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legend 🙌
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Idk my first response to a lot of degrowth "x is impossible without exploitation" stuff is like... well, have you tried? Because most of the time this seems less like a reasoned empirical statement about reality and more like a thing you could say if you wanted to be edgy and also make your political philosophy maximally unpopular
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I like being so irrelevant on here that when I say “all nbphobic cunts should self immolate now” nobody unfollows me or argues with me because nobody even reads me
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"Here's an example of a trans man facing violence due to being a trans man, but I don't want to associate with someone who thinks trans men oppressed for being trans men!"
woof good job gang, we almost promoted a transandrophobia truther's post about a disabled trans man being violently attacked by a person who knew he was a trans man and wanted to attack him for being a trans man 👍
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Philips N4418 // Tape Recorder (The Netherlands, 1972)
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Canister children
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anyone else
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This kind of smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism is illegal to build in many American cities
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microsoft outlook is taking the bioware approach and giving me the option to romance my coworker now 
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masculine pussy has me acting venerable and wise
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i can tell i am becoming an old and irritable bastard bc increasingly my response to any kind of post about anything that is discussing a trend, increase/decrease in a thing, any kind of statement anything has material is "do you have a graph?"
"fan creators are getting less engagement than they used to!" do you have a graph?
"romance novels are leading to teens getting into more abusive relationships!" according to which study?
"neopronouns are causing Real trans people to be denied healthcare!" any actual stats on that or...?
"actually people in [group of any kind] all believe-" oh you must at least have survey results to back that one up, right?
"back in the day everyone was-" source?
and honestly it has made my life materially worse because once you notice that people can and will say and uncritically repeat and boost things with just absolutely no evidence whatsoever it makes you want to chew on the human race like a wad of fruit tape
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my brother started calling our cat "doobie brother" which he then lengthened to "dubious brother" and has since morphed into "brother dubious" like he's some sort of fucked up little monk
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There's people out there who will be like, "What if Christianity never happened?" and come up with the most fanciful wish fulfillment scenarios instead of actually examining what other spiritual and political trends were popular in the 1st century Greco-Roman world and looking into the histories of countries where Christianity never gained predominance.
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So like, there's the normal inherent refusal to accept that you can explain something without excusing it ('saying that this has a reason beyond pure malice is the same as saying it's okay!' seems to be a really common failure of reasoning, some base level issue with our brains)
But also, like, the idea that some discrete physical event could not only cripple you but make you a morally worse person - cause you to choose to hurt people in ways you wouldn't have otherwise - is terrifying enough that it's really not too surprising that people refuse to accept it even if they accept all the premises leading up to it, imo.
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