celldeath389 · 2 years
Official art #2
Included in the 5.1ch Blue-Ray Box 
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Taken from Minitokyo
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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2017.8.15 Kubuneguchi Station
叡山電鉄 鞍馬線 貴船口駅
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celldeath389 · 2 years
My Favorite Youtube Channels for Learning Japanese:
Jp Launch - This guy mostly teaches vocabulary, kanji and counting information, but his channel isn’t exclusive to only N5 learners. In fact, he posted N3 content just recently.
JapanesePod101 - Has a LOT of videos and is a very well rounded and credible channel. Teaches everything, sometimes TOO thorough (knowledge overload).
Yuko Sensei - I love how she breaks grammar points down and explains it so simply and to the point. Great for anyone who is serious about learning Japanese, especially beginners. (Or if you just need to brush up on something!)
Japanese Ammo with Misa - Casually but thoroughly explains study tips, grammar points, etc. Minimal visual aid.
Japanese From Zero - This isn’t the most simple and to-the-point channel, but it is a credible one. It’s another channel that doesn’t offer much visual aid.
Conversation Exposure:
That Japanese Man Yuta - Interviewer
Find Your Love in Japan - Interviewer
Bilingirl Chika - Teaches Japanese speakers how to speak English.
Nihongo no mori - FOR EXTREMELY ADVANCED LEARNERS. Teaches in Japanese without subtitles. Helps prepare for N1, N2, N3 JLPT exams.
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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あきまんPLAMAX「GODZ ORDER」神翼騎士団さんはTwitterを使っています 「これはアキトの時のランスロットだけど ランスロットもスパロボに出るので ここに置いときます 昔描きました https://t.co/UHUo7jLuI4」 / Twitter
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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All he ever wanted was the world 
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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CODE GEASS: Genesic RE; Code
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celldeath389 · 2 years
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— 0X1 = LOVESONG 🫕🥢🥠 !
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celldeath389 · 2 years
hottest language learning tip
write a diary
just write a diary, it has helped me sooo much and i dare say it has been the most developing thing i’ve done while learning french, nothing else compares
1. you’re exposed to the language daily
2. you quickly see which words are missing from your vocabulary
3. you learn to write about the things you think about a lot
4. learning to actually think in your target language
5. having to look up words and when reading the entry back a couple of days later you can’t even remember which words you didn’t know
6. going back to the earlier entries and seeing all the mistakes and knowing how much better you’ve become
7. when you’ve been writing for a few months and your target language becomes a natural way for expressing yourself
8. when you’ve been writing for a few months and you start seeing the diary writing as a way of self-expression and stressrelief, and the language learning aspect becomes natural and secondary
9. filling out a whole book using only your target language and physically seeing how much you’ve accomplished
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celldeath389 · 2 years
my japanese learning plan :3 <3
ultimate goal: N1 in 3 years
year 1: basics, N5 and N4 
- hiragana, katakana and most used kanji, vocabulary that is useful for watching anime/navigating around japan irl/special interests/food
- Genki Book 1
- watch anime with english subtitles but pay attention to the audio + add words to your vocab. by the second half, start watching slice of life-y stuff with japanese subtitles and try to derive vocabulary from there 
- practice with children’s books
year 2: practise listening and speaking, N3, N2
- watch anime only with japanese subtitles, unless it’s a very hard one (with a lot of political/military talk)
- start reading in japanese fr
year 3: speaking and writing, N1
dunno man. big braing power figure it out
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celldeath389 · 2 years
dear all my Learning Japanese fellow! I have a good news for you!
I found a website where you can read raw manga BUT it is bilingual! you can switch the language right when you're reading. I also usually use rikaikun to assist my reading here!
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