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celiathorne · 3 years ago
The problem is that people rominticize writing too much and make being a writer their whole existence.
This not only makes this thread hard to read for them but also makes criticism unbearable.
And so we get authors bullying critics (often minors) online or even stalking people 🤦🏾‍♀️
Writing is a business, your book is a product.
Criticism is to be expected and relished, because without it, you'll never improve.
Authors are also convinced that good sales = good writing and people on the outside looking in are like 👀 no, it does not.
Good sales only means that your team found the right way to market, publicize and hype your book.
And guess what? The more generic and shallow your story is, the easier it is to Hype.
The Hate You Give will only be read and liked by a certain number of people, while some people (aka racist bigots) won't even touch it with a 10ft pole.
Shallow and generic books like CClare's, Aveyard's, Schwab's, Stiefvater's, Green's, Riordan's, SJMaas', are easy to hype because there's nothing at stake. No big social message there. Nothing that can compromise an author and help readers improve themselves.
It's just generic (white) heroes fight against the Evilest of Evils! There might be some poc and queer rep if you squint and if you're not an asshole that want ACTUAL representation done well. Consider yourselves lucky!
Yet these authors consider themselves gods of writing...
... and have bullied/keep bullying minors online, blocking people of color and queer people who move criticism.
You are not a god.
Your book is not the most artistic piece of art to ever be made.
Your book is a product.
Your sells mean shit when it comes to being a good writer.
You got lucky.
You got lucky that you were born white, middle class or rich, had a good education and wrote a random, generic, shallow story that made an agent and editor see $$.
Now sit down and leave reviewers alone.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
reblog if you think gay marriage is legal in bikini bottom
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
Summer body wishlist: - six wings - a million eyes - constantly on fire - ability to scream forever
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
You know how canaries were historically brought into coal mines, because if the mine was full of carbon monoxide the canary would die first and the miners would be able to escape before they died too?
I just found the greatest thing.
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This is a canary resuscitator.
When the miners notice the canary getting sick with carbon monoxide poisoning, they can close that circular hatch so no more gas gets into the canary cage, and open the valve on that oxygen tank to keep the canary breathing. In other words, they made a spacesuit for birds.
By immediately giving the canary access to clean air, the miners can save it from the poison. The bird lives. To be clear, this is not for economic purposes, this was specifically created because the miners felt bad and wanted to save the bird.
Isn’t that just the perfect demonstration of what humans are like? We started sacrificing small creatures to save ourselves, and then felt bad and spent our valuable resources on saving the critters too. Because yeah the canary was the only way to test for CO, but it’s a living creature too, dammit!
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
I have the highest respect for actors that have gotten over, or perhaps never gotten into, the pretentious mentality that certain roles are beneath them, and just go all in on shit they think will be fun
Like David Tennant is a highly skilled Shakespearean actor, who has every right to look down on Ducktales, but instead he said "I'm gonna play the fuck outta scrooge mcduck, and it's gonna be a good fucking time"
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
If the Archeron family is still starving, broke and living in squallor despite Feyre hunting everyday, she isn't providing for them.
Maybe instead of playing victim and huntress, you should get a job in the town. Obviously hunting isn't working if y'all are still starving and broke. She's out in the dead of winter, starved. That means she hasn't been getting much. So nothing is preserved for the winter. She says Nesta and Elain steal her money but we never see them do it nor evidence in the home.
They're broke and starving because Feyre isn't good at hunting and too stubborn to try something else.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
Here’s the biggest problem with Tamlin’s involvement with the destruction of Spring – he isn’t actually involved. The narrative paints a horrible picture of Tamlin as an individual – which is fine, but Tamlin’s personal problems and his actual political actions conflict. SJM thinks if she makes Tamlin a horrible person during F/eyre’s espionage at the Spring Court, the responsibility falls on him, but ultimately Tamlin isn’t honestly at all to blame for the destruction of his court.
Yes, Tamlin is abusive, and pretty bad by the beginning of WAR but his actions literally have no effect on the destruction of his court. Nothing Tamlin does directly, or even indirectly make his court fail. F/eyre’s actions do. In the end, Tamlin being a brute is not what makes his court rebel, F/eyre’s fake memories are. In the end, Tamlin doesn’t let Hybern’s army in, F/eyre’s actions do.
Yes, we get Tamlin whipping sentry, and being angry brute…that again has nothing to do with the fall of his court. F/eyre’s actions get the last say at every point. And that’s the problem with Tamlin’s role in the downfall of his physical court, he’s not actual really a driving force. Tamlin’s army doesn’t leave him because of the sentry whipping, they leave him because F/eyre implants memories that literally directly conflict with what is established in the text regarding his actions.
This happens because SJM refuses to let Tamlin be a character. So, while F/eyre is doing this stupid plan, Tamlin is on the backburner. None of his decisions actually mean anything in the text. It’s not Tamlin’s actions that bring Hybern’s army into Spring – it’s F/eyre’s. It’s not Tamlin’s actions that turn Nesta and E/lain Fae…it’s F/eyre’s. Tamlin’s don’t bring Hybern into Spring, they don’t do anything. Hybern’s reasoning for attacking the Mortal Lands is again, directly tied to the IC’s actions, he has nothing to do with it. F/eyre’s actions literally…cause way more damage.
Tamlin has no autonomy as a character and as a result, he’s actually not responsible for almost all of the deeds he is accused of – the Inner Circle are. Tamlin unwittingly, on the scale of the entirety of Prythian, is pretty innocent. He’s just a shitty guy. After the first half of MAF – none of his actions have any bearing on the plot. We could take Tamlin out of the picture (like even if Tamlin just does nothing) …and the story would relatively stay the same. Tamlin doesn’t do anything that even touches the scale of disaster R/hys and F/eyre cause.
Hybern’s problems seem to more heavily influenced by the Night Court. He attacks Adriata, out of spite…because of F/eyre’s actions. Hybern literally directly tells F/eyre she is responsible and that he thanked her for her actions in Spring.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
Because why put effort into crafting a compelling character when you can just have your readers pity them by making them the victim in every single circumstance?
F can't read? Because Nesta didn't teach her!
(she could have just... gone to school?)
F goes hunting, alone in the cold? Because she has to feed her family!
(she could have just... found a humble job? her hunting is clearly not enough to support the family so she could have tried something, anything else? her father does woodwork that they could sell?)
Her family hates her!
(but... do they? Nesta is traumatized, their father is disabled and doing his best, El is just... there)
Literally every negative thing that happens to her, F has brought upon herself.
She has a huge victim complex, as shown in scenes where she speaks to people who have been abused and traumatized for centuries, and yet she still thinks that she is the most unfortunate person in the room.
And she's also giddy at the idea of her family starving without her, so...
Okay, why didn't F/eyre go to the village's school? Why didn't she find a job -- like a regular job -- before defaulting to hunting in the woods?
Like, when F/eyre explains why she can't read, she gives us Nesta's opinion on why Nesta chose not to attend the school...that has nothing to do with why F/eyre decided not to go. Nesta never forced F/eyre to do anything, the story makes a point to emphasize that F/eyre made her own decisions, yet it literally doesn't explain the absurdity behind F/eyre's thinking. Also, the story makes a point to also reiterate that F/eyre disagrees with Nesta's opinion on the village school, F/eyre doesn't think she's above the village people, so why did she not take any initiative to actually go to school?
And with the idea of her hunting, it's highly unlikely that F/eyre's only options were hunting, considering that they live in an actual village. Most of the people there would most likely be illiterate as well, so that's not an excuse as to why she didn't consider doing domestic work. I mean, the Beddors have an entire estate? Why not just work the estate? Or any other estate? Like, there are so many different jobs F/eyre could have done that I literally can't feel sorry for her. By the time she's nineteen, she's still doesn't even try to learn how to read. Even after she nearly dies, F/eyre has no initiative.
But, if SJM really wants us to believe that a young girl like F/eyre couldn't have just gotten a regular job -- that there are no other jobs other than hunting, what's the purpose of vilifying Nesta and Elain. I think the story is trying to imply hunting is the only way, which again means that there's nothing for Nesta and Elain to do other than the domestic work in the house -- which logically they are doing.
I just wonder how the show is going to explain a nineteen-year-old girl not just going to the school that's right there, and then have to explain that she didn't look for a job and defaulted into just literally going into the woods, and then have to explain that they're all these estates in the mortal lands, towns, and markets and that F/eyre still...doesn't try anything else. A fourteen-year-old girl would definitely look towards the woods as a last resort if they even think about that at all. Nesta and Elain are at least doing the housework (cook, cleaning, etc., it's highly unlikely F/eyre could physically do all the things the story is suggesting). Why doesn't F/eyre literally do anything else??
And then with Nesta and Elain, you want me to believe that [1] that they couldn't find jobs either? That their skills wouldn't have been valuable? That Papa Archeron wouldn't have been able to get a job from his knowledge alone?? I just can't wrap my head around the situation that SJM conjured up in her mind. Papa Archeron would still be a connection. Off of his prestige and name alone, he would have been able to get a job. He has skills. You want me to believe that the ONLY job in the entirety of this village is hunting??
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
I don’t undertstand the logic behind stans when they speak about F/eyre. F/eyre deserves to destroy the homeland of thousands of people because she’s upset with her ex-fiancee. Does that even make sense? F/eyre’s actions are justified because she’s angry at someone else? But I’m going to explain this for the last time.
Please, honestly. I want a stans to explain to be the validity of F/eyre’s plan. Let’s think about Tamlin. His plan entails that they can enter through his lands for the safety of his court. His court is unscathed, and Hybern can bring down the wall. He plans to collect information because Hybern would have invaded his lands anyway, offering a laurel branch secures you trust, safety, and a cover to get information. Your court borders the wall, your meeting with Hybern is inevitable. But, you have something they need. So you play the long game. 
Now, what’s the object of desire for Hybern? Tamlin has a force, but Hybern doesn’t need that because their army is already triple the size of Prythian. What is it that Hybern wants from Tamlin?
His Lands.
Okay, so you’re F/eyre. You’re angry. Tamlin’s evil and he’s given Hybern passage. You claim you want to stop the wall from going down, that’s your objective. What’s the smart move? 
Let’s consider two options, the first being what F/eyre actually does. We’re giving F/eyre leeway and assuming Tamlin is super mustache twisting evil. 
[1] you can disable the court, scatter his forces, and leave him without anything. but  – hybern gets unabashed control of the wall and can now just enter without anyone policing him. they’ll sack the court. 
[2] alert the court next to his, Summer, and have them prepare a force. notify them that Spring is lost. And that they have to defend the border. the objective is to protect the walls, and the entire border. it’s your fault, but’s the least you can do. 
Now, F/eyre’s actions are dumb. Because Hybern’s object of want Tamlin’s lands. Scattering that means Hybern is now occupying those lands and they are under no policing force. But, the NC also doesn’t inform the Summer Court that Spring is compromised. R/hysand knows Spring will be sacked….and doesn’t notify Summer so they can raise an army. At this point, Summer would have to hold the border down, because Hybern has conquered Tamlin’s army. Tamlin is no longer honestly in control, he’s under Hybern’s occupation. It’s not that complicated. F/eyre’s plan was so dumb, I can’t even wrap my head around the logic. 
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
i've been seeing all these tiktoks about how many shots someone would have to take before hooking up with aco/tar characters and then they say zero for ricesand
i completely agree, besties - he would drug you somehow and then do all the hooking up himself (he doesn't even have to ask)
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
So...according to this post, T@mlin is a saint for giving Feyre's sisters money?? When he was literally abusing her and was the reason they were kidnapped by Hybern? I am convinced this person did not read the same series. https://twitter.com/ama_bl2/status/1437923268275712000?t=XmncDvt6m0LHieR0VbxZwQ&s=19
oh my lord what is this shit.
the shit in question:
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(i cropped out their username)
i mean, yeah nesta was embarrassing. and rhys and feyre are literally rulers so it’s understandable why they felt embarrassed? just like feyre said, nesta spent a shit load of their money on gambling and wine when she doesn’t even contribute shit to the city, to the court. it reflects badly on them and that is fucking embarrassing.
love how they mention that they destroyed an entire apartment complex but conveniently forget to mention they had it rebuilt and turned into a shelter for those still displaced by the war. like babes, feysand aint the devil here.
as for tamlin, are we really going to praise that dumb fuck for doing the gods damned bare minimum of providing those useless mortals with money and shelter after taking their sole provider away to use her for his own agenda?
nah sorry but im definitely not gonna do that clown shit.
oh god ew, the tags, they literally say tamlin is such a good male. oh yes, such a good person, such an angel. definitely not a monster who lets the enemy enter his country, lets the enemy work on destroying the wall that would end up hurting thousands of humans on the other side. oh what a sweet saint of a male. 🥺
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
Out of all of the High Lords, R/hys lost the least. Almost every single problem he is faced with is his fault. During A/marantha’s reign? R/hysand’s people lost nothing, and afterwards, The Night Court still lost significantly less than every other court. He didn’t have to send his friends to die, or have his younglings killed by the dozens, or his people tortured endlessly. The only place he had attacked was literally the only place he considers not apart of his court and the attack was singular. Also, R/hys literally treats those people in CoN like shit, forgetting that they were the only ones who lost during A/marantha’s reign, mainly because R/hysand using them.
All the responsibilities R/hys supposedly has? Literally just him cleaning up the problems HE and Girlboss F/eyre created. The Mortal Queens being a threat? Having to help Spring and Summer Courts? R/hys and F/eyre are literally the direct cause of all of these problems. Velaris being attacked? Adriata being attacked? H/ybern being able to infiltrate P/rythian via occupation? These are all problems that they directly caused. R/hys literally spends 99% of his time having to undo the damage he caused. If we removed him from the story, Prythian would literally be a better place, the curse would have been broken without F/eyre going UTM, and the courts would be breathe better knowing their abuser is dead.
R/hys having a pity party because he’s an evil person? He always talks about how much he’s suffered and how people look at him crazy...but all of the high lords and pretty much everyone he comes across never actually are mean to him? No one tries to kill him, no assassins are hunting him? He got out of facing the consequences of his actions UTM and maintained the least damages to his court.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
I hate how SJM doesn’t expound on the Courts. She doesn’t seem to have much of an understanding of them. We have three “Solar” Courts — none of which actually adhere to any magic? It would have been much more interesting if the Solar Courts actually were more than just aesthetic mood boards. Then we have the Seasonal Courts, which should honestly be easy enough, but SJM doesn’t really understand how seasons...work?
Spring is usually a tumultuous season. It’s pretty flowers, yes, but Spring is usually a time of a lot of thunderstorms. The whether is moves from warm to sometimes frigid, sometimes the perspiration hangs low and the skyline is nothing but frosty mist. Spring is way more than just...pretty flowers. It’s a transitionary season, and it’s kind of a mixture between Spring, Summer, and Autumn — it literally can’t be pinned down. But SJM literally doesn’t think to know that? Spring is just pretty flowers to her. And honestly I think Tamlin fits the bill when it comes to what true Spring is. And that could have been a very interesting thing to include. To have a High Lord who is kind and sweet, and then see that he’s all tumultuous and he moves like the Spring transition: sometimes vengeful (like the brutal spring storms) sometimes wrathful (maybe the flowers don’t bloom if he’s in a bad mood, maybe the weather and temperament is based on his moods), and then he’s sometimes nice and sweet (spring blooms). Instead of vilifying these aspects in Tamlin they could have just been a beautiful piece of world building. And this could have factored into the Court magic system — because dammit it’s horrible. We don’t even know what Tamlin’s High Lord powers are. That’s how we have people saying E/lain should be the HL of Spring when because she...likes flowers. That’s such a basic understanding of Spring if I’ve ever seen one.
Then we have Dawn and Day, which literally don’t have any Court Magic that’s expounded on or that’s makes them any more powerful than random magic users. Like Hélion can...do spells? Thesan can...heal? Hélion should be able to control his season/phase, maybe he can make the sun’s heat blistering? Maybe he can’t even be looked upon because he shines so bright. Light manipulation?? SOMETHING. And Thesan? God, give him more than just a healing. Tamlin can heal and he’s the High Lord of Spring — who that power should honestly actually belong to. Thesan’s power makes no sense for him to be Dawn Court. I just think that the Solar Courts should stay forever in their times of the day. The Night Court should actually stay dark. The Day Court should always...be day. The Dawn Court could have this sublime, inbetween. Like that beautiful moment the sun dawns, rosy pink/gold.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
Also — y’all can’t keep saying that R/hysand’s abuse of F/eyre was okay because they weren’t in a relationship and therefore “did not owe each other anything” and then ignore the fact that R/hysand explicitly states that he abused her UTM because he loved her. R/hysand was in love with F/eyre UTM, he did those things “out of love.” That’s...disgusting. And I think this distinction is made so that it’s different from Tamlin abusing F/eyre “because he loved her” and for “her own good” but it’s not. R/hysand literally states in the text that he was jealous of Tamlin, that he was angry at Tamlin for “having F/eyre” which literally motivates how he uses and abuses F/eyre. It’s no different than A/marantha abusing R/hysand to “get back his father.” They’re the same thing, and historically, SA is often used as a way to enact revenge — that’s a real-life justification abusers use when they SA.
But also, even if R/hysand didn’t love F/eyre, or they weren’t mates, and she was just some random person to him...what he did to her would still be abuse, its sexual assault. It’s still violence against an innocent girl. I don’t know why people think R/hysand’s actions are excused because they weren’t in a relationship. It’s not.
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celiathorne · 3 years ago
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