kept the comedy with the raw emotion. The moments between them were believable for the characters in front of us.  And Jim. How Jim kept Sheldon as Sheldon during this episode was a performance I will never forget. He kept the comedy, He kept the quirkiness, He showed the nerves… I know the writers give them what to work with, But the work of actually portraying Sheldon is incredible to say the least.
Everything just seemed to fall in place perfectly. The kissing on the couch, Now I was lucky enough to see the Earworm taping. I still had not recovered from he previous weeks kissing. And here they are again. My instinct reaction to seeing these guys kiss is to just scream. The excitement of seeing it play out is one that is hard to come by. It’s honestly the best feeling. Butterflies, Excitement, Happiness.. Just all the good things.
I think what is shocking a lot of people, but it’s somethings he fans predicted would happen. The role reversal. Amy becoming nervous and Sheldon to be the one to be there for her. It was incredibly sweet and to see this side of Sheldon is something that us fans have been dying to see. It’s the sort of thing you would only read in a fan fiction. But here it was, playing out right in front of us.
“We will just have to find out together”
The line that sealed the deal. As Sheldon and Amy lovingly move in to kiss, The moment we had all been waiting for, for 5 ½ (or 9 years) was about to unfold. The smiles on their face was enough to bring a tear to my eye. As they leaned in, I screamed (As I do a lot apparently) But, It wasn’t only me. The whole audience were cheering these guys on. The atmosphere in that studio was one Ive never felt before. It was like a whole stadium cheering at their team winning the superbowl.
I didn’t know if I was having a panic attack or how I was functioning. I was completely out of my body and in a world of pure bliss. I didn’t care what I looked like, I didn’t care what anyone thought of me. I just wanted to voice and show my excitement. I had my hands gripping my head in absolute disbelief that this was happening.
They cut the scene just before Sheldon and Amy kissed and broke to the movies showing the guys excited that Star Wars was about start. They couldn’t believe it was happening. It was like they were filming our reactions in the audience to an extent. How they managed to write this in with Shamy having sex was the absolute genius and comedy I mentioned before. It played out absolutely perfectly. They managed to keep the comedy, The characters, The emotion and the cleverness in one of the most anticipated scenes of The Big Bang Theory ever.
The deed was one, they did it. Sheldon relaxed and Amy looking like she had just been dragged through a hedge backwards after running a marathon. Hair everywhere, panting and a grin on her face that I think we all had. I can understand that scene must of been so uncomfortable for Jim and Mayim. But WOW. THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. And do you know what? HE LIKED IT. I was sitting there cheering as much as I could with whatever breath and voice I had left in me. My arms up in the air like my team had just scored (Well, They kinda did!).
And they STILL managed to keep all the elements that makes Big Bang Theory so great in that scene. It was sweet, We had the comedy and we had our answers. Did the writers pull this off and absolutely nail this? (Pun intended). Oh yes. They most certainly did.
We see the guys one last time at the movies after the film had finished. They were all in the after sex resting pose. Just breathless and in a state of amazement. Portraying the 2 storylines into 1. Just epic.
Well what more can I say. The show delivered. I cant stress how perfect this ended up being. Being an audience member that night had to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I got to witness TV history with my closest friends. I got to experience the emotion, I got to be part of that episode.
I walked out of that studio and felt like I could collapse with happiness. I wanted to just jump around like I was mashing at a gig, But unfortunately I can’t right now due to injury. Boo!
To express in words my admiration and love for this show, the storylines the characters, the team the puts it all together and the fandom would be impossible. There is just no way.
Being a fan of the Big Bang Theory is an incredible ride. There’s not much more I can say but thank you to everyone involved. I will be along for this ride until the end. Im excited to see what happens next!
I hope you all enjoy the episode!
Kazzie #Coitusiscoming
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
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#friendship goals
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
I remember a scene where Sheldon said, "pat her on her second most erogenous ball-and-socket joint." This means he also ranked Amy's body parts based on how sexy they were.
The new Young Sheldon episode marks the first time we've heard Sheldon call Amy hot, right? I know he's called her cute a number of times, also pretty and beautiful . . . but hot is new if I'm remembering correctly. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong.
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cereliafrompasadena · 6 months
You are a genius!
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I love this description, brownie kisses sound wonderful. But have you noticed that, if you go back and rewatch everything leading up to the kiss, no one on that train was eating brownies?
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Here's dinner. Amy appears to be eating a large salad.
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And then dessert is something light-colored, like a slice of cream or custard pie. Definitely not a brownie.
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In this shot you can see someone had a dessert with a fruit topping, possibly cheesecake but still not a brownie.
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And now here, right before Amy gets up to talk to Sheldon, you can see the table has been cleared. No other food is brought out. The next thing that happens is the kiss.
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So where do the brownies come in? What does this mean?
Well, at the very start of the episode, Amy proposes they spend the weekend at a bed and breakfast with Valentine's Day dinner on the train. Valentine's Day in 2014 (when this episode aired) fell on a Friday. That still leaves Saturday and Sunday. What I believe happened is that Sheldon kissed her at least one other time that weekend, after a different meal that involved a brownie dessert. Sheldon liked this first kiss so much he did it again, and we just didn't get to see it.
This also likely resulted in an update to the Relationship Agreement adding kissing to the end of Date Nights. A few episodes later, we get this.
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So, yeah, there you go, evidence that Shamy kiss more off-camera. I don't really have a conclusion. Just take this information and go forth. I hope it improves your life as it has mine.
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Jim Parsons when asked what kind of tattoo would he get to remember in tbbt.
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Rating Guide:
Rating G - General Audiences Rating PG - Teens and Up Rating M - Mild smut. Mature Content Rating T - Heavy smut. R-13 and up. Rating T++ - Ultra Smut. Literotica. R-18 and up.
✮ - Top Works
Completed Series:
The Nerd and the Heartbreaker (Rating PG) Say You Love Me (Rating PG) Switched Bodies (Rating PG) The Queen (Rating T) Supernatural (Rating PG) ✮ My Dream Girl (Rating PG) ✮ One Night Stand (Rating M)
On Going Series:
✮ The Secret Love Song (Rating PG) The Sadist’s Fortress (Rating T) The Accidental Love (Rating PG) Doctor Vs Doctor (Rating M) Sapphire (Rating M) The Only Conclusion Was Love – Shamy Fan Fic (Rating G) 
WeCouldBelongTogether’s Dream (Rating M) Moonpie-Shamy’s Dream (Rating PG) Birthday Sex Extravaganza (Rating M) Pass the Ice (Rating PG) Underestimating Amy Farrah Fowler (Rating T) Anxiety and Jealousy (Rating PG) Unplanned (Rating T) I’m Gonna Teach You a Lesson (Rating T) Lascivious (Rating T) Strokes and Blows (Rating T) Do It (Rating M) I Still Love You (Rating PG) Reversed Universe (Rating G) Jelly Jimmy (Rating G) Three Way (Rating T) Fitting Dresses (Rating G) Shit Just Got Real (Rating PG) Pregnancy Anxiety (Rating PG) Camp Night (Rating M) Pre-Parties (Rating PG) Glory of Love (Rating G) Responsibilities (Rating PG) Good Morning (Rating G) Free Time Cuddles (Rating PG) We Are A Family (Rating G) Operation: Getting into Mayim’s Blossom (Rating T) Take You Back (Rating T) Later, Mayim (Rating M) Party Hickey (Rating M) How to Un-Love You? (Rating PG) I Hate that I Love You (Rating PG) Never Have I Ever (Rating PG) Past is Past (Rating PG) The Liquid Version of Photoshop (Rating PG) The Liquid Version of Photoshop Pt. 2 (Rating PG) Looks Don’t Matter (Rating G) Studio Fun (Rating M)
Top Majim Fantasies
Holding Back (Rating PG) Resistance (Rating T) Oral Pleasures (Rating T) Wrong Send (Rating T) The Talk (Rating G) You’re Here Now Pt. 1 (Rating G) You’re Here Now Pt. 2 (Rating G)
Instagram Jealousy (Rating G) Behind the Camera (Rating PG) I Want a Divorce (Rating PG) Acting Opportunities (Rating PG) Teach Me Spanish (Rating G) Sorry Baby (Rating G) Emmys Date Friction (Rating G) Post Emmy Awards (Rating PG) Kissing Scene Jealousy (Rating T) Stolen Kiss (Rating G) Candid Photos (Rating PG) Star Wars Promise (Rating G) Claw Crane Machine (Rating G) Magazine Shoot (Rating PG) The Best Girl (Rating G)
Top Majim Assumptions
MaJim Finale Proposal (Rating PG) PaleyFest 2016 (Rating G) SAG Awards 2015 (Rating G) Beso (Rating G) Majim Date Night (Rating G) People’s Choice Make Out (Rating PG)
I Won’t Turn Back (Rating PG) Friends With Benefits (Rating T) Professor Mayim (Rating G) Deflowered By Her Gynecologist (Rating T++) His Bestfriend’s Sister (Rating T++) Hopeless Fan Girl (Rating T++) Extraterrestrial Babe (Rating T++) May the Best Leading Man Win (Rating G) Adult Toy Handling Tutor (Rating T++) The Desperate Student and Her Rough Teacher (Rating T++) Top AU Majim
Please Don’t, Police Office (Rating T++) Fiery Zone (Rating T++) Serendipity (Rating PG) Ex Boyfriend (Rating M)
Our Friends Teasing Spilling Some Beans Little Jim The Nerd and the Heartbreaker You are the Music in Me I Can Drive Now – Shamy Fan Fic Talking Body Top Photo Fan Fics
Enjoyed the Kiss Me With My Crush Daddy Sheldon – Shamy Fan Fic Sometimes Dirty Is Beneficial Too – Shamy Fan Fic
Just Say It (Rating PG) – Shamy Fan Fic Sheldon Needs CPR (Rating G) – Shamy Fan Fic Amy’s Confessions (Rating PG ) – Shamy Fan Fic Amy’s Twin Sister (Rating G) – Shamy Fan Fic Courageous Confessions (Rating G) – The Flight Before Christmas Fan Fic Sentimental New Year’s Eve (Rating T) – The Flight Before Christmas Fan Fic Mayim Made Me Bisexual (Rating T) – Mayim Bialik x Fan Fan Fic
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TBBT Meme: Friendships (7/7)
The whole gang!
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cereliafrompasadena · 2 years
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You guys have been pointing out how much more “casual affection” there’s been with Sheldon and Amy lately and.. I love it, too. So here you go.
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cereliafrompasadena · 2 years
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OK I still ship it 🤦🏻‍♀️
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cereliafrompasadena · 2 years
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“This platonic love affair of ours is killing me!” Jim Parsons & Mayim Bialik, aka Majim.
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cereliafrompasadena · 2 years
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