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celestialdr Ā· 2 years ago
Hi, so I havenā€™t posted on here in ages. Iā€™m no longer planning on shifting to dbh. I kinda abandoned that dr like two ish years ago and havenā€™t posted any updates about my new one.
(My new dr is biased on the band ghost lore)
I might start posting here again more
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celestialdr Ā· 2 years ago
Forgot to update this but yeah I did end up seeing that pink dolphin plus other signs I asked for. I still have doubts sometimes but I suppose thatā€™s human
Okay so Iā€™m going to be talking about shifting doubts here for a sec so if that bothers you donā€™t read this.
K Iā€™ve been really struggling with doubts and finding myself becoming annoyed at people who have shifted because Iā€™m like ā€œwhat if your just lying to me, your such a dick, etc.
Like I want to know the truth so I can just move on with my life or whatever. Iā€™m a very spiritual person and I very much trust in the universe and have asked the universe for signs loads before so a few seconds ago I did just that.
I said the the universe, if shifting is real send me a pink dolphin. If shifting isnā€™t real send me a yellow whale. So now I just have to wait and see. After I see one or the other I may try to do a tarot reading or something to confirm and then I might come here and either confirm that shifting is real or else probably delete this blog if itā€™s not šŸ˜©
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celestialdr Ā· 2 years ago
Iā€™ve neither seen a pink dolphin or a yellow whale thus far. Iā€™ve been noticing way more dolphins in general but not any pink ones. Iā€™m choosing to still believe in shifting until Iā€™m giving a sign otherwise. I guess Iā€™m just hoping that itā€™s real. Mainly cause Iā€™m missing one of my comfort characters like crazy.
But if itā€™s not then I guess il just try an lucid dream about them. Either way Iā€™m dying to get a hug from them, even if the hug isnt realšŸ˜…
Okay so Iā€™m going to be talking about shifting doubts here for a sec so if that bothers you donā€™t read this.
K Iā€™ve been really struggling with doubts and finding myself becoming annoyed at people who have shifted because Iā€™m like ā€œwhat if your just lying to me, your such a dick, etc.
Like I want to know the truth so I can just move on with my life or whatever. Iā€™m a very spiritual person and I very much trust in the universe and have asked the universe for signs loads before so a few seconds ago I did just that.
I said the the universe, if shifting is real send me a pink dolphin. If shifting isnā€™t real send me a yellow whale. So now I just have to wait and see. After I see one or the other I may try to do a tarot reading or something to confirm and then I might come here and either confirm that shifting is real or else probably delete this blog if itā€™s not šŸ˜©
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
Okay so Iā€™m going to be talking about shifting doubts here for a sec so if that bothers you donā€™t read this.
K Iā€™ve been really struggling with doubts and finding myself becoming annoyed at people who have shifted because Iā€™m like ā€œwhat if your just lying to me, your such a dick, etc.
Like I want to know the truth so I can just move on with my life or whatever. Iā€™m a very spiritual person and I very much trust in the universe and have asked the universe for signs loads before so a few seconds ago I did just that.
I said the the universe, if shifting is real send me a pink dolphin. If shifting isnā€™t real send me a yellow whale. So now I just have to wait and see. After I see one or the other I may try to do a tarot reading or something to confirm and then I might come here and either confirm that shifting is real or else probably delete this blog if itā€™s not šŸ˜©
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
Olay hi I havenā€™t been active on here in ages. Mainly cause I lost interest in shifting tbh. But my interest has been reignited recently because I have a new dr that Iā€™m psyched about!
Anyway I was in this weird half sleep state this morning so I tried to shift and it was the strangest experience!
I donā€™t know how to explain it but my body felt like it was going through beams of light? My surroundings felt like they were changing and a glimpse of like eyes popped into my mind I have no idea how to explain it but my eyes were closed but I felt like I was seeing it.
I then felt like a heaviness on me and I have no idea why but I was convinced it was my child even though in my dr I donā€™t have a child and in this reality I donā€™t have one either?
Anyway I felt like I was somewhere different but I didnā€™t want to open my eyes yet until I felt a bit more grounded. When I finally did I saw my dr S/O and for some reason I knew we were married even though I never scripted that so I was a little confused. I was convinced i was in my dr but everything felt weird like I was drunk, I thought maybe I just needed to settle maybe the journey was strange but then my dr s/o turned into my abusive ex and I was like ā€˜oh this is just a lucid dreamā€™
So I spent the remainder of my lucid dream screaming at my ex when I honestly should have tried to make a portal or something but idk. I felt it was worth it to get some repressed anger out!
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
omg last ask im sorry for the spam but i just thought maybe it could mean that you are actually putting shifting on the back like behind your eyes and you are not actually trying and you are too focused on quickly getting a result or being way too focused in your cr??? THIS SOUNDED SMARTER IN MY HEAD ANYWAY I HOPE YOU FIGURE IT Out SORRY FOR THE SPAM 2.0
Yeah shifting for me recently has been not a really focus at all, I definitely forgot about it for a while being to focused on my CR. Maybe I need to start actively trying again instead of being like ā€œif it happens, it happensā€ which had been my mindset recently. I think I was fed up with trying.
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
oh yeah and also i have heard so many good things about shifting through the void state - definitely look into it if you haven't i think you will have major success with it!!
Oh thatā€™s really exciting to hear! I definitely will look into that! I feel like Iā€™m getting really close now!
I think lucid dreaming may be the best method for me! Well, at least for my first jump!
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
this is super interesting omg regarding your lucid dream story. i think the nature thing could potentially mean going back or spending time doing something that relaxes you or maybe grounds you? maybe something to do with an inner sense of freedom? OR It could literally mean spend more time in nature jhdfksdj as for the other thing i feel like it definitely could be something connected to how you view shifting or how you view maybe the process of it - like focusing too much on results,maybe focusing on something insignificant or maybe the 3d reality around you? since i believe eyes are one of our biggest deceivers in life. its kind of difficult to interpret our subconscious because yes you can learn so much but its also always so symbolic and sometimes you have to look at it from a completely different angle to decipher it.
p.s ofc i dont know how you feel or what you think im just throwing random ideas out there maybe one of them will resonate with you!! good luck btw and pls update us in the future i love your shifting blog!!!
Oh very interesting! Thank you, itā€™s really helpful to read others interpretations of this!!
And thank you! I keep going on and off for my motivation to shift, I take long breaks from it but my interest is definitely back for it again! Iā€™m really missing my comfort characters!
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
Oh, definitely do more research on the void if you haven't already!! It's supposed to be really good for instant manifestation (shifting included). When you get there, just focus on your dr and say that you're there. If you're really in the void then you should shift almost to absolutely instantly! (i'm not sure how well it works with doubts though? but being nervous is normal and shouldn't affect things)
Oh Iā€™m glad to hear itā€™s not only me who has gotten to this place! I was very confused about it! I need to look into getting the final push to get to my dr.
I was thinking maybe visualising a door or saying affirmations might help?
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
maybe that you're too focused to actually see stuff with your eyes while attempting to shift? i know only that you're supposed to see it in your mind first (i think)
also if you do see something when your eyelids are closed if u try to focus on it, then it fades away
thats all i could think of, hope it helped at least a little bit
Yeah I usually get as far as a place I like to call ā€œthe voidā€ where everything is pure white - think of that one episode of SpongeBob where squidward is in the void (only I have no body! Iā€™m just a floating consciousness)
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I think when Iā€™m there Iā€™m like ā€œwhere the heck is my dr?ā€
I donā€™t really know what to do when I get there. The first time it happened I got really freaked out, I thought I died šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚
Obviously, I did not! But itā€™s almost like Iā€™m stuck between worlds! I wonder if itā€™s some form of waiting room? But maybe that could be what they meant
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
If you don't mind me chiming in, "in front of your eyes" could mean your surroundings and general cr. A lot of people unintentionally focus on that and sometimes it affects them. "Behind your eyes" could mean your thoughts? If you overthink a lot or stress yourself out while trying to shift? Maybe try asking for an explanation from them if you can! Spending more time in nature is also great for all kinds of reasons so that's some good shit šŸ˜Œ
Ooh! That makes a lot of sense! The next time I lucid dream Iā€™m going to try and go more in-depth, I know I asked a bunch of questions but I forget all of the answers I was given apart from those ones I wrote about.
Iā€™m dabbling in tarot at the moment so maybe I can ask for some clarification with the cards!
Thank you for your input btw!!
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celestialdr Ā· 3 years ago
I had a lucid dream last night and tried to shift, it didnā€™t really work so I decided to ask some of my dream characters questions (because you know they kinda like your subconscious.) so I asked them whatā€™s stopping me from shifting one of the said ā€œyou focus too much on what is in front of and behind your eyesā€ Iā€™m still trying to decipher what that means. Another one told me I need to spend more time in nature, Iā€™m not sure if that was shifting advice or just general life advice haha.
Then my dream characters started giving me relationship advice and it was pretty good stuff actually lol
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celestialdr Ā· 4 years ago
So I took a long ass break from shifting for a while. I started trying again recently though with my new marvel DR (I might post my mcu script in the future)
Ive had no luck thus far apart from dreaming about mcu characters but today Iā€™m feeling called to focus back on my DBH DR.
Does anyone else struggle with choosing between DRs sometimes?šŸ˜…
I feel more excited about the MCU DR but thereā€™s a comfort I get when I think about my DBH DR. I guess itā€™s cause Iā€™m more familiar with it
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celestialdr Ā· 4 years ago
hey i remember you being the only detroit shifting account i followed and i was wondering if you are okay and if you are still into shiftingšŸ’– i hope you are doing good and that life is treating you wellā˜ŗļø
Hiya šŸ’› Iā€™m doing good thank you! I took a break from shifting for a good couple of months just because my life had gotten pretty busy. I guess I also lost a bit of hope for it for a while. I just got caught up in ā€œwhat if it is just lucid dreaming?ā€ And worrying whether or not people were being truthful about it allā€¦
But there is this witch I follow on TikTok who is into shifting and has shifted and sheā€™s just given me hope again! I know itā€™s weird that I donā€™t know her but something about me just trusts her! Idk lol
Iā€™ve recently been trying to get back into shifting, slowly but surely! Ive also been thinking that shifting could be really fantastic for life experience. Iā€™m someone who believes in past lives and I believe in each life we learn many lessons. But if you shift you are living many lives and learning things / having experiences that you could never have in our reality.
Iā€™ve also been thinking about different DRs I could visit and getting very excited about it all! But my DBH one is my top priority!
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celestialdr Ā· 4 years ago
OMG NOOO MY HEART IS BEATING SO FUCKING FAST! I was soooo close to shifting I was doing the julia method and I could literally feely DR! Like my whole atmosphere changed, I heard birds chirping and I was slightly colder. It felt like I was in a different room. I opened my eyes too soon and woke up covered in sweat with my heart hammering in my chest, omg!
Girly I'm probably going to try the julia method again tomorrow
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celestialdr Ā· 4 years ago
just learned that the gr*bavoi numbers are antisemetic so if anyone who follows me has been using those jsyk
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celestialdr Ā· 4 years ago
Got so bloody close to shifting last night.
I had a lucid dream and I told myself when I walk through this door I will have shifted to my DR. I walked through and I went back to the white void that I keep ending up in. I tried to visualize my waiting room while I said affirmations. I saw like a blink of green which I think was the green writing on my waiting rooms wall, it kept flashing in and out of this white void. Unfortunately I fell back into my dream (where I was still lucid) I tried to open a portal this time but I literally had no control over my dream, eventually I lost my lucidity and I continued into a normal dream.
I keep going to that damn white void but I can never make the final leap. This has happened like five times now šŸ„“
If anyone has any ideas in how to leave the void I'd love to know
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