celinaprice · 11 years
I'm more of a night person. I find it easier to think when the world is quiet... or well, quieter, I guess because this place is anything but.
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I'm sorry to hear about a curfew. That sucks, but it's rousing-- mildly, that you're rebelling-- in the most relaxed way ever.
Is there anyone in this town that is actually sleeping?
"I’m taking a walk, and breaking curfew, yeah my parent have given me a curfew now. What about you?"
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celinaprice · 11 years
Yeah well, the latter half of that is kind of my situation. Except, even with them I'm having a hard time. But such is life, no sense in feeling sorry for myself.
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I heard UCLA is a great school. I've always wanted to go to Yale. But that whole 'forced to grow up' thing we were talking about kind of got in the way.
Is it too early to start drinking?
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I’m joking. I went to UCLA. Well, I’m sure what family you do have appreciates you. Even if you don’t have per say a family, you always end up making one of your own if the friends you make. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
I said you were older, I didn't say you looked that old. But at least you still had a family, and I'm sure they appreciated everything you did for them. Where did you end up going to school?
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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I had to be the man of the house, take care of my mother and siblings. Really not what most teenagers want, but I did it anyways. That was until i got a full ride to college.  Hey, don’t push it with the age thing. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
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This town is bat shit crazy.
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celinaprice · 11 years
Ok, now I'm starting to get creeped out. Not by you but-- I'm pretty much in the exact same situation. Except, I'm still not as old as you. And I had a bit of a child hood. It was more of my teenage years the I missed out on and was forced to fend for myself.
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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Well, I never really had the chance to be, per say, young. I grew up way to fast. I’m just a kid in an adult’s body, though no one really sees that. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
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This town is bat shit crazy.
There is always a reason for sarcasm. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
Is there a reason for the sarcasm?
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This town is bat shit crazy.
Things are panning out. Thanks for the concern though, it was cute.
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celinaprice · 11 years
I can tell. But being impatient causes you to move too fast. And when you move to fast, you miss out on the most important things. You're the older one here, i feel like this conversation should be happening the opposite way around.
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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I’m a very impatient man. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
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This town is bat shit crazy.
You are incorrect. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
I was on a downward spiral for the past five years. Now I'm on a very, very slow climb upwards. Time and faith. It's as simple as that.
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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Yeah. I know exactly what you’re talking about, but it feels like i’ve been spiraling downwards for a while. I never know when i’m gonna hit the bottom.
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celinaprice · 11 years
Oh, the hard stuff. Very nice. Sometimes you have to hit bottom before you can climb back to the top. And I'm speaking from personal experience. Something tells me you know exactly what I'm talking about.
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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That’s an understatement. I’m having a bottle of Jack Daniels. Gonna hit the bottom soon.
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celinaprice · 11 years
It's never too early to drink, definitely not in this town. What're you having?
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Is it too early to start drinking?
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I definitely don’t think so.
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celinaprice · 11 years
From what I've seen, probably not. What on earth are you doing up?
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Is there anyone in this town that is actually sleeping?
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celinaprice · 11 years
Ashlyn! What-- what on earth are you doing? Is this where you've been hiding?
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And another one...
Thank god I work in a library.
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celinaprice · 11 years
Now you're talking sense. I take it things are still-- not going your way?
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This town is bat shit crazy.
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celinaprice · 11 years
If you say so-- It's just I know you're going through a rough time and-- you know what, never mind. It's none of my business. You do what you have to do to get through it I guess.
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He helped me.. Okay? We didn’t.. do anything. I just — I needed someone and Stiles was you know, not around. Tessa was too busy planning with Lizzy so I needed someone and he was there. 
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celinaprice · 11 years
Oh, well in that case, it's probably going to be a bit of a walk. I'd offer you a ride but I don't think I can take another impolite rejection from anyone else in this town when I'm trying to be nice; which to be totally honest I don't know why I am to total strangers. Not that you'd do that-- I don't even know you but, people in this town are well on their way to making me believe i'm not the one with an attitude problem.
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Okay so I need a coffee.
I’ll be walking, I don’t have a car. 
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